EHVAC Transmission: Lecture Notes
EHVAC Transmission: Lecture Notes
EHVAC Transmission: Lecture Notes
EHVAC Transmission
2018 – 2019
Introduction to EHV AC Transmission
The transmission capacity is proportional to square of operating voltages.
Thus the transmission capacity of line increases with increase in voltage.
With increase in level of transmission voltage, the installation cost of the
transmission line per km decreases.
It is economical with EHV transmission to interconnect the power systems
on a large scale.
The no. of circuits and the land requirement for transmission decreases with
the use of higher transmission voltages.
I = E sin δ / 3 ….(1.2)
Table 1.2 Percent Power Loss and Power-Handling Capacity
The following important and useful conclusions can be drawn for preliminary
understanding of trends relating to power-handling capacity of a.c. transmission
lines and line losses.
One 750-kV line can normally carry as much power as four 400-kV circuits
for equal distance of transmission.
One 1200-kV circuit can carry the power of three 750-kV circuits and
twelve 400-kV circuits for the same transmission distance.
Similar such relations can be found from the table.
The power-handling capacity of line at a given voltage level decreases with
line length, being inversely proportional to line length L. From equation
(1.2) the same holds for current to be carried.
From the above property, we observe that if the conductor size is based on
current rating, as line length increases, smaller sizes of conductor will be
necessary. This will increase the danger of high voltage effects caused by
smaller diameter of conductor giving rise to corona on the conductors and
intensifying radio interference levels and audible noise as well as corona
However, the percentage power loss in transmission remains independent of
line length since it depends on the ratio of conductor resistance to the
positive-sequence reactance per unit length, and the phase difference δ
between Es and Er.
From the values of % p given in Table 1.2, it is evident that it decreases as
the system voltage is increased. This is very strongly in favour of using
higher voltages if energy is to be conserved. With the enormous increase in
world oil prices and the need for conserving natural resources, this could
sometimes become the governing criterion for selection of voltage for
transmission. The Bonneville Power Administration (B.P.A.) in the U.S.A.
has based the choice of 1150 kV for transmission over only 280 km length
of line since the power is enormous (10,000 MW over one circuit).
In comparison to the % power loss at 400 kV, we observe that if the same
power is transmitted at 750 kV, the line loss is reduced to (2.5/4.76) = 0.525,
at 1000 kV it is 0.78/4.76 = 0.165, and at 1200 kV it is reduced further to
Some examples will serve to illustrate the benefits accrued by using very
high transmission voltages.
Example 1.1.A power of 12,000 MW is required to be transmitted over a
distance of 1000km. At voltage levels of 400 kV, 750 kV, 1000 kV, and 1200 kV,
(1) Possible number of circuits required with equal magnitudes for sending and
voltages with 30° phase difference;
(2) The currents transmitted; and
(3) The total line losses.
The above situation might occur when the power potential of the Brahmaputra
River in North-East India will be harnessed and the power transmitted to West
Bengal and Bihar. Note that the total power loss incurred by using 1200 kV ac
transmission is almost one-eighth that for 400 kV.
From the discussion of the previous section it becomes apparent that the choice of
transmission voltage depends upon (a) the total power transmitted, (b) the distance
of transmission, (c) the %power loss allowed, and (d) the number of circuits
permissible from the point of view of land acquisition for the line corridor. For
example, a single circuit 1200 kV line requires a width of 56 m, 3 – 765 kV require
300 m, while 6 single-circuit 500 kV lines for transmitting the same power require
220 m-of-right-of-way (R-O-W). An additional factor is the technological know-
how in the country.
Two examples of similar situations with regard to available hydro-electric
power will be described in order to draw a parallel for deciding upon the
transmission voltage selection. The first is from Canada and the second from India.
These ideas will then be extended to thermal generation stations situated at mine
mouths requiring long transmission lines for evacuating the bulk power to load
In this section a brief description will be given of the enormous importance which
designers place on the problems created by vibrations and oscillations of the very
heavy conductor arrangement required for e.h.v. transmission lines. As the number
of sub-conductors used in a bundle increases, these vibrations and countermeasures
and spacings of sub-conductors will also affect the electrical design, particularly
the surface voltage gradient. The mechanical designer will recommend the tower
dimensions, phase spacings, conductor height, sub-conductor spacings, etc. from
which the electrical designer has to commence his calculations of resistance,
inductance, capacitance, electrostatic field, corona effects, and all other
performance characteristics. Thus, the two go hand in hand.
