1 2 Kollerstrom Star Zodiac
1 2 Kollerstrom Star Zodiac
1 2 Kollerstrom Star Zodiac
Nick Kollerstrom
In the early third century AD, two zodiac systems converged.1 One was
the ancient star-zodiac derived from the constellations, while the other
was the tropical zodiac, with its beginning at 00 Aries firmly anchored to
the Vernal Point, the Sun’s position at the Spring Equinox. It will be
argued here that this latter, tropical, system had not, in the third century,
come to be accepted by astrologers, but that it was to gradually come into
use amongst astrologers as the earlier, sidereal system sank into a deep
oblivion, at least in the West, from which it did not re-emerge until
rediscovered late in the nineteenth century.
It remains far from easy to ascertain which were the primary reference
stars which defined the sidereal zodiac’s position, and there may have
been different views on this, amongst the several cultures that adopted
it.2 The term ‘sidereal’ derives from the Greek sidera, a star, and the
terms ‘sidereal’- and ‘star’- zodiac will here have the same meaning, as
alluding to a division of the ecliptic into twelve equal sectors. The term
‘zodiac’ will here be used in the sense of these twelve equal divisions of
the ecliptic, and will not allude to the unequal constellations that are, as
it were, behind the twelve signs.
The convergence of the two celestial wheels, tropical and sidereal,
meant that the Vernal Point was moving by precession from the sidereal
sign of Aries into Pisces, an event comparable to the expectations of
present-day astrologers of its movement into Aquarius. These two events,
one in the past and the other still in the future, are separated by a period
of twenty-one centuries, the interval for the Vernal Point’s movement
round thirty degrees against the stellar background. However. while most
histories of ancient astronomy move effortlessly from twelve unequal
constellations to the tropical zodiac of equal divisions, blurring the
distinctions between the two, it will be argued here that neither of these
two systems was used by Hellenistic or classical astrologers for their
celestial longitude positions, and that they used a third system, an
intermediate stage, namely a sidereal zodiac of equal-sized divisions
rather than unequal constellations. A historical perspective may be
Early Beginnings
Early Sumerian astronomical records show how the constellations were
perceived on or near to the ecliptic in relation to the Moon: seventeen or
eighteen of these were discovered,3 as listed in the seventh century BC
tablet, Mul Apin, which concluded,
These are the gods standing on the path of the moon, (the gods)
through whose sectors the moon passes every month and whom he
The sequence began with Taurus and the Pleiades, ending with
Lu.hung.ga, the Sumerian equivalent of Aries.5 Some half a dozen of
these constellations had the same names as today (the Crab, Balance,
Bull, Lion, Scorpion and Goat-fish), though the images may have
differed. For example, ‘The Mesopotamian Bull-of-Heaven shared with
our Taurus the cluster Hyades as its head but in other respects it was
different’.6 Aries was originally the Hired Farm Labourer,7 and Aquarius
was The Giant. There was a Great Swallow (south-western Pisces plus
epsilon Pegasi) and a Lady of the Heavens (north-eastern Pisces plus the
central part of Andromeda),8 both of which constellations turned into
fishes. These became linked to form a single sign/constellation as the
zodiac came into existence.9 An early Greek name for Libra, Chelae,
meant ‘horn of a scorpion’, hinting at a much larger Scorpion.10
Few constellation-images are derived from the Chaldeans. However,
one fragment shows the Virgo constellation, with an upright figure
holding a sheaf of corn, and the star Spica nearby.11 Likewise in the
Denderah zodiac, of c.30 BC the sign Virgo is represented by an upright
Isis-type figure.12 There may be, shall we say, a lost story of how
Ptolemy’s Virgo-constellation came to be very large, no less than forty-
six degrees of the ecliptic, with the Virgin laid out on her back. It was
rather crucial to the definition of the star-zodiac that Spica was a
boundary star, whereas the horizontal Virgo has Spica in the middle. It
would seem to me (rightly or wrongly) that such a horizontal Virgo
rather implies that the Sidereal zodiac has been forgotten.
As early as the second millennium BC, the Sumerians had developed a
base-sixty (sexagesimal) number system, with a year containing 360 days
and a day divided into 360 parts, with twelve hours and thirty ‘minutes’
per hour.13 Their schematic year had twelve lunar months each of thirty
Figure 1: The Sidereal Zodiac (Source: Robert Powell), with names of some
1st magnitude stars, plus movement of Vernal Point from 5th century BC
(Euctemon) and 2nd century AD (Ptolemy), to today at 25°.
