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GB Installation Manual F5 with Safety Function „STO“

Control Circuit

Original Manual
Mat.No. Rev.
00F5NES-K000 1K
Table of Contents

1. Preface...............................................................................................................5
1.1 General.................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Validity and liability.............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Copyright............................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Specified application............................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Product description.............................................................................................................. 6

2. Control...............................................................................................................8
2.1 Features of the control......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Overview................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 LED1....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 HSP5 interface X4A................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.3 Encoder interfaces X3A, X3B................................................................................................. 9
2.2.4 Operators................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.5 Control terminal strip X2A....................................................................................................... 9
2.2.6 Safety terminal block X2B....................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Connection of the control.................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Assembly of the wires........................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Assignment of the terminal strip X2A................................................................................11
2.4.1 Connection of the digital inputs............................................................................................. 13
2.4.2 Connection of the digital outputs.......................................................................................... 13
2.4.3 Connection of the analog inputs........................................................................................... 14
2.4.4 Connection of the analog outputs......................................................................................... 15
2.4.5 Connection of the relay outputs............................................................................................ 15
2.5 Assignment of the terminal block X2B............................................................................. 16
2.5.1 inputs.................................................................................................................................... 16 Specification of the STO inputs............................................................................................ 16 STO with OSSD signals........................................................................................................ 16
2.5.2 Output STO........................................................................................................................... 16

3. Safety Function STO......................................................................................17

3.1 Emergency stop according EN 60204............................................................................... 18
3.2 Classification of STO according IEC 61508...................................................................... 19
3.3 Classification of STO according EN ISO 13849................................................................ 19
3.4 Additional instructions....................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Functional Description....................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Wiring Examples................................................................................................................. 21
3.6.1 Direct switching off with emergency stop switch................................................................... 21
3.6.2 Direct switching off with emergency stop switch and monitoring of the wiring..................... 22
3.6.3 Direct switching off by safety module with test pulses.......................................................... 23
3.6.4 Wiring SS1............................................................................................................................ 24

4. Certification.....................................................................................................26
4.1 Annex to the declaration of conformity............................................................................ 26

5. Revision history..............................................................................................28

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Table of Contents

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1. Preface
1.1 General
First we would like to welcome you as a customer of the company Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH
and congratulation to the purchase of this product. You have decided for a product on highest
technical niveau.
The described hard- and software are developments of the Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH. The
enclosed documents correspond to conditions valid at printing. Misprint, mistakes and techni-
cal changes reserved.
The instruction manual must be made available to the user. Before working with the unit the
user must become familiar with it. This especially applies to the knowledge and observance
of the following safety and warning indications. The used pictograms have following signifi-
Is used, if life or health of the user are endangered or substantial
damage to property can occur.

Is used, if a measure is necessary for safe and trouble-free opera-
observe at
all costs

Is used, if a measure simplifies the handling or operation of the
Non-observance of the safety instructions leads to the loss of any liability claims. This list is
not exhaustive.

1.2 Validity and liability

The use of our units in the target products is outside of our control and therefore lies
exclusively in the area of responsibility of the machine manufacturer.
The information contained in the technical documentation, as well as any user-specific advice
in spoken and written and through tests, are made to best of our knowledge and information
about the application. However, they are considered for information only without responsibil-
ity. This also applies to any violation of industrial property rights of a third-party.
Selection of our units in view of their suitability for the intended use must be done generally
by the user.
Tests can only be done within the application by the machine manufacturer. They must be
repeated, even if only parts of hardware, software or the unit adjustment are modified.
Unauthorised opening and tampering may lead to bodily injury and property damage and
may entail the loss of warranty rights. Original spare parts and authorized accessories by the
manufacturer serve as security. The use of other parts excludes liability for the consequences
arising out of.

GB - 5

The suspension of liability is especially valid also for operation interruption loss, loss of profit,
data loss or other damages. This is also valid, if we referred first to the possibility of such
If single regulations should be or become void, invalid or impracticable, the effectivity of all
other regulations or agreements is not affected.

1.3 Copyright
The customer may use the instruction manual as well as further documents or parts from it for
internal purposes. Copyrights are with KEB and remain valid in its entirety.

