AAD03010 Door Operator
AAD03010 Door Operator
AAD03010 Door Operator
Homepage: www.xinda-group.com
Operation Manual
1. Preface
Thank you for purchasing our XD-VFD/C series of variable frequency speed
governor for door. It is the special speed governor system for door machine for
AAD03010 series elevator door controller manufactured by Panasonic in
This operation manual provides the instructions on wiring, connection,
parameter setting, troubleshooting and daily maintenance of this speed
governor system and related precautions for its users and installation
personnel. In order to ensure that this speed governor system can be installed
and operated correctly, please read through this manual before installation and
give this manual to related departments for keeping.
2. Safety instructions
--- Only professional personnel are authorized to operate this device.
Operators must get familiar with assembling, control and operation of this
--- If this device is modified or door machine or the parts or accessories are
removed without authorization, all quality warranty services will become
invalid. The manufacturer will not bear any responsibilities for any losses,
damages and shutdown caused due to not observing this manual.
--- There are various internal power supply units in the elevator control system,
therefrom during wiring it should be ensured that power supply of the speed
governor device is correct and external voltage input should be avoided. Or
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otherwise, the speed governor device or other electrical parts will possibly
be damaged or even fire will be caused.
Caution: before installation, please check if your system voltage output
complies with the voltage requirements of this door machine system. Input
supply voltage of this device is AC220V,50Hz.
--- Switch off the power supply before terminal connection.
Caution: after switching off the power supply and before the controller
indicator does not go out, do not remove or connect any wires. Or
otherwise electrical shock will possibly be caused and thus personal injury
will be caused.
--- As interior of the controller is mainly composed of electronic elements,
prevent metal scraps, oil, water or any other foreign matters from falling into
the controller, which will result in controller shortcircuiting.
3. Delivery inspection
Each door machine is subject to strict quality inspection before delivery. But
users should check the following before use:
--- Check if this speed governor device complies with your order;
--- Check if this speed governor device is damaged during transport;
--- Check if any electrical wire connections or mechanical parts become loose;
--- Check if the provided information is complete.
If any quality problems are found, please do not install the parts and please
contact your supplier or our customer service department and technical
4. Requirements for installation environment
--- There are no floating dust and metal particles;
--- There are no corrosive or flammable gases or liquids
--- There is a rugged and firm place free of serious vibrations
--- The installation place is free of electromagnetic interference
--- Ambient temperature is -10oC~50oC. If it is above 40 oC, please place the
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by using this switch. When this switch is in “Manual” position, external signal is
disconnected and in this case only manual operation can allow
opening/closing operation of the door machine. During normal operation,
ensure that this switch is in “Auto” position.
5.2.3 Manual switch: when the door machine is in manual operation state, and
this switch is in “Open” state, door machine opens the door; when it is in
“Close” state, door machine closes the door.
5.2.4 AAD03010 series controller for elevator door: used for acquisition of door
opening/closing input signal, position signal, and safety protection signal,
determining the operation direction and speed of the door machine by
processing above-mentioned signals, supplying power to the motor, and
outputting door opening/closing limit signals according to the door machine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Terminal 8: input signal COM (connected with Terminal 12 inside the controller)
Terminal 9: +12V power supply (supplying 12V voltage to the photoelectric
Terminal 10: Phase A signal (if an encoder is used)
Terminal 11: Phase B signal (if an encoder is used)
Terminal 12: COM for power supplies (connected with Terminal 8 inside the
5.3.3 Following 9 terminals are position limit output terminals. They are
arranged as follows from left to right:
C1 B1 A1 C2 B2 A2 C3 B3 A3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Terminals 1 and 2: power input of the system. This power switch should be
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always connected during elevation running. Its input voltage should be working
voltage of the controller and the default is 220V/50HZ.
Terminal 3: GND
Terminal 4: opening signal input
Terminal 5: closing signal input
Terminal 6: COM for opening/closing inputs
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6. Connection
AC 220V
power supply
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B3: Closing limit position output (NC)
C3: COM for closing limit position output
B2: Opening limit position output (NC)
C2: COM for opening limit position output
12: COM for power supply
8: Input signal COM
7: closing deceleration signal
6: opening deceleration signal
4: closed to limit position
3: open to limit position
2: closing signal
1: opening signal
SWITCH 1: photoelectric switch for closing deceleration
SWITCH 2: photoelectric switch for opening deceleration
SWITCH 3: photoelectric switch for closed to limit position
SWITCH 4: photoelectric switch for open to limit position
10: limit position output COM
9: Closing limit position output (NC)
8: Opening limit position output (NC)
6: opening and closing signal input COM
5: closing signal
4: opening signal
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Selecting electronic
P06 temperature sensitive 0, 1, 2, 3 2 ※2
Set temperature-sensitive
P07 A 0.1~100 △2.8 ※2.8
Operation instruction
P08 0~3 △2 ※2
P09 Frequency setting signal 0~6 △4 ※4
P10 Stop mode 0、1 0 ※0
P11 Stop frequency Hz 0.5~60 0.5 ※0.5
P12 DC brake time Sec 0, 0.1~120 000 ※000
P13 DC brake level 0~100 00 ※00
P14 Max. output frequency Hz 50~250 50.0 ※50
P15 Base frequency Hz 45~250 50.0 ※50
Anti-stall protection due to
P16 0, 1 1 ※1
Anti-stall protection due to
P17 0, 1 1 ※1
P18 1st hopping frequency Hz 0, 0.5~250 000 ※000
P19 2 hopping frequency Hz 0, 0.5~250 000 ※000
P20 3 hopping frequency Hz 0, 0.5~250 000 ※000
Bandwidth of hopping
P21 Hz 0~10 0 ※0
P22 Current restriction function Sec 0, 0.1~9.9 0 ※0
P23 Start mode 0, 1、2、3 △2 ※2
Selecting instantaneous
P24 0, 1、2 0 ※0
stop and restart
P25 Waiting time Sec 0.1~100 0.1 ※0.1
P26 Selecting re-try 0, 1、2、3 0 ※0
P27 Re-try times 1~10 1 ※1
P28 Lower frequency Hz 0.5~250 0.5 ※0.5
P29 Upper frequency Hz 0.5~250 250 ※250
P30 Monitoring selection 0, 1 0 ※0
P31 Linear speed rate 0.1~100 3.0 ※3.0
P32 Max. output voltage V 0, 1~500 0 ※0
P33 OCS level % 1~200 △70 ※70
P34 Carrier frequency kHz 0.8~15.0 △12.5 ▲
Communication station
P35 1~31 01
P36 Communication speed 48、96、192 96
P37 Stop bit bit 1, 2 1
P38 Parity check 0, 1, 2 0
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Jamming judgment %
P65 frequency ratio (high 0~100 70.0
Jamming judgment Hz
P66 0.5~250 5.0
changeover frequency
Jamming detection ms
P67 0, 1~999 100
judgment time
P68 Start determination time ms 100~999 200 ※200
“forced opening” operation
P69 Sec 0, 0.1~500 8 ※8
judgment time
Unusual opening operation
P70 Sec 0, 0.1~500 △0 ※0
forcing action time
Unusual opening operation
P71 opening arrival retention Sec 0.0~10 △1 ※1
Repeat opening arrival
P72 Sec 0.0~10 3.0
retention time
Repeat closing arrival
P73 Sec 0.0~10 3.0
retention time
S word acceleration and
P74 0, 1, 2 △1 ※1
deceleration functions
Opening/closing in
P75 0, 1 0 ※0
progress and stop selection
P76 No arrival signal selection 0, 1, 2 0
Slip arrival judgment
P77 0.1~10 0.1
P78 Slip arrival judgment time ms 1~999 100
Slip open arrival
P79 substitution selection Sec 0, 0.1~10 0
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Opening variable
d04 % 0~100 16
speed position 2
Opening variable
d05 % 0~100 50
speed position 3
Opening variable
d06 % 0~100 70
speed position 4
Opening variable
d07 % 0~100 85
speed position 5
Closing arrival
d08 % 0~100 100
Closing variable
d09 % 0~100 95
speed position 1
Closing variable
d10 % 0~100 75
speed position 2
Closing variable
d11 % 0~100 55
speed position 3
Closing variable
d12 % 0~100 15
speed position 4
Closing variable
d13 % 0~100 5
speed position 5
Closing arrival ▲(Closing retention
d14 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △0.5
retention frequency force)
d15 Opening Frequency 1 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △20 ▲(opening start speed)
d16 Opening Frequency 2 Hz 0, 0.5~250 25 ※25
▲(opening at high
d17 Opening Frequency 3 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △35
d18 Opening Frequency 4 Hz 0, 0.5~250 25
d19 Opening Frequency 5 Hz 0, 0.5~250 25.2 ※25.2
▲(opening at low
d20 Opening Frequency 6 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △8
Opening arrival ▲(opening retention
d21 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △1
retention frequency force)
▲(closing startup
d22 Closing Frequency 1 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △20
d23 Closing Frequency 2 Hz 0, 0.5~250 18 ※18
▲(closing at high
d24 Closing Frequency 3 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △30
d25 Closing Frequency 4 Hz 0, 0.5~250 18
d26 Closing Frequency 5 Hz 0, 0.5~250 5 ※5
▲(closing at low
d27 Closing Frequency 6 Hz 0, 0.5~250 △3
Opening acceleration ▲(opening startup
d28 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △0.5
and deceleration time 1 acceleration time)
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Opening acceleration
d29 Sec 0, 0.1~999 0.5 ※0.5
and deceleration time 2
Opening acceleration ▲(acceleration time for
d30 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △0.5
and deceleration time 3 opening at high speed)
Opening acceleration
d31 Sec 0, 0.1~999 0.5
and deceleration time 4
Opening acceleration
d32 Sec 0, 0.1~999 0.5 ※0.5
and deceleration time 5
Opening acceleration ▲(opening
d33 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △0.8
and deceleration time 6 deceleration time)
Closing acceleration ▲(closing startup
d34 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △0.5
and deceleration time 1 acceleration time)
Closing acceleration
d35 Sec 0, 0.1~999 0.5 ※0.5
and deceleration time 2
Closing acceleration ▲(acceleration time for
d36 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △0.5
and deceleration time 3 closing at high speed)
Closing acceleration
d37 Sec 0, 0.1~999 0.5
and deceleration time 4
Closing acceleration
d38 Sec 0, 0.1~999 1.2 ※1.2
and deceleration time 5
Closing acceleration ▲(closing deceleration
d39 Sec 0, 0.1~999 △1.2
and deceleration time 6 time)
Retention current when
d40 A 0, 0~100 0.5 ※0.5
retention current
d41 A 0, 0~100 0.5 ※0.5
when closing
d42 retention operation Sec 0, 0.1~999 0 ※0
stop time
Retention wait
d43 frequency when Hz 0.5~250 △2 ▲
opening arrival
Retention wait
d44 frequency when closing Hz 0.5~250 △2 ▲
Retention wait time
d45 Sec 0.0~10 0.5 ▲
when opening arrival
Retention wait time
d46 Sec 0.0~10 0.5 ▲
when closing arrival
Turn on start timer (SW
d47 Sec 0.0~3.0 0 ※0
Turn on deceleration
d48 Sec 0.0~3.0 0 ※0
timer (SW mode)
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