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HV Unit1

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High Voltage Engineering


In modern times, high voltages are used for a wide variety of applications like the power systems, industry, and research laboratories such as in nuclear research, in particle accelerators, and Van de Graaff generators. For transmission of large bulks of power over long distances, high voltages are indispensable. Also, voltages up to 100 kV are used in electrostatic precipitators, in automobile ignition coils, etc. X-ray equipment for medical and industrial applications also uses high voltages. Modern high voltage test laboratories employ voltages up to 6 MV or more. A high-voltage, direct current (HV) electric power transmission system uses direct current for the bulk transmission of electrical power, in contrast with the more common alternating current systems. For long-distance distribution, HV systems are less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses. For shorter distances, the higher cost of DC conversion equipment compared to an AC system may be warranted where other benefits of direct current links are useful.

High ac voltage of one million volts or even more are required for testing power apparatus rated for extra high transmission voltages (400KV system and above).
High impulse voltages are required testing purposes to simulate over voltages that occur in power systems due to lighting or switching surges. Main concern of high voltages is for the insulation testing of various components in power system for different types of voltages namely power frequency, ac high frequency, switching or lightning impulses. Voltages upto 100KV are used in electrostatic precipitators. Expansion of transmission systems has led to the development of Flexible A.C. Transmission Systems (FACTS) which are based on newly developing highpower electronic devices such as GTOs and IGBTs. Examples of FACTS systems include Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors and STATCOMS. The FACTS devices improve the utilization of a transmission system by increasing power transfer capability.

Advantages of very high voltages for transmission

1) Reduces volume of conductor material: We know that I = P/(3 * V*Cos ) But R = L / a Where = resistivity of transmission line L = length of transmission line in meters A = area of cross section of conductor material Hence Total Power Loss, W = 3 I2 * R = 3 (P/(3 * V*Cos )) 2 * L / a A = P2 L / (W V2 Cos2 ) Therefore Total Volume of conductor = 3 * area * length = 3 * P2 L2 / (W V2Cos2 ) From the above equation, the volume of conductor material is inversely proportional to the square of the transmission voltage. In other words, the greater the transmission voltage , lesser is the conductor material required.

2) Increases Transmission efficiency: Input power = P + total losses = P + P2 L / ( V2 Cos2 a) Let J be the current density, therefore a = I/ J Then input power = P + P2 L J / (V2 Cos2 ) * 1/I Transmission efficiency = Output Power / Input Power = P / (P * 1+3 J L/ V cos +) Since J,L are constants, therefore transmissions efficiency increases when line voltage is increased. 3) Decrease percentage line drop: Line drop = IR = I * L / a = I * L * J/I = L J % line drop = J L / V * 100 As J, and L are constants, therefore percentage line drop decreases when the transmission voltage increases.

a number of applications HV is more effective than AC transmission. Examples include: Undersea cables, where high capacitance causes additional AC losses. (e.g., 250 kmBaltic Cable between Sweden and Germany, the 600 km NorNed cable between Norway and the Netherlands, and 290 km Basslink between the Australian Mainland and Tasmania) Endpoint-to-endpoint long-haul bulk power transmission without intermediate 'taps', for example, in remote areas Increasing the capacity of an existing power grid in situations where additional wires are difficult or expensive to install Power transmission and stabilization between unsynchronised AC distribution systems Connecting a remote generating plant to the distribution grid, for example Nelson River Bipole

Stabilizing a predominantly AC power-grid, without increasing prospective short circuit current Reducing line cost. HV needs fewer conductors as there is no need to support multiple phases. Also, thinner conductors can be used since HV does not suffer from the skin effect Facilitate power transmission between different countries that use AC at differing voltages and/or frequencies Synchronize AC produced by renewable energy sources
HV can carry more power per conductor because, for a given power rating, the constant voltage in a DC line is lower than the peak voltage in an AC line. In AC power, the root mean square (RMS) voltage measurement is considered the standard, but RMS is only about 71% of the peak voltage. The peak voltage of AC determines the actual insulation thickness and conductor spacing. Because DC operates at a constant maximum voltage, this allows existing transmission line corridors with equally sized conductors and insulation to carry 100% more power into an area of high power consumption than AC, which can lower costs.

Application of High Voltage Engineering in Industry

Electrostatics is currently found at the basis of many major industries related to environment preservation, communications, processing of mineral ore resources, and so on. In the majority of these industries, the unique properties of highvoltage electrostatic fields and forces are utilized to collect, direct, deposit, separate, or select very small or lightweight particles. electrostatic precipitation, electrostatic separation, electrostatic painting, electrostatic spraying of pesticides in orchards, electrostatic imaging, electrostatic printing, electret transducers, transport of light materials, paper manufacture, smoke detection, electrostatic spinning, electrostatic pumping, electrostatic propulsion, air cleaning from gaseous pollutants, ozone generation, and biomedical applications.

Electrostatic precipitation
Electrostatic precipitation is essentially the charging of dust particles in a gas and their subsequent separation under the effect of the electric field These processes may occur within a single zone or be distributed over two zones, where the first zone-the charging zone-is intended to charge the particles, and the second zone-the collecting zone-is designed to settle the particles. The stream of ions charging the dust particles is produced by means of a corona discharge in an inhomogeneous electric field.

These ions interact with the particulates entrained in the gas and impart charge to the dust, which then experiences a force towards the collecting electrode where it is held by electrostatic forces until it is removed by mechanical rapping (Fig. 19.1).

Two systems of electrodes are used in electrostatic precipitators to obtain an inhomogeneous electric field: a wire conductor enclosed in a cylindrical pipe (pipe-type precipitators), or a row of wire conductors located between plates (plate- or duct-type precipitators). The electrodes around which a corona discharge is formed are termed the discharge electrodes, whereas the electrodes receiving the charged dust particles, deposited by the action of the electric field, are the collecting electrodes.

Figure 19.2 displays schematically the charging of dust particles in a precipitator. The particles are charged as a result of bombardment by ions energized in the electric field, for particles larger than 1 pm, and through collision with ions which participate in the continuous thermal motion of molecules without the aid of an electric field, for particles in the sub-micron range.

A dust cake on a collecting electrode consists of only 10-50% dust, depending on the size of the particles, the remaining part being channels (cracks) filled with gas. Because of a difference in the values of relative permittivities of dust and gas, the lines of electric field concentrate inside the channels (Fig. 19.3).

When the voltage is high, an electric breakdown takes place across the dust cake, and the gas inside the channels is ionized. The outlet of each channel acts then as a point discharge on the collecting electrode. This phenomenon is termed back corona .
High resistivity particles cause back corona to be formed in the precipitated layer and this has a number of deleterious effects.

The most significant is the release of ions which move countercurrent with respect to the dust particles and partly neutralize their charges, so that dust collection is adversely affected and current intensity" in the precipitator greatly increases.
This is in addition to a reduction in the sparkover voltage, which consequently reduces the precipitator's performance. Pulse charging was proposed as an alternative solution to back discharge. A train of pulses, usually superimposed on a DC level value, provides a high peak electric field for particle charging. However, the mean collector current in this case depends not only on the peak voltage but also on the pulse duty cycle.

In this way the voltage and current can be decoupled by changing the mark/space ratio of the applied pulses, and high charging fields can be established without back discharge. Pulse charging can produce a uniform distribution of ionic current on both the discharge and collecting electrodes

The disadvantage of pulse charging is the ion shortage that occurs when the current must be lowered extremely to cope with high dust resistivity.
This results in a low charging rate which impairs the performance even if back discharge is avoided. To overcome this shortcoming, prechargers have been proposed. The fundamental aim of all precharger systems is to separate the charging and collecting processes into two separate stages. In the charging stage, different techniques are used to eliminate or reduce the effects of back corona, whereas the collecting stage is similar for all prechargers and comprises only parallel plates so that no back corona can be formed. Different types of precharger have been developed and tested at pilot-scale stage, including the tri-electrode charger, high-intensity charger, boxer charger, and cold-pipe charger Precipitator efficiency can reach or even exceed 99%, depending on several design parameters, including the dimensions and geometry of the gas duct, gas temperature and velocity, average size and resistivity of the particulates, and corona discharge intensity.

Electrostatic Separation
Electrostatic separation is the selective sorting of solid species by means of utilizing forces acting on these species in an electric field. The main items of the separator are a charging mechanism in the charging zone, an external electric field in the separating zone, and a feeding and product collection system. The charging of two different species entering the separating zone results in: (a) particles bear electric charges of opposite sign; or (b) only one type of particle bears an electric charge; or (c) particles bear the same sign of charge, but the magnitude of the electric charge is significantly different. Although there are many ways to charge solid particles, the most common mechanisms are as follows. 1. Charging by contact and frictional electrification is the mechanism most frequently used to selectively charge and electrostatically separate two species of different materials such as phosphate and quartz. The ore, composed of small particles of quartz and phosphate, is vibrated on its way from the hopper to the forming chute (Fig. 19.4a)

Phosphate particles enter the separating zone with a net positive charge while the quartz particles bear a net negative charge. A coal beneficiation system has been developed on the basis of electrostatic separation, where the external field in the separating zone deflects the coal-rich and ash-rich particles in opposite directions towards the collecting-plate compartments.

2. Charging by ion or electron bombardment is used, in which solid particles pass through a corona discharge from a fine wire or a series of needle points positioned parallel to a grounded rotor of the separator.
The particles are charged by bombardment with the corona ions. The charged particles rapidly share their charge with the grounded rotor and are thrown from the rotor in a trajectory determined by centrifugal force, gravity, and air resistance. The dielectric or poorly conducting particles lose their charge slowly and are thus held to the surface of the rotor by the image force associated with their surface charge. The well conducting particles are thrown free of the rotor by a combination of centrifugal force and gravity (Fig. 19.4b).