The sub-conductors in a bundle are separated by spacers of suitable type,
which bring their own problems such as fatigue to themselves and to the outer
strands of the conductor during vibrations. The design of spacers will not be
described here but manufacturers' catalogues should be consulted for a variety of
spacers available. These spacers are provided at intervals ranging from 60 to 75
metres between each span which is in the neighbourhood of 300 metres for e.h.v.
lines. Thus, there may be two end spans and two or three sub spans in the middle.
The spacers prevent conductors from rubbing or colliding with each other in wind
and ice storms, if any. However, under less severe wind conditions the bundle
spacer can damage itself or cause damage to the conductor under certain critical
vibration conditions.
Electrically speaking, since the charges on the sub-conductors are of the
same polarity, there exists electrostatic repulsion among them. On the other hand,
since they carry currents in the same direction, there is
electromagnetic attraction. This force is especially severe during short-circuit
currents so that the spacer has a force exerted on it during normal or abnormal
electrical operation.
Three types of vibration are recognized as being important for e.h.v.
conductors, their degree of severity depending on many factors, chief among which
are: (a) conductor tension, (b)span length, (c) conductor size, (d) type of
conductor, (e) terrain of line, (f) direction of prevailing winds, (g) type of
supporting clamp of conductor-insulator assemblies from the tower, (h) tower type,
(i) height of tower, (j) type of spacers and dampers, and (k) the vegetation in the
vicinity of line. In general, the most severe vibration conditions are created by
winds without turbulence so that hills, buildings, and trees help in reducing the
severity. The types of vibration are: (1) Aeolian Vibration,
(2) Galloping, and
(3) Wake-Induced Oscillations.
The first two are present for both single-and multi-conductor bundles, while
the wake-induced oscillation is confined to a bundle only. Standard forms of
bundle conductors have sub-conductors ranging from 2.54 to 5 cm diameters with
bundle spacing of 40 to 50 cm between adjacent conductors. For e.h.v.
transmission, the number ranges from 2 to 8 sub-conductors for transmission
voltages from 400 kV to 1200 kV, and up to 12 or even 18 for higher voltages
which are not yet commercially in operation. We will briefly describe the
mechanism causing these types of vibrations and the problems created by them.
When a conductor is under tension and a comparatively steady wind blows across
it, small vortices are formed on the leeward side called Karman Vortices (which
were first observed on aircraft wings). These vortices detach themselves and when
they do alternately from the top and bottom they cause a minute vertical force on
the conductor. The frequency of the forces is given by the accepted formula
F = 2.065 v/d, Hz ...(1.5)
where v = component of wind velocity normal to the conductor in km/ hour, and d
= diameter of conductor in centimetres. [The constant factor of equation (1.5)
becomes 3.26 when v is in mph and d in inches.]
The resulting oscillation or vibrational forces cause fatigue of conductor and
supporting structure and are known as aeolian vibrations. The frequency of
detachment of the Karman vortices might correspond to one of the natural
mechanical frequencies of the span, which if not damped properly, can build up
and destroy individual strands of the conductor at points of restraint such as at
supports or at bundle spacers. They also give rise to wave effects in which the
vibration travels along the conductor suffering reflection at discontinuities at points
of different mechanical characteristics. Thus, there is associated with them a
mechanical impedance.
Dampers are designed on this property and provide suitable points of
negative reflection to reduce the wave amplitudes. Aeolian vibrations are not
observed at wind velocities in excess of 25 km/hour. They occur principally in
terrains which do not disturb the wind so that turbulence helps to reduce aeolian
vibrations. In a bundle of 2 conductors, the amplitude of vibration is less than for a
single conductor due to some cancellation effect through the bundle spacer. This
occurs when the conductors are not located in a vertical plane which is normally
the case in practice. The conductors are located in nearly a horizontal plane. But
with more than 2 conductors in a bundle, conductors are located in both planes.
Dampers such as the Stockbridge type or other types help to damp the vibrations in
the subspans connected to them, namely the end sub-spans, but there are usually
two or three sub-spans in the middle of the span which are not protected by these
dampers provided only at the towers.
Flexible spacers are generally provided which may or may not be designed
to offer damping. In cases where they are purposely designed to damp the sub-span
oscillations, they are known as spacer-dampers. Since the aeolian vibration
depends upon the power imparted by the wind to the conductor, measurements
under controlled conditions in the laboratory are carried out in wind tunnels.The
frequency of vibration is usually limited to 20 Hz and the amplitudes less than 2.5
1.6.3 Galloping
The conductor oscillates at frequencies between 0.1 and 1 Hz. Galloping is
controlled by using "detuning pendulums" which take the form of weights applied
at different locations on the span. Galloping may not be a problem in a hot country
like India where temperatures are normally above freezing in winter. But in hilly
tracts in the North, the temperatures may dip to below the freezing point. When the
ice loosens from the conductor, it brings another oscillatory motion called
Whipping but is not present like galloping during only winds.