1.4 Specified application

The COMBIVERT F5 serves exclusively for the control and regulation of three-phase motors.
The operation of other electric consumers is prohibited and can lead to the destruction of the
unit. Inverter are components designed for inclusion in electrical installations or machinery.
The used semiconductors and components of KEB are developed and dimensioned for the
use in industrial products. If the KEB COMBIVERT F5 is used in machines, which work under
exceptional conditions or if essential functions, life-supporting measures or an extraordinary
safety step must be fulfilled, the necessary reliability and security must be ensured by the
machine builder. The operation of our products outside the indicated limit values of the techni-
cal data leads to the loss of any liability claims. The safety function is limited to a service life
of 20 years. After this time the unit must be replaced.

1.5 Product description

The product family COMBIVERT F5 with safety function STO has been developed for the
use in safety-oriented applications. The basic standards as well as application and country-
specific standards must be observed furthermore. The standards referred in this manual must
be observed supplementary !
The safety function STO according to IEC 61800-5-2 contains:
• Safe torque off (Safe Torque Off - STO)
The safety function meet the requirements in accordance with performance level e (ISO13849-
1) and SIL 3 (IEC 61508 and IEC 62061). In case of proper project design, installation and
operation the safety function protect people against mechanical damages.
This accompanying instruction manual contains only information for the instal-
lation and connection of the control of the KEB COMBIVERT F5, as well as the
safety technology.
This manual is only valid in connection with the EMC- and safety instructions as
well as the power circuit manual.

GB - 6

COMBIVERT F5 inverter with integrated safety technology correspond to the following nu-
merical code:
Inverter Control SW Operating mode
Control HW used
xxF5Kxx-xxxx with encoder MULTI
1KF5x30-0009 up to housing size E APPLICATION
2KF5x30-0008 from housing size G xxF5Kxx-xx0x without encod- GENERAL
er interface
xxF5Lxx-xxxx ASCL MULTI
xxF5Pxx-xxxx SCL SERVO

The certification of controllers with safety tech-

Validity of nology since 05.2013 is only valid if the material
certificates number corresponds with the specified numerical
code and the FS logo is printed on the type plate.

GB - 7

2. Control
2.1 Features of the control
The control provides the following analog and digital functions:
• Hardware allocation of digital and analog inputs and outputs.
• HSP5 interface for the connection with an operator or via special cable (00F50C0-0010)
with a PC
• Hardware of the control circuit „safety separated“ according to EN 61800-5-1 (base TN-
C/-S mains)
• Operation and diagnosis via operator
• Safety function STO (two channel torque off)

2.2 Overview
Control 2KF5xxx-xxxx from G housing Control 1KF5xxx-xxxx in D & E housing





X3 X4A

B D1

X2A Control terminal strip X6B HSP5 diagnostic interface

X2B Terminal block safety function X6C
X3A Encoder interface channel 1 (op- X6D depending on the operator
X3B Encoder interface channel 2 (op- LED1 Inverter state
X4A HSP5 interface

GB - 8

2.2.1 LED1
If the COMBIVERT F5 is operated without plugged operator, the inverter state can be read
from integrated status LED..
LED status Function
off Unit switched off
on Unit ready for operation
flashing Unit in malfunction

2.2.2 HSP5 interface X4A

The HSP5 interface X4A serves for the communication with a control operator. A digital op-
erator, interface operator and different fieldbus operators are available for this. To prevent
malfunctions, the inverter must be brought into nOP status before connecting / disconnecting
the operator (open control release terminal). When starting the inverter, it is started always
with the last stored values or factory setting.
A special HSP5 cable (part number 00.F5.0C0-0010) is required for the operation of the KEB
COMBIVERT without operator. This cable is connected between HSP5 interface X4A and
serial RS232 PC interface (COM1 or COM2). Operation occurs via the program COMBIVIS.
The HSP5 service cable has an integrated level converter. The connection of a serial
standard cable would destroy the PC interface.

2.2.3 Encoder interfaces X3A, X3B

The COMBIVERT F5 can be equipped optionally with encoder interfaces. Different combina-
tions can be used here according to the requirements. The instruction is made separately
according to the installed encoder interfaces.
2.2.4 Operators
The COMBIVERT F5 can be equipped optionally with operator. Different control or field bus
operators are available here according to the requirements. The instruction is made sepa-
rately according to the installed operator.
2.2.5 Control terminal strip X2A
The control terminal block X2A is designed as double, plug-in terminal block with spring cage
connection. It contains 32 pole.
2.2.6 Safety terminal block X2B
The safety terminal block X2A is designed as double, plug-in terminal block with spring cage
connection. It contains 10 pole.

