Micro Cat
Micro Cat
Micro Cat
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Propulsion is required for satellite motion in outer space. The displacement of a satellite in
space, orbit transfer and its attitude control are the task of space propulsion, which is carried
out by rocket engines. Electric propulsion uses electric energy to energize or accelerate the
propellant. The electric propulsion, which uses electrical energy to accelerate propellant in the
form of plasma, is known as plasma propulsion. Plasma propulsion utilizes the electric energy
to first, ionize the propellant and then, deliver energy to the resulting plasma leading to plasma
acceleration. Many types of plasma thrusters have been developed over last 50 years.
The variety of these devices can be divided into three main categories dependent on the
mechanism of acceleration: (i) electrothermal, (ii) electrostatic and (iii) electromagnetic.
Recent trends in space exploration associate with the paradigm shift towards small and
efficient satellites, or micro- and nano-satellites. A particular example of microthruster
considered in this paper is the micro-cathode arc thruster (µCAT). The µCAT is based on
vacuum arc discharge. Thrust is produced when the arc discharge erodes some of the cathode
at high velocity and is accelerated out the nozzle by a Lorentz force. The thrust amount is
controlled by varying the frequency of pulses with demonstrated range to date of 1–50 Hz
producing thrust ranging from 1 µN to 0.05 mN.
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
Figure 3. (a) µCAT with PPU. (b) Schematic design of the ring shape µCAT, (c) schematic design of co-axial electrodes µCAT.
With the vacuum arc thruster the thrust is created in same inner and outer diameters and a width of about 1 mm
the minute spot on the cathode surface called cathode spots was used as separator between the arc electrodes. Figure 3(c)
(having size of about 10–100 µm) [32]. The high-pressure shows the schematic design of the co-axial µCAT. Instead of
plasma in the cathode spot creates the reaction force (thrust) the ring electrodes, this design employs cylindrically shaped
on the cathode as schematically shown in figure 2. As cathode and anode.
earlier as in the 1930s it was found experimentally that the Figure 4(a) presents a schematic of the thruster and the
plasma stream exerts a reaction force on the cathode, which PPU system. The PPU that has been designed is equipped with
is about 17 ± 3 dyn A−1 (or ∼0.2 mN A−1 ) [33, 34]. It is very an inductive energy storage system as shown in figures 4(a)
important to note that since the reaction force is proportional and (b). When the trigger pulse is applied to a semiconductor
to the arc current, the thrust can be controlled relatively insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switch, the energy is
easily. accumulated in the inductor, while when the trigger pulse ends;
a surge voltage with the magnitude proportional to L dI /dt is
3. Micro-cathode arc thruster generated on the inductor and applied to the electrodes. This
leads to a breakdown and initiation of arc discharge between
Recently, a new thruster configuration, the micro-cathode arc the electrodes. A coil has been applied to the outside of the
thruster (µCAT), was developed motivated by need for an thruster to produce magnetic field as indicated in figure 4(a).
efficient low mass propulsion system. This thruster improves The field strength was simulated using Finite Element Method
on the vacuum arc discharge thruster by applying a specially Magnetics (FEMM) magnetic field simulation software. The
designed external magnetic field. The unique magnetic field direction of the magnetic field could be simply reversed by
conditions achieved with a vacuum arc offer several potential reversing the coil current.
advantages in these devices [35]. The µCAT operates by producing a fully ionized plasma
The µCAT is a simple electric propulsion device and at the inner surface of the electrode. The plasma is formed in
combined with a magnetic coil and an inductive energy the cathode spots, and expands into the vacuum zone under the
storage power processing unit (PPU) results in a low mass applied magnetic field gradient. The plasma then accelerates
(<100 g) system. A picture of the µCAT system and two and expands into vacuum at high velocities, around tens of
types of geometries of a thruster are shown in figures 3(a)– thousands m s−1 , which results in an impulse bit. The effect of
(c). Figure 3(b) shows the schematic design of the ring the magnetic field on the thruster operation is clearly visible
electrodes µCAT (RE-µCAT), which consist of an annular in figure 4(b). This figure shows a CCD camera observation
titanium cathode and a same diameter annular copper anode of the RE µCAT firing in the vacuum chamber with an added
with 1 mm width. The annular ceramic insulator tube having magnetic field (B = 0.3 T) and without.
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
Figure 4. (a) Schematic of micro-cathode vacuum arc thruster experimental arrangement. (b) CCD camera observation of plasma plume
with magnetic field (left image, B = 300 mT) and with no magnetic field.