When the wind energy imparted to the conductor achieves a balance with the
energy dissipated by the vibrating conductor, steady amplitudes for the oscillations
occur. A damping device helps to achieve this balance at smaller amplitudes of
aeolian vibrations than an undamped conductor. A simpler form of damper is
called the Armour Rod, which is a set of wires twisted around the line conductor at
the insulator supporting conductor and hardware, and extending for about 5 metres
on either side. This is used for small conductors to provide a change in mechanical
impedance. But for heavier conductors, weights must be used, such as the
Stockbridge, which range from 5 kg for conductors of 2.5 cm diameter to 14 kg for
4.5 cm. Because of the steel strands inside them ACSR conductors have better
built-in property against oscillations than ACAR conductors.
The factor 1.05 accounts for the twist or lay whereby the strand length is increased
by 5%
Bundled conductors are exclusively used for e.h.v. transmission lines. Only one
line in the world, that of the Bonneville Power Administration in the U.S.A., has
used a special expanded ACSR conductor of 2.5 inch diameter for their 525 kV
line. Fig. 1.2 shows examples of conductor configurations used for each phase of
ac lines or each pole of a dc line.
Fig. 1.3 shows several examples of line configuration used in various parts of the
world. They range from single-circuit (S/C) 400 kV lines to proposed 1200 kV
lines. Double-circuit (D/C) lines are not very common, but will come into practice
to save land for the line corridor. As pointed out in chapter 2, one 750 kV circuit
can transmit as much power as 4-400 kV circuits and in those countries where
technology for 400 kV level exists there is a tendency to favour the four-circuit
400 kV line instead of using the higher voltage level.
This will save on import of equipment from other countries and utilize the
know-how of one's own country. This is a National Policy and will not be
discussed further.
Fig. 1.3 E.h.v. line configurations used.
Fig. 1.4 Round conductor with internal and external flux linkages.
Figure 1.4 shows a round conductor carrying a current I. We first investigate the
flux linkage experienced by it due, up to a distance x, to its own current, and then
extend it to two conductors. The conductor for the present is assumed round and
solid, and the current is also assumed to be uniformly distributed with a constant
value for current density J = I/pr2. There are two components to the flux linkage:
(1) flux internal to the conductor up to r; and (2) flux external to the conductor
from r up to x.
At a radius y inside the conductor, Ampere's circuital law gives H.dl= current
enclosed. With a uniform current density J, the current enclosed up to radius y is Iy
= y2I/r2. This gives,
Consider an annular volume at y, thickness dy, and one metre length of conductor.
Its volume is (2πy.dy.1) and the energy stored is
decreases with frequency, contrary to the behaviour of resistance. The equation for
the inductive reactance is (W.D. Stevenson, 2nd Ed.)
The use of Symmetrical Components for analysing 3-phase problems has made it
possible to solve very extensive network problems. It depends upon obtaining
mutually-independent quantities from the original phase quantities that have
mutual interaction. Following this concept, we will now resolve the inductances,
capacitances, charges, potentials etc., into independent quantities by a general
method. This procedure will be used for many types of excitations other than
power-frequency later on. The basis for such transformations is to impress suitable
driving functions and obtain the resulting responses.
Voltage Gradients of Conductors
Conductors used for e.h.v. transmission lines are thin long cylinders which are
known as 'line charges'. The problems created by charges on the conductors
manifest themselves as high electrostatic field in the line vicinity from power
frequency to TV frequencies through audio frequency, carrier frequency and radio
frequency (PF, AF, CF, TVF). The attenuation of travelling waves is also governed
in some measure by the increase in capacitance due to corona discharges which
surround the space near the conductor with charges. When the macroscopic
properties of the electric field are studied, the conductor charge is assumed to be
concentrated at its centre, even though the charge is distributed on the surface. In
certain problems where proximity of several conductors affects the field
distribution, or where conducting surfaces have to be forced to become
equipotential surfaces (in two dimensions) in the field of several charges it is
important to replace the given set of charges on the conductors with an infinite set
of charges. This method is known as the Method of Successive Images. In addition
to the electric-field properties of long cylinders, there are other types of important
electrode configurations useful for extra high voltage practice in the field and in
laboratories. Examples of this type are sphere-plane gaps, sphere-to-sphere gaps,
point-to-plane gaps, rod-to-plane gaps, rod-rod gaps, conductor-to-tower gaps,
conductorto- conductor gap above a ground plane, etc. Some of these types of gaps
will also be dealt with in this chapter which may be used for e.h.v. measurement,
protection, and other functions.The coaxial-cylindrical electrode will also be
discussed in great detail because of its importance in corona studies where the
bundle of N sub-conductors is strung inside a 'cage' to simulate the surface voltage
gradient on the conductors in a setup which is smaller in dimensions than an actual
outdoor transmission line.
