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Small Satellite LEO Maneuvers With Low-Power Electric Propulsion

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Small Satellite LEO Maneuvers with Low-Power Electric Propulsion

Conference Paper · July 2008

DOI: 10.2514/6.2008-4516

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3 authors, including:

Mitchell Walker
Georgia Institute of Technology


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Small Satellite LEO Maneuvers with Low-Power Electric

Scott T. King1 and Mitchell L. R. Walker2

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, 30332

Craig A. Kluever3
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65211

Chemical propulsion currently provides the means for near-Earth satellite orbit
maneuvers. As electric propulsion (EP) devices become more accepted and flight qualified,
EP may enable increases in satellite payload mass while decreasing satellite propellant mass.
The Air Force Operationally-Responsive Space (ORS) program proposes the use of
commercially available and readily configurable satellite buses with masses of
approximately 500 kg for near-Earth missions. This paper discusses three orbital maneuvers
considered important in the characterization of EP use for satellites in near-Earth orbits.
The first maneuver changes an orbit from low-Earth orbit (LEO) at 800 km to medium-
Earth orbit (MEO) at 20,000 km. The second maneuver changes the inclination of an orbit at
LEO by 90°, while the third maneuver rephases a satellite in LEO orbit by 180°. Each
maneuver considers thruster specific impulse, Isp, from 1,000 to 3,000 s and thruster power
from 100 W to 1.5 kW for a 500 kg satellite to obtain propellant mass and transfer time. In
general, as Isp increases the transfer time increases and the propellant mass decreases. These
transfer times range from hours to years, but mission constraints will define appropriate
levels of Isp and power. Analysis of these maneuvers finds that EP is beneficial to near-Earth
satellites for altitude and phase changes. EP is not currently beneficial to missions requiring
large inclination changes, but identifies a key interest in future low-power EP devices.

∆i = inclination change, rad
Isp = specific impulse, s
m = spacecraft mass, kg
g = acceleration of gravity at Earth’s surface, m/s2
P = input power, W
tloiter = loiter (coasting) time during phase change, s
∆V = velocity change, m/s
V = orbital velocity, m/s
η = thruster efficiency
θ = longitude angle, rad

LEO = low-Earth orbit
MEO = medium-Earth orbit

Graduate Research Assistant, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia, 30332. Student Member AIAA.
Assistant Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, 30332.
Member AIAA.
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, 65211.
Associate Fellow AIAA.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
I. Introduction

C URRENT near-Earth satellite lifetime is determined by the amount of fuel the satellite can store. Orbital
maneuvers, including orbit adjustment from atmospheric drag losses, require a velocity change, ∆V, which the
satellite must provide or the orbit degrades and the satellite eventually reenters Earth’s atmosphere. Current
chemical propulsion systems are limited by the available chemical energy which is stored as fuel mass on a
spacecraft. Longer satellite lifetimes require larger amounts of fuel, but this creates trade studies in which satellite
mission designers must trade between satellite lifetime, delivered payload mass, launch vehicle capability, etc.
Electric propulsion (EP) is limited by the amount of available power and stored propellant to operate the thruster.
Since EP has a higher Isp than chemical propulsion, the lifetime fuel throughput of EP can be orders of magnitude
smaller than chemical propulsion fuel throughput for a similar ∆V mission requirement.1-5
In past studies, Oh investigated the use of various solar electric propulsion technologies for interplanetary
missions.6 Oh et al. investigated optimal orbit transfers to geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) using combined
chemical-electric stages, where the electric-stage Isp was free for optimization.7
Current EP use is on larger satellites in GEO. Space Systems/LORAL uses the SPT-100 thruster in GEO for
station keeping and altitude changes.8 The Boeing 702 satellite uses four 25-cm XIPS thrusters for initial orbit
insertion, north-south and east-west station keeping, attitude control, and momentum dumping while in GEO.9 The
Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman built Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) satellites use the
Aerojet BPT-4000 Hall thruster for orbit raising and station keeping in GEO.10
This paper studies EP use and effectiveness with three orbital maneuvers in LEO. The first maneuver increases
the altitude of the satellite orbit from an 800-km circular low-Earth orbit (LEO) to a 20,000-km altitude circular
medium-Earth orbit (MEO). This is a common maneuver as many launch vehicles insert satellites into parking orbits
before final orbit insertion. Second, the satellite’s orbit inclination changes by 90°. This maneuver is essential for
changing satellite coverage from one area of the Earth to another. Third, the satellite phasing is changed by 180°.
Such a maneuver is useful during launch of multiple satellites for a proper satellite constellation and mission-
required ground coverage.
It is important to note that this study of EP use in various orbital maneuvers does not differentiate between types
of EP. Hall effect thrusters, ion engines, MPDs, and PPTs are all considered under the selected ranges of Isp and
input power. Commercial, low-power EP systems currently have a range of power between 100 W and 1.5 kW with
an Isp range of 1,000 to 3,000 s.11-13 These thrusters can effectively change a satellite’s orbit altitude, alter the
inclination of a satellite’s orbit, as well as modify the phase of the satellite in the orbit. The decision of which EP
system to use in a mission is determined by mission constraints and objectives.

