Unit 4 4.1.I2R Loss and Corona Loss: Fig.4.1 Corona Current Waveform
Unit 4 4.1.I2R Loss and Corona Loss: Fig.4.1 Corona Current Waveform
Unit 4 4.1.I2R Loss and Corona Loss: Fig.4.1 Corona Current Waveform
The average power-handling capacity of a 3-phase e.h.v. line and percentage lossdue to
I2R heating were discussed. Representative values are given below for comparison purposes.
System kV 400 750 1000 1150
Line Length, km 400 800 400 800 400 800 400 800
3-Phase MW/circuit When compared to the I2R heating loss, the average corona losses on
several lines from345 kV to 750 kV gave 1 to 20 kW/km in fair weather, the higher values
referring to highervoltages. In foul-weather, the losses can go up to 300 kW/km. Since, however,
rain does not fallall through the year (an average is 3 months of precipitation in any given
locality) andprecipitation does not cover the entire line length, the corona loss in kW/km cannot
be comparedto I2R loss directly. A reasonable estimate is the yearly average loss which amounts
to roughly2 kW/km to 10 kW/km for 400 km lines, and 20-40 kW/km for 800 km range since
usuallyhigher voltages are necessary for the longer lines. Therefore, cumulative annual average
coronaloss amounts only to 10% of I2R loss, on the assumption of continuous full load carried.
Withload factors of 60 to 70%, the corona loss will be a slightly higher percentage. Nonetheless,
during rainy months, the generating station has to supply the heavy corona loss and in some
cases it has been the experience that generating stations have been unable to supply full rated
load to the transmission line. Thus, corona loss is a very serious aspect to be considered in line
design640 320 2860 1430 6000 3000 8640 4320
(P = 0.5 V 2/xL)
% Power Loss = 50 r/x 4.98% 2.4% 0.8% 0.6%kW/km Loss, 3-phase 80 20 170 42.5 120 30 130
When a line is energized and no corona is present, the current is a pure sine wave and capacitive.
It leads the voltage by 90°, as shown in Figure 4.1(a). However, when corona is present, it calls
for a loss component and a typical waveform of the total current is as shown in Figure 4.1 (b).
When the two components are separated, the resulting inphase component has a waveform which
is not purely sinusoidal, Figure 4.1 (c). It is still a current at power frequency, but only the
fundamental component of this distorted current can result in power loss.
The mechanism of corona generation and its properties have been very extensively investigated
and the reader is referred to the bibliography at the end of the book. Of vital importance is the
generation of pulses which causes interference to radio, carrier communication, and gives rise to
TV interference. These aspects will be discussed in the next chapter. In this chapter, engineering
aspects of corona loss and audible noise will be described and data useful for design of lines
based on these two phenomena will be discussed.
4.2.Corona-Loss Formulae
2.1 List of Formulae
Corona-loss formulae were initiated by F.W. Peek Jr. in 1911 derived empirically from most
difficult and painstaking experimental work. Since then a horde of formulae have been derived
by others, both from experiments and theoretical analysis. They all yield the power loss as a
function of (a) the corona-inception voltage, Vo; (b) the actual voltage of conductor, V; (c) the
excess voltage (V — Vo) above Vo; (d) conductor surface voltage gradient, E; (e) corona
inception gradient, Eo; (f) frequency, f; (g) conductor size, d, and number of conductors in
bundle, N, as well as line configuration; (h) atmospheric condition, chiefly rate of rainfall, r,
and (i) conductor surface condition. The available formulae can be classified as follows: (see
Bewley and EHV Reference Books in Bibliography)
A. Those Based on Voltages
(i) Linear relationship : Skilling's formula (1931):
Pc μ V – Vo
Pc μ V3
Pc μ V. Em, m = 5
In order to obtain corona-loss figures from e.h.v. conductor configurations, outdoor
experimental projects are established in countries where such lines will be strung. The resulting
measured values pertain to individual cases which depend on local climatic conditions existing
at the projects. It is therefore difficult to make a general statement concerning which formula or
loss figures fit coronal losses universally.We will here quote some formulas useful for
evaluating 3-phase corona loss in kW/km, which are particularly adopted for e.h.v. lines, and
some which are classic but cannot be used for e.h.v. lines since they apply only to single
conductors and not to bundles. There is no convincing evidence that the total corona loss of a
bundled conductor with N conductors is N times that of a single conductor.
(1) Nigol and Cassan Formula (Ontario Hydro, Canada).
where V, Vo are in kV, r.m.s., and r and H are in metres. The voltage gradients are, at an air
density of d, for a smooth conductor,
The energy of the wave is stored in both electromagnetic form and electrostatic form. The time
rate of loss of stored energy is equal to the power loss due to corona, whose functional
relationship with voltage has been given in Section 4.2. The total energy in a differential length
dx of the wave will be.
where L and C are inductance and capacitance per unit length of line. For a travelling wave, the
voltage V and current I are related by the surge impedance and the wave velocity is
The rate of dissipation of energy, assuming the capacitance does not change with voltage for the
present analysis, is
For different functional relations Pc= f(V), equation (5.29) can be solved and the magnitude of
voltage after a time of travel t (or distance x = vt) can be determined. We will illustrate the
procedure for a few typical values of f(V), but will consider the problem later on by using
equation (5.21) in Chapter 8.
