Corona: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Eee/Git/Gitamuniversity
Corona: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Eee/Git/Gitamuniversity
Corona: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Eee/Git/Gitamuniversity
1) Atmosphere
As corona is formed due to ionization of air surround ding the conductors,
therefore, it is affected by the physical state of atmosphere. In the stormy
weather, the number of ions is more than normal and such corona occurs
at much less voltage as compared with fair weather.
2Conductor Size :-
The corona effect depends upon the ship and conditions of the conductors.
The rough and irregular surface will give rise to more corona because
unevenness of the surface decreases the value of break down voltage.
Thus a stranded conductor has irregular surface and hence gives rise to
more corona that a solid conductor.
4Line voltage :-
The line voltage greatly affects corona. If it is low, there is no charge in
the condition of air surrounding the conductors and hence no corona is
formed. However if the line voltage has such a volue that electro static
stress developed at the conductor surface make air around the conductor
conducting then corona is formed
Advantages and disadvantage of corona :-
Corona has many advantages and disadvantages. In the correct design
of high voltage overhead line, a balance should be struck between the
advantages and disadvantage.
*Advantages :-
1-Due to corona formation, the air surrounding the conductor becomes
conducting and hence virtual diameter of the conductor is increased.
The increased diameter reduces the electro static stress between the
2-Corona reduces the effect of transient produced by surges.
*Disadvantages :-
3-The current drawn by the line due to corona is non- sinusoidal and
hence non- sinusoidal voltage drop occurs in the line. This may cause
inductive interference with neighboring communication lines.
*Important Terms :-
The phenomenon of corona plays an important role in the design of an
overhead transmission line.
Therefore, it is profitable to consider the following terms much used in
the analysis of corona effects :-
And 25
F = Supply frequency
V= Phase- neutral voltage disruptive
voltage ( r. m .s) per phase
Ex1) A 132 line with 1.956 cm diameter conuctor is built so that
corona takes place if the line voltage exceeds 210 . If the value
of potential gradient at which ionization occurs can be taken as
. Find spacing between the conductors.