Manufacturing Process of Aac Block: Anurag Wahane
Manufacturing Process of Aac Block: Anurag Wahane
Manufacturing Process of Aac Block: Anurag Wahane
Anurag Wahane1
Civil Department, Columbia Institute of Engineering & Technology, Raipur, (India)
AAC blocks are light weight Aerated Autoclave Concrete Block. It is manufactured through a reaction of
aluminium powder and a proportionate blend of lime, cement, and fly ash or sand. Autoclaved aerated concrete
(AAC) is a lightweight cellular concrete that has been used for more than 80 years. Currently, however, no good
recycling options for AAC from construction and waste exist. During this process, the hydrogen gas escapes
create lots(billions) of tiny air cells, applying AAC with a strong cellular structure. The hydrogen gas or
bubbles cause the concrete to expand to roughly thricetimes its original volume, further strengthened by high
pressure steam curing. The product thus formed is not only light weight concrete but also has higher
compressive strength. AAC is a masonry material that is lightweight, easy to construct, and economical to
transport. AAC is one of the materials which can cope up with the shortage of building raw materials and can
produce a light weight, energy efficient and environmentally friendly concrete. This study deals with the
manufacturing process of the autoclaved aerated concrete blocks.
Keyword:-,AAC , aluminum , ,fly ash, cellular concrete, lightweight concrete
Autoclave aerated concrete blocks are also known as Auto clavedlight weight concrete(ALC) Autoclaved
Aerated Concrete (AAC) is one of the eco – friendly and certified green building materials.AAC was perfected
in the mid of 1920s by the Swedish architect.It has become one of the most used building materials in Europe
and is rapidly growing in many other countries around the world .Basically,AAC is a mixture of cement,fly ash ,
sand , water, and aluminum powder. When the materials are proportionally weighed. AAC is using
no aggregate larger than sand.Here, Aluminum powder reacts with calcium hydroxide and water to form H2.The
hydrogen gas foams and doubles the volume of the raw mix creating gas bubblesshown in (figure 1) At the end
of the foaming process, the hydrogen escapes into the atmosphere and is replaced by air. When the air are
removed from the
material, it is solid but still soft. It is then cut into blocks and placed in an cylindrical chamber for 11-.12 hours.
Figure 2 shows the AAC Block.
During this steam pressure hardening process, when the temperature reaches 190° C(374° F) and the pressure
reaches to a maximum limit of 12 bar, sand reacts with calcium hydroxide to form calcium silicate hydrate,
which gives AAC its high strength and light weight properties ,solid but soft in nature. After the autoclaving
process, thematerial is ready for immediate use on the construction site. It has become one of the most used
building materials in Europe and is rapidly growing in many other countries around the world. The characteristic
of AAC is helpful in green housings and saves fertile lands and a solution for fly ash disposal.
Color- White
Density of cement -1440kg/m3
Type –OPC Grade 53
Compressive strength – 53 MPa
2.2 Fly ash: - Fly ash is waste industrial product used for reduction of construction cost. The density of fly ash
ranges from 400-1800kg/m3. It provides thermal insulation, fire resistance and sound absorption. The type of fly
ash used is of Class C with contains 20% lime (CaO) and loss of ignition not be more than 6%,refer figure 4 for
powdered fly ash .
2.3 Sand: - Fineaggregate are basically sand consists of crushed stone with maximum particles passing through
a 4.75mm sieve, refer figure 5 for fine sand. As per codal provision IS 383:1970,thesilica content shall not be
less than80%.
2.5 ALUMINIUM POWDER: -Aluminum is an expansion agent. When the raw material reacts with aluminum
powder, air bubble introduced due to reaction between calcium hydroxide, aluminum and water and hydrogen
gas is released , refer figure 7 .
2Al+3Ca(OH)2 + 6H2O 3CaO.Al2O3.6H2O + 3H2
Cement- 53-grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) from r manufacturer is required for manufacturing
AAC blocks. Cement supplied by plants is not recommended due to variations in quality over different
batches of cement.
Fly ash or sand – Fly ash is mixed with water to form fly ash slurry. Slurry thus formed is mixed with
other ingredients like lime powder, cement, gypsum and aluminium powder in proportionate quatity to form
Limestone powder- Lime powder required for AAC production is acquired by crushing limestone to fine
powder at AAC factory or by directly purchasing it in powder form from a various plants.
Gypsum- Gypsum is readily available in the market.
Usually rising and pre-curing process takes around 60-240 minutes. Rising is dependent on raw material mix
and weather conditions. Due to this, pre-curing is also referred as ‘heating room pre-curing’. At end of pre-
curing process, green-cake is hard enough to be wire cut as per requirements .Autoclave Aerated concrete is
cured in an autoclave – a large pressure vessel. Autoclave is normally a steel tube of 3m diameter and 45 meters
long. Steam is fed into the autoclaved at high pressure, typically reaching a pressure of 800kPa to 1200 KPa and
a temperature of 180°C ,refer figure 9After that blocks are taken for the DE-molding and cutting process.
1. Structural Cost Steel Saving Upto 15% No Saving
2. Breakage /Wastage Less than 5% Average 10 to 12 %
3. Construction speed Speedy construction Comparatively slow
4. Availability Anytime Shortage in monsoon
5. Energy Saving 30% reduction No such saving
6. Accuracy in dimension 99% 90%
7. Cost 30% cheaper than Red brics -
The light weight property of the AAC blocks results into higher steadiness of the AAC blocks in the
structure of the buildings. As the impact of the earthquake is directly proportional to the weight of the
building, the building constructed using AAC blocks are more reliable and safer.AAC blocks are highly
superior in terms of the strength.
Higher level of strength of these blocks gives higher stability to the structure of the building. AAC is
manufactured from non-biodegradable materials, which neither rot nor attract mould, keeping interiors
clean and durable.
AAC block weighs almost around 80% less as compared to the conventional red brick ultimately resulting
into great reduction of deadweight. Further, the reduced deadweight results into reduction of the use of
cement and steel which helps great in cost savings.
AAC Blocks have an attractive appearance and is readily adaptable to any style of architecture. Almost any
design can be achieved with AAC.
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