80 200
Discharge voltage Pulse duration vs. magnetic field strength
Discharge voltage (V)
Arc current
Pulse duration (µs)
60 150
Arc current (A)
40 100
20 50
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Time (µs) Magnetic field strength (T)
Figure 5. Evolution of µCAT arc current (blue line) and discharge Figure 6. Thruster pulse duration evolution with different magnetic
voltage (yellow line) in the case of a magnetic field of about 100 mT. field strength.
3.1. Experimental characterization of the micro-CAT of Keidar et al [32] indicated that an axial magnetic field
The arc voltage during the discharge process remains located near the anode region plays an important role, and
approximately constant, yet it is found that this constant indicated that the arc voltage increases when a magnetic field
voltage varies with the magnetic field strength. A typical is applied. The experimental results agree well with the
sample of µCAT arc current and discharge voltage evolution theoretical predication.
is indicated in magnetic field strength of about 100 mT. The plasma formed by a vacuum arc is created on
Typically, during the discharge process, the current that was the cathode surface spots. Previously optical method were
flowing through the solid-state switch is fully transferred to employed and it was observed that the spot consists of either a
the cathode spots, as indicated in the figure 5. Consequently, homogeneous bright region or consists of cells and fragments
the current dropped down from around 80–100 A to 0 A with a typical total size of about 10–100 µm [36, 37]. The
(for around 100–400 µs varied with magnetic field strength µCAT is equipped with a coil that provides magnetic field
as shown in figure 5). Pulse duration is also affected by strength in the range of 0–300 mT. The observation of cathode
a magnetic field as shown in figure 6. A previous work spot motion under magnetic field was first studied in the
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
T3 T4 1
−100 0 100 200 300 400
Time (µs)
Figure 7. Example of four Langmuir probes method to measure the cathode spot rotation speed.
Cathode spot rotation speed (m/s)
0 0
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Magnetic Field Strength (T) Magnetic Field Strength (T)
Figure 8. Distribution of µCAT cathode spot rotation speed with Figure 9. Thruster cathode material erosion rate with different
different magnetic field strengths [40]. magnetic field strength.
1960s [38, 39]. It is known that the presence of a transverse mass balance. These results (see figure 9) show that the added
magnetic field at the cathode surface produces arc rotation magnetic field leads to an increase of mass consumption rate by
in the −J × B direction. The observed vacuum arc cathode a factor of 3, from around 1 × 10−5 mg/pulse at zero magnetic
spot rotation has important implications for propulsion. The field strength to around 3 × 10−5 mg/pulse at 0.25 T magnetic
benefits are observable in that the cathode spot rotation leads field. There are two reasons for increased mass consumption
to uniform cathode erosion, which is critical for assuring long rate. Firstly, the magnetic field contributes to the transport
thruster lifetime. The µCAT cathode spot rotation could be of the metal plasma out of the thruster channel. Secondly,
measured by utilizing 4-probe assembly of Langmuir probes. the rotation of cathode spots promotes erosion efficiency by
Four single probes were located along the azimuth direction moving the spot over a larger area of the thruster cathode.
inside the thruster channel, and the four probes ion current
measurement results are shown in figure 7. The rotation 3.2. µCAT plume characterization
speed was calculated using a quarter of circumference of the In this section we present a 2D spatial and temporal evolution of
thruster’s inner surface, divided by the delay time between the plasma plume outside the thruster channel in the presence
each two neighbor peaks. The average rotation speed is of an applied magnetic field. The two-dimensional analysis
shown in figure 8. It was found that the spot rotation speed of plasma flow affected by an externally imposed magnetic
increased about 5 times (from 20 to 100 m s−1 ) as the magnet field was performed by Keidar and co-workers [42–44]. The
field strength increased (from 0 to 300 mT). More detailed experimental measurement of µCAT plasma flow was done
descriptions of this effect can be found in [40]. in [45]. In that work, the spatial distribution of plasma was
It was also found that the applied magnetic field increases obtained using a set of axially aligned circular Langmuir
the thruster erosion rate. In [41] the cathode material erosion probes. Each probe consisted of eight concentric circular
rate was reported to increase almost three times when the planar probes separated by an insulating ring that were aligned
magnetic field was increased from zero up to 300 mT. The mass with the thruster axis. Figure 10 presents the 2D ion current
consumption rate was measured utilizing a highly accurate maps for different magnetic field strengths. One can see that
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
Figure 10. D spatial distribution of ion current with different magnetic field.