(a) Linear Relationship
Let f(V) = Ks(V – V0).
Then, with Vi= initial voltage, 2 CV dV/dt = –Ks(V –V0). By separating variables and using the
initial condition V = Vi at t = 0 yields
where a = Ks/2C and V0= corona-inception voltage. Also, the voltages in excess of the corona-
inception voltage at any time t or distance x = vt will be
This is also termed the 'Acoustic Power Level', denoted by PWL, or simply the audible noise
level, AN.
4.3.2 Microphones
Instruments for measurement of audible noise are very simple in construction in so far as their
principles are concerned. They would conform to standard specifications of each country, as for
example, ANSI, ISI or I.E.C., etc. The input end of the AN measuring system consists of a
microphone as shown in the block diagram, Figure 5.6. There are three types of microphones
used in AN measurement from e.h.v. lines and equipment. They are (i) air-condenser type; (ii)
ceramic; and (iii) electret microphones. Air condenser microphones are very stable and exhibit
highest frequency response. Ceramic ones are the most rugged of the three types.
Since AN is primarily a foul-weather phenomenon, adequate protection of microphone from
weather is necessary. In addition, the electret microphone requires a polarization voltage so that
a power supply (usually battery) will also be exposed to rain and must be protected suitably.
ignition noise, 1" (2.54 cm) diameter microphones are used although some have used ones,
since these have more sensitivity than 1" microphones. Therefore, size is not the determining
The most important characteristic of a microphone is its frequency response. In making AN
measurements, it is evident that the angle between the microphone and the source is not always
90° so that the grazing angle determines the frequency response. Some typical characteristics
are as shown in Figure 5.7.
Fig 4.6; Frequency responses of (a) A,B,C weighting networks. (b) A,D weighting networks
5.7.4 Octave Band and Third Octave Band
It was mentioned earlier that in addition to the broadband noise generated by corona, pure tones
at double the power frequency and its multiples exist. These discrete-frequency components or
line spectra are measured on octave bands by selective filters.
These equations have formed the basis for calculating the response of bandwidth-limited radio
receivers (noise meters), and for formulating mathematical models of the radio-noise problem.
In addition to the waveshape of a single pulse, their repetition rate in a train of pulses is also
Pulses are larger as the diameter of conductor increases because the reduction in electric field strength
as one moves away from the conductor is not as steep as for a smaller conductor so that conditions for
longer pulse duration are more favourable. In very small wires, positive pulses can be absent and only a
glow corona can result, although negative pulses are present when they are known as Trichel Pulses
named after the first discoverer of the pulse-type discharge. Negative pulses are very rarely important
from the point of view of radio interference as will be described under "Radio Noise Meter Response" to
corona pulses.Therefore, only positive polarity pulses are important because of their larger amplitudes
even though their repetition rate is lower than negative pulses.
Measurement of RI, RIV, and Excitation Function
The intereference to AM broadcast in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 1.6 MHz is measured in
terms of the three quantities : Radio Interference Field Intensity (RIFI or RI), the Radio Influence
Voltage (RIV), and more recently through the Excitation Function. Their units are mV/m, mV,
and mA/ m or the decibel values above their reference values of 1 unit ( V / m, V,mmm A / m ).
The nuisance value for radio reception is governed by a quantity or level which is nearly equal to
the peak value of the quantity and termed the Quasi Peak. A block diagram of a radio noise
meter is shown in Fig. 4.11. The input to the meter is at radio frequency (r-f) which is amplified
and fed to a mixer. The rest of the circuit works exactly the same as a highly sensitive super-
heterodyne radio receiver, However, at the IF output stage, a filter with 5 kHz or 9 kH bandwidth
is present whose output is detected by the diode D. Its output charges a capacitance C through a
low resistance Rc such that the charging time constant Tc= Rc C = 1 ms. A second resistance Rd
is in parallel with C which is arranged to give a time constant Td= Rd C = 600 ms in ANSI
meters and 160 ms in CISPR or European standard meters. Field tests have shown that there is
not considerable difference in the output when comparing both time constants for line-generated
corona noise. The voltage across the capacitor can either be read as a current through the
discharge resistor Rd or a micro-voltmeter connected across it.
The object under test, which could be an insulator string with guard rings, is energized by a high
voltage source at power frequency or impulse. A filter is interposed such that any r-f energy
produced by partial discharge in the test object is prevented from flowing into the source and all
r-f energy goes to the measuring circuit. This consists of a discharge-free h.v. coupling capacitor
of about 500 to 2000 pF in series at the ground level with a small inductance L. At 50 Hz, the
coupling capacitor has a reactance of 6.36 Megohms to 1.59 Megohms. The value of L is chosen
such that the voltage drop is not more than 5 volts so that the measuring equipment does not
experience a high power-frequency voltage.
Let V = applied power frequency voltage from line to ground,
VL = voltage across L,
Xc= reactance of coupling capacitor and XL = 2pfL = reactance of inductor.