II. Low-Thrust Orbital Mechanics Computations

Computation of low-thrust trajectories is a difficult task due to the nature of long-duration spiral transfers,
which are complicated by Earth-shadow eclipses and loss of input power to the thrusters. Furthermore, a general
three-dimensional (3-D) transfer requires simultaneously changing and controlling the orbit’s energy, eccentricity,
and inclination. For the general 3-D low-thrust transfer with Earth-shadow effects, the time history of the thrust-
steering direction must be judiciously selected in order to obtain the transfer which minimizes transfer time or
propellant usage. Kluever and Oleson present a strategy for computing optimal low-thrust transfers for general 3-D
maneuvers which has evolved into the low-thrust trajectory optimization program SEPDOC.14 SEPDOC was
recently used to obtain optimal orbit-raising maneuvers for an SEP tug for transferring a payload from LEO to a
high-energy orbit.15
Fortunately, the low-thrust maneuvers investigated in this paper are considerably easier to compute than the
transfers computed by Kluever and Oleson as well as Bonin and Kaya.14,15 All maneuvers presented in this paper
involve continuous thrust, where we assume that power can be maintained at a constant level throughout the
transfer, even during Earth-shadow arcs. Secondly, the maneuvers considered in this paper either involve dedicated
thrusting in the orbital plane (for an increase or decrease in altitude), or dedicated thrusting normal to the orbital
plane (for plane changes). Therefore, there is no need to use a complex trajectory optimization program such as
SEPDOC, and in most cases a purely analytic solution is available. These respective trajectory computations are
outlined in the following subsections.

A. Altitude Change
Because the first maneuver case involves planar transfers between circular orbits with continuous thrust, we can
obtain analytic solutions for the low-thrust velocity increment (∆V) using Edelbaum’s method.16 These analytic
solutions are valid for transfers between inclined circular orbits with continuous thrust. In such cases, the in-plane
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component of thrust acceleration is always directed along the velocity vector, and therefore the net eccentricity
change per revolution is zero. For the simplified case of a planar, circle-to-circle altitude change, Edelbaum’s
analytic solution is

∆V = VLEO − VMEO (1)

where VLEO = 7,451.8 m/s is the velocity for an 800-km altitude circular LEO, and VMEO = 3,887.3 m/s is the velocity
for a circular 20,000-km altitude MEO. The final mass of the spacecraft in MEO is easily computed from fixed ∆V
and the rocket equation:

mMEO = mLEO exp(− ∆V / gI sp ) (2)

Finally, the transfer time tf is computed from the propellant mass and the constant mass-flow rate

m prop m LEO − m MEO

tf = = (3)
m& m&

where the mass-flow rate is

2ηP (4)
m& =
(gI ) sp

and η is the thruster efficiency and P is the input power.

B. Plane Change
The second maneuver involves a pure 90-deg plane (inclination) change without change in energy or
eccentricity, and therefore the thrust is always directed normal to the orbital plane and switches directions at the
anti-nodes. Edelbaum’s analytic solution is

π (5)
∆V = VLEO ∆i

where ∆i is the desired plane change, which in this case is π/2 rad (i.e., 90-deg). The final mass after the plane
change is computed using the rocket equation (2), and the total transfer time is computed using Eqs. (3) and (4).

