Semester 4 Mca
Semester 4 Mca
Semester 4 Mca
Network analysis: - CPM & PERT- Network minimization, shortest route problem,
maximal-flow problem, project scheduling, critical path calculation, PERT calculation.
Inventory models: - Deterministic inventory models, infinite delivery rate with no back
orders, infinite delivery rate with back order, finite delivery rate with no back order, finite
delivery rate with back orders, Introduction to probabilistic inventory models,
Introduction to probabilistic inventory models.
1. Gillett B. E. ,Introduction to Operation Research – A Computer Oriented
algorithmic approach , Mc Graw Hill.
2. Kanti Swarup , Gupta.P.K, Man Mohan , Operations Research , Sultan Chand &
Sons .
3. Hamdy.A.Taha, ”Operations Research : An introduction , Mac Milan Publishing
Company , 1982.
4. Vohra N.D , Quantilative Techniques in Managemental , T.M.H, 1990
5. Zoints . S, Linear & Integer Programming ,Prentice Hall , 1975.
6. Taha . H .A : Operations Research , 3rd Edn . Macmillan , 1982.
7. Hiller . F.S. & Liberman . G.J – Introduction to operations Research , 2nd Edn .
Holden Pay , Inc ,1974.
8. Churchman C.W & Arnoff E .L : Introduction to OR , John wiley & Sons
Transmission media: -Guided and unguided media. Twisted pair wires- physical
description, applications transmission characteristics, unshielded and shielded twisted
pair wires-category 3,4 and 5 UTP. Coaxial cable-phy. Description, applications, cables,
optical fiber-physical description. Applications, transmission characteristics, Wireless
transmission-Terrestrial microwave, satellite microwave and transmission characteristics
in each case. Infrared transmission.
Data link layer need for data link control, frame synchronization-flag fields bit staffing
flow control-stop and wait and sliding window protocols, Error detection-parity check,
CRC, error control-stop & wait ARQ, Goback-N ARQ.HDLC protocol, other data link
protocols –LAPB, LAPD
1.Data and Computer communications –William Stallings, Prentice Hall of 4th edn.
2.Computer Networks-Tanenbaum,Preintice Hall of India,3rd Edn.
1.Computer Networks: Protocol, Standards and interfaces-Black Prentice Hall of India
2.Data Networks:Concepts,theory and practices-Black , Peintice Hall of India.
3.Introduction to Data communications and Networking,Behrouz Forougan-WCB/Mc
Graw Hill.
File Management : File structure file types,, file access, file attributes, file
Text Book:
Operating System – M.Milenkovic, Mc Graw Hill
1. Operating Systems Concepts –Silberschatz, Adison Wesly.
2. An Introduction to Operating System – H.M.Deitel, Adison Wesley.
3. Modern Operating Systems – Tauenbaym, Prentice Hall.
Visual Basic Programming-I : Custom controls – Picture box, Rich Text Box,
List Box, Progress Bar, Tree view, Tool Bar, slider – Objects in VB = classes and
object creation & Manipulation. Graphics – Line, shape, Boxes, Circles, ellipses &
pie chart, help systems. DDE properties – DDE events – DDE Events – DDE methods
– OLE properties, Active X controls creation & usage. Database access – Data
control – File control – Data Grid – Record Set SQL to manipulate data.
Text books
1.Charles Petzold, ‘programming Windows 95’, Microsoft press.
2. John Paul Muller, ‘Visual Basic C++ from the ground up’,Tata Mc Graw Hill,1997
3. Carry Cornell, ‘Visual Basic 5 from the ground up’, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Robert Lafore, ‘programming in Windows 3.1’,Galgotia publications.
5. Windows API Bible, -Galgotia publications.
Text Books
1.Computer Architecture ,Michael.j Flynn, Narosa.
2.Computer Organization Architecture Designing for Performance, Stallings. W, Prentice
Hall of India.
A brief history of UNIX – Version of UNIX – Zenix, OSZ 80386 UNIX – a structural
overview – The file system.
The shell – shell commands, shell programming language, alternative shells, shell layer
manager and batch processing . Multi user operation – File Processing Text processing
and Office support Software development – communication facilities in UNIX.
Text Book
1. Unix for You –Promod Koparkar.
2. An Introduction to Berkley Unix – Wang.P, Wordsworth Pub.
3. The Unix System Guide Book – Silvester P.P.
4. Design of Unix Operating System - Beach M.