sphere-gap problem also illustrates the method of successive images used in
Figure 2.1 shows two spheres of radii R separated by a centre-centre distance of S,
with one sphere at zero potential (usually grounded) and the other held at a
potential V. Since both spheres are metallic, their surfaces are equi potentials. In
order to achieve this, it requires a set of infinite number of charges, positive inside
the left sphere at potential V and negative inside the right which is held at zero
potential. The magnitude and position of these charges will be determined from
which the voltage gradient resulting on the surfaces of the sphere on a line joining
the centres can be determined. If this exceeds the critical disruptive voltage, a
spark break-down will occur. The voltage required is the breakdown voltage.
Consider two point charges Q1 and Q2 located with a separation D, Figure 2.2. At
a point P(x, y) with coordinates measured from Q1, the potentials are as follows:
Potential at P due to Q1
Potential at P due to Q2
Figure 2.3 shows a line charge of q coulomb/metre and we will calculate the
electric field strength, potential, etc., in the vicinity of the conductor. First, enclose
the line charge by a Gaussian cylinder, a cylinder of radius r and length 1 metre.
On the flat surfaces the field will not have an outward normal component since for
an element of charge dq located at S, there can be found a corresponding charge
located at S' whose fields (force exerted on a positive test charge) on the flat
surface F will yield only a radial component. The components parallel to the line
charge will cancel each other out. Then, by Gauss's Law, if Ep = field strength
normal to the curved surface at distance r from the conductor,
In the case of a line charge, the potential of a point in the field with respect to
infinity cannot be defined as was done for a point charge because of logarithmic
term. However, we can find the p.d. between two points at distances r1 and r2,
(p.d. between r1 and r2) = (p.d. between r1 and r0) – (p.d. between r2 and
In the field of a positive line charge, points nearer the charge will be at a higher
positive potential than points farther away (r2 > r1).
The potential (p.d. between two points, one of them being taken as reference r0) in
the field of a line charge is logarithmic. Equipotential lines are circles. In a
practical situation, the charge distribution of a transmission line is closed, there
being as much positive charge as negative.
Fig. 2.4. L and C of 750 kV horizontal line.
Corona Effects
The average power-handling capacity of a 3-phase e.h.v. line and percentage loss
due to I 2R heating were discussed. Representative values are given below for
comparison purposes.
When compared to the I2R heating loss, the average corona losses on several lines
from 345 kV to 750 kV gave 1 to 20 kW/km in fair weather, the higher values
referring to higher voltages. In foul-weather, the losses can go up to 300 kW/km.
Since, however, rain does not fall all through the year (an average is 3 months of
precipitation in any given locality) and precipitation does not cover the entire line
length, the corona loss in kW/km cannot be compared to I2R loss directly.
A reasonable estimate is the yearly average loss which amounts to roughly2
kW/km to 10 kW/km for 400 km lines, and 20-40 kW/km for 800 km range since
usually higher voltages are necessary for the longer lines. Therefore, cumulative
annual average corona loss amounts only to 10% of I2R loss, on the assumption of
continuous full load carried. With load factors of 60 to 70%, the corona loss will be
a slightly higher percentage. Nonetheless, during rainy months, the generating
station has to supply the heavy corona loss and in some cases it has been the
experience that generating stations have been unable to supply full rated load to the
transmission line. Thus, corona loss is a very serious aspect to be considered in line
When a line is energized and no corona is present, the current is a pure sine
wave and capacitive. It leads the voltage by 90°, as shown in Figure 3.1(a).
However, when corona is present, it calls for a loss component and a typical
waveform of the total current is as shown in Figure 3.1 (b). When the two
components are separated, the resulting inphase component has a waveform which
is not purely sinusoidal, Figure 3.1 (c). It is still a current at power frequency, but
only the fundamental component of this distorted current can result in power loss.
Fig. 3.1 Corona current waveform.
Pc α V – Vo
(ii) Quadratic relationship
(a) Peek's formula (1911):
Pc α (V – Vo)2
(b) Ryan and Henline formula (1924):
Pc α V (V – Vo)
(c) Peterson's formula (1933) :
Pc α V2. F (V/Vo)
where F is an experimental factor.
