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MTH4100 Calculus I: Lecture Notes For Week 4 Thomas' Calculus, Sections 2.4 To 2.6

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MTH4100 Calculus I

Lecture notes for Week 4

Thomas’ Calculus, Sections 2.4 to 2.6

Rainer Klages

School of Mathematical Sciences

Queen Mary University of London

Autumn 2009
One-sided limits and limits at infinity
To have a limit L as x → c, a function f must be defined on both sides of c (two-sided
limit). If f fails to have a limit as x → c, it may still have a one-sided limit if the
approach is only from the right (right-hand limit) or from the left (left-hand limit).

We write limx→c+ f (x) = L or limx→c− f (x) = M .

The symbol x → c means that we only consider values of x greater than c. The symbol
x → c− means that we only consider values of x less than c.


• limx→0+ f (x) = 1
• limx→0− f (x) = −1
• limx→0 f (x) does not exist

Limit laws and theorems for limits of polynomials and rational functions all hold for one-
sided limits.


c limx→c− f (x) limx→c+ f (x) limx→c f (x)

0 n.a. 1 n.a.
1 0 1 n.a.
2 1 1 1
3 2 2 2
4 1 n.a. n.a.

sin θ
Limits involving :

Theorem 1
sin θ
= 1 (θ in radians)
θ θ→0

Proof: Show equality of left-hand and right-hand limits at x = 0 by using the ‘Sandwich
Theorem’ (Thomas’ Calculus p.105ff).

cos h − 1
lim = [sin2 (h/2) = (1 − cos h)/2]
h→0 h
−2 sin2 (h/2)
= lim
h→0 h
= lim − sin(h/2) [θ = h/2]
h→0 h/2
sin θ
= lim − sin θ [limit laws]
θ→0 θ
= −1 · 0 = 0
Special case of a limit:
x approaching positive/negative infinity

similar to one-sided limit

Definition 1 (informal) 1. We say that f (x) has the limit L as x approaches infinity
and write
lim f (x) = L

if, as x moves increasingly far from the origin in the positive direction, f (x) gets arbitrarily
close to L.

2. We say that f (x) has the limit L as x approaches minus infinity and write
lim f (x) = L

if, as x moves increasingly far from the origin in the negative direction, f (x) gets arbitrarily
close to L.

lim k = k and lim
x→±∞ x→±∞ x

Simply replace x → c by x → ±∞ in the previous limit laws theorem:

Theorem 2 (Limit laws as x approaches infinity) If L, M and k are real numbers and
limx→±∞ f (x) = L and limx→±∞ g(x) = M, then

1. Sum Rule: limx→±∞ (f (x) + g(x)) = L + M

2. Difference Rule: limx→±∞ (f (x) − g(x)) = L − M
3. Product Rule: limx→±∞ (f (x) · g(x)) = L · M

4. Constant Multiple Rule: limx→±∞ (k · f (x)) = k · L

5. Quotient Rule: limx→±∞ fg(x)

= L
, M 6= 0
6. Power Rule: If s and r are integers with no common factor and s 6= 0, then
lim (f (x))r/s = Lr/s
provided that Lr/s is a real number. (If s is even, we assume that L > 0.)

lim 5 + = [sum rule]
x→∞ x
= lim 5 + lim [known results]
x→∞ x→∞ x
= 5

This leads us to horizontal asymptotes.


1 1
lim= 0 and lim =0
x→∞ x x→−∞ x

The graph approaches the line y = 0 asymptotically: The line is an asymptote of the


Calculate the horizontal asymptote for rationals: pull out the highest power of x.

5x2 + 8x − 3 x2 (5 + 8/x − 3/x2 ) 5

lim 2
= lim 2 2
x→∞ 3x + 2 x→∞ x (3 + 2/x ) 3

The graph has the line y = 5/3 as a horizontal asymptote on both the left and the right,
lim f (x) = .
x→±∞ 3
What happens if the degree of the polynomial in the numerator is one greater than that in
the denominator? Do polynomial division:

2x2 − 3 2 8 115
f (x) = = x− −
7x + 4 7 49 49(7x + 4)

lim =0
x→±∞ 49(7x + 4)

If for a rational function f (x) = p(x)/q(x) the degree of p(x) is one greater than the degree
of q(x), polynomial division gives
f (x) = ax + b + r(x) with lim r(x) = 0

y = ax + b is called an oblique (slanted) asymptote.

