c7-20 Paving For Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
c7-20 Paving For Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
c7-20 Paving For Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Related Sections 1
National Productivity and Quality Specifications (NPQS)
2.1 Contractor’s Proposals 5
3.1 Asphaltic Concrete Paving 6
3.2 Rigid In-situ Concrete Pavements 9
3.3 Precast Concrete Flags, Clay and Concrete Blocks 11
3.4 Precast Concrete Kerbs 11
4.1 General 12
4.2 Asphaltic Concrete Pavings 12
4.3 Rigid Insitu Concrete Pavement 15
4.4 Precast Concrete Flags, Clay and Concrete Block Pavings 19
4.5 Precast Concrete Kerbs 20
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.
1.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for the construction of paved finishes for estate
roads, driveways and footways within a building development. It covers three main
types of pavings, namely:
a. Asphaltic Concrete Pavings
b. Rigid insitu concrete slab
c. Precast concrete Flags and Clay or Concrete interlocking block pavings
For tiled finishes and grass blocks refer to architectural specifications.
The paving is to be laid on base and/or sub-base constructed in compliance with
section C7-10 and the design drawings. For requirements of sub-grade, sub-base or
base refer to section C7-10 “Construction of Estate Roads, Driveways and
This document specifies project specific data to be read in conjunction with section
C7-20 of NPQS. All modification and additions noted in this document take
precedence over clauses noted in NPQS. Clause references in this document tie with
those in C7-20 with the same clause title.
1.3 Standards
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, ensure all of the Works comply with the relevant
requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the body of
the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be proposed for approval by
the SO, provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes
comply with the requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes
quoted are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.
Singapore Standards
SS 2 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete
SS 31 Aggregates from natural source for concrete
SS 73 Methods of sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sand and
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
SS 78 Testing concrete
Part A1: Method of sampling fresh concrete on site
Part A2: Method for determination of slump
Part A8: Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete
Part A11: Method of normal curing of test specimens (27°C method)
Part A16: Method for determination of compressive strength of
concrete cubes
Part A20: Method for determination of the compressive strength of
concrete cores
SS 85 Bitumen emulsion for road construction
SS 86 Method of sampling and testing bitumen
Other Standards
BS 594 Part 1: Hot rolled Asphalt for roads and other paved areas.
Specification for constituent materials and Asphalt mixtures
BS 1521 Waterproof building papers
BS 2499 Part 1: Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavement.
Specification for joint sealants
BS 5212 Cold applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavement
BS 6717 Precast, unreinforced concrete paving blocks. Requirements and test
BS 7263 Part 1: Precast concrete flags, kerbs, channels, edgings and
quadrants. Precast, unreinforced concrete paving flags and
complementary fittings. Requirements and test method
BS 7533 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers
Part 1: Guide for the structural design of heavy duty pavements
constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks
Part 2: Guide for the structural design of lightly trafficked pavements
constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks
Part 3: Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks
and clay pavers for flexible pavements
Part 4: Code of practice for the construction of pavements of precast
concrete flags or natural stone slabs
ASTM C29 Standard test method for bulk density (unit weight) and voids in
ASTM C88 Standard test method for soundness of aggregates by use of sodium
sulfate or magnesium sulfate
ASTM C131 Standard test method for resistance to degradation of small size
coarse aggregate by abrasion and impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM C171 Standard specification for sheet materials for curing concrete
ASTM C309 Standard specification for liquid membrane-forming compounds for
curing concrete
ASTM C535 Standard test method for resistance to degradation of large size
coarse aggregate by abrasion and impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM D242 Standard specification for mineral filler for bituminous paving
ASTM D5581 Standard test method for resistance to plastic flow of bituminous
mixtures using Marshall apparatus
ASTM D1752 Standard specification for preformed sponge rubber and cork
expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural construction
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
3.1.1 General
Asphaltic concrete paving is to consist of a mixture of graded mineral aggregate and
Asphaltic binder, laid with a bitumen binding course and compacted on a prepared
base as the wearing course in conformity with the design requirements of alignment,
level and dimensions.
3.1.2 Aggregates
Aggregates are to consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel or crushed slag with or
without sand or other inert finely divided mineral aggregate. The components of the
aggregates is to be classified as follows:
Aggregate Classification
Aggregates Requirement
Coarse Aggregate Retained on BS 3.2mm sieve
Fine Aggregate Passed BS 3.2mm sieve and retained
on 75 m sieve
Mineral Filler Passed BS 75 m sieve
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
c. Meet the soundness and wear requirements as specified for coarse aggregate.
