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S Syntax: DBA Training Manual

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ExpertEdge Software Finacle™ Training Document


DBA Training Manual


ExpertEdge Software


Scripting Syntax Ver Rev 1.00 Page 1

ExpertEdge Software Finacle™ Training Document

Document number: VersionRev: 1.1

Authorized by: Olawuwo Shade Signature/Date:

Document revision list

Ver.Rev Date Author Description

1.00 01-02-2011 Arije Abayomi Original version

All rights reserved by Expertedge Software Limited,

14c Kayode Abraham Street,
Off Ligali Ayorinde,
Victoria Island,

No part of this volume may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including
photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system except as may be expressly permitted.

Expertedge believes that the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. This document could
include typographical errors, omissions or technical inaccuracies. Expertedge reserves the right to revise the document
and to make changes without notice.

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1 SNAPSHOT.................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

2 SECTION OBJECTIVES............................................................................................. 5

3 PROCESS DIAGRAM .................................................................................................. 6

4 PROCESSES INVOLVED ........................................................................................... 7

4.1 TECHNICAL TERMS ..................................................................................................... 7

4.2 WHAT IS SCRIPTING? .................................................................................................. 8

4.3 REPOSITORIES AND CLASSES ................................................................................ 10

4.3.1 MANIPULATING REPOSITORY VARIABLES................................................................... 10

4.4 RETURN STATUS OF THE SCRIPT.......................................................................... 12

4.5 SCRIPTING SYNTAX ................................................................................................... 12

4.5.1 COMMENT ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.5.2 OPERATORS........................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.3 EXPRESSIONS AND CONTROL STRUCTURES ................................................................ 16
4.5.4 GOTOS AND GOSUBS .......................................................................................................... 18
4.5.5 CALLING AND STARTING ANOTHER SCRIPT................................................................ 20
4.5.6 BUILT-IN UTILITY FUNCTIONS......................................................................................... 20
4.5.10 EXECUTING USER HOOKS .............................................................................................. 27
4.5.11 DEBUGGING UTILITIES ................................................................................................... 28
4.5.12 EXITING A SCRIPT ............................................................................................................ 31
4.5.13 LOCATION OF THE SCRIPT FILES ................................................................................. 31
4.5.14 LOCATION OF SAMPLE SCRIPT FILES ......................................................................... 31

5 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................. 32

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This document discusses about the scripting language provided as a customisation
tool and extensibility toolkit in Finacle™ and it's syntax.

Scripting is a programming language that Finacle™ supports for various events.

Scripting also allows for formatting accounts numbers between Finacle™ and allied
products like ATM, IBR1 etc… The scripts for formatting account number across
products and scripts for preload forms are pre-defined. All the scripts have to exist
at predefined locations. The user can only alter the scripts as per their requirements.

Using scripting, the users can set the default values for various fields in different
forms. Using scripting the user can also make a non-mandatory field as mandatory,
protect certain fields after setting a default value and also hide them in the
application. These are known as Form-Load Script events.

As any other programming language scripting has it’s own syntax.

Scripting can use certain variables, which are available from certain memory areas
called as repositories. The user can within the script access the variables from the

Scripts also have built-in functions known as user hooks. Using the userhooks only
the user performs the required tasks.

Scripting also forms the underlying power of Workflow. The concept of Workflow is to
automate a unit of work which may span across menu options (thread several menu
options together, populating certain default values, passing the output of one menu
option to the next etc.) which leads to reduction of data entry by the operator. For
e.g. A TERM deposit account opening involves starting from CUMM, OAAC, TM, VCHR
and finally DRP with verification needed for CUMM, OAAC & TM. Workflow scripts are
created using the scripting language. The concept of workflow drastically reduces the
end-user training and results in higher productivity once implemented.

IBR - Inter Branch Reconcillation

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At the end of the session, the user should be able to

 Understand the concepts of Customisation through scripting logic.

 Understand the terminology and syntax of scripting language.

 Write small scripts using the syntax described.

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User Application
USER Database
Repository Manager

Work Flow Engine

WorkFlow Queue

User Defined


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TBAForms - This module controls all online interactions made with Finacle™

through a Web browser. The Menu Manager in this module recognises threaded
menu options and executes the associated Workflow script. It transfers data between
the repository and the forms, on startup and execution of the workflow.

Repository Manager - This module provides the capability of storing variable

values and identifying these variables by a name. This module is used by the
Workflow script engine to store values and transfer them between menu options. The
Forms module is used to pass values between fields in a screen. The structure of a
repository field reference is as follows:

[Repository Name].[Class Name].[Field Name]

Workflow Engine - The script engine allows you to thread a series of menu

options together to form a workflow. The Workflow engine module executes this
script. It also provides the capability of suspending a thread, forwarding a thread to
a specified user or workgroup and restarting threads from the point where it was
previously suspended or forwarded.

Queue Table - This is the area where uncompleted workflow is stored temporarily,
until retrieved for further processing. On completion of the workflow, the stored data
is deleted and an audit record is created optionally.

TBA_SCRIPTS – TBA_SCRIPTS is an environment variable set in the commonenv

file. This is the directory where all the scripts should exist. The application will look
for this directory $TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/scripts. If the script is not available in this
directory, it will pick the script from the directory
$TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/INFENG/scripts. If the script is also not available in this
directory also, the default logic (if available) will be applied as specified in each case.

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Scripting is a programming language supported by Finacle™ for manipulating a set
of defined input data in a script and gives a defined output data for further
processing. This will provide more flexibility to the end user in manipulating the data
entered in the front end before the back end to suit the needs processes it.
Scripting is also used to solve the usability issues in the user interface and for
interfacing with other delivery channels.

For example:

The bank decides the account number format. But this format may contain some
format that is common for all the accounts in the Service Outlet and the user wants
the same to be appended to the account number entered in some particular format
by default. It might be the Bank code, Branch code, Currency code, currency alias,
Data center alias etc. which are common to all accounts.

The account number in the database might be 01-02-03-04-0001

Where 01 - corresponds to Bank code, 02 - corresponds to Branch code, 03 -

corresponds to the currency alias, 04 - corresponds to the scheme code and 0001- is
the actual account number.

The format of the account is such that the user has to enter ‘-‘ in between the
account number which is very cumbersome. By making use of script, this can be
done by default and the user needs to enter only the actual account number
‘010203040001’ and it will be converted to the format by the script written by the
user before it is further processed.

2. The Branch may be connected to an ATM that supports only 10 character account
number and the actual account number size in FINACLE™ may be more. In this case,
the FINACLE™ account number format is to be converted to ATM account number
format using some logic. This can be done in scripting. The bank will decide on the
logic to derive the unique account number for ATM from FINACLE™ format and will
code the same in the Script.

The account number in FINACLE™ may be 01-02-03-04-0001.

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Where 01 - corresponds to Bank code 02 - corresponds to Branch code 03 -

corresponds to the currency alias 04 - corresponds to the scheme code 0001 is the
actual account number.

To convert to 10 character ATM account number format, the bank may decide to
leave out the bank code portion as the ATM is attached to the branches of the same
BANK and leave out the formatting of account number with ‘-‘.

The ATM account number that is derived can be 0203040001 that should be unique
in the data center.

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Scripting implements a way of passing data between the Finacle™ programs, User
Hooks, User routines, User Executables and the script using Repositories.

A Repository is a named entity, which holds a set of named Classes.

A Class is a set of name, value pairs. The name, value pair is called a fieldname and
fieldvalue. A Class can hold only one type of fieldvalue, which is specified during
Class creation.

Integer, Float, Double, Character and String Classes are currently supported. A
fieldvalue is referenced using the following syntax:


Some standard repositories and classes are managed by Finacle™ and are available
for use. Refer appendix (page-33) for list of repositories, the classes and the
variables available.

The bank can also create their own repositories, classes and fields while
implementing their scripting logic. However, it is their responsibility to cleanup these
repositories after use since otherwise, they may occupy memory unnecessarily.

The INPUT CLASS contains fields’ specific to the events. The list of fields available to
individual events is described in the section below.

The OUTPUT CLASS contains fields’ specific to events. The details mentioned for each
scripting event.

 APPENDIX (on page 33) covers the details of the default values available in repository BANCS
and class STDIN.


The state of information is stored in repository variables only. To give more flexibility
for the application programmer, Scripting allows the programmers to access these
repository fields just like any other built-in variables.

The programmer can create new fields in the Repository dynamically by giving new
field names and values to them, though the type of field is fixed depending on the
class type.

All the repository fields must be accessed by specifying

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given as

(Expression1).(Expression2).(Expression3), where Expression1, Expression2 and

Expression3 reduce to strings

e.g. : if sv_a = “hello”

then ("t" + "e" + "s" + "t").(“str” + “ing”).(sv_a)

will reduce to test.string.hello

REP.CLASS.FIELD, where Rep, Class and Field are the Repository Name, Class Name
and Field Name respectively.

All the repository fields are globally accessible across the scripts.

#ACCESS repository fields in one of the following ways
#assign it to a scratchpad variable
sv_a = MYREP.integerCLASS.FIELD1
#sv_a will become an INTEGER type variable

#access it directly in statements

IF (MYREP.integerCLASS.FIELD1 == 1234)
# do something

#MODIFY repository fields by directly assigning a literal/expression

sv_a = "Hello World"
MYREP.stringCLASS.FIELD2 = sv_a
MYREP.stringCLASS.FIELD2 = "Hello World"
MYREP.stringCLASS.FIELD2 = "Hello" + "World"

#all the above statements modify or create FIELD2

#Create a new field in a repository in this way
MYREP.stringCLASS.NEWFIELD1 = "Hello World"

Built in repository functions are provided for checking if the Repository / Class / Field
exists. See section (on page 21) on in-built utilities for REPEXISTS, CLASSEXISTS,

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One of the standard output fields from the script is successOrFailure. In case a
FAILURE is encountered in the script then the OUTPUT CLASS variable
successOrFailure can be set to FAILURE as shown

BANCS.OUTPUT.successOrFailure = “F”

The valid values are “S” for success and “F” Failure.

The default return status from the script is SUCCESS.


Every script must begin with a ‘start’ and end with a ‘end’ tags.

Script has 26 built-in scratch pad variables. These are sv_a, sv_b, … sv_z.

All these variables are globally accessible across scripts. The user need not define
the scratch pad variables to be of a particular type. The assignment to a scratchpad
variable will decide the type of the variable based on the type of the right-hand side.
Scripting allows the dynamic type change.

This type is maintained until a new assignment is made. So Scripting allows the
dynamic type change.

E.g.: sv_a = 12.45



sv_a = "Hello"

makes the type of 'sv_a' to be set to DOUBLE type at the first line. Until the last line
sv_a carries its type as DOUBLE. In the last statement its type is set to STRING.


Scripting allows comments in scripts.

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All statements with ‘#’ as the first non-white space character are treated as
comments. This is the only way to make a line as comment.

Even if a sequence of lines are to be treated as comments then each line must be
preceded with a ‘#’.


Scripting language supports the following operators:


‘+’, ‘-‘ , ‘*’, ‘/’.

Operator ‘+’ works both for STRING/CHAR type also.

‘-‘ , ‘*’ , ‘/’ work only for numeric type variables.

sv_a = "FIRST"
sv_b = sv_a + " AND "
#sv_b is "FIRST AND "
sv_c = "SECOND"
sv_a = sv_b + sv_c
#now sv_a is "FIRST AND SECOND"
sv_a = "FIRST" + " AND " + "SECOND"
# sv_a is "FIRST AND SECOND"

sv_a = 10
sv_b = 5
sv_c = sv_a + sv_b
# sv_c is 15
sv_d = sv_a / sv_b
# sv_d is 2
sv_e = sv_a - sv_b
# sv_e is 5
sv_f = sv_a * sv_b
# sv_f is 50

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'==', '<=', '>=', '<', '>', '!='

The outcome all these operations are TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).

In all these operations, if both arguments are STRINGs the string comparisons are
made else, the STRINGs are converted to INTEGERs and the comparisons are done.
If CHAR types are available they are accessed as INTEGER types and comparisons
are made.

sv_a = 10
sv_b = 12

if (sv_a == sv_b) then

print ( "sv_a is equal to sv_b")
print ( "sv_a is not equal to sv_b")

if (sv_a != sv_b) then

print ( "sv_a is not equal to sv_b")
print ( "sv_a is equal to sv_b")

if (sv_a < sv_b) then

print ( "sv_a is less than sv_b")
print ( "sv_a is not less than sv_b")


'AND', 'OR'

The outcome all these operations are TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).

