Vectors and Matrices, Problem Set 2
Vectors and Matrices, Problem Set 2
Vectors and Matrices, Problem Set 2
where a is a real parameter. (Keep in mind that the rank of A depends on the value of a so a case
distinction is required.)
3. Using row operations, find the inverse of the matrix
1 0 −1
A= 2 1 −2 .
1 −3 0
(a) Work out the matrix A0 which represents this linear map in the basis
0 1 0 0
e1 = , e2 = .
1 1
P6. For a quadractic matrix A, the trace is defined as the sum of its diagonal elements, so tr(A) =
i Aii .
(a) Show that tr(AB) = tr(BA).
(b) Show that tr(P AP −1 ) = tr(A). Discuss this result in relation to basis change of matrices.
(c)∗ What is the trace of the linear map f defined in the previous question?
7. ∗ Consider the vector space consisting of all quadratic polynomials p(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b,
c are arbitrary real coefficients. On this space a map is defined by
d2 p dp
D(p) = x 2
+ (1 − x) + 2p .
dx dx
(2 − λ)x + y + 2z = 0
x + (4 − λ)y − z = 0
2x − y + (2 − λ)z = 0 ,
x+y+z = 1
x + 2y + 4z = η
x + 4y + 10z = η 2
3x + 2y − z = 10
5x − y − 4z = 17
x + 5y + αz = β ,
where α, β are arbitrary real parameters using row reduction on the augmented matrix.
11.∗ A semi-magic square is a 3 × 3 matrix of (rational) numbers such that all rows and columns sum
up to the same total. A simple example is
3 2 1
2 2 2 ,
1 2 3
12.∗ Consider an “internet” with n sites, labeled by i = 1, . . . , n. Each site i contains ni links to some of
the other sites and it is linked to by the pages Li ⊂ {1, . . . , n}. The page rank xi of each site i is defined
by X xj
xi = . (1)
(a) Show that Eq. (1) can be written in matrix form as Ax = 0, where x is the vector with
components xi , and determine the components Aij of the matrix A.
(b) Show a non-trivial solution (that is, a solution x 6= 0) always exists.
(c) Analyze a simple example with n = 4 and the following structure of links:
1 ←− 2
↑ & ↓
3 ←− 4
Write down the page rank equations (1) for this case and solve them. Which page is ranked highest?