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• Corona phenomenon is the ionization of air surrounding the power conductor. Free
electrons are normally present in free space because of radioactivity and cosmic
• As the potential between the conductors is increased, the gradient around the
surface of the conductor increases.
• Assume that the spacing between the conductors is large as compared with the
diameter of the conductors. The free electrons will move with certain velocity
depending upon the field strength.
• These electrons will collide with the molecules of air and in case the speed is large,
they will dislodge electrons from these molecules, thereby the number of electrons
will increase.
• The process of ionization is thus cumulative and ultimately forms an electron
avalanche. This results in ionization of the air surrounding the conductor. In case
the ratio of spacing between
• conductors to the radius of the conductor is less than 15, flash over will occur
between the conductors before corona phenomenon occurs.
• Usually for overhead lines this ratio is far more than this number and hence flash-
over can be regarded as impossible.
• Corona phenomenon is, therefore, defined as a self-sustained electric discharge in which the field
intensified ionization is localized only over a portion of the distance between the electrodes.
• When a voltage higher than the critical voltage is applied between two parallel polished wires, the glow
is quite even.
• After operation for a short time, reddish beads form along the wire, while around the surface of the
wire there is a bluish white glow. .
• As corona phenomenon is initiated, a hissing noise is heard and ozone gas is formed which can be
detected by its characteristic odour.

• Disadvantages of corona
(i) There is a definite loss of power even though it is not much during fair weather condition.
(ii) When corona is present the effective capacitance of the conductors is increased because the
effective dia of the conductor is increased. This effect increases the flow of charging current.
Because of corona triple frequency currents flow through the ground in case of a grounded
system and they give rise to a voltage of triple frequency in an ungrounded system. These
triple frequency currents and voltages interfere with the communication circuits due to
electromagnetic and electrostatic induction effects.
Advantages of corona
(1)It reduces the magnitude of high voltage steep fronted waves due to lighting or switching by
partially dissipating as a corona loss. In this way it acts as a safety valve to some extent.
• When compared to the I2R heating loss, the average corona losses on
several lines from 345 kV to 750 kV gave 1 to 20 kW/km in fair weather,
the higher values referring to higher voltages. In foul-weather, the losses
can go up to 300 kW/km.
• A reasonable estimate is the yearly average loss which amounts to
roughly 2 kW/km to 10 kW/km for 400 km lines, and 20-40 kW/km for
800 km range since usually higher voltages are necessary for the longer
• Therefore, cumulative annual average corona loss amounts only to 10%
of I2R loss, on the assumption of continuous full load carried.
• during rainy months, the generating station has to supply the heavy
corona loss and in some cases it has been the experience that generating
stations have been unable to supply full rated load to the transmission
• Thus, corona loss is a very serious aspect to be considered in line design.
Disruptive critical Voltage : “the minimum voltage at
which the ionization just take place around the conductor
medium is called Disruptive critical Voltage .
Visual critical Voltage: “ the minimum voltage at which the
corona just become visible is called the Visual critical
Voltage ”.
Corona is a type of disruptive electrical discharge in air
surrounding a conductor surface and usually accompanied by
hissing noise and visible bluish or violet glow.
• Potential Gradient ( dvgdvr
) is a rate of change of potential with

respect to distance”r”.
• Dielectric Strength ( dvd
dvr : is the withstand strength of

dielectric medium surrounding the conductor.

• Corona occurs when ( dvg )  ( dvd )
dvr dvr

• Corona-loss formulae were initiated by F.W. Peek Jr. in 1911 derived

empirically from most difficult and painstaking experimental work.
They all yield the power loss as a function of
(a) the corona-inception voltage, Vo;
(b) the actual voltage of conductor, V;
(c) the excess voltage (V — Vo) above Vo;
(d)conductor surface voltage gradient, E;
(e) corona-inception gradient, Eo;
(f) frequency, f;
(g) conductor size, d, and number of conductors in bundle, N, as well
as line configuration;
(h) atmospheric condition, chiefly rate of rainfall, r, and
(i) conductor surface condition.
The available formulae can be classified as
(a) Peek's formula (1911):
Ryan and Henline formula (1924):
Nigol and Cassan Formula
Anderson, Baretsky, McCarthy Formula (Project EHV, USA)
• An equation for corona loss in rain giving the excess loss above the
fair-weather loss in kW/3-phase km is:
The Corona Current
• The corona loss Pc is expressed as
Pc = 3 × line-to-ground voltage × in-phase component of current .
Corona shows the following effects and properties in the transmission line
1.A violet glow is observed around the conductor.
2.Hissing and sputtering sound is produced.
3.It produces ozone which can be defected by its characteristics odour.
4. The glow is maximum over rough and dirty surface of the conductor, particularly
during foul weather.
5. If a wattmeter is connected in the electric circuit , it will show a reading; thus
corona is accompanied by a power loss.
6. The charging current under corona condition increases because the corona
introduces harmonic currents.
7. Corona occurs on newly installed transmission line conductor and flexible bus
bar in substations at some spots where conductor surface is rough or dirty, after
about six months the corona on such points reduces due to weather action.
8. Corona produces Radio Interference due to high frequency
discharging in air.
9.Corona produces Audio interference in areas surrounding a
transmission line and the substatinos.
10. Corona occurs during foul weather i.e foggy,humidity,high
temperature ,dusty,smoke,etc.
11.Corona occurs with both DC lines and AC lines.
Most Frequent corona occurrence:
1. Tips of isolator contact
2. Terminals of equipment
3. Ends of tubular points
4. Right angle corners
5. Conductor insulator hardware..etc.

And Ryan-Henline Formula

Ryan-Henline Formula
The following data for a 750 kV line are given. Calculate the corona
loss per kilometre and the corona loss current.
Rate of rainfall r = 5 mm/hr. K = 5.35 × 10–10, PFW = 5 kW/km
V = 750 kV, line-to-line. H = 18 m, S = 15 m phase spacing
N = 4 sub-conductors each of r = 0.0175 m with bundle spacing
B = 0.4572 m. (Bundle radius R = B/ 2 = 0.3182 m). Use surface
voltage gradient on centre phase for calculation.

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