The fine aggregate with any blended filler is to have a plasticity index not greater than
6, and a liquid limit of not more than 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM
D4318, and in addition have a silt content of not greater than 0.3% of the total weight
when tested in accordance with SS73.
Natural sand, when added to produce the desired gradation or to increase the
workability or compactibility of the mixture is to be limited to 15% by weight to obtain
optimum pavement properties. Filler
Filler, in addition to those naturally present in the aggregate, is to meet the
requirements of ASTM D242.
Tests on residue SS 86
from distillation test
Penetration at 250C 0.1 mm 60 200 SS 86
100g, 5s
Ductility at 25 0C, 5 cm 40 - SS 86
Solubility in % weight 97 - SS 86
3.1.4 Bitumen
Bitumen is to be / have:
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
a. Petroleum bitumen of 60/70 penetration grade. No mineral matter other than that
naturally contained in such bitumen is to be present.
b. Homogeneous, free from water and not foam when heated to 175°C.
c. Conform to the requirements tabulated below:
Requirements for Bitumen
Property Unit 60/70 Method of
Penetration Testing
Min Max
Penetrating at 250C 0.1 mm 60 70 SS 86
100g, 5s
Flash Point, Cleveland C 232 - SS 86
Open Cup
Ductility at 250C, 5 cm cm 100 - SS 86
per min
Solubility in % weight 99 - SS 86
Thin-film oven test, 3.2 SS 86
mm, 1630C, 5 hrs
a) Loss on heating % weight - 0.8 SS 86
b) Penetration of % of original 54 - SS 86
residue at 250C
c) Ductility of residue at cm 50 - SS 86
250C, 5 cm per min
d) Softening Point, Ring C 47 56 SS 86
and Ball
e) Specific Gravity at 25 - 1.0 1.11 SS 86
3.1.5 Admixture
Agree with the SO any admixture to be added to the Asphaltic Concrete mix.
3.1.6 Water
Water used in diluting the bitumen emulsion or wetting the wheels of rollers is to be
clean, fresh and free from organic or inorganic matter in solution or suspension in
such amounts that may impair the strength and durability of the Asphaltic Concrete.
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
3.2.1 Concrete
Comply with the requirements in Section C3-10, clause 3.0.
For roads and driveways, coarse aggregates are to additionally comply with ASTM
C131 Or ASTM C535 as appropriate for abrasion resistance.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
3.2.3 Reinforcements
For general requirements refer to section C3-20, clause 3.0.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
4.1 General
4.1.2 Setting-out
Refer to Section C7-10 Clause 4.2 (Setting-out).
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Where a manhole cover is lower than the premix surface, provide a wooden frame to
demarcate its position so that it can be recognised and raised subsequently. Prior to
commencement of work, inspect the site to distinguish and indicate by paint on the
road kerb or footpath, the types of manholes and distance of it from the indicated
Prior to the laying of the Asphaltic concrete, apply a suitable prime coat/tack coat of
cationic bitumen of rapid setting type to all surfaces receiving the Asphalt paving
including all manholes, kerbs, channels and other projections against which Asphalt
paving is to be laid. Spray the prime coat/tack coat of bitumen emulsion at rates of
1.14 litre/m² and 0.54 litre/m² for aggregate base course surface and premix surface
Allow a period of not less than 10 minutes ‘to break’ before Asphalt concrete can be
4.2.4 Transporting
Plan the transport to ensure continuity of supply of Asphalt concrete. Use canvas
cover to protect the mix from the weather regardless of the ambient temperature or
haul distance. Transport the mix from the mixing plant without delay to prevent
segregation. Ensure the temperature of any batch does not fall below the specified
laying temperature at discharge into the spreader. Minimise the use of dust, coated
dust, oil or water to facilitate discharge. If contamination of the mixture occurred,
clean the vehicle thoroughly before being used again.
4.2.5 Laying Asphaltic Concrete Finisher
The bituminous paver is to be capable of spreading and finishing courses of the plant
mix materials in lane widths, to the specified thickness at various rates of travel
consistent with the rate of delivery and the type of Asphalt mixture to be laid. The
receiving hopper is to have sufficient capacity for a uniform spreading operation,
which produce a surface finish without tearing, shoving or grazing the surface.