‘This [Chaldean] sidereal zodiac appears to have been fixed so that the
longitude of the bright star β Gemini was 90°. Consequently, the
Greek Horoscopes
Otto Neugebauer’s compilation, Greek Horoscopes, gives planetary
longitudes of the earliest remaining Greek horoscopes, plus dates,
spanning the first to the fifth centuries AD.33 Neugebauer remarked that
the charts in this volume were sidereal, i.e. they used a similar reference
to the Babylonian zodiac.34 It seemed to me that he was neither well able
to show this nor to reach a conclusion concerning what zodiac
framework was in use in these charts, since computing these things was
harder in his day. About one-fifth of the charts in Greek Horoscopes
book were cast for reliably known times and have zodiac longitudes
specified for the planets (Table 2).35 Using these, their ayanamsas were
plotted against the year of their composition, to give a graph (Figure. 2).
Figure 3 shows the same ‘Greek Horoscope’ data as before, but with
only one ‘theoretical’ line of zodiac position for the star Spica at 30° of
the Virgin, and with a mean ayanamsa value computed by Huber for 100
BC inserted as a point, the ‘Huber point’, and the five Babylonian chart
ayanamsa values have been added. This graph suggests that a single
frame of reference for the sidereal zodiac was used by both Babylonian
and Greek astrologers, enduring over eight centuries, before being
forgotten in the Dark Ages. The data here presented does seem to support
the above-quoted claim of Walker and Britton concerning ß Gemini (note
28), both for Greek (or, rather, Hellenistic) charts as well as Babylonian.
The charts dating from the first century have their planets 3-4° from
the positions expected using a tropical system, i.e. an ayanamsa of 3-4°.
There are a dozen or so such charts dated to the latter half of the fifth
century, by which time the two wheels had crossed over and moved some
two degrees apart.37 These charts show that even in the centuries after
Ptolemy, the astrologers writing in Greek continued to use a sidereal
reference. The charts are mainly from Alexandria, indicating that even in
Ptolemy’s city the sidereal tradition endured.
Confirmation of this view comes from Egyptian astronomical tables of
the first century AD that would have been consulted by astrologers.38
They specify dates of entry of the planets into the signs of the zodiac. On
average, Neugebauer found that about four degrees had to be added to
their given longitudes to obtain modern (i.e. tropical) longitudes. As the
graph showed, this is just what would be expected from the sidereal
reference. Van der Waerden concluded ‘the Egyptian mathematicians
worked on the basis of a sidereal division of the ecliptic which almost
coincided with the Babylonian division’.39
This thesis is supported by the recent work of Alexander Jones, as an
explanation of how astronomical theory in Roman Egypt in the early
centuries AD in large part evolved from the predictive methods known to
us from Babylonian tablets of the last four centuries BC.40 Jones
concluded that ‘...it is now clear that practically the whole of Babylonian
planetary theory was current knowledge in Roman Egypt, well after the
publication of Ptolemy’s writings and tables’.41 This helps us to
appreciate how Alexandrian astrologers of the period continued to use a
Babylonian zodiacal framework.
These results, though admittedly from a small sample,42 suggest that
ancient astrology remained sidereal. Greeks who used the Tropical
reference, such as Euctemon and Hipparchus, are remembered primarily
Ptolemy’s View
Ptolemy utilised a tropical reference framework for the zodiac in his
Tetrabiblos, i.e. for astrology, and is the first on record as having done
this.46 In his lifetime, the two wheels were only one degree apart. Using
Hipparchus’ star positions for his Almagest, he likewise advocated the
same reference point as Hipparchus, viz. zero Aries. Thereby he unlinked
the zodiac from its stellar framework and reconnected it to the four
seasons. Janus-like, he could face both ways because he lived around the
one period when the two wheels coincided. His zodiac was firmly
constellational, and also firmly Sun-based. Did Ptolemy realise that the
two systems were only together at one point in historical time - his life
time? I doubt it.
However, although anchored to the seasons of the year by its celestial
reference points, Ptolemy’s zodiac remained sidereal in its astrological
character. In the section in Tetrabiblos entitled ‘Of the Nature of Signs,
and their Effect upon the Weather’ he alludes to the individual stars
which comprise the Zodiac images: the effect of the sign Aries varied
from one end to the other ‘due to the special quality of the fixed stars’.