(iii) Cubic Relationship
Pc α V2 (V – Vo)
B. Those Based on Voltage Gradients
(a) Nigol and Cassan formula (1961):
Pc α E2 In (E/Eo)
(b) Project EHV formula (1966):
Pc α V. Em, m = 5
In order to obtain corona-loss figures from e.h.v. conductor configurations, outdoor
experimental projects are established in countries where such lines will be strung.
The resulting measured values pertain to individual cases which depend on local
climatic conditions existing at the projects. It is therefore difficult to make a
general statement concerning which formula or loss figures fit coronal losses
The partial discharge of air around a line conductor is the process of creation and
movement of charged particles and ions in the vicinity of a conductor under the
applied voltage and field. We shall consider a simplified picture for conditions
occurring when first the voltage is passing through the negative half-cycle and next
the positive half-cycle, as shown in Figure 3.2.
In Figure 3.2(a), free electrons near the negative conductor when repelled can
acquire sufficient energy to form an electron avalanche. The positive ions (a
neutral molecule which has lost an electron) are attracted towards the negative
conductor while the electrons drift into lower fields to attach themselves to neutral
atoms or molecules of Nitrogen and Oxygen to form negative ions. Some
recombination could also take place. The energy imparted for causing initial
ionization by collision is supplied by the electric field. During the positive half
cycle, the negative ions are attracted towards the conductor, but because of local
conditions not all ions drift back to the conductor. A space charge is left behind
and the hysteresis effect gives rise to the energy loss. Furthermore, because of the
presence of charged particles, the effective charge of the conductor ground
electrode system is increased giving rise to an increase in effective capacitance.
This can be interpreted in an alternative manner by assuming that the conductor
diameter is effectively increased by the conducting channel up to a certain extent
where the electric field intensity decreases to a value equal to that required for
further ionization, namely, the corona-inception gradient, Figure 3.2(c).
When corona is present on the conductors, e.h.v. lines generate audible noise
which is especially high during foul weather. The noise is broadband, which
extends from very low frequency to about 20 kHz. Corona discharges generate
positive and negative ions which are alternately attracted and repelled by the
periodic reversal of polarity of the ac excitation. Their movement gives rise to
sound-pressure waves at frequencies of twice the power frequency and its
multiples, in addition to the broadband spectrum which is the result of random
motions of the ions, as shown in Figure 3.3. The noise has a pure tone
superimposed on the broadband noise. Due to differences in ionic motion between
ac and dc excitations, dc lines exhibit only a broad bandnoise, and furthermore,
unlike for ac lines, the noise generated from a dc line is nearly equal in both fair
and foul weather conditions. Since audible noise (AN) is man-made, it is measured
in the same manner as other types of man-made noise such as aircraft noise,
automobile ignition noise, transformer hum, etc.
Fig. 3.3 Audible Noise frequency spectra from ac and dc transmission lines.
Audible noise can become a serious problem from 'psycho-acoustics' point of view,
leading to insanity due to loss of sleep at night to inhabitants residing close to an
e.h.v. line. This problem came into focus in the 1960's with the energization of 500
kV lines in the USA. Regulatory bodies have not as yet fixed limits to AN from
power transmission lines since such regulations do not exist for other man-made
sources of noise. The problem is left as a social one which has to be settled by
public opinion.
when ambient noise is high, cannot be tolerated during sleeping hours of the night
when little or no ambient noises are present.
Fig. 3.4 Formation of pulse train from positive polarity conductor.
The situation when the conductor is negative with respect to ground is the reverse
of that described above. The electron avalanche moves away from the conductor
while the positive-ion cloud moves towards the negatively-charged conductor.
However, since the heavy positive-ions are moving into progressively higher
electric fields, their motion is very rapid which gives rise to a much sharper pulse
than a positive pulse. Similarly, the lighter electrons move rapidly away from the
conductor and the electric field near the conductor regains its original value for the
next pulse generation quicker than for the positive case. Therefore, negative pulses
are smaller in amplitude, have much smaller rise and fall times but much higher
repetition rates than positive pulses. It must at once be evident that all the
properties of positive and negative pulses are random in nature and can only be
described through random variables.
Pulses are larger as the diameter of conductor increases because the reduction in
electric field strength as one moves away from the conductor is not as steep as for
a smaller conductor so that conditions for longer pulse duration are more favorable.
In very small wires, positive pulses can be absent and only a glow corona can
result, although negative pulses are present when they are known as Trichel Pulses
named after the first discoverer of the pulse-type discharge. Therefore, only
positive polarity pulses are important because of their larger amplitudes even
though their repetition rate is lower than negative pulses.
