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April 2018

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Total No.

of Questions—5
5] [Total No. of Printed Pages—3

No . [5363]-501

B.C.A./B.B.A (CA) (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018

(2013 PATTERN)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (i ) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Assume suitable data, if necessary.

(iii ) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Attempt any eight : [2×8=16]

(a) List the types of Applet.

(b) What is exception ?

(c ) What is collection framework ?

(d) List any two differences between HashMap and HashTable.

(e) What are the different ways to create an object in Java ?

(f ) State the purpose of wrapper class.

(g) Can you save a Java source file by name than class
name ?

(h) Whatis JVM ?

(i ) What is instance variable ?

(j ) List Java non-access modifiers.

2. Attempt any four : [4×4=16]

(a) Write a Java program to display ‘‘Welcome to Applet’’ with

settings Font-Verdana, Foreground Color-Red, Background Color-
Yellow on the frame.

(b) How to create user defined package ? How to access it ?

Explain with example.

(c ) Explain the use of super keywords with reference to inheritance.

(d) Explain exception handling with example.

(e) Write a Java program to copy the contents of one file into
the another file, while copying change the case of alphabets
and replace all the digits by ‘$’ in target file [Use command
line argument].

3. Attmept any four : [4×4=16]

(a) Define an abstract class shape with abstract method area()

and valume(). Write a Java program to calculate area and
valume of cone and cylinder.

(b) What is adapter class ? Explain its purpose.

(c ) Explain the need of Garbage collection in Java.

(d) Write a Java program to accept an age from the user, if

age is less than 18 then throw ‘‘Invalid age’’ user defined exception.

(e) Explain data types in Java.

[5363]-501 2
4. Attempt any four : [4×4=16]

(a) Write a Java program to accept the details of ‘ n’ students

(Sname, Sper) from the user, store them into the hashtable
and displays the student names having maximum Sper.

(b) Explain inner class in Java with example.

(c ) Explain arrays in Java. How does it differ from C++ ?

(d) Differentiate StringBuffer and StringBuilder class.

(e) Write a Java program to accept ‘n’ nos through the command
line and store all even nos and all odd nos in to the different
arrays and display both arrays.

5. Attempt any four : [4×4=16]

(a) Write a Java program to design a screen using awt that will
take a username and password. If the user name and password
are not same, raise an exception with appropriate message.
User can use clear button to clear the Textfields.

(b) What is event handling ? Explain with example.

(c ) Write a Java program to display the alternate characters of

a file.

(d) What is applet ? Explain life cycle of applet.

(e) Write a short note on Abstract class.

[5363]-501 3 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions—5
5] [Total No. of Printed Pages—3

No . [5363]-502

B.C.A./B.B.A. (CA) (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018

(2013 PATTERN)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (i ) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Solve any eight of the following : [8×2=16]

(a) List any four benefits of CSS.

(b) Define the term internet protocol.

(c ) Define Ksort () method with an syntax.

(d) Explain javascript array methods.

(e) Give any two image mapping tags with example.

(f ) Explain Indexed array with example.

(g) Define variable function in PHP.

(h) Define type casting.

(i ) List any four tags used in HTML.

(j ) Name of any two events associated with mouse.

2. Solve any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) Explain in detail the lexical structure of the PHP.

(b) Explain in detail the various HTML frame tags.

(c ) Explain event handling in Javascript.

(d) Explain slicing an array in PHP with example.

(e) Write HTML code to design the following output for

table :

Train Time-Table

T.No. TNAME Arrival Time Departure time

T01 Rajdhani 04:00 PM 04:30 PM

T07 Indrayani 05:15 PM 05:45 PM

3. Solve any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) Explain DOM in Javascript.

(b) Explain CSS with example.

(c ) Explain in detail the methods used for string comparisons in


(d) Write a PHP script to display a multiplication table in tabular


(e) Write a Javascript to create an image slider (use array to

store images).

4. Solve any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) Explain HTML form elements with example.

(b) Explain encoding and escaping in PHP.

[5363]-502 2
(c ) Write a Javascript program to read a number from user, store
its factors into the array and display that array.

(d) Write a PHP script to check whether a given number is Armstrong

number or not.

(e) Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page. Divide
the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will
display the headings. Divide the second frame into two columns.
Rightside frame containing ‘‘Home and kitchen appliances’’. Leftside
frame contains details of appliances.

5. Solve any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) Write short note on FTP.

(b) Write short note on traversing array in PHP.

(c ) Write short note on <div> and <span> tag.

(d) Date objects in Javascript.

(e) Write short note on Data types in PHP.

[5363]-502 3 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions—5
5] [Total No. of Printed Pages—3

No . [5363]-503

B.B.A.(C.A.)/B.C.A. (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018

(2013 PATTERN)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (i ) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) All questions carry equal marks.