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In all these operations, if both arguments are STRINGs, the string logical operations
are made. If CHAR types are available they are accessed as INTEGER types and
logical operations are made.

 Caution : In Scripts whenever there is a Logical AND/OR separating two conditions,

then these conditions should be separated with parenthesis from the AND/OR keyword. Only

then the proper evaluation of the conditions happens.

For ex.:

To do a processing only when the values in variable sv_a and sv_b are not null the
condition should be written as

if ( (sv_a != "") AND (sv_b != "") ) then

-----do processing -----


it should not be written as

if(sv_a != "" AND sv_b != "")

This does not evaluate properly.

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sv_a = "Hello"
sv_b = "Hi"

if (sv_a != "" AND sv_b != "") then

print ( "Does not evaluate properly")

if ( (sv_a != "") AND (sv_b != "") ) then

print ( "Both are not null")

sv_a = 10
sv_b = 0

if (sv_a AND sv_b != “”) then

print ("Doesn't work")



The same ‘-’ operator can be used as binary as well as unary operator.

UNARY operator can only be used with numeric types.

sv_a = 10
sv_b = -sv_a
# Now sv_b is -10


In scripting, Expressions are valid combinations of variables, literals and operators.

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Scripting provides the following control structures.

Checking a condition:

* IF (condition) THEN



* IF (condition) THEN





These two statements can be used depending on the necessity. Nested IF conditions
are allowed and the execution of these statements depends on the outer loop

sv_a = 10
sv_b = 12

if (sv_a > sv_b) then

print ( "sv_a is greater than sv_b")
print ( "sv_a is less than or equal to sv_b")

Each statement should be in a new line.

Looping :

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* WHILE (condition)

The above statement executes the statements until the condition in the WHILE
becomes FALSE (0).

Each statement should be in a new line.

sv_s = 1
print (sv_s)
while (sv_s <= 1000)
sv_s = ((sv_s + (10*(2+3))) + 23)
print (sv_s)


Transfer of control from one part of the script to another in the same script file
is facilitated by two constructs provided in the Scripting. The two constructs are

The syntax is as follows:

GOTO LabelName

GOSUB LabelName

The LABEL referred by LabelName in GOTO statement can only be forward

referenced i.e., GOTO can not reference a label that exists before this statement in
the script.

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In case of GOTO the execution of the script starts from the statement where the
LABEL is declared.

The LABEL referred by LabelName in GOSUB statement can be anywhere in the

script, i.e., the Label can be either before or after this GOSUB statement

In case of GOSUB the execution of the script starts from the statement where the
LABEL is declared and returns back to the next statement after the GOSUB as soon
as it finds RETURN statement in the script.

 Note about GOSUB : GOSUB cannot be used inside the Control structure to point to a
SUBROUTINE that is outside the innermost Control structure.

Following SCRIPT will give an error.

sv_a = 1
# if condition starts here
If(sv_a == 1) THEN
GOSUB subRoutine1
# if condition ends here


# sub routine is outside the if-endif condition

print (sv_a)

Following SCRIPT will work fine.

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sv_a = 1
# if condition starts here
if(sv_a == 1) THEN
GOSUB subRoutine1
# we added a GOTO statement to jump
# beyond the subroutine after the sub
# routine exits
GOTO jmp1

# sub routine is inside the if-endif condition

print (sv_a)

# if condition ends here



Transfer of control from one script to another is facilitated by two constructs

provided in the Scripting. The two constructs are CALL and START.

The syntax is as follows:

CALL ( ScriptName )

START ( ScriptName )

where ScriptName is either a string, e.g., “script1.htt”, or Repository

variable/Scratchpad variables of STRING type.

In both the above statements, if the script file doesn’t exist in the PATH, an error is

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CALL ( Path, ScriptName )

START ( Path, ScriptName )

where Path is either a string or a Repository variable/scratchpad variable of STRING


ScriptName is either a string or a REP variable/scratchpad variable of STRING type

Path and ScriptName are appended to get the full path.

If the script file exists and is readable, the execution of the file starts from the

In case of CALL the execution of the script returns back to the same point in the old
script as soon as it finds EXITSCRIPT statement in the new script.

All the scratchpad variables have a global context. That is, all the scratchpad
variables are carried over from the caller script to the called script and vice-versa.