On a long line, there exist a very large number of points in corona and a noise
meter located in the vicinity of the line (usually at or near ground level) responds
to a train of pulses originating from them. The width of a single pulse is about 200
the noise is considered as impulsive. When pulses overlap, the noise is random.
Measurements indicate that from a long line, the RI frequency spectrum follows
Thus, at 0.5 MHz the noise is 6-9 dB higher than at 1 MHz, while at 2 MHz
it is 6–9 dB lower. In practice, these are the adders suggested to convert measured
noise at any frequency to 1 MHz level. The frequency spectrum is therefore very
important in order to convert noise levels measured at one frequency to another.
This happens when powerful station signal interferes with noise measurements
from a line so that measurements have to be carried out at a frequency at which no
broadcast station is radiating.
The frequency spectrum from corona generated line noise is nearly fixed in
its characteristic so that any deviation from it as measured on a noise meter is an
indication of sources other than the line, which is termed "back ground noise". In
case a strong source of noise is present nearby, which is usually a factory with
motors that are sparking or a broken insulator on the tower, this can be easily
recognized since these usually yield high noise levels up to 30 MHz and their
frequency spectrum is relatively flat.
The most important aspect of line design from interference point of view is the
choice of conductor size, number of sub-conductors in bundle, line height, and
phase spacing. Next in importance is the fixing of the width of line corridor for
purchase of land for the right-of-way. The lateral decrement of radio noise
measured at ground level as one moves away from the line has the profile sketched
in Fig. 3.5. It exhibits a characteristic double hump within the space between the
conductors and then decreases monotonically as the meter is moved away from the
outer phase.
Receiver should be located within the distance d0 from the outer phase or dc
from the line centre. Therefore, it becomes essential to measure or to be able to
calculate at design stages the lateral profile very accurately from a proposed line in
order to advise regulatory bodies on the location of receivers. In practice, many
complaints are heard from the public who experience interference to radio
broadcasts if the line is located too close to their homesteads when the power
company routes an e.h.v. line wrongly. In such cases, it is the engineer's duty to
recommend remedies and at times appear as witness in judicial courts to testify on
the facts of a case.
Fig. 3.5 Lateral profile of RI at ground level for fixing width of right-of-way of
for the radio-frequency energy on the multi-conductor line. This is the basis for
determining the expected noise profile from a chosen conductor size and line
configuration in un-transposed and fully-transposed condition. We consider 6
preliminary cases of charge distribution on the line conductors after which we will
combine these suitably for evaluating the total noise level of a line. In all these
cases, the problem is to calculate the field strength at the location of a noise meter
when the r-f charge distribution is known.
Here, we consider the vertical component of ground-level field intensity
which can be related to the horizontal component of magnetic field intensity by the
characteristic impedance of free space. We restrict our attention to horizontal 3-
phase line for the present. In every case, only the magnitude is of concern.
With the advent of voltages higher than 750 kV, the number of sub conductors
used in a bundle has become more than 4 so that the CIGRE formula does not
apply. Moreover, very little experience of RI levels of 750 kV lines were available
when the CIGRE formula was evolved, as compared to the vast experience with
lines for 230 kV, 345 kV, 400 kV and 500 kV. Several attempts were made since
the 1950's to evolve a rational method for predicting the RI level of a line at the
design stages before it is actually built when all the important line parameters are
varied. These are the conductor diameter, number of sub-conductors, bundle
spacing or bundle radius, phase spacing, line height, line configuration (horizontal
or delta), and the weather variables. The most important concept resulting from
such an attempt in recent years is the "Excitation Function" or the "Generating
Function" of corona current injected at a given radio frequency in unit bandwidth
into the conductor. This quantity is determined experimentally from measurements
carried out with short lengths of conductor strung inside a cylindrical or
rectangular cage.
Consider Fig. 3.6 which shows a source of corona at S located at a distance x
from one end of a line of length L. According to the method using the Excitation
Function to predict the RI level with given dimensions and conductor geometry,
the corona source at S on the conductor generates an excitation function I measured
in mA/ m. The line has a surge impedance Z0 so that r-f power generated per unit
length of line is
E = I2Z0
Fig. 3.6 The excitation function and its propagation on line for RI calculation.
