Lesson Plan Vertebrates
Lesson Plan Vertebrates
Lesson Plan Vertebrates
I. Objectives
A. Topic: Vertebrates
B. Reference: Del Prado, Daryl Korinna A., and Del Prado, Natividad A., Exploring
Today’s World of Science and Health 4. REX Book Store Inc., Manila, Philippines, 2000,
pp.62 – 72.
C. Materials: Cartolinas (visual aids), laptop computer, images of different kinds of animals
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
a. What is a habitat?
b. What are terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial animals? Give examples of animals that belong
in each group.
C. Motivation
The teacher will pictures of different kinds of animals.Encourage the pupils to mention
the names of the animals and the appearance of each kind of animal.
D. Lesson Proper
1. Present a name card with the term vertebrates. Encourage the pupils to mention certain attributes /
characteristics of the group. Then say: A vertebrate is an animal that has a spinal
column/backbone/vertebrae. Most vertebrates have vertebrae made of bones; but sharks and other fishes
have vertebrae made of cartilage.
2. Unlock the terms mammals, placentals, marsupials, and monotremes. Proceed to discuss birds and their
characteristics, as well as the other groups of vertebrates, namely reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. Identify
the characteristics of each group and give examples of animals belonging to each group/category.
IV. Application
1. Alligator
2. Kangaroo
3. Toad
4. Mynah / Maya
5.Whale Shark
V. Evaluation
3. What R are cold – blooded animals that typically have dry, scaly skin?
4. What S is a long column of bones that can be found along the back of an animal?
6. What M are warm – blooded animals that have hair or fur as their body covering, and give birth to live
7. What B have bodies covered with feathers that are grouped as class Aves?
9. What W are animals that maintain their body temperature despite changes in temperature in their
10. What C are animals that adjust their body temperature to external sources of warmth, such as sunlight
and soil?
Answer Key:
1. Humans 6. Mammals
2. Vertebrate 7. Birds
3. Reptile 8. Amphibians
VI. Generalization
Vertebrates are animals that have backbone and cranium. Vertebrates are divided into five groups:
Birds – warm – blooded animals that have bodies covered with feathers.
Amphibians – cold – blooded animals that live both on land and in water.
Warm – blooded animals maintain their body temperature despite changes in temperature in their
surroundings, while cold – blooded animals adjust their body temperature to external sources of warmth,
such as sunlight and soil.
A. Follow – Up Assignment
Look up for other interesting information about vertebrates not found in the textbooks. Then
compile these additional animal facts in an album.
B. Advance Assignment
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