Transaction System. This Means, That The Transaction Being Fed Into The System, Have
Transaction System. This Means, That The Transaction Being Fed Into The System, Have
Transaction System. This Means, That The Transaction Being Fed Into The System, Have
with the concept of the generation of the room status, billing detail status of various
patients in the hospital. This system is based on the admission of patients into the
hospital. This is principally and solely a final bill generation utility and is a Post
Transaction System. This means, that the transaction being fed into the System, have
already been executed. We start with the authentication of user for the security purpose.
The next step is to enter the record of the patients and then we proceed to renter his room
no, ward no and other details. After the medicine and nursing details, and doctors details
are recorded, the automated system automatically posts each record to their respective
This software records daily expenses incurred on the patient details in form of
Beside all these basic requirements of hospital billing it also generates the reports like
annual result which is useful to take annual decisions and is helpful to analyze the
The concerned hospital is one of the premire in providing excellent healthcare and
nursing services in areas like mumbai and delhi and is a fast growing hospital
organisation with technical tie up from USA, UK, Australia & Germany for providing
latest industry related treatments. It maintains excellent rapport and provides fine
The set of the objectives that the software caters to are as stated below:
To provide the efficient, accurate, reliable, fast, and robust structure that can
A Data Flow Diagram is a tool that traces the flow of data in a system. The Data Flow
Diagram is made up of a set of four symbols called as the external entities, data stores,
data flows and the processes. The zero level data flow diagram also popularly called as
the context level data flow diagram is depicted below for our software.
management GENERATE
1 2
Pass Login Details
User Validate
Login Login
Result sheet 4
1.1 1.2
User Validate
Login Login
2 User
Enter Transaction
student data file
Final Result
3.2 3.3
Details on view
basis of modified
rollno result
Software and hardware specification as the name suggests, tells us about the various
characteristics of the software and the hardware environment used i.e. the development
environment used. Here I specify various software languages, supporting tools that have
been used for the development of the system. These tools and the languages have been
used because of their relative ease of understand and personal interest of the team
In the development of a project the selection of an appropriate programming language
and a platform is of primary importance. The major part of credit of success of a project
goes to the software environment chosen by the developer. Selecting a language from the
ocean of the languages is very difficult. A developer has to consider the various features
and functionalities that a particular language can provide him/her how easily and
successfully the requirements of a user can be fulfilled depend on the s/w language
chosen. More over the developer also has to take care of the various facilities, he can use.
In the development of this application, it has been taken into great consideration that
C++ is one of the most widely used development tools on the market today. C++ is a
high level, compiler and high shell language. In addition, c++ has the feature of object-
oriented programming.
written the low level language is dependent on the architecture of the computer. In other
words, the low level languages are machine dependent. Machine language and Assembly
language are the low-level languages. High-level language uses English like statements to
give an instruction to the machine. These instructions are machine independent. The same
source program can be used on another machine, which is architecturally different from
the machine in which the source program is written with a few or no changes. In other
words, the high level languages are machine independent. A high level language has more
readability than low-level language. Programming in high-level language is much easier
program in to machine executable form because the computer cannot understand the high
level language. It can understand only binary language. A high-level language program
can be translated using interpreter or compiler. Interpreter takes the source program line
by line as input, translates one line at a time into executable form if it has no errors
otherwise displays an error message. Compiler first translates the source program into
object program if there is no errors if there are errors in the program it displays the list of
the errors. After translating the object program can be executed. Each time the program
execution starts the interpreter interprets the source program but compiler does not. C++
is an compiler language. It also has the feature of compilation. When one want to
create .exe file c++ first compile the source program then translates it into executable
level languages like Pascal, Basic, For-tran, COBOL, etc. provides the low-visual
because it uses the character based interface to the interact with the user.
polymorphism it also provide various features like exception handling mechanism it also
C++ makes working with the basic data types extremely easy.
The native code compiler provides the feature to build fast, scalable components.
Output Data: Grant or Deny Access
The Password are validated against the file authorizations to verify if the user is
authorized to use the application. In cases of error, the appropriate error message is
If all the validations go through successfully, the options on the main menu are available
depending upon the authorization of the logged in user. If the user is failed to supply the
correct User Id or Password for four consecutive times then the application will be
Operations :
1. Add record
2. See record
3. Enquiry
4. Modification
5. Exit