C. Phase Change
The third maneuver involves a phase or longitude change within the circular LEO. A numerical approach is
required to accurately compute the trip time and ∆V. For a 180-deg phase change, the spacecraft initially spirals up
to a higher circular orbit. The circle-to-circle spiral-up transfer is computed by using an analytic solution developed
by Gao and Kluever, which is valid for tangential thrust.17 This analytic solution determines the transfer time and
semi-major axis (or radius, in this case) time histories for the spiral-up maneuver. The resulting change in phase
angle between the spacecraft and the desired target location is

∆θ = ∫ θ&LEO − θ& dt ) (6)

where θ&LEO is the constant orbital rate (rad/s) of the target in LEO, and θ& is the instantaneous orbital rate of the
spacecraft as it spirals up to a higher altitude. The integral in Eq. (6) is computed numerically using trapezoidal-rule
integration. After the spacecraft reaches the desired higher altitude, the remaining phase-angle change is computed
as θ loiter = π − 2∆θ rad, which assumes that the subsequent spiral-down transfer takes the same amount of time and
produces the same relative phase change as the spiral-up transfer. The “loiter time” or coasting time spent in the
higher orbit is then computed from

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θ loiter
t loiter = (7)
θ&LEO − θ& f

where θ&f is the orbital rate of the higher (loiter) orbit. The total maneuver time is computed from the sum of the two
powered arcs (spiral-up and spiral-down transfers) plus loiter time as determined by Eq. (7). Total propellant mass is
computed from the (equal) transfer times for the spiral-up and spiral-down maneuvers. The re-phasing maneuver
calculations are iteratively repeated for a higher loiter altitude until the loiter time becomes zero; this limiting case
represents the fastest possible 180-deg phasing maneuver where the spacecraft continually spirals up during half of
the entire transfer time and then spirals down during the remaining half of the transfer.

III. Data Analysis and Discussion

Data analysis requires initial estimates of satellite mission design criteria. As provided by the tentative Air Force
ORS mission requirements, initial LEO satellite mass estimates at 500 kg. Thruster efficiency η is set to 0.5, which
is approximately the efficiency of current commercial, low-power EP systems at the power levels under
investigation. Thruster power ranges between 100 W and 1.5 kW, depending on the available bus power and
additional solar arrays or secondary batteries. Finally, thruster Isp ranges between 1,000 and 3,000 s. With the initial
criteria selected, the final satellite mass, propellant mass, and transfer time are determined by using the respective
trajectory computations for each maneuver. These results are then compared with current Air Force ORS
The first assumption made in these analyses is that transfer times over one year are not practical or useful for
mission requirements, and transfer times greater than this are not studied in depth. This analysis also excludes EP
component and support masses, including power processing units, solar arrays, and the thruster body. Therefore, the
500 kg initial satellite mass assumes there is no limitation on fuel mass because of the propulsion system, expected
satellite payload mass, and structure mass. The remaining mass for all spacecraft subsystems except fuel is simply
found by subtracting the required propellant mass from the 500 kg initial satellite mass.

A. Altitude Change
This maneuver includes an orbit altitude change 400
from LEO (800 km) to MEO (20,000 km). As
previously stated, this analysis includes power ranges 350
Transfer Time (days)

of 100 W to 1.5 kW and Isp ranges of 1,000 to

3,000 s. Figure 1 shows transfer time, in days, as a 300 Isp
function of thruster power. Each line corresponds to a 1000
specific Isp, held constant throughout the analysis. 250 1400
This shows that for a desired altitude change from 1800
800 to 20,000 km with a satellite mass of 500 kg and 200 2200
thruster efficiency of 0.5, transfer times range from 2600
150 3000
113 days to 400 days (although the analysis
calculates transfer times up to 5,700 days). In
general, as power increases the transfer time is found 100
to decrease. Although each mission will contain its 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
own constraints, maneuvers that require a transfer Power (W)
time of more than one year are generally not
considered within the ORS mission criteria. Figure 1. LEO-to-MEO transfer time as a function of
Therefore, EP with an Isp of 1,000 s or more will thruster power and Isp.
allow a transfer time within one year, but as the Isp
increases, the power required to maintain this one year transfer time also increases significantly. Thrusters with an
Isp of 2,400 s or greater require a minimum of 1.2 kW of power. This may require more power than readily available
satellite buses provide. Figure 1 also shows that, for a fixed input power, as the Isp increases, the transfer time also
increases. With a fixed input power, this is because increases in Isp correlate with a decrease in thrust, resulting in
longer transfer times.

