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Notes 17

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Procedural Steps to draw straight-line approximation of Bode Plots:

(Note that a decade is a multiple of 10 – 1,10,100,1000,etc)

1. Rearrange the equation into standard form:
Kz1 z 2 L ( s + 1)( s + 1) L
z1 z2
H (s) =
p1 p 2 L ( s + 1)( s + 1) L
p1 p2

where K, z1, z2, etc are all constant values.

2. Determine the poles and zeros.
Note: If there are more than one poles/zeros at the same break
frequency(say there are r), just multiply the slope/phase changes by r.
(ex. (1+s/10)2 => it is a negative zero(numerator) and so it will change
the slope by 2*20dB/dec and have a 2*45oslope/dec.

3. Draw the magnitude plot:

a. Determine starting value:
Case 1: No pole or zero at the origin:
 
starting value = 20 log10(  Kz1 z2 L 
 p1 p2 L 
Case 2: A pole or zero at the origin:
• Pick a frequency value less than the lowest pole or zero
• Plug in the frequency in the standard form equation
above and take the magnitude. This value is for that
frequency only. There is a constant slope going through
this point. +20dB/dec slope if the location is a zero. -
20dB/dec slope if the location is a pole.
b. Begin at the starting point. Start with the slope (0 slope if a
constant, +20dB/dec slope if zero at origin, -20dB/dec slope if
pole at origin). From left to right, at each zero add +20dB/dec to
the current slope and at each pole -20dB/dec. Continue through
each frequency.
4. Draw the phase plot:
a. Determine the starting value:
Case 1: No pole or zero at the origin:
If constant>0 then starting value = 0o
If constant<0 then starting value = ±180o
Case 2: A pole or zero at the origin:
starting value = +90o if zero at origin
starting value = -90o if pole at origin
b. Label each range of frequency according to the
following(suggest putting on graph):
zero => from 1 decade before frequency to 1 decade after
frequency: +45oslope/dec
pole => from 1 decade before frequency to 1 decade after
frequency: -45oslope/dec
(eg if ω=10 and is a pole then range is 1<ω<100 with a slope
of -45oslope/dec)
c. Look at each frequency range that has a slope. Add all slopes
within that region. From left to right: start with starting value
and slope of 0, continue until first region of change. Add all
slopes within that region. Continue until the end is met. If no
slope during a region the slope is constant (0).

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