GB - 9

2.3 Connection of the control

The following instructions must be observed at connection:
Attention Prevent EMC malfunctions
• Use shielded / drilled cables
• Lay shield on one side of the inverter onto earth potential
• Install control cables and power cables separately (approx. 10…20 cm
distance); Kreuzungen im rechten Winkel verlegen
• To avoid interferences a separate shielding must be provided for analog
and digital control lines. Depending on the use of the relay outputs, an ex-
tra shielding is to be used, too.
• In case of inductive load on the relay outputs a protective wiring must be
provided (e.g. free-wheeling diode)!

The terminals of the control terminal strip and the transmitter inputs are se-
curely isolated in accordance with EN 50178.

2.3.1 Assembly of the wires

Cross-section / AWG Metal sleeve length Stripping length
0.50 mm2 / 21 10 mm 12 mm
0.75 mm2 / 19 12 mm 14 mm
1.00 mm2 / 18 12 mm 15 mm

KEB generally recommends the use of wire-end ferrules in industrial

Info environments.

Cross-section / AWG Stripping length

0.14 1.5mm2 , 25 16 10 mm
Stranded wire (rigidly and flexibly)

• Press pusher by hand. Insert connecting wires into the respective hole, that no single wires can
be seen from the outside or bend outward.
A first resistance must be overcome when inserting. Release the pusher.
• Check that the connecting wire is fixed and can not be pulled-out. It is important to ensure that
the connecting wire and not the insulation is clamped. The connecting wire can also be inserted
without pressing the pusher in case of cross-sections upto 1.00 mm².

A safe clamping can not be guaranteed when using shorter wire-end

Attention ferrules.

GB - 10

Front view Side view

a) b)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17

a) Pusher
b) Connecting wire hole

2.4 Assignment of the terminal strip X2A

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

PIN Name Description Specifications

1 0V Digital mass; reference potential for digital inputs/outputs, Uin and Uout
U=24 VDC +20 %/-15 %
2 Uin Input external voltage supply
Imax=1 A
3 0V like pin 1
U=24 VDC ±25 %
4 Uout Voltage output for the control of the digital inputs
Imax (Pin 4+32)=100 mA
6 ST
7 R Programmable 8 digital inputs according to IEC61131-2 type 1
8 F digital inputs „0“ = -3…5 VDC
9 I2 (Assignment ex factory „1“ = 15…30 VDC
10 I1 see chapter 2.4.1) Scan time ≤ 1 ms
11 I4
12 I3
further on next side

GB - 11

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

PIN Name Description Specifications

2 short-circuit proof digital 24 V outputs
13 O2 Programmable specified according to IEC61131-2
digital outputs Imax = 100mA per output
(Assignment ex factory Switching of inductive load (without free-wheel-
14 O1 see chapter 2.4.2) ing path) up to 300mJ
maximum switching frequency = 1kHz
15 0V like pin 1
Reference voltage for
16 CRF 10 VDC +5 %; Imax = 4 mA
setpoint potentiometer
17 AN1- 0…±10 Vdc (Ri=55 kΩ)
18 AN1+ 0…±20 mA (Ri=250 Ω)
analog inputs
4…20 mA (Ri=250 Ω)
19 AN2- (Assignment ex factory
Resolution: 11 Bit + sign
see chapter 2.4.3)
20 AN2+ Scan time ≤ 1 ms
21 COM Analog mass; Reference potential for analog inputs and outputs
Programmable analog output 1
22 ANOUT1 U=0…±10 Vdc
(Assignment ex factory see chapter 2.4.4)
(max.11.5 Vdc)
23 COM like Pin 21
Imax=10 mA; Ri = 100 Ω
Programmable analog output 2 Res:11Bit + sign
(Assignment ex factory see chapter 2.4.4)
Relay 2 switching
25 R2-C
Relay 1 switching Programmable
26 R1-C Umax = 30 Vdc
contact relay outputs
27 R2-B Relay 2 NC contact (Assignment ex factory
I = 0.01…1 A
28 R1-B Relay 1 NC contact see chapter 2.4.5)
29 R2-A Relay 2 NO contact
30 R1A Relay 1 NO contact
31 0V like pin 1
32 Uout like pin 4