(iii ) Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary.

(iv) Design proper GUI.

1. Attempt any eight of the following : [8×2=16]

(a) Explain difference between ListBox and ComboBox.

(b) What is MSIL ?

(c ) Explain any two Built-in Date function.

(d) What do you mean by MyBase class.

(e) What do you mean by MDI in VB.net ?

(f ) What is data validation in VB.net.

(g) Explain print preview dialog control in dialog box function.

(h) Enlist various keyboard events in VB.net.

(i ) Explain any 4 properties of form.

(j ) Define delegates in VB.net.

2. Attempt the following (any four) : [4×4=16]

(a) What is .Net framework ? Explain its Architecture ?

(b) Design GUI and write code for following in VB.net (ADO.Net)
with wizard.

– Accept employee details like Emp-No, Emp-Name, Emp-Address,

Emp-date-of-joining, Save this details in Employee table.

(c ) Explain overloading and overriding in VB.net.

(d) Write a program which uses a function to check whether a

given number is perfect or Not, using console application.

(e) Explain any four advantages of VB.net framework.

3. Attempt the following (any four) : [4×4=16]

(a) Design GUI and write code for the following in VB.net.

– Accept a number in textbox.

– Convert the number into binary and show result in second


(b) Explain Message Box control with its various parameters.

(c ) Explain try, catch and finally block with example.

(d) Design GUI and write code for the following in VB.net :

– Accept five names in ListBox.

– Sort the items in the ListBox Alphabetically.

(e) Explain any two control structures with example.

[5363]-503 2
4. Attempt the following (any four) : [4×4=16]

(a) Explain inheritance and types of inheritance in VB.Net.

(b) Explain constructor with example in VB.Net.

(c ) Explain an Interface in VB.Net with example.

(d) Design GUI and write code for the following in VB.Net
(ADO.Net) without wizard.

– Accept teacher’s details like Teacher_No., Teacher–Name,

Teacher_Qualification and save these details in teachers

(e) Explain the following controls :

(1) Tree view

(2) Progress Bar

(3) ToolTip

(4) LinkLabel

5. Write short notes on (any four) : [4×4=16]

(a) Menus in VB.Net.

(b) Data Adapter

(c ) Progress bar

(d) CLR features

(e) Myclass.

[5363]-503 3 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions—5
5] [Total No. of Printed Pages—3

No . [5363]-504

B.C.A./B.B.A. (CA) (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (i ) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

(iii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any eight of the following : [8×2=16]

(a) What is multiple inheritance ?

(b) Define Generalization.

(c ) What is system boundary ?

(d) Consider a single object ‘‘customer’’ and draw object diagram

with possible attributes.

(e) What is joining ?

(f ) Define Inception.

(g) Define task management component.

(h) What is lifeline ?

(i ) What is dependency ?
2. Attempt any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) Define UML. What are the goals of UML ?

(b) What is Association ? Explain important terms in Association.

(c ) Draw class diagram for library management system.

(d) Describe the Jacobson method in details.

(e) What is UP. Explain any two phases in details.

3. Attempt any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) What is package ? Explain different kind of packages.

(b) Define things. Explain Behavioral things in details.

(c ) What is use cases ? State include and extend relationship among

use cases with example.

(d) What is iterative development ? Explain the phases of iterative


(e) Explain different elements of object model

4. Attempt any four of the following : [4×4=16]

(a) What is object orientation ? State various reasons for why

object orientation.

(b) Explain dependancy relationship along with different stereotypes.

(c ) Define sequence diagram. Explain different kinds of its notations.

(d) Explain the data management component.

[5363]-504 2
(e) Define the following terms :
(i ) Elaboration
(ii ) Note
(iii ) Forking
(iv) Polymorphism

5. Attempt the following :

Railway reservation system is a system used for booking tickets
over internet-Any customer can book tickets for different trains.
Customer can book a ticket only if the tickets are available. Customer
searches for the availability of ticket then if the ticket are available
he books the ticket by initially filling details in a form. Tickets
can be booked in two ways by i-ticket or by e-ticket booking.
In case of i-ticket booking customer can book the ticket online and
the tickets are couriered to particular customer at their address,
but in case of e-ticket booking and cancelling ticket are booked
and cancelled online sitting at the home and cystomer himself has
to take print of the ticket but in both the cases amount for tickets
are deducted from customer’s amount.
For cancellation of ticket the customer’s has to go at reservation
office then fill cancellation form and ask the clerk to cancel the
ticket then the refund is transferred to customer’s account. After
booking ticket the customer has to check out by paying fare amount
to clerk.
Consider above situation. Draw the following UML diagrams :
(a) Use case diagrams [4]
(b) Class diagrams [4]
(c ) Actiuity diagrams. [4]
(d) Sequence diagrams. [4]

[5363]-504 3 P.T.O.

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