1. Rearrange the transfer function into standard form and determine the poles and zeros.
2. Draw the magnitude plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 20 dB/decade slopes at each pole and zero location.
3. Draw the phase plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 45 degree/decade slopes within one decade of each pole and zero location.
1. Rearrange the transfer function into standard form and determine the poles and zeros.
2. Draw the magnitude plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 20 dB/decade slopes at each pole and zero location.
3. Draw the phase plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 45 degree/decade slopes within one decade of each pole and zero location.
1. Rearrange the transfer function into standard form and determine the poles and zeros.
2. Draw the magnitude plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 20 dB/decade slopes at each pole and zero location.
3. Draw the phase plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 45 degree/decade slopes within one decade of each pole and zero location.
1. Rearrange the transfer function into standard form and determine the poles and zeros.
2. Draw the magnitude plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 20 dB/decade slopes at each pole and zero location.
3. Draw the phase plot by starting at a value determined by the poles and zeros, and adding or subtracting 45 degree/decade slopes within one decade of each pole and zero location.
Procedural Steps to draw straight-line approximation of Bode Plots:
(Note that a decade is a multiple of 10 – 1,10,100,1000,etc)
1. Rearrange the equation into standard form: Kz1 z 2 L ( s + 1)( s + 1) L z1 z2 H (s) = p1 p 2 L ( s + 1)( s + 1) L p1 p2
where K, z1, z2, etc are all constant values.
2. Determine the poles and zeros. Note: If there are more than one poles/zeros at the same break frequency(say there are r), just multiply the slope/phase changes by r. (ex. (1+s/10)2 => it is a negative zero(numerator) and so it will change the slope by 2*20dB/dec and have a 2*45oslope/dec.
3. Draw the magnitude plot:
a. Determine starting value: Case 1: No pole or zero at the origin: starting value = 20 log10( Kz1 z2 L p1 p2 L Case 2: A pole or zero at the origin: • Pick a frequency value less than the lowest pole or zero value. • Plug in the frequency in the standard form equation above and take the magnitude. This value is for that frequency only. There is a constant slope going through this point. +20dB/dec slope if the location is a zero. - 20dB/dec slope if the location is a pole. b. Begin at the starting point. Start with the slope (0 slope if a constant, +20dB/dec slope if zero at origin, -20dB/dec slope if pole at origin). From left to right, at each zero add +20dB/dec to the current slope and at each pole -20dB/dec. Continue through each frequency. 4. Draw the phase plot: a. Determine the starting value: Case 1: No pole or zero at the origin: If constant>0 then starting value = 0o If constant<0 then starting value = ±180o Case 2: A pole or zero at the origin: starting value = +90o if zero at origin starting value = -90o if pole at origin b. Label each range of frequency according to the following(suggest putting on graph): zero => from 1 decade before frequency to 1 decade after frequency: +45oslope/dec pole => from 1 decade before frequency to 1 decade after frequency: -45oslope/dec (eg if ω=10 and is a pole then range is 1<ω<100 with a slope of -45oslope/dec) c. Look at each frequency range that has a slope. Add all slopes within that region. From left to right: start with starting value and slope of 0, continue until first region of change. Add all slopes within that region. Continue until the end is met. If no slope during a region the slope is constant (0).