3. Charging by conductive induction is a charging mechanism suitable for separating well conducting particles from well insulating particles. A grounded rotor is located close to a positive drum (Fig. 19.4c). When conductive particles coming from the hopper pass over the rotor they become negatively charged and attracted toward the positive drum. However, insulating particles fall down by gravity.

This is a kind of electrostatic precipitation of powder or liquid paint on the surface of an object to be coated (or painted)

Electrostatic Painting

In liquid paint, a liquid jet issues from the reservoir and extends along the axis of a concentric charging cylinder where a potential V is applied between the jet and the cylinder. The jet charges and breaks up into charged droplets while it is in the cylinder. The electric field plus space charge effects between the jet and the grounded object deposit the paint droplets on the surface of the object to be painted, not only on the front side but also on the back side of the object (Fig. 19.5).

In powder painting, the paint particles are charged by bombardment with corona ions moving under the influence of the prevailing electric field between the corona electrode and the object being grounded (Fig. 19.6). The paint precipitation stops at a certain thickness called the limiting thickness because of back discharge which results in craters that impair the quality of finished coat. In its simplest form, an electrostatic coating operation is visualized as taking place in the following manner. The object to be coated is grounded and supported so that its surface can be approached without obstruction.

The coating material, after being charged, is sprayed into the space above the surface in the form of finely divided particles. There is an attraction of the particles to the surface and, as a result, they move toward and accumulate on the surface to form the coating.

The various electrostatic coating applications are somewhat sophisticated modifications of this simple situation.
They differ from one another in the manner in which the particles are forced, the means by which they are charged, etc. Electrostatic painting is widely used in the continuous coating lines of automobiles, electric appliances, furniture, and so on

Electrostatic Printers
Many typewriters and computer line printers use so-called impact printing, i.e., characters are cast on metal type, which makes an impact on an ink ribbon to produce prints on paper. New requirements for performance and speed exceed the capabilities of most impact printing technologies. Electrostatic printing is an alternative method. Electrostatic printers are classified into ink-jet and ink-spray printers The printing ink is formed into macroscopic droplets which are imaged by electric field, external to the form (print surface). The form serves only as a receptor for the imaged ink droplets and, upon contact, a visible image is instantly produced. This technique is viable on standard forms (sheets of paper), and no image development or fixing is required. Electrostatic printers are usually known as nonimpact printers.

The ink-jet printing technique produces instantly visible images on standard forms by the electrostatic deflection of charged ink droplets into electrically programmable dot matrix patterns. This principle is analogous to the deflection of electrons in a cathode ray tube. The electrically conducting ink is forced through a nozzle to form a thin jet, which then breaks up into droplets under the influence of surface tension and the mechanical vibrations in the nozzle. At the point where droplets are forming, a high-voltage, field controlled by a computer is applied to the jet to give the newly formed droplets an electric charge related to the signal (Fig. 19.9). This is why the ink-jet printer is known as the charge modulation type of ink printer. The drops then move into a deflection region where a steady transverse electric field deflects them by an amount depending on their acquired charge. This deflection causes them to strike the print surface (usually a piece of paper) at different points, creating an image.

In the ink-spray printing technique, a reservoir containing the ink is pressurized at a low level (a few centimeters of water) sufficient to form a convex meniscus of ink at the opening of a vibrating nozzle but not high enough to cause an outflow of ink. The conductive ink, maintained at ground potential, is attracted by the electric field of the gate. When the electrostatic attraction force exceeds the surface tension of the meniscus, droplets are produced. Expressed in terns of potential V, the droplets are produced when the potential between the gate electrode and the meniscus is where y = ink surface tension, E = ink permittivity, d = nozzle orifice diameter, and I) = distance between orifice and gate. The droplets are accelerated and then imaged into the desired dot-matrix format by electrostatic deflection. Since the droplets are produced with a nearly uniform specific charge, programmable deflection is obtained by varying the magnitude of the deflection field. This is accomplished by electronically controlling the voltage applied to the deflection electrodes (Fig. 19.10).

This is why the ink-spray printer is known as the field-modulation type of ink printer. Two sets of electrodes are employed to obtain both horizontal and vertical deflection, to allow for printing on stationary forms. Since the droplets are very small they can be quickly accelerated and are able to produce high-quality hard copy much faster than electronic (impact) printers, There are commercially available electrostatic printers with capabilities of printing in excess of 30,000 lines/minute. With the current concern for noise from impact printers, electrostatic printers have a definite advantage as the level of noise is only that generated by the hardly visible droplets of ink landing on the paper.

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