GB - 12

2.4.1 Connection of the digital inputs

Connection of the digital inputs
with internal voltage supply with external voltage supply

4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12
3 5 7 9 11 3 5 7 9 11

Factory setting of the digital inputs

RST Reset Reset
ST Control release Control release / reset
R Direction of rotation reverse Limit switch left
F Direction of rotation forward Limit switch right
I1 Step value 1 I1+I2=fixed value Step value 1 I1+I2=fixed value
I2 Step value 1 3 Step value 1 3
I3 External error input (E.EF) External error input (E.EF)
I4 Activates DC braking –

2.4.2 Connection of the digital outputs

Examples for the connection of the digital outputs
Connection appliance Connection to an external control

14 14
13 15 13 15


Example for the control of digital inputs and outputs

GB - 13

4 6 8 101214
3 5 7 9 11 13

Factory setting of the digital outputs

O1 Ready signal Ready signal
O2 Switch at actual value=setpoint Switch at actual value=setpoint
value value

2.4.3 Connection of the analog inputs

Examples for the connection of the analog setpoint input
R = 0…3/5/10kΩ
18 2022 18
17 19 21 17
16 18 2022
15 17 19 21 *) 0…±20mA
*) + 0…±10Vdc +

*) Connect potential equalizing line only if a potential difference of >30 V exists

between the controls. The internal resistance is reduced to 30 kΩ.

Factory setting of the setpoint inputs

Analog setpoint for
Setting analog setpoint
AN1 speed-controlled operation
0…±10 Vdc
0…±10 Vdc
Analog setpoint for
AN2 – torque-controlled operation
0…±10 Vdc

GB - 14

2.4.4 Connection of the analog outputs

Connection of the analog outputs

0…10Vdc 0…10Vdc
Imax=10mA Imax=10mA
21 23

Factory setting of the analog outputs

AO1 Output frequency 0…100 Hz Speed actual value 0…3000 rpm
AO2 Apparent current 0…2•IoutN Apparent current 0…2•IoutN

2.4.5 Connection of the relay outputs

Connection of the relay outputs
U = max. 30 Vdc
I = 0.01…1 A



Factory setting of the relay outputs

R1 Fault relay Fault relay
R2 Frequency denpendent switch RUN-Relay
(set at modulation on)

GB - 15

2.5 Assignment of the terminal block X2B

X2B PIN Name I/O
1 STO1+
2 STO1+
Input STO channel 1
3 STO1-
2 4 6 8 10 4 STO1-
5 STO2+
6 STO2+
Input STO channel 2
1 3 5 7 9 7 STO2-
8 STO2-
Output STO
The individual channels are designed potential-free, so 24V and 0 V can be connected. The
inputs are designed by way that safety switchgear units with test pulses (OSSD signals) can
be connected. The signals are not evaluated, they are only filtered. The OSSD test interval
is limited to 10 ms.
The output STO-OUT at terminal 9/10 is switched against the mass of the control.

2.5.1 inputs Specification of the STO inputs
STO Status 0 Status 1
inputs UL [V] IL [mA] UH [V] IH [mA]
max. 5 25 30 25
min. -3 not defined 15 5
The maximum short-term starting current of the input is limited to 300 mA. STO with OSSD signals
The filter time depends on the minimum input voltage and can be specified as follows:
Input voltage [V] OSSD pulse width [ms]
15 0.1
18 0.8
20 1.1
24 1.5
30 1.8

2.5.2 Output STO

The short-circuit proof, digital output is specified in accordance with IEC61131-2. The output
rated current is 100 mA at 24 Vdc. The output is active, if the inputs STO1 and STO2 are set.

GB - 16
Safety Function STO

3. Safety Function STO

Uncontrolled start of the drive is possible by improper instal-
lation of the safety technology. This may cause death, serious
Only bodily injuries or substantial damage to property.
Staff Therefore the safety function may only be installed and put into
operation by qualified personnel which are trained in safety tech-

The COMBIVERT F5 with safety function must not be started

until it is determined that the installation complies with 2006/42/
EC (machine directive) as well as the EMC directive (2004/108/
EC)(note EN60204).
The COMBIVERT F5 with safety function meets the require-
ments of the Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC. The harmo-
nized standard of the series EN 61800‑5‑1 (VDE 0160) is used.
This is a product of limited availability in accordance with IEC
61800-3. This product may cause radio interference in residen-
tial areas. In this case the operator may need to take correspond-
ing measures.
With electronic protection devices is the safety function integrated in the drive control in order
to minimize or eliminate danger by malfunctions in machines. The integrated safety function
replace the complex installation of external safety components. The safety function can be
requested or released by an error.