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Figure 2 shows the propellant mass required by a 160 1
500 kg satellite to perform the altitude change from Propellant Mass

Propellant Mass Fraction

LEO-to-MEO. This analysis is independent of

Propellant Mass (kg)

thruster power, as the calculation of propellant mass 120 Propellant Mass
only requires initial mass and Isp. The propellant mass 100 0.6
for LEO-to-MEO orbit transfers ranges from 152 to
57 kg, with the lower mass corresponding to the
higher Isp. Figure 2 also shows that the propellant 60 0.4
mass fraction (mprop/mLEO) ranges from approximately 40
0.30 to 0.11. The lower mass fraction also 0.2
corresponds to the higher Isp. 20
In summary, the propellant mass required for a 0 0
maneuver from LEO-to-MEO is 30% or less of the 0 1000 2000 3000
overall satellite mass. This allows for larger payload
Specific Impulse (s)
capability with the same structural mass (provided by
the off-the-shelf satellite bus). Satellite mission Figure 2. Propellant mass required for a LEO-
designers must utilize individual mission constraints to-MEO orbit change.
to decide at which point they wish to operate and
which EP technology to use.

B. Plane Change 1000

The next maneuver changes a satellite’s orbit 900
inclination by 90° at LEO. The same initial estimates
Transfer Time (days)
apply to this maneuver as well, including a power Isp
range from 100 W to 1.5 kW and an Isp range from 700 1000
1,000 to 3,000 s. 600 1200
Figure 3 shows the transfer time as a function of 1400
thruster power. The same general trends in Figure 1 1600
apply to Figure 3; as thruster power increases or Isp 400 1800
decreases, transfer time decreases. For a plane change 300 2000
of 90° with an initial satellite mass of 500 kg and a
thruster efficiency of 0.5, the transfer time ranges
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
from 314 to 23,280 days. The lowest calculated
transfer time is 314 days, which is still very close to Power (W)
one year. Lower inclination changes will allow Figure 3. Transfer time associated with a 90° plane
shorter transfer times, allowing possible mission use change at LEO.
with EP.
However, missions that require large inclination changes do not seem to readily benefit from current EP
technologies. This constraint identifies a future focus for low-power EP research.
To identify limits of EP use on such small satellite buses as those specified by the Air Force ORS program, this
plane change study considers propellant masses from 0.5 to 0.7 with associated thruster Isp to calculate power
requirements. Some of these results are found feasible, while others are simply too high for small satellites. With a
propellant mass of 0.5, the power required to achieve a 90° plane change in one year is approximately 5.58 kW with
an Isp of 2,700 s. At the higher limit, a propellant mass fraction of 0.65 requires 3.18 kW of power with an Isp of
1,790 s, while a propellant mass fraction of 0.7 requires an input power of 2.59 kW with an Isp of 1,560 s. A power
level of 2.59 kW, and possibly 3.18 kW, is achievable with the addition of solar arrays to the satellite bus, but
mission designers would need to consider whether this propellant mass fraction is too high for mission criteria.
Propellant mass is also important for satellite mission flexibility. Figure 4 shows propellant mass and propellant
mass fraction as a function of thruster Isp. Again, propellant mass is independent of thruster power, as seen in the
analysis mathematics. Over the entire Isp range of 1,000 to 3,000 s, the propellant mass varies between 232 and
423 kg. This is a significant portion of the gross satellite mass of 500 kg; the propellant mass fraction ranges from
0.46 to 0.85. Independently, these values will satisfy missions while adding tight constraints, but the relationship
between the two is much more complicated.
In addition, Figure 4 shows three points which consider EP use with inclination changes of 10°, 20°, and 30°, Isp
of 1,500 s, and thruster power of 1 kW. Each change has a propellant mass fraction of 0.13, 0.24, and 0.34,

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450 respectively. Small inclination changes show that EP
use on proposed Air Force ORS programs would
400 greatly benefit the mission by limiting the required
350 0.8 propellant mass.

Propellant Mass Fraction

A comparison can be made at this point between
Propellant Mass (kg)

chemical and EP performance. Chemical propulsion
250 Propellant Mass requires a ∆V of 10,538 m/s to complete a 90° plane
200 Propellant Mass change. Such chemical thrusters typically have an Isp
Chemical Propellant
0.4 of 300 s. With the use of the rocket equation, Eq. (2),
150 Mass Fraction the propellant mass fraction for a chemical thruster
i = 10° changing a satellite's inclination by 90° is 0.972, as the
100 0.2
i = 20° point in Figure 4 shows. This high mass fraction
50 leaves the final mass of a 500 kg satellite at
i = 30°
0 0 approximately 14 kg. Based purely on required
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 propellant mass, EP exceeds chemical propulsion in
Specific Impulse (s)
increasing the available payload mass.
An analysis of the transfer time for a 90° plane
Figure 4. Propellant mass required for a 90° plane change shows that for transfer times less than one
change at LEO. Orbit inclination is noted as i. year, EP with an Isp of 1,000 s would be the only
choice of those thrusters considered in this analysis. If
the Isp level were reduced, such thrusters could achieve a shorter transfer time, but at the cost of increased propellant