For the above example

2 8
y = x−
7 49
is the oblique asymptote of f (x).

One-sided infinite limits


f (x) = has no limit as x → 0+ . However, it is convenient to still say that f (x) approaches
x +
∞ as x → 0 . We write
lim+ = ∞
x→0 x

lim− = −∞
x→0 x

note: lim+ = ∞ really means that the limit does not exist, because 1/x becomes
x→0 x
arbitrarily large and positive as x → 0+ !

Two-sided infinite limits

example: What is the behaviour of f (x) = near x = 0?

lim =∞
x→0 x2

as the values of 1/x2 are positive and become arbitrarily large as x → 0.

Definition 2 (informal) 1. We say that f (x) approaches infinity as x approaches

x0 and write
lim f (x) = ∞

if, as x → x0 , the values of f grow without bound, eventually reaching and surpassing every
positive real number.

2. We say that f (x) approaches negative infinity as x approaches x0 and write

lim f (x) = −∞

if, as x → x0 , the values of f become arbitrarily large and negative.


Vertical asymptotes


Recall that limx→0+ x1 = ∞ and limx→0− x1 = −∞. This means that the graph approaches
the line x = 0 asymptotically: The line is an asymptote of the graph.

Summary: asymptotes for y = 1/x


Further asymptotic behavior

example: Find the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of

f (x) = −
−4 x2
Check for the behaviour as x → ±∞ and as x → ±2 (why?):

• lim f (x) = 0, approached from below.


• lim f (x) = −∞, lim + f (x) = ∞

x→−2− x→−2

• lim− f (x) = ∞, lim+ f (x) = −∞ (because f (x) is even)

x→2 x→2

Asymptotes are (why?) y = 0 , x = −2 , x = 2 .

The graph approaches the x-axis from only one side: Asymptotes do not have to be two-

example: Find the asymptotes of

x2 − 3
f (x) =
2x − 4
• Rewrite by polynomial division:
x 1
f (x) = +1+
2 2x − 4

• Asymptotes are y = 2
+1, x=2.

We say that x/2 + 1 dominates when x is large and that 1/(2x − 4) dominates when x
is near 2.

Definition 3 (informal) Any function whose graph can be sketched over its domain in one
continuous motion, i.e. without lifting the pen, is an example of a continuous function.

This function is continuous on [0, 4] except at x = 1, x = 2 and x = 4.

More precisely, we need to define continuity at interior and at end points.


For any x = c in the domain of f one defines:

• right-continuous: lim+ f (x) = f (c)


• left-continuous: lim− f (x) = f (c)


A function f is continuous at an interior point x = c if and only if it is both right-

continuous and left-continuous at c.

Remark 1 (Continuity Test) A function f (x) is continuous at an interior point of its

domain x = c if and only if it meets the following three conditions:

1. f (c) exists.

2. f has a limit as x approaches c.

3. The limit equals the function value.

Note the difference to a function merely having a limit!

If a function f is not continuous at a point c, we say that f is discontinuous at c. Note

that c need not be in the domain of f !

examples: Continuity and discontinuity at c = 0.


continuous not continuous jump discontinuity

infinite discontinuity oscillating discontinuity

• A function is continuous on an interval if and only if it is continuous at every point

of the interval.
• A continuous function is a function that is continuous at every point of its domain.


• y= x
is a continuous function: It is continuous at every point of its domain.
• It has nevertheless a discontinuity at x = 0: No contradiction, because it is not
defined there.

Previous limit laws straightforwardly imply:

example: f (x) = x and constant functions are continuous ⇒ polynomials and rational
functions are also continuous

x sin x
example: Show that y = 2
is everywhere continuous.
x + 2

• Note that y = sin x (and y = cos x) are everywhere continuous.

x sin x
• f (x) = is continuous (why?).
x2 + 2

• g(x) = |x| is continuous (why?).

• Therefore y = g ◦ f is continuous.

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