In order to ensure permanent security, the function must be

checked in regular intervals according to the results of the risk

Installation work or troubleshooting can be necessary in hazard areas, whereby protective

devices such as line- or motor contactors shall not be activated. The safety function STO can
be used there. Depending on the application the use of line or motor contactors can be void
by using STO.
In case of error or request, the power semiconductor of the drive module are switched off and
the drive is not supplied, which causes a rotation or torque (in case of a linear drive move-
ment or force). The unit can be safe switched off and/or remain if an error occurs.

Continue mains voltage with active STO function.

Compared to the disconnection by line contactors or motor contactors the integrated safety
function enables a simple integration of drives to functional groups of a system. Thereby safe
torque off can be limited to certain systems. A further advantage is that the recharge and dis-
charge time of the inverter DC link must not be considered. Thus the unit is faster again ready
for operation after an interruption.

GB - 17
Safety Function STO

Regular electromechanical equipment are liable to abrasion. Loss of these equipment occurs
by using the STO function and the maintenance costs are reduced.
Characteristic data for „Safe torque off“
• Power supply for the rotation direction of the motor is interrupted (free-wheeling motor)
• Used when monitoring of standstill is not necessary
• Unintentional starting of the motor is prevented
• No galvanic isolation of the motor from the dc link circuit

What is realized by the STO function related to EN 60204 -1 ?

• Emergency stop can be realized by the STO function, since the mains voltage may re-
main effective.
• Emergency stop can be realized only in connection with a line contactor, which discon-
nects the mains voltage !

3.1 Emergency stop according EN 60204

By using suitable safety switchgear units, stop category 0 and 1 according to EN 60204 -1
can be reached by the STO function in the system. Note chapter 3.6 for safety switchgear
„uncontrolled stop“, i.e. stop by immediate removal of power to the
Stop category 0
„controlled stop“, i.e. power to the actuators is retained to apply
Stop category 1 braking until the stop is achieved. The energy is switched off at
Emergency stop to EN 60204 must be functional in all operating modes of the drive module.
The reset of emergency stop may not lead to an uncontrolled start of the drive.

Restart only The drive restarts if function STO is no longer released. In order
after confir- to comply with EN 60204, it must be ensured by external meas-
mation ures that the drive restarts only after confirmation.

Without mechanical brake the drive leads to coast; motor is free-wheeling. Additional protec-
tive devices must be installed (e.g.locking systems) if damage to persons or property can

If danger to persons occur after switching off the motor control

Ensure coast
by STO, the entrance to hazard areas must remain closed until
of the motor
the drive stops.

In case of double malfunction it can lead to unwanted jerk, the

Jerks in error
rotation angle is depending on the number of poles of the se-
lected drive and the gear ratio.

GB - 18
Safety Function STO

Calculation of the jerk:

Rotation angle of the jerk WR [°] = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Pole-pair number p • gear reduction ratio g

This behaviour can occur either by a short circuit of the IGBTs or by interconnection (also
short circuit) of the control drivers. The error should be regarded as critical, if the drive re-
mains in STO status.

3.2 Classification of STO according IEC 61508

PFH 2.6 • 10-12 1/h
PFD 2.3 • 10-7 on demand
Proof-Test-Interval T 20 years
For SIL classification in connection with the applications consider the failure rates of the ex-
ternal switch devices for final evaluation.

3.3 Classification of STO according EN ISO 13849

Category 4
MTTFD >1000 years
DC high
For the classification within a performance level in connection with the applications consider
the failure rates of the external switch devices for final evaluation.

