Waste Oil Gujarat
Waste Oil Gujarat
Waste Oil Gujarat
List of Registered Used Oil/Waste Oil Recyclers Granted by GPCB updated till 31/08/2014
Aadi Oil Pvt. Ltd.,
1 SUR NO-141,Paiki,Mundra,SEZ, Orange GPCB/HAZ-RF-58/01/2011 25/01/2011 to 24/01/2016 Waste oil 27000 KLPA oil@aadigroup.in
Ta- Mundra. Dist- Kutch
Western India Petrochem Industry,
1. Used oil 2. 1. 3660 KLPA
35 Plot No-50, 51, GIDC Estate, Orange GPCB/HAZ-RF-175/35/2014 25/07/2014 to 24/07/2019
Waste oil 2. 11100 KLPA
Village Gozaria, Dist-Mehsana.