Script can use the following built- The evaluation of these functions results as follows:
in functions at the appropriate An error will result in all the cases if data-type
places in expressions. mismatch occurs in any fields.

MID$ (Var, StartPosition, Length) Returns the substring from a given position upto a
defined length in a given variable.

LEFT$ (Var, Length) Returns the leftmost Length number of bytes from

RIGHT$ (Var, Length) Return the rightmost Length number of bytes from

CINT (Var) Convert Var to an integer.

CDOUBLE (Var) Convert Var to a double.

TOLOWER (Var) Convert all character(s) of STRING/CHAR to

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TOUPPER (Var) Convert all character(s) of STRING/CHAR to


FORMAT$ (Var, FormatString) Formats the contents of Var according to the

FormatString specified in the C printf style.

SET$ (Var1, From, Length, Var2) Sets the contents of Var1 from From position till
Length bytes to the content of Var2.

STRLEN (Var) Returns the length of Var.

CHARAT (Var, Position) Returns the character at Position in Var.

LTRIM (Var1 [, Var2]) Left trim Var1. Var2 is the character to be trimmed.
Default value of Var2 is ‘ ‘.

RTRIM (Var1 [, Var2]) Right trim Var1. Var2 is the character to be trimmed.
Default value of Var2 is ‘ ‘.

TRIM (Var1 [, Var2]) Trim Var1. Var2 is the character to be trimmed.

Default value of Var2 is ‘ ‘.

LPAD (Var1, Var2 [, Var3]) Left pad Var1 with Var3 upto the length Var2. Var3 is
the character to be used for padding. Default value of
Var3 is ‘ ‘

RPAD (Var1, Var2 [, Var3]) Right pad Var1 with Var3 to make the length Var2.
Var3 is the character to be used for padding. Default
value of Var3 is ‘ ‘.

REPEXISTS (Var1) Checks if Repository Var1 exists.

CLASSEXISTS (Var1, Var2) Checks if Class Var2 exists in Rep Var1.

FIELDEXISTS(REP.CLA.FLD) Checks if Field FLD exists in Class FLD which exists in

Rep REP.

GETPOSITION (Var1, Var2) Returns the first position of Var2 in Var1. Var1 is
String and Var2 is String/Char. Case Sensitive.

GETIPOSITION (Var1, Var2) Returns the first position of Var2 in Var1. Var1 is
String and Var2 is String/Char. Case Insensitive.

STRICMP (Var1, Var2) Does String Comparison of two Strings/ Characters

without regard to case.

GETSTRING (Var1) Converts a Char type to String Type.

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CREATEREP (Var1) Create a Temporary Repository Var1.

CREATECLASS (Var1, Var2, Var3) Create a Temporary Class Var2 in Repository Var1 of
the type Var3. Var3 has the following value
2 for DOUBLE
3 for FLOAT
4 for CHAR
5 for STRING

DELETEREP (Var1) Delete the Temporary Repository Var1

DELETECLASS (Var1, Var2) Delete the Temporary Class Var2 in Repository Var1

Examples of the above utility functions

# Checking MID$ operation
sv_a = Mid$("1234567890",3,5)
print (sv_a)
# Prints "45678"

# Checking LEFT$ operation

sv_a = Left$("1234567890",3)
print (sv_a)
# Prints "123"

# Checking RIGHT$ operation

sv_a = Right$("1234567890",4)
print (sv_a)
# Prints "7890"

# Checking CINT operation

sv_a = CINT("123456")
print (sv_a)
# Prints "123456"

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# Checking CDOUBLE operation

sv_a = CDOUBLE("1234.5678")
print (sv_a)
# Prints "1234.567800"

# Checking TOLOWER operation

sv_a = TOLOWER("kfsjlLKJLZVXLkljsl")
print (sv_a)
# Prints "kfsjllkjlzvxlkljsl"

# Checking TOUPPER operation

sv_a = TOUPPER("werQWIUsd5678")
print (sv_a)
# Prints "WERQWIUSD5678"

# Checking the FORMAT$ operations

sv_s = Format$(12, "%d")
print (sv_s)
# Prints "12"
sv_s = Format$(1454, "%ld")
print (sv_s)
# Prints "1454"
sv_s = Format$(12.3, "%2.3f")
print (sv_s)
# Prints "12.300"