3.4 Additional instructions

• The unit must be isolated from mains by main switch when working on parts under volt-
• Mechanical brakes must be installed additionally if external forces have effect to the drive
axis, e.g. vertical axes (hanging loads) or rotary axes with asymmetrical weight distribu-
• For the protection against pollution (pollution degree 2) the installation of the units must
be provided in environment with increased protection (e. g. control cabinet IP 54).
• Make sure that no small parts fall into the COMBIVERT during assembly and wiring. This
also applies to mechanical components, which can lose small parts during operation.
• Check the safety functions and error responses and generate an acceptance report after
• The start-up can be prevented with interruption of the STO signals. STO may not be
released in case of danger according to EN 60204-1. Also note the instructions to the
external safety switch devices.
• Dimension the safety application by way that the corresponding input current of the safety
functions is available for the inputs (see chapter 2.5.1).
Use for the connection only suitable voltage sources with safe
Selection of
isolation (SELV / PELV) in accordance with VDE 0100 with nom-
suitable volt-
inal voltage of 24 Vdc ± 10%. Pay attention on a sufficient over-
age sources
voltage category of the voltage supply.

GB - 19
Safety Function STO

3.5 Functional Description

The COMBIVERT with integrated safety function meets the following function according to
IEC 61800-5-2:

• „Safe torque off" (STO)

The safety-related disconnection according to STO is reached by a two-cannel opto-coupler

blockage. The supply of the opto-couplers, which are responsible for the commutation of the
connected drive occurs via transformation coupling of the input voltage. This ensures at input
voltage loss that no supply of the opto-couplers is possible. If the opto-couplers are not longer
supplied, no IGBT can be controlled and thus no energy can be supplied to the drive.
The two channels are reached by way that input STO1 prevents the voltage supply (VTRO)
of the upper opto-couplers of the inverter bridge and input STO2 the lower opto-couplers
Technical data of the STO function
Maximum ON delay (UIN = 15V) 7 ms
Maximum OFF delay (UIN=30 V) at
… active modulation 10 ms
… inactive modulation until safe state of the driver voltage is reached 50 ms

GB - 20
Safety Function STO

3.6 Wiring Examples

3.6.1 Direct switching off with emergency stop switch


Control circuit
1 2
24Vdc 3 4
+ - 5 6
Safety module 7 8
Terminal strip X2B 9 10
11 12
1 - STO1+ 13 14
2 - STO1+ 15 16
3 - STO1- 17 18
4 - STO1- 19 20
5 - STO2+ 21 22
6 - STO2+ 23 24
7 - STO2- 25 26
8 - STO2- 27 28
9 - STO-OUT 29 30
10 - STO-OUT 31 32

Power circuit


At operation of an emergency stop unit, when both contacts are connected to-
gether against a positive supply signal, make sure that there are no crossfaults.
The wiring must be suitable arranged.

GB - 21
Safety Function STO

3.6.2 Direct switching off with emergency stop switch and monitoring of the wiring


Control circuit X2A

1 2
24Vdc 3 4
+ - 5 6
Safety module 7 8
Terminal strip X2B 9 10
11 12
1 - STO1+ 13 14
2 - STO1+ 15 16
3 - STO1- 17 18
4 - STO1- 19 20
5 - STO2+ 21 22
6 - STO2+ 23 24
7 - STO2- 25 26
8 - STO2- 27 28
9 - STO-OUT 29 30
10 - STO-OUT 31 32

Power circuit


The displayed circuit shows wiring errors in the area of the emergency stop unit and supply
line. A possible short circuit on the primary side of the emergency stop switchgear (mass and
24 Vdc) and a short circuit on the secondary side of the unit or within the wiring leads either
directly or with closed contacts to a short circuit of the supply, whereby a series-connected
24V fuse triggers.

Besides the two displayed applications with an emergency stop switchgear, other sensors
(like door switches etc.) can be used similarly.

GB - 22
Safety Function STO

3.6.3 Direct switching off by safety module with test pulses


S1 S2 Control circuit X2A

open 1 2
closed 3 4
5 6
Safety module 7 8
Terminal strip X2B 9 10
Safety device
11 12
1 - STO1+ 13 14
Receipt 15 16
2 - STO1+
3 - STO1- 17 18
4 - STO1- 19 20
5 - STO2+ 21 22
6 - STO2+ 23 24
7 - STO2- 25 26
8 - STO2- 27 28
9 - STO-OUT 29 30
10 - STO-OUT 31 32

Power circuit


With operation of the emergency stop unit, e.g. by protection door, the release paths of the
safety module are disconnected. This leads to the loss of the STO signals (X2B.1 and 5) and
thus to energy disconnection of the drive. The safety module makes a consistency check of
all signal paths via test signals (OSSD).

GB - 23
Safety Function STO

3.6.4 Wiring SS1

At tripping SS1 (Safe Stop 1) the drive is only disconnected from supply when it has reached
a standstill [IEC 61800-5-2]. The stop mode is not directly requested, but the maximum time
until reaching the standstill is estimated. This period is loaded in a safe time relay, which dis-
connects the drive finally from supply.


S1 S2 Control circuit X2A

open 1 2
closed 3 4
5 6
Safety module
7 8
Terminal strip X2B 9 10
Safety device
11 12 Safety
13 14 device
1 - STO1+
2 - STO1+ 15 16
3 - STO1- 17 18
X2A.12 4 - STO1- 19 20
(I3) 5 - STO2+ 21 22
6 - STO2+ 23 24
7 - STO2- 25 26
8 - STO2- 27 28
9 - STO-OUT 29 30
10 - STO-OUT 31 32

Power circuit


When pressing the emergency stop unit the drive is stopped with a deceleration ramp via
input X2A.12 (I3).
Simultaneously the expiration of the safe time occurs in the safety module. After expiration of
the safe period the control signals STO1+ und STO2+ (X2B.1 and 5) are removed and thus
the energy supply of the drive is disconnected.

GB - 24
Safety Function STO

The following adjustments must be done in COMBIVERT for the function „drive stop“:
Parameter Adjustment
Pn.03 „Reaction to error prog. input“ 1: quick stopping; modulation off; no auto-
matic restart
Function: If the selected input becomes active, the drive decelerates with the quick stopping
function. The drive changes into status 31 „Error! External input", when PN.68 is activated
(<> 0) and the adjusted time has expired.

GB - 25

4. Certification
4.1 Annex to the declaration of conformity
Annex to the declaration of conformity EC for systems with functional safety:
Product designation: Inverter - type series xxF5Kxx-xxxx
Herewith we declare that the safety module described above corresponds with all relevant
regulations of the machinery safety directive 2006/42/EC.
The above mentioned safety module meets the requirements of the following guidelines and
• Machinery safety directive 2006/42/EC
• EMC directive 2004/108/EC
• Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

EN standards Output Text Reference Output

EN 61800-5-1 09/2003 Electrical power drive systems with ad- VDE 0160 09/2003
justable speed: security requirements Part 105

EN 50178 1997 Installation of high voltage systems with VDE 0160 04/1998
electronic equipment
EN 60664-1 2007 Isolation coordinats for electrical equip- VDE 0110 01/2008
ment in low-voltage systems
EN 61800-2 10/1998 Basic determinations for AC inverter VDE 0160 08/1999
Part 102

especially for systems with functional safety additionally:

EN 61800-5-2 2007 Electrical power drive systems with ad- VDE 0160 04/2008
justable speed: functional safety require- Part 105-2
EN 61508-(1…7) Functional safety of electrical/electronic/ VDE 0803 11/2002
programmable electronic safety-related
systems - Part 1 up to 7
EN 60204-1 2006 Electrical equipment of machines; VDE 0113-1 2007
+A1 2009 Part1: General requirements +A1 10/2009
EN 62061 Safety of machinery VDE 0113 10/2005
functional security requirements Part 50
EN 13849-(1, 2) Safety of machinery – 08/2008

GB - 26

The conformity was confirmed by the TÜV Rheinland with the EC type examination

The number and address of the indicated constitution:

NB 0035
TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH
Alboinstr. 56,
12103 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 7562-1557
Fax: +49 30 7562-1370
E-Mail: tuvat@de.tuv.com

GB - 27
Revision history

5. Revision history

Revision Date Description

Rev.1D 2011-02 First published version
Rev.1E 2011-08 Correction: Assignment of the terminal strip; Resolution: 11 Bit + sign
Rev.1F 2012-01 Inscribed certification number; Typing error chapter 3.3.6 in german corrected
Rev.1G 2012-09 Correction input external voltage supply
Rev.1H 2013-03 FS marking inserted; Terminal blocks changed to new standard; Switching condition output STO
Rev.1J 2013-09 New picture on title, strip control wires
Rev.1K 2014-07 Control categorie to categorie and assembly of wire-end ferrule changed

GB - 28

GB - 29
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Mat.No. 00F5NES-K000
Rev. 1K
Date 10/2016

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