The sign of Taurus had a ‘leading portion, particularly near the Pleiades’,
together with ‘its following portion near the Hyades’.47 An earlier
section, ‘Of the Power of the Fixed Stars’, describes how zodiacal stars
operate, e.g. Antares in the ‘body of Scorpio’ is said to be Mars-like,
though it is left unstated whether he is describing the twelve
constellations, or signs. The same section describes the influence of
various extra-zodiacal constellations on human beings.
Before Ptolemy, there were two traditions, of which that from Chaldea
was astrological, while that in Greece was astronomical. These traditions
fused in the melting-pot of Alexandria, where western astrology as we
know it was born, after which the sidereal tradition faded away and a
2. Rupert Gleadow, The Origin of the Zodiac 1968 p.28; W.M. O’Neill, Early
Astronomy (Sidney U.P.1986), p.26. John Britton and Christopher Walker,
‘Astronomy and Astrology in Mesopotamia’ in Astronomy Before the Telescope,
Ed. Christopher Walker (London 1996), Marie Delclos, Astrologie Racines
Secretes et Sacres (Paris 1994), Ch. 17. A source problem is the absence of
statements from Hellenistic astrologers themselves as to whether their zodiac was
genuinely sidereal, i.e., tied to the stars, or fixed to a starting point which may not
have been the vernal point, such as 80 or 100 and was therefore in effect tropical.
This problem is discussed by Robert Hand in his introduction to Vettius Valens,
The Anthology, Book 1, Golden Hind Press, PO Box 002, Berkeley Springs,
WV, 1993, p iii. The tale of the sidereal zodiac’s rediscovery has been well
described in From The Omens of Babylon by Michael Baigent (London, 1994),
but without comment either on the zodiac signs or the position of zodiac
divisions in relation to the stars.
3. Britton and Walker, op. cit. (2), p.49: ‘17 sometimes interpreted as 18’;
Gleadow op. cit., p.163, ‘The Eighteen Signs’; Jim Tester, A History of Western
Astrology, 1987, p.14; F.Rochberg-Halton, ‘New Evidence for the History of
Astrology’, Journal of Near-Eastern Studies, 43,1984, pp.115-127, 122.
5. B.L.van der Waerden, Science Awakening II, The Birth of Astronomy (Leyden
and New York 1974), p.80.
8. Owen Gingerich, ‘Astronomical Scrapbook: The Origin of the Zodiac’ Sky &
Telescope 1984, 67, 218-20, in Gingerich, The Great Copernicus Chase 1992
10. Alex Gurshtein, ‘The Real Zodiac’, Sky & Telescope 1995, p.31-3, 32.
11. Robert Eisler, The Royal Art of Astrology, 1946, pp.97,99; Van der Waerden,
op. cit., p.81.
12. Van der Waerden, op. cit., p.123. The Denderah zodiac may not have been a
faithful depiction of constellation images, e.g. it depicted the whole Bull-of-
Heaven, whereas only the front portion existed as a constellation: thus, the rear
portion of Taurus depicted at Denderah may not ever have ‘existed’ i.e. have
been perceived in the sky.
13. George Sarton, A History of Science I, Harvard University Press, 1953, p.72;
John North, The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology, 1994, p.21.
16. Hugh Thurston, Ancient Astronomy (New York 1994), p.71: ‘No Babylonian
tablets deal directly with the sun. We have to deduce the Babylonian theory of
the sun’s motion from details on the tablets dealing with the moon’. Thurston
cites a Full-Moon tablet from the second century BC, with twelve months starting
with Nisan in the spring, and twelve signs of the corresponding Full moon,
starting with their equivalent of Scorpio.
19. The Metonic cycle originated ‘at best in the beginning of the 5th century, or
perhaps even later’. Neugebauer, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 1940, 2, p.220.
21. B.L. Van der Waerden, ‘History of the Zodiac’, Archiv fur Orientforschung,
1953, 16, pp.216-230, p.222.
23. Rupert Gleadow, op. cit.,p.28; Robert Powell and Peter Treadgold, The
Sidereal Zodiac, 1978, 1985, AFA; R .Powell, The Zodiac: A Historical Survey
ACS San Diego (no date) 16 pp; Marie Delclos, Astrologie Racine, cites the
primal markers as having been Aldebaran and Antares as 15° ‘exactement’ of
Scorpio/Taurus, Regulus as 5° Leo, Spica at 29°, also Formalhaut and the
Pleiades (Ch. 17).