C. Phase Change
The final orbital maneuver changes the phasing of a satellite in orbit by 180°. Each initial estimate still applies to
this analysis, including a power range of 100 W to 1.5 kW and Isp range of 1,000 to 3,000 s.
Analysis includes propellant mass as a function of transfer time with varying Isp and thruster power levels. Each
analysis spans a transfer time of 0 to 100 hours with five different Isp values. Figure 5a shows that a 100 W thruster
rephases a satellite by 180° at a maximum propellant mass of 40 kg with a transfer time of 10 hours and at a
minimum propellant mass of 0.7 kg with a transfer time of 100 hours. At the highest power level, Figure 5b shows
that a 1.5 kW thruster rephases a satellite at a maximum propellant mass of 170 kg with a transfer time of
approximately 3 hours and at a minimum propellant mass of 0.7 kg with a transfer time of 100 hours. During the
Isp 2 Isp
1000 1000
1500 1500
Propellant Mass (kg)

Propellant Mass (kg)

2000 2000
2500 2500
1 3000 3000
10 1

0 0
10 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Transfer Time (hours) Transfer Time (hours)

Figure 5a. Propellant mass required for a phase Figure 5b. Propellant mass required for a phase
change of 180° with a 100 W thruster. change of 180° with a 1.5 kW thruster.

analysis, it shows that above 50 hours of transfer time, the propellant mass for each power level is approximately the
same. Above 40 hours this value changes slightly, but transfer times of less than 40 hours show large changes in
propellant mass between thruster power levels.

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At a maximum thruster power of 1.5 kW and an Isp of 1,000 s, the propellant mass fraction is approximately 0.34
for the fastest transfer, while the lowest propellant mass fraction is approximately 0.0014 for a 100 hour transfer.
These low propellant masses would allow larger payload masses in such readily available satellite buses as those
desired by the Air Force ORS program. The transfer time associated with a 180° rephasing maneuver is within an
appropriate limitation of 100 hours, or four days, at a minimum propellant mass.

IV. Conclusion
With the introduction of the Air Force ORS program, EP may provide the primary propulsive ∆V required for
three orbital maneuvers: altitude changes, inclination changes, and phase changes Altitude changes from LEO-to-
MEO are possible with any thruster characteristic of the Isp and power ranges studied. However, assuming that a
transfer time of more than one year is too long for a given mission, a minimum power requirement of 500 W for a
1,000 s Isp thruster that consumes approximately 152 kg of propellant exists for a 500 kg satellite. From this point,
any increase in thruster Isp requires a large increase in thruster power to achieve a LEO-to-MEO altitude change
under one year. At the higher limit, a 3,000 s Isp thruster requires 1.5 kW of power and approximately 57 kg of
propellant, a propellant mass fraction of 0.114, to achieve a one year LEO-to-MEO altitude change. Inclination
changes as high as 90° are much more restrictive than the LEO-to-MEO altitude change. For a transfer time under
one year, the only capable thruster has an Isp of 1,000 s, requires at least 1 kW of power, and consumes
approximately 423 kg of propellant, a propellant mass fraction of 0.85. In order to offer low-power EP advantages
for large inclination changes, available power on commercial satellite buses, including solar array additions, must
increase to 2.6 or 3.1 kW, with a thruster Isp of 1,560 and 1,790 s, respectively, to fulfill the demands of one year
transfer times. Satellite rephasing by 180° is the least expensive maneuver in terms of required propellant mass and
input power for a 500 kg satellite. Propellant masses required for such satellite phasing with transfer times between
50 hours and 100 hours are found to be approximately the same for each Isp under all power ranges. However, the
propellant mass required for a 3 hour transfer with an input power of 1.5 kW is approximately 170 kg, a propellant
mass fraction of 0.34, while a propellant mass of 0.7 kg, a propellant mass fraction of 0.0014, for any input power
will achieve this transfer in 100 hours. Individual mission design requirements will appropriately constrain this
range of transfer times and propellant masses.

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