Under rain, a uniform energy or power per unit bandwidth is generated so that in a
differentiallength dx, the power generated is (E.dx). In this method, we calculate
the RI level under rain first and deduct 17 dB to obtain fair-weather RI. This power
will split equally in two directions and travel along the line to reach the point P at a
distance (y–x) from the source S. In doing so, it will attenuate to the value e-2a( y-x) ,
where a = attenuation factor for voltage in Nepers per unit length. Therefore, the
total energy received at P due to all sources to the left of P will be
Similarly, the energy received at P due to all sources to its right will be
For a line of finite length, repeated reflections occur from the ends, but for a very
long line these are not of consequence. Also, unless the point P is located very
close to the ends, the exponential terms can be neglected. Therefore, the total r-f
energy received at P will be
Ep = E/2a
which shows that all points on a long line receive the same r-f energy when the
corona generation is uniform.
The interference to AM broadcast in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 1.6 MHz is
measured in terms of the three quantities : Radio Interference Field Intensity (RIFI
or RI), the Radio Influence Voltage (RIV), and more recently through the
Excitation Function. Their units are mV/m, mV, and mA/ m or the decibel values
above their reference values of 1 unit (mV /m, mV,mA / m). The nuisance value
for radio reception is governed by a quantity or level which is nearly equal to the
peak value of the quantity and termed the Quasi Peak. A block diagram of a radio
noise meter is shown in Fig. 3.7. The input to the meter is at radio frequency (r-f)
which is amplified and fed to a mixer.
The rest of the circuit works exactly the same as a highly sensitive super
heterodyne radio receiver, However, at the IF output stage, a filter with 5 kHz or 9
kHz bandwidth is present whose output is detected by the diode D. Its output
charges a capacitance C through a low resistance Rc such that the charging time
constant Tc = Rc C = 1 ms. A second resistance Rd is in parallel with C which is
arranged to give a time constant Td = Rd C = 600 ms in ANSI meters and 160 ms
in CISPR or European standard meters. Field tests have shown that there is not
considerable difference in the output when comparing both time constants for line-
generated corona noise. The voltage across the capacitor can either be read as a
current through the discharge resistor Rd or a micro-voltmeter connected across it.
terminated in a capacitance Cc at one end in series with resistances R1 and Rc,
while the other end is left open. The conductor is strung with strain insulator at
both ends which can be considered to offer a very high impedance at 1MHz so that
there is an open-termination. But this must be checked experimentally in situ. The
coupling capacitor has negligible reactance at r-f so that the termination at the
measuring end is nearly equal to (R1 + Rc), where Rc = surge impedance of the
cable to the noise meter. The resistance Rc is also equal to the input impedance of
the noise meter.
Fig. 3.8 Cage setups for measuring excitation function with measuring circuit.
Electrostatic Fields
The method of calculating the electrostatic charges on the phase conductors from
line dimensions and voltage. For n phases, this is, see Fig. 4.1, with q = total
bundle charge and V = line to ground voltage.
The use of e.h.v. lines is increasing danger of the high e.s. field to (a) human
beings, (b) animals, (c) plant life, (d) vehicles, (e) fences, and (f) buried pipe lines
under and near these lines. when an object is located under or near a line, the field
is disturbed, the degree of distortion depending upon the size of the object. It is a
matter of some difficulty to calculate the characteristics of the distorted field, but
measurements and experience indicate that the effect of the distorted field can be
related to the magnitude of the undistorted field. A case-by-case study must be
made if great accuracy is needed to observe the effect of the distorted field. The
limits for the undistorted field will be discussed here in relation to the danger it
The effect of high e.s. field on human beings has been studied to a much greater
extent than on any other animals or objects because of its grave and shocking
effects which has resulted in loss of life. A farmer ploughing his field by a tractor
and having an umbrella over his head for shade will be charged by corona resulting
from pointed spikes. The vehicle is also charged when it is stopped under a
transmission line traversing his field. When he gets off the vehicle and touches a
grounded object, he will discharge himself through his body which is a pure
resistance of about 2000 ohms. The discharge current when more than the let-go
current can cause a shock and damage to brain. It has been ascertained
experimentally that the limit for the undisturbed field is 15 kV/m, r.m.s., for human
beings to experience possible shock. An e.h.v. or u.h.v. line must be designed such
that this limit is not exceeded. The minimum clearance of a line is the most
important governing factor. As an example, the B.P.A. of the U.S.A. have selected
the maximum e.s. field gradient to be 9 kV/m at 1200 kV for their 1150 kV line
and in order to do so used a minimum clearance at midspan of 23.2 m whereas they
could have selected 17.2 m based on clearance required for switching-surge
insulation recommended by the National Electrical Safety Council.
(b) Animals
Experiments carried out in cages under e.h.v. lines have shown that pigeons and
hens are affected by high e.s. field at about 30 kV/m. They are unable to pick up
grain because of chattering of their beaks which will affect their growth. Other
animals get a charge on their bodies and when they proceed to a water trough to
drink water, a spark usually jumps from their nose to the grounded pipe or trough.
