subscript b integral is
evaluated at system boundary
s cycle
T b
scycle in the Clausius inequality value of s (sgen ) adheres
to the following interpretation
= 0 (no irreversibilities present within the system)
s: > 0 (irreversibilities present within the system)
< 0 (impossible)
Developing Closed System Entropy Balance
Entropy balance for closed systems is developed Clausius inequality
Fig. a cycle executed by a closed system:
process I, during which internal irrevs are
present, followed by internally rev process R.
0 s cycle
T b
That s has a value of zero when there are no int irrevs and
is +ve when irrevs are present within the system leads to
the interpretation that s accounts for entropy generated
within the system by action of irreversibilities
time rate of change of the entropy of the system
Q j
time rate of entropy transfer through the portion of
the boundary whose temp is Tj
For a turbine, energy rate balance:
(V 2
V 2
) 2
0 Qcv Wcv m (h1 h2 ) 1 2 g ( z1 z2 )
W cv
h1 h2
For a turbine, the entropy rate balance:
s cv
s2 s1 0
Isentropic Turbine Efficiency
sgen cannot be -ve, the only turbine exit
states that can be attained in an
adiabatic expansion are those with s2 ≥ s1
W cv
m h2 h1
where the LHS is work input per unit of mass flowing.
Isentropic Compressor and Pump Efficiencies
For a compressor the entropy rate
balance reduces to
where the subscript int rev signals that the expression applies only
in the absence of internal irreversibilities.
(b) ??
Bats, only mammals to fly, play several impt ecological roles,
incldg feeding on crop-damaging insects. Currently, ~¼ of bat
species are endangered. For unknown reasons, bats are attracted
to large wind turbines - they perish by impact, or from hemorrhaging.
Near rapidly moving turbine blades there is a drop in air pressure
that expands the lungs of bats, causing fine capillaries to burst and
their lungs to fill with fluid, killing them.
Relationship between air velocity and pressure in these instances
is captured by the following differential form of Bernoulli equation:
v dp = V dV
as local vel V increases, local pressure p decreases. Pressure
reduction near moving turbine blades is the source of peril to bats.
Some say migrating bats experience most fatalities, so the harm
may be decreased at existing wind farms by reducing turbine
operation during peak migration periods. New wind farms should be
located away from known migratory routes. (Ref. Moran & Shapiro text)