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Semester 4 Mca

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NO Subject No.of Periods Duration of Max. Marks Total

per week exam in Marks
Lecture Lab hours Sessional Uty. Exam
MCA 401 Optimization 4 -- 3 25 75 100
MCA 402 Data 4 -- 3 25 75 100
and Networks
MCA 403 Information 4 -- 3 25 75 100
Systems Design
MCA 404 Operating 4 -- 3 25 75 100
MCA 405 Elective-1 4 -- 3 25 75 100
MCA 406 Software Lab-4 -- 6 -- 100 -- 100
Total 20 6 -- 225 375 600
1 Period is 1hour duration


Linear Programming: - Mathematical formulation, assumptions in linear programming,

graphical method of solution, simplex method, duality, dual simplex method, sensitivity
analysis, transportation, assignment & transshipment problems.

Integer programming: - Introduction, branch, and Bound techniques, gomory cutting

plane methods for all integers and mixed integers programming, assignment & traveling
salesman problems.

Dynamic Programming: - Deterministic & probabilistic Dynamic Programming.

Sequencing model: - Processing n jobs through 2 machines, n jobs through 3 machines,

two jobs through m machines maintenance crew scheduling.

Network analysis: - CPM & PERT- Network minimization, shortest route problem,
maximal-flow problem, project scheduling, critical path calculation, PERT calculation.

Inventory models: - Deterministic inventory models, infinite delivery rate with no back
orders, infinite delivery rate with back order, finite delivery rate with no back order, finite
delivery rate with back orders, Introduction to probabilistic inventory models,
Introduction to probabilistic inventory models.

Queueing theory :- Structure of queuing system Notations and basic assumptions –

Poisson input and exponential service time; classification of queuing systems – M/M/I :
queuing system , Basic results of M/M/I : FIFO Systems . Extension to multiple server ,
finite queue cases – Distribution of waiting time in all cases . Queuing models with
poisson input arbitrary service time – results without derivations ; Erlangian service time
as special case .

1. Gillett B. E. ,Introduction to Operation Research – A Computer Oriented
algorithmic approach , Mc Graw Hill.
2. Kanti Swarup , Gupta.P.K, Man Mohan , Operations Research , Sultan Chand &
Sons .
3. Hamdy.A.Taha, ”Operations Research : An introduction , Mac Milan Publishing
Company , 1982.
4. Vohra N.D , Quantilative Techniques in Managemental , T.M.H, 1990
5. Zoints . S, Linear & Integer Programming ,Prentice Hall , 1975.
6. Taha . H .A : Operations Research , 3rd Edn . Macmillan , 1982.
7. Hiller . F.S. & Liberman . G.J – Introduction to operations Research , 2nd Edn .
Holden Pay , Inc ,1974.
8. Churchman C.W & Arnoff E .L : Introduction to OR , John wiley & Sons


Simplified data communications model . Electric signals – continuous and discrete

signals , periodic signals , square wave , frequency components of a square wave ,
frequency spectrum and Band width (absolute and effectively) Analog and digital data
transmission –data and signals, analog and digital transmission, their comparison, digital
data rate and band width, transmission impairments-Attenuation, Delay distortion, noise,
channel capacity.

Transmission media: -Guided and unguided media. Twisted pair wires- physical
description, applications transmission characteristics, unshielded and shielded twisted
pair wires-category 3,4 and 5 UTP. Coaxial cable-phy. Description, applications, cables,
optical fiber-physical description. Applications, transmission characteristics, Wireless
transmission-Terrestrial microwave, satellite microwave and transmission characteristics
in each case. Infrared transmission.

Telephone system: - Local Loop, trunk, transmission impairments, modems, RS 232C

and RS 449 standards. Data Encoding and modulation Technique, Asynchronous and
synchronous Transmission, Line Configuration, full duplex and half duplex transmission.
Trunks and multiplexing-FDT, TDM, statistical TDM Circuit switching principles and
switching techniques –data gram, virtual circuit. Effect of packet size on transmission
time. Comparison of circuit switching and packet switching, connection oriented and
connection less services.


Networking concepts-simplified network model. Classification networks: LAN, MAN,

WAN and the Internet layer, the TCP layer, the application layer. Comparison of the OSI
and TCP/IP ref. Models. A critique of the OSI model and protocols, a critique of the
TCP/IP ref. Model, Novel NetWare.

Data link layer need for data link control, frame synchronization-flag fields bit staffing
flow control-stop and wait and sliding window protocols, Error detection-parity check,
CRC, error control-stop & wait ARQ, Goback-N ARQ.HDLC protocol, other data link
protocols –LAPB, LAPD

Network Layer: -Services of NW layer, Routing: