A Study On The History of Chalukya Dynasty
A Study On The History of Chalukya Dynasty
A Study On The History of Chalukya Dynasty
ISSN: 2455-6157
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 2; Issue 5; September 2017; Page No. 265-266
The Chalukya dynasty was an Indian royal dynasty that ruled large parts of southern and central India between the 6th and the 12th
centuries. During this period, they ruled as three related yet individual dynasties. The earliest dynasty, known as the "Badami
Chalukyas", ruled from Vatapi (modern Badami) from the middle of the 6th century. The Badami Chalukyas began to assert their
independence at the decline of the Kadamba kingdom of Banavasi and rapidly rose to prominence during the reign of Pulakesi II.
Introduction Andhra Ikshvaku was put forward. But this has failed to
After the death of Pulakesi II, the Eastern Chalukyas became explain the difference in lineage. The Kandachaliki feudatory
an independent kingdom in the eastern Deccan. They ruled call themselves Vashisthiputras of the Hiranyakagotra. The
from Vengi until about the 11th century. In the western Chalukyas, however, address themselves as Harithiputras of
Deccan, the rise of the Rashtrakutas in the middle of the 8th Manavyasagotra in their inscriptions, which is the same
century eclipsed the Chalukyas of Badami before being lineage as their early overlords, the Kadambas of Banavasi.
revived by their descendants, the Western Chalukyas, in the This makes them descendants of the Kadambas. The
late 10th century. These Western Chalukyas ruled from Chalukyas took control of the territory formerly ruled by the
Kalyani (modern Basavakalyan) until the end of the 12th Kadambas.
century. A later record of Eastern Chalukyas mentions the northern
The rule of the Chalukyas marks an important milestone in the origin theory and claims one ruler of Ayodhya came south,
history of South India and a golden age in the history of defeated the Pallavas and married a Pallava princess. She had
Karnataka. The political atmosphere in South India shifted a child called Vijayaditya who is claimed to be the Pulakesi I's
from smaller kingdoms to large empires with the ascendancy father. However, there are Badami Chalukya inscriptions that
of Badami Chalukyas. A Southern India based kingdom took confirm Jayasimha was Pulakesi I's grandfather and
control and consolidated the entire region between the Kaveri Ranaranga, his father. It was a popular practice in the 11th
and the Narmada rivers. The rise of this empire saw the birth century to link South Indian royal family lineage to a Northern
of efficient administration, overseas trade and commerce and kingdom. The Badami Chalukya records themselves are silent
the development of new style of architecture called with regards to the Ayodhya origin.
"Chalukyan architecture". While the northern origin theory has been dismissed by many
Kannada literature, which had enjoyed royal support in the 9th historians, the epigraphist K V Ramesh has suggested that an
century Rashtrakuta court found eager patronage from the earlier southern migration is a distinct possibility which needs
Western Chalukyas in the Jain and Veerashaiva traditions. The examination. According to him, the complete absence of any
11th century saw the birth of Telugu literature under the inscriptional reference of their family connections to
patronage of the Eastern Chalukyas. Ayodhya, and their subsequent Kannadiga identity may have
been due to their earlier migration into present day Karnataka
Origin region where they achieved success as chieftains and kings.
While opinions vary regarding the early origins of the Hence, the place of origin of their ancestors may have been of
Chalukyas, the consensus is that the founders of the empire at no significance to the kings of the empire who may have
Badami were native to the modern Karnataka region. considered themselves natives of the Kannada speaking
According to one theory, the Chalukya were descendants of region. The writing of 12th century Kashmiri poet Bilhana
the "Seleukia" tribe of Iraq and that their conflict with the suggests the Chalukya family belonged to the Shudra caste
Pallava of Kanchi was, but a continuation of the conflict while other sources claim they were Kshatriyas.
between ancient Seleukia and "Parthians", the proposed The Badami Chalukya inscriptions are in Kannada and
ancestors of Pallavas. However, this theory has been rejected Sanskrit. Their inscriptions call them Karnatas and their
as it seeks to build lineages based simply on similar sounding names use indigenous Kannada titles such as.
clan names. Priyagallam and Noduttagelvom. The names of some
Another theory, that they were descendants of a 2nd-century Chalukya princes end with the pure Kannada term arasa
chieftain called Kandachaliki Remmanaka, a feudatory of the (meaning "king" or "chief"). The Rashtrakuta inscriptions call
International Journal of Advanced Educational Research
the Chalukyas of Badami Karnatabala ("Power of Karnata"). the Durga Temple with its northern Indian style tower (8th
It has been proposed that the word "Chalukya" originated century) and experiments to adapt a Buddhist Chaitya design
from Salki or Chalki which is a Kannada word for an to a brahminical one; the Huccimalli Gudi Temple with a new
agricultural implement. inclusion, a vestibule, connecting the sanctum to the hall.
Historians DR. Bhandarkar and Hoernle hold the view that Other dravida style temples from this period are the
Chalukyas were one of the ruling clans of Gurjaras (or Naganatha Temple at Nagaral; the Banantigudi Temple, the
Gujjars), citing the name change of Lata province to Mahakutesvara Temple and the Mallikarjuna Temple at
Gurjaratra during the reign. Mahakuta; and the Lower Sivalaya Temple, the Malegitti
Bhandarkar explains that If the chalukyas had not been Sivalaya Temple (upper) and the Jambulingesvara Temple at
Gurjars, it is inconceivable how that province could have Badami.
named Gurjaratra (country ruled or protected by Gurjars)
when it was up-till their advent known as Lata. However Culture
according to the scholar D. P. Dikshit, the Chalukyas ruled The Chalukya era may be seen as the beginning in the fusion
over that part of country formerly known as Lata and taken as of cultures of northern and southern India, making way for the
Gurjaratra or Gujarat did not imply the Chalukyas didn't transmission of ideas between the two regions. This is seen
make any change in the nomenclature because of their close clearly in the field of architecture. The Chalukyas spawned the
association with the region. V. A. Smith and A. M. T. Jackson Vesara style of architecture which includes elements of the
also endorsed the view that Chalukyas were a branch of northern nagara and southern dravida styles. During this
famous Gurjar. period, the expanding Sanskritic culture mingled with local
Dravidian vernaculars which were already popular. Dravidian
Architecture languages maintain these influences even today. This
The Badami Chalukya era was an important period in the influence helped to enrich literature in these languages. The
development of South Indian architecture. Their style of Hindu legal system owes much to the Sanskrit work
architecture is called "Chalukyan architecture" or "Karnata Mitakshara by Vijnaneshwara in the court of Western
Dravida architecture". Nearly a hundred monuments built by Chalukya King Vikramaditya VI. Perhaps the greatest work in
them, rock cut (cave) and structural, are found in the legal literature, Mitakshara is a commentary on Yajnavalkya
Malaprabha river basin in modern Bagalkot district of and is a treatise on law based on earlier writings and has found
northern Karnataka. The building material they used was a acceptance in most parts of India. Englishman Henry Thomas
reddish-golden Sandstone found locally. Though they ruled a Colebrooke later translated into English the section on
vast empire, the Chalukyan workshops concentrated most of inheritance, giving it currency in the British Indian court
their temple building activity in a relatively small area within system. It was during the Western Chalukya rule that the
the Chalukyan heartland – Aihole, Badami, Pattadakal and Bhakti movement gained momentum in South India, in the
Mahakuta in modern Karnataka state. form of Ramanujacharya and Basavanna, later spreading into
Their temple building activity can be categorised into three northern India.
phases. The early phase began in the last quarter of the 6th
century and resulted in many cave temples, prominent among References
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