# Checking the SET$ operations

sv_s = Set$("1234567890", 3, 5, "ASDFG")
print (sv_s)
# Prints "123ASDFG90"
sv_s = Set$("1234567890", 3, 3, "ASDFG")
print (sv_s)
# Prints "123ASD7890"
sv_s = Set$("1234567890", 7, 5, "ASDFG")
print (sv_s)

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# Prints "1234567ASD"

# Checking STRLEN operation

sv_n = "Some Useless Text"
sv_u = STRLEN (sv_n)
print (sv_u)
# Prints "17"

# Checking CHARAT operation

sv_n = "Some Text"
sv_u = CHARAT (sv_n, 5)
print (sv_u)
# Prints "T"

# Checking RTRIM operation

sv_a = "AS "
sv_b = rtrim(sv_a)
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

sv_a = "AS****"
sv_b = rtrim(sv_a, '*')
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

# Checking LTRIM operation

sv_a = " AS"
sv_b = ltrim(sv_a)
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

sv_a = "****AS"
sv_b = ltrim(sv_a, '*')
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

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# Checking TRIM operation

sv_a = " AS "
sv_b = trim(sv_a)
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

sv_a = "****AS****"
sv_b = trim(sv_a, '*')
print (sv_b)
# Prints "AS"

# Checking LPAD operation

sv_a = "AS"
sv_b = lpad(sv_a, 10, '*')
sv_c = sv_b + "END"
print (sv_c)
# Prints "********ASEND"

# Checking RPAD operation

sv_a = "AS"
sv_b = rpad(sv_a, 10, '*')
sv_c = sv_b + "END"
print (sv_c)
# Prints "AS********END"

# Checking the basic Repository / Class create / delete operations

# Repository "myrep" is created
if (REPEXISTS("myrep") == 0) then
CREATEREP ("myrep")

# Class "myclass" is created

if (CLASSEXISTS("myrep", "myclass") == 0) then
CREATECLASS ("myrep", "myclass", 1)

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# Class "myclass" is created

if (FIELDEXISTS(myrep.myclass.myfield) == 0) then
print ("myrep.myclass.myfield doesn't exist")
myrep.myclass.myfield = 102
print (myrep.myclass.myfield)

# Class "myclass" is deleted

DELETECLASS ("myrep", "myclass")

# Repository "myrep" is deleted

DELETEREP ("myrep")

# Checking GETPOSITION operation

sv_a = "Some very long absurd text"
sv_b = "long"
sv_c = getposition (sv_a, sv_b)
print (sv_c)
#prints "11"

sv_b = "LONG"
sv_c = getiposition (sv_a, sv_b)
print (sv_c)
#prints "11"

# Checking STRICMP operation

sv_a = "Hello"
sv_b = "hello"
if(STRICMP(sv_a, sv_b) == 1) then
print ("The strings are equal")
print ("The strings are not equal")

# Checking GETSTRING operation

sv_a = 'A'

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sv_b = GETSTRING (sv_a)

print (sv_b)
#prints "A"


Scripting provides for certain functions, which can be called within a script. These
are known as User Hooks.

The following is the syntax for calling a User routine within a script:

sv_a = URHK_FunctionName ( STRING )

where sv_a will have the value returned from the function FunctionName, i.e tha
value of sv_a will be 0(TRUE) if the userhook is successful or else it will be 1(FALSE)
for failure.

FunctionName is the user hook and

STRING is either a string, e.g., “Data”, or a Repository variable/scratchpad variable

of STRING type.

There are default scripting user hook functions available for use in the script. These
user hook functions are explained in a separate topic. These hook functions will
provide the functionality as explained and the input and output parameters are


Application programmer can debug the application by setting the TRACE option ON.

To set the trace off, TRACE OFF can be used.

By default, trace is OFF.

Setting TRACE ON, makes the Script Engine to log all the information about each
statement it has executed in a log file with name ScriptFile.trc.

The trace file will be formed in the directory depending on the following

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 The trace path is read from environment variable “SE_TRACE_PATH”. If the

environment variable is not set or there is no write permission for the path specified

 “..\log” is taken as the log path. If there is no write permission for the specified
path then, current directory is taken as the log path. If there is no write permission
for the specified path then an error is set.

