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Coolmos Power Transistor: Features Product Summary

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CoolMOSTM Power Transistor

Product Summary
V DS @ T j,max 650 V
• New revolutionary high voltage technology
R DS(on),max 0.16 Ω
• Ultra low gate charge
ID 24.3 A
• Periodic avalanche rated

• Extreme dv /dt rated

• Ultra low effective capacitances

• Improved transconductance

Type Package Ordering Code Marking

SPW24N60C3 P-TO247 Q67040-S4640 24N60C3

Maximum ratings, at T j=25 °C, unless otherwise specified

Parameter Symbol Conditions Value Unit

Continuous drain current ID T C=25 °C 24.3 A

T C=100 °C 15.4

Pulsed drain current1) I D,pulse T C=25 °C 72.9

Avalanche energy, single pulse E AS I D=12.1 A, V DD=50 V 780 mJ

Avalanche energy, repetitive t AR1),2) E AR I D=24.3 A, V DD=50 V 1.5

Avalanche current, repetitive t AR1) I AR 24.3 A

I D=24.3 A,
Drain source voltage slope dv /dt 50 V/ns
V DS=480 V, T j=125 °C

Gate source voltage V GS static ±20 V

V GS AC (f >1 Hz) ±30

Power dissipation P tot T C=25 °C 240 W

Operating and storage temperature T j, T stg -55 ... 150 °C

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Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit

min. typ. max.

Thermal characteristics

Thermal resistance, junction - case R thJC - - 0.52 K/W

Thermal resistance, junction -

R thJA leaded - - 62

1.6 mm (0.063 in.)

Soldering temperature T sold - - 260 °C
from case for 10 s

Electrical characteristics, at T j=25 °C, unless otherwise specified

Static characteristics

Drain-source breakdown voltage V (BR)DSS V GS=0 V, I D=250 µA 600 - - V

Avalanche breakdown voltage V (BR)DS V GS=0 V, I D=24.3 A - 700 -

Gate threshold voltage V GS(th) V DS=V GS, I D=1.2 mA 2.1 3 3.9

V DS=600 V, V GS=0 V,
Zero gate voltage drain current I DSS - 0.1 1 µA
T j=25 °C

V DS=600 V, V GS=0 V,
- - 100
T j=150 °C

Gate-source leakage current I GSS V GS=20 V, V DS=0 V - - 100 nA

V GS=10 V, I D=15.4 A,
Drain-source on-state resistance R DS(on) - 0.14 0.16 Ω
T j=25 °C

V GS=10 V, I D=15.4 A,
- 0.34 -
T j=150 °C

Gate resistance RG f =1 MHz, open drain - 0.7 -

|V DS|>2|I D|R DS(on)max,

Transconductance g fs - 24 - S
I D=15.4 A

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Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit

min. typ. max.

Dynamic characteristics

Input capacitance C iss - 2800 - pF

V GS=0 V, V DS=25 V,
Output capacitance C oss - 930 -
f =1 MHz
Reverse transfer capacitance C rss - 66 -

Effective output capacitance, energy

C o(er) - 114 -
V GS=0 V, V DS=0 V
to 480 V
Effective output capacitance, time
C o(tr) - 204 -

Turn-on delay time t d(on) - 13 - ns

Rise time tr V DD=480 V, - 21 -

V GS=10 V, I D=24.3 A,
Turn-off delay time t d(off) R G=3.3 Ω - 73 -

Fall time tf - 6 -

Gate Charge Characteristics

Gate to source charge Q gs - 15 - nC

Gate to drain charge Q gd V DD=480 V, - 49 -

I D=24.3 A,
Gate charge total Qg V GS=0 to 10 V - 105 137

Gate plateau voltage V plateau - 5.4 - V

Pulse width limited by maximum temperature T j,max only
Repetitive avalanche causes additional power losses that can be calculated as P AV=E AR*f.
C o(er) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same stored energy as C oss while V DS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSS.
C o(tr) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time as C oss while V DS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSS.

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Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit

min. typ. max.