25. Peter Huber, ‘Ueber den Nullpunkt der Babylonischen Ekliptic’ Centaurus
1958, 5, pp.192-208.
27. The two first-magnitude zodiacal stars Antares and Aldebaran were 180°
apart to within a single arcminute over the period 300 BC to 1200 AD: Dennis
Rawlins has computed that although these two may ‘never be seen
simultaneously in the Mediterranean area’, on some days each year they could be
seen together from below the Tropic of Capricorn, Dio, April 1992 p.15 (an
independent history of astronomy journal, Ed. Rawlins, US).
29. A.Sachs in D.G.Kendall et. al. Ed., The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient
World, OUP 1974, p.46. Sachs gave both the modern classification and the old
name, e.g. gir ar sa A (rear foot of the lion) and beta Virgo (translation by
Christopher Walker).
31. This ayanamsa is associated with Eudoxus and Meton in the 4th century: Van
der Waerden, Science Awakening, p.290, ‘History of the Zodiac’, p.228.
33. Neugebauer and van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes (Philadelphia 1959, 1987),
p.594: there existed a 5° deviation between modern (i.e. tropical) longitudes and
35. Many of the charts in Greek Horoscopes are from Vettius Valens, however
only two of the 22 charts here used were by him, as the rest of his collection did
not give degree longitudes.
36. Francesca Rochberg, ‘Babylonian Horoscopy: The Texts and their Relations’,
Dibner Institute Proceedings, N.Swerdlow, Ed., U. Chicago Press, forthcoming,
pp.1-27 (I am grateful for permission to cite horoscopes from this text);
Francesca Rochberg-Halton, ‘Babylonian Horoscopes and their Sources’,
Orientalia, Vol 58 - Fasc 1 - 1989.
37. In Figure 2, seven charts shown from AD 40-140 have a mean ayanamsa of
3.7±1.4°, while for a group of eleven charts AD 460-500 the equivalent was
38. Van der Waerden, op. cit. (note 5), p.308; Neugebauer & Parker, Egyptian
Astronomical Texts, 1969.
40. Alexander Jones, ‘Studies in the Astronomy of the Roman Period’, Centaurus
1997, 39 1-36, 2.
41. Alexander Jones, ‘Babylonian Astronomy and its Legacy’, Bulletin of the
Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies, 1997, 32, pp. 11-16, 16.
studies in memory of Abraham Sachs Ed. Leichty & Ellis, 1988, p.357. Toomer
has not substantiated this claim.
44. Ancient Astrology by Tamsyn Barton (London, 1994) defined the zodiac by
reference to the Vernal Point as zero Aries (p.88), thereby conveying the
erroneous view that ancient astrology was tropical. Two erudite books have of
late appeared both entitled Early Astronomy, neither giving any hint to their
readers that there once existed a sidereal zodiac. O’Neill, Early Astronomy, p 25-
6 (see note 2) gives a fine coverage of Babylonian astronomy, though without
alluding to their reference for measuring celestial longitude. Thurston, Early
Astronomy, p 68 (see note 16), does ask the question, ‘Where precisely on the
ecliptic were the signs placed?’ but answers in tropical terms, with the solstices
fixed at some degree of their signs, either 8° or 10°. Alex Gurshtein, op. cit. (9);
‘On the Origin of the zodiacal Constellations’ Vistas in Astronomy, 1993, 36, pp.
171-190, jumps straight from the twelve constellations into ‘the traditional
zodiac’ established by the fifth century BC, i.e. the tropical, as does Owen
Gingerich in ‘The Origin of the Zodiac’, Sky & Telescope 67, 218-20, in
Gingerich, The Great Copernicus Chase, 1992, Ch.2.
46. John North, The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology, 1994, writes
that Ptolemy ‘introduced’ the tropical zodiac, p.67.
48. Martin Bernal, Black Athena (London 1991), p.131; New Catholic
Encyclopaedia 1967, section on Pisces.
52. Spica will be at 23°48’ of Libra (tropical) in AD 2000. This will therefore be
the ‘ayanamsa’ of the Indian ‘Lahiri’ system for that epoch.