Ratio of ion current over arc current
Ratio of ion current over arc
current (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Magnetic Field Strength (T)
Figure 12. Measured ion velocity along the axis with magnetic field
Figure 11. The ratio of thruster total ion current over the arc current as a parameter. Reprinted with permission from [47]. Copyright
with different magnetic field. 2011, AIP Publishing LLC.
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 (2015) 014005 M Keidar et al
Figure 13. Comparison of ion density without (a) and with (b) the applied magnetic field. Thruster components correspond to the figure 3.
Based on the above scenario one can estimate the ion current of 0.4 A. In this configuration, the magnetic field
velocity change in the axial direction as lines form an angle of approximately 15◦ from the cathode
surface at the location of the cathode spot. Since Draco
2e2 Bz Br Vr z is a 3D code, the axisymmetric geometry is represented by
Vz ≈ . (4) modeling a thin slab, in which the periodic boundary condition
was applied to the front and back faces. The simulation
Using the following typical parameters of the plasma jet: B domain can be seen in figure 13. The cathode is shown by
(i.e. both Br and Bz ) ∼ 0.1 T, n ∼ 1020 m−3 , Vr ∼ 104 m s−1 the orange rectangle. The gray rectangle is the insulator,
and z ∼ 0.01 m one can estimate that Vz ∼ 104 m s−1 . and the blue shape is the anode. Potential difference of
One can point out that these results are in good agreement 50 V was applied between the electrodes. Electrons and
with experimental measurements. ions were injected from a small control surface located at
It should be pointed out that cathodic arc plasmas include the junction of the cathode and the insulator, at flow rates
macroparticles generated in the cathode spot [46]. The size and corresponding to 0.4 A. We assumed that the beam consisted
density of macroparticles depend on the cathode material and solely of electrons and doubly charged Ti2+ ions [54]. Neutral
arc operation [46]. Typically these are 1–10 µm in diameter particles were not modeled directly, but instead we loaded a
spherical droplets [48]. Presence of macroparticle in the plume constant background density corresponding to 6 × 10−5 Torr.
might raise a concern with respect to thruster contamination. Collisions were included through the Monte Carlo collisions
However, it should be pointed out that macroparticle emission (MCC) scheme with cross-sections determined from analytical
generally decreases in the case of a pulsed arc in comparison models. Momentum transfer and Coulomb collisions were
with dc vacuum arc. In addition, emitted macroparticles considered. The simulation contained 10 × 50 × 226 cells,
interact with high-velocity plasma jet and momentum transfer and approximately 2 million particles. No artificial scaling of
between plasma and macroparticle leads to macroparticle permittivity was performed. Figures 13(a) and 13 (b) show
emission in the direction of jet propagation [49], i.e. away the preliminary results. Comparison of these figures clearly
from the satellite. Since no backflux was determined in the illustrates the influence of the magnetic field. In figure 13(a),
case of micro-CAT one can expect no macroparticle backflux in which there is no magnetic field, the ions are seen to simply
and as such negligible contamination risk. diffuse out from the cathode spot. No significant thrust is
expected to be generated in this configuration. However, the
3.4. Simulation of the µCAT addition of the magnetic field, figure 13(b), clearly shows the
extraction of the ion beam from the thruster as demonstrated
We have also completed an initial numerical analysis of experimentally. Although not shown here, the simulation
the thruster. The primary goal of this investigation was results presented in figure 13(b) indicate that with adding
to demonstrate the feasibility of the numerical approach. a magnetic field, the ion velocity reaches the magnitude of
We were interested in determining whether a fully-kinetic 4 × 104 m s−1 which agrees with the experimental results.
approach, in which both electrons and ions are treated as
particles, is suitable for modeling the turning of the ion
3.5. Comments on comparison of micropropulsion
beam, and the increased ion velocity observed experimentally.
Various kinetic codes were developed for application in electric
propulsion [50–52]. As such, we set up the simulation The comparison of micropropulsion technologies operating
using the 3D electrostatic particle-in-cell code Draco [53]. in the low powers range of <10 W is presented in table 1.
In this work, two cases are considered. The first case did Utilization of metal propellant allows the µCAT system to
not contain any magnetic field. In the second case, the carry larger amounts of propellant in smaller volume in
background magnetic field was loaded, corresponding to coil comparison with ion thruster and PPT, which utilize gas and
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