Plants such as wheat, rice, sugarcane, etc., suffer the following types of damage. At
a field strength of 20 kV/m (r.m.s.), the sharp edges of the stalk give corona
discharges so that damage occurs to the upper portion of the grain-bearing parts.
However, the entire plant does not suffer damage. At 30 kV/m , the by-products of
corona, namely ozone and N 2O become intense. The resistance heating due to
increased current prevents full growth of the plant and grain. Thus, 20 kV/m can be
considered as the limit and again the safe value for a human beinggoverns line
(d) Vehicles
Vehicles parked under a line or driving through acquire electrostatic charge if their
tyres are made of insulating material. If parking lots are located under a line, the
minimum recommended safe clearance is 17 m for 345 kV and 20 m for 400 kV
lines. Trucks and lorries will require an extra 3 m clearance. The danger lies in a
human being attempting to open the door and getting a shock thereby.
(e) Others
Fences, buried cables, and pipe lines are important pieces of equipment to require
careful layout. Metallic fences parallel to a line must be grounded preferably every
75 m. Pipelines longer than 3 km and larger than 15 cm in diameter are
recommended to be buried at least 30 m laterally from the line centre to avoid
dangerous eddy currents that could cause corrosion. Sail boats, rain gutters and
insulated walls of nearby houses are also subjects of potential danger. The danger
of ozone emanation and harm done to sensitive tissues of a human being at high
electric fields can also be included in the category of damage to human beings
living near e.h.v. lines.
On an electrical transmission line, the voltages, currents, power and energy flow
from the source to a load located at a distance L, propagating as electro-magnetic
waves with a finite velocity. Hence, it takes a short time for the load to receive the
power. This gives rise to the concept of a wave travelling on the line which has
distributed line parameters r, l, g, c per unit length. The current flow is governed
mainly by the load impedance, the line-charging current at power frequency and
the voltage. If the load impedance is not matched with the line impedance, which
will be explained later on, some of the energy transmitted by the source is not
absorbed by the load and is reflected back to the source which is a wasteful
However, since the load can vary from no load (infinite impedance) to rated value,
the load impedance is not equal to the line impedance always; therefore, there
always exist transmitted waves from the source and reflected waves from the load
end. At every point on the intervening line, these two waves are present and the
resulting voltage or current is equal to the sum of the transmitted and reflected
quantities. The polarity of voltage is the same for both but the directions of current
are opposite so that the ratio of voltage to current will be positive for the
transmitted wave and negative for the reflected wave. These can be explained
mathematically and have great significance for determining the characteristics of
load flow along distributed parameter line.
The same phenomenon can be visualized through standing waves. For example,
consider an open-ended line on which the voltage must exist with maximum
amplitude at the open end while it must equal the source voltage at the sending end
which may have a different amplitude and phase. For 50 Hz, at light velocity of
300 × 103 km/sec, the wavelength is 6000 km, so that a line of length L
corresponds to an angle of (L × 360°/6000). With a load current present, an
additional voltage caused by the voltage drop in the characteristic impedance is
also present which will stand on the line. These concepts will be explained in detail
by first considering a loss-less line (r = g = 0) and then for a general case of a line
with losses present.
Voltage Control
the correct phase, torques up to 10 times the break away or ultimate strength of the
shaft can be reached resulting in shaft damage. This phenomenon of
electromechanical interaction between electrical resonant circuits of the
transmission system and the torsional natural frequencies of the T-G rotor is
known as "Sub-Synchronous Resonance", and designated SSR.
The phenomenon of SSR has been studied very extensively since 1970
when a major transmission network in the U.S. experienced shaft failure to its T-G
unit with series compensation in the 500 kV lines. This has now gone into
technical literature as a classic problem and known as Project Navajo. The
phenomenon, however, had been known to exist for a few years according to many
experts who predicted such a phenomenon in series compensated lines connected
to T-G units. As a result of extensive study of Project Navajo, countermeasures to
combat the SSR problem have been designed and are operating successfully.
The SSR failure must therefore be considered as one of the governing
factors in design of series compensated lines when they are used for evacuating
power from large thermal power stations. The combined cost of series-capacitor
installation and the countermeasures is lower than the cost of additional
transmission lines required when no series-compensation is used. Three distinct
problems have been identified in SSR problem which are called
1. Induction Generator Effect,
2. Torsional Interaction, and
3. Transient Torque Problem.
The first two are known as steady-state problems while the last one occurs when
system conditions change due to short-circuits and switching operations.