Reverse Diode

Diode continuous forward current IS - - 24.3 A

T C=25 °C
Diode pulse current I S,pulse - - 72.9

V GS=0 V, I F=24.3 A,
Diode forward voltage V SD - 0.96 1.2 V
T j=25 °C

Reverse recovery time t rr - 600 - ns

V R=480 V, I F=I S,
Reverse recovery charge Q rr - 13 - µC
di F/dt =100 A/µs
Peak reverse recovery current I rrm - 70 - A

Typical Transient Thermal Characteristics

Symbol Value Unit Symbol Value Unit

typ. typ.

R th1 0.00705 K/W C th1 0.000231 Ws/K

R th2 0.00972 C th2 0.0014

R th3 0.0546 C th3 0.00197

R th4 0.0906 C th4 0.0112

R th5 0.133 C th5 0.0612

C th6 4.45)

C th6 models the additional heat capacitance of the package in case of non-ideal cooling. It is not needed if
R thCA=0 K/W.

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1 Power dissipation 2 Safe operating area
P tot=f(T C) I D=f(V DS); T C=25 °C; D =0
parameter: t p

250 102
1 µs
limited by on-state
10 µs

100 µs

1 ms
P tot [W]


I D [A]
10 ms




0 10-1
0 40 80 120 160 100 101 102 103
T C [°C] V DS [V]

3 Max. transient thermal impedance 4 Typ. output characteristics

I D=f(V DS); T j=25 °C I D=f(V DS); T j=25 °C
parameter: D=t p/T parameter: V GS

100 80
20 V

70 6.5 V

50 6V
Z thJC [K/W]

I D [A]

0.05 40

0.02 5.5 V
10 0.01 single pulse

20 5V

4.5 V
10-3 0
10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 0 5 10 15 20
t p [s] V DS [V]

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5 Typ. output characteristics 6 Typ. drain-source on-state resistance
I D=f(V DS); T j=150 °C R DS(on)=f(I D); T j=150 °C
parameter: V GS parameter: V GS

40 0.8
20 V

4V 4.5 V 5V 5.5 V
7V 6V
6.5 V 0.7
5.5 V

30 0.6

0.5 6V

R DS(on) [Ω]
I D [A]

20 0.4 20 V

4.5 V

10 0.2


0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40
V DS [V] I D [A]

7 Drain-source on-state resistance 8 Typ. transfer characteristics

R DS(on)=f(T j); I D=15.4 A; V GS=10 V I D=f(V GS); |V DS|>2|I D|R DS(on)max
parameter: T j

0.5 100

25 °C

0.4 80

0.3 60
R DS(on) [Ω]

I D [A]

0.2 98 % 40
150 °C

0.1 20

0 0
-60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 0 2 4 6 8 10
T j [°C] V GS [V]

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9 Typ. gate charge 10 Forward characteristics of reverse diode
V GS=f(Q gate); I D=24.3 A pulsed I F=f(V SD)
parameter: V DD parameter: T j

12 102
25 °C 25 °C, 98%

150 °C, 98%

150 °C

120 V 480 V
8 101
V GS [V]

I F [A]

4 100

0 10-1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Q gate [nC] V SD [V]

11 Avalanche SOA 12 Avalanche energy

I AR=f(t AR) E AS=f(T j); I D=12.1 A; V DD=50 V
parameter: T j(start)

25 1000

20 800

15 600
E AS [mJ]
I AV [A]

125 °C 25 °C
10 400

5 200

0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 20 60 100 140 180
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
t AR [µs] T j [°C]

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13 Drain-source breakdown voltage 14 Typ. capacitances
V BR(DSS)=f(T j); I D=0.25 mA C =f(V DS); V GS=0 V; f =1 MHz

700 105

660 104


C [pF]
620 103

580 10


540 101
-60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 0 100 200 300 400 500
T j [°C] V DS [V]

15 Typ. C oss stored energy

E oss= f(V DS)



E oss [µJ]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
V DS [V]

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Definition of diode switching characteristics

P-TO247: Outline

Dimensions in mm

Rev. 1.0 page 9 2004-04-27


Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
Bereich Kommunikation
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© Infineon Technologies AG 1999
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