With in the script, to log information about a part of the script we can use the
combination of these two commands.

For e.g.:

Scripting also provides another important command to print a particular Built-in

variable value or REP/LL field value.

The syntax of PRINT command is



PRINT ( “My String” )



If the trace is on and the trace file has been successfully opened, then the output of
PRINT command goes to the trace file, else the output is dumped to stdout [standard

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# trace logging will be done for all statements from now onwards


sv_a = 1234
PRINT ("value of sv_a = " + sv_a)
#.above will print "value of sv_a = 1234" on screen and in trace file

#trace logging will not be done now


Finacle™ provides a menu option under ‘DB’ application to test Finacle™ scripts. The
menu option is “SCRIPT”. It brings up a form, which accepts a script name and
executes it with same context as the actual event except that the fields in INPUT
class will not be provided and the fields in OUTPUT class will not be used by the
application. This facility can be used to do some initial testing of a script by providing
‘default INPUT values’ in the script itself and printing out variables (including
OUTPUT fields) in the trace file.

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|bafe3260 Execute Script 03-12-1998 |
| |
| Note: This utility can be used only to test out Event scripts and not |
| WorkFlow scripts. Pre-script should perform event specific |
| initialisations and post-script should examine the event specific |
| output for correctness. |
| |
| Script Name : script.scr |
| |
| Pre script : pre_script.scr |
| |
| Post script : post_script.scr |
| |
| Display Repositories?: n |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

the ‘ pre script “ can be used to initialize , set values for variables and the post script
to do processing based on the values got from script.


Scripting provides a safe way of exiting the execution of the script. Whenever the
Script Engine finds EXIT statement in the execution path stops the execution and
returns to the Calling routine.

Even when the EXIT statement is encountered in a new script that has been CALLed
from another script, Script Engine stops the whole execution and returns to the
upper layer.

To return from CALLed script to the calling script, use EXITSCRIPT.

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Scripting locates the script file to execute, using the same logic as Finacle™ for its
executables. It first checks under the language specific directory
$TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/language/scripts, if the user’s language is not INFENG. If
not found it checks in $TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/scripts directory. If not found, it
checks in $TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/INFENG/scripts.


The sample scripts can be located in $TBA_PROD_ROOT/sample/scripts directory.

Please note that these scripts are for sample purpose only hence they have different
file extension - sscr (stands for sample scripts) and not scr which is for usual
scripts. Developers can use them as templates to start with. For this, the sample
script must to be copied to $TBA_PROD_ROOT/cust/scripts directory followed by the
relevant modifications. At the end, the extension should be changed from sscr to

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Fields values available for any scripts in the repository BANCS and class STDIN


1. "languageCode" This field contains the value of the language code

of the user e.g. INFENG
2. "userId" The userid of the user who executed the script
3. "onlineOrBatch" Whether this script is being executed through a
batch program or online ( "O" or "B")
4. "userWorkClass" The workclass of the userid who executed the
script from UPM
5. "menuOption" The menu option which called this script
6. "homeCrncyCode" The home currency of the data center from SCFM
7. "homeCrncyAlias" The home currency alias
8. "CurrentBancsVersion" The Finacle™ version
9. "myBankCode" The bank code of the database
10. "myBrCode" The branch code of the SOL
11. "myExtCode" The Extension counter
12. "mySolId" The SOLID
13. "mySolAlias" The SOLALIAS
14. " mySolDesc" The description for the Sol as specified in SCFM
15. " homeSolId" The Sol to which the User belongs
16. " homeSolAlias" The Home SOL Alias
17. " homeSolDesc" The Home Sol description as specified in SCFM.
18. "dcAlias" The DC ALIAS
19. "SBString" The value of custoption for SBSTING
20. "CAString" The value of custoption for CASTING
21. "LLString" The value of custoption for LLSTING
22. "CCString" The value of custoption for CCSTING
23. "sysDate" The system date of the machine
24. "BODDate" The current BOD date of the SOL
25. "termClass" The terminal class from TPM

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26. " moduleIdentity" The module which is calling the Script

27. "TestFlg" Whether the script is being invoked in test mode.
E.g through menu option script
28. "WFflg" Whether the script is a workflow script
29. "ScriptName" The name of the script


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