For lengths of road in excess of 500m, the paver is to be equipped and operated with
an automatic level control system e.g. wire sensor, sensor shoe etc. Submit details
for SO’s acceptance. Laying Temperature
The temperature of the hot-mix Asphalt in the spreader hopper is to be 130°C to
140ºC at the time of spreading. If the hot-mix on arrival at the site is above 140º,
allow cooling down to the required temperature before being discharged into the
spreader hopper. Reject the hot-mix if temperature falls below 130°C on arrival.
Supply two small accurate thermometers of 100 mm length for checking the
temperature of the newly laid premix and two large accurate thermometers for
checking the temperature of the premix on the tippers. The large thermometers are to
consist of a weatherproof dial head of diameter not smaller than 62 mm and a
stainless steel stem of length 600 mm. Spreading and Finishing
Tip the plant mixture onto the hopper of the paver and spread, level, tamper and
finish to the correct profile, camber or cross-fall without causing segregation,
dragging, burning or other surface defects or irregularities. Feed the mixture to the
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
paver at such a rate as to permit continuous laying. Rectify all the irregularities and
surface defects while the surface is still hot and before the final rolling is completed.
Do not place the Asphaltic concrete mix when weather conditions prevent proper
handling, compaction and finishing.
On areas where the use of mechanical spreading equipment is impracticable, spread,
rake, level and compact the mixture by hand tools.
4.2.6 Compacting
Use self-propelled rollers capable of reversing without backlash. The following types
are acceptable:
a. Static three-steel-wheeled, smooth-roll roller having a weight between 8 to 12
tonnes and a weight per mm width of rear wheel between 5.4 kg and 7.2 kg.
b. Two-steel-wheeled, smooth-roll tandem roller having a weight of between 8 and
12 tonnes and a weight per mm width of rear wheel between 3.5 kg and 7.2 kg.
c. Self-propelled vibratory tandem roller with a net weight of 10 tonnes and static
linear load in both drums of 30 N/mm. The roller is to be capable of transmitting
vibrations at a rate between 2000 to 3000 vibrations per minute and giving
amplitude of 0.4 to 0.8 mm.
d. Self-propelled pneumatic rubber wheel tyre roller having a weight between 10
and 30 tonnes and with tyre pressure varying between 545 and 827 kN/m².
Commence compaction of the Asphaltic concrete as soon as it will bear the weight of
a roller without undue movement, cracking or shoving. Carry out initial rolling with a
three-wheeled roller followed by intermediate rolling with a pneumatic-tyre roller. Final
rolling is to be done with a tandem roller.
Carry out rolling in the direction of laying. Proceed with the driving wheels leading
and travel slowly enough to avoid displacement of the hot mixture. Commence rolling
at the edge abutting any previously laid surfacing. Lap successive passes so that on
completion all roller marks are obliterated. Check the levels and surface accuracy of
the Asphalt surfacing continuously and correct any displacement by the use of rakes.
Apply water or other approved parting fluid to prevent adhesion in minimum quantities
if necessary.
Start the rolling of a free lane at one of the outer edges, with the drum projecting
about 50 - 100 mm outside the pavement. Subsequently continue rolling in parallel
lanes with overlap of about 100-200mm. If the surface has a transverse inclination,
commence rolling at the lowest side.
On thick Asphaltic concrete layers carry out the initial passes about 300 - 400 mm
inside the edges, allow the mix to cool and provide for a stable bearing area for the
roller before the outer edges are compacted.
Continue rolling for no less than 45 minutes after the last mix has been laid until all
roller marks are eliminated, no further compression is possible and the surface is of
uniform texture and true to grade and level.
4.2.7 Joints
Form joints by cutting back on the previous day’s run to expose the full depth of the
course; Provide for a proper bond with the adjacent course by applying a light coat of
bitumen emulsion at the exposed edge. Rake the fresh mixture against the joint and
thoroughly tamp and roll. Place the course at a transverse joint as continuous as
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
possible. (See Fig. 4.2.7-1). Place longitudinal joint staggered with that in the base,
binder, or existing surface course by at least 0.5 m (See Fig. 4.2.7-2).
In two-layer construction, offset the longitudinal joint between layers by about 150
mm. Place the joint in the top layer at dividing lane lines if the roadway is two-lanes or
more in width.
Saw-cut transverse joints to form a wedge-shaped groove of 25 mm depth and 75
mm width to enable the newly laid Asphaltic concrete to be flush with the existing
4.3.1 Forms
Use forms to achieve the prescribed edge thickness without horizontal joint. For
curves of 30 m radius or less, use flexible or curved forms to SO’s acceptance.
Secure forms so as to withstand the impact and vibration of the consolidating and
finishing equipment. The top face of the form is not to vary from a true plane more
than 3 mm in 3 m. Use repaired forms or built-up forms only with the agreement of
the SO.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
set has taken place at the bottom layer before being covered with the top layer,
remove and replace with freshly mixed concrete.
When the concrete is placed in one layer, position the reinforcement in advance of
concrete placement or place in plastic concrete by mechanical or vibratory means
after spreading.
Keep reinforcing steel free of mud, oil, or other organic matter that may adversely
affect or reduce bond.
4.3.5 Joints General
Construct all joints true to line with their faces perpendicular to the surface of the
pavement. Joints are not to vary more than 13 mm from a true line or from their
designated position. Finish the vertical surface of the pavement adjacent to all
expansion joints to a true plane and edge to a radius of 6 mm or as shown in the
drawings. Test the surface across the joints with a 3 m straight edge as the joints are
finished and correct any irregularities in excess of 6 mm before the concrete has
hardened. When required, accurately form keyways with a template of metal or wood. Tie Bars and Dowels
Place tie bars at intervals of 750 mm, unless otherwise specified. Hold in position by
agreed means. Tie bars may be bent at right angles against the form at longitudinal
construction joints, unless threaded bolt or other assembled tie bars are specified.
Ensure these bars are not painted, greased, or enclosed in sleeves.
Place dowel bars or other load-transfer units and hold rigidly in the middle of the slab
depth by an approved assembly device to be left permanently in place.
The maximum permissible tolerance on dowel bar alignment in each plane, horizontal
and vertical, is not to exceed 2% or 6 mm per 300 mm of a dowel bar.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
4.3.6 Finishing
For side-form construction, use internal type vibrators with immersed tube initially and
finish with surface pan type for the full width of the concrete slab. Vibrators may be
attached to the spreader or the finishing machine or they may be mounted on a
separate carriage. Do not allow vibrators to come in contact with the joint, load-
transfer devices, subgrade, or side forms. Ensure the frequency of the internal type
vibrators are at least 7000 vibrations per minute and the surface vibrators are at least
3500 vibrations per minute. Check by using a tachometer. Use hand vibrators to
consolidate the concrete along forms and other isolated areas.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
4.3.9 Curing
Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed, cure the entire
surface of the newly placed concrete using one of the materials below. Do not expose
the concrete for more than half an hour during the curing period.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
4.4.1 General
Lay precast concrete flags in accordance with BS 7533: Part 4.
Lay clay and concrete block paving in accordance with BS 7533: Part 3.
Lay paving on a bedding of sand compacted to thickness of 50mm in accordance
with BS 7533: Part 2. On an existing paved area, lay bedding to 39-44mm thickness.
Do not leave bedding exposed to adverse weather and/or overnight.
Lay paving up slopes and/or away from edge restraints to avoid creep and damage to
the bedding layer.
4.4.2 Laying
Lay paving blocks hand tight to the pattern shown in the drawings. Bed blocks with a
vibrating plate compactor using 2-3 passes as necessary, until no more compaction is
Brush-fill joints with masonry sand joint filler and vibrate surface to assist joint filling. If
necessary, top-up joints during early life by brushing with loose masonry sand.
For setts, fill joints with limestone dust and ram down 3-4mm. Alternatively, use weak
dry sand/ cement mix, 1:9 mix. Keep setts dry during joint filling to prevent mortar
staining. Sweep clean then moisten with a watering can fitted with a medium rose.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
5.1 Submissions
5.1.2 Programme
Submit the programme for various stages of work for acceptance.
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C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways
Version 1.0
C7-20 Paving for Estate Roads, Driveways and Footways Admixtures
Furnish all relevant technical information on any admixture intended for use and
provide certification from approved body that the admixtures will comply with the
specified requirements.
In addition, conduct further tests at the direction of the SO to justify consistency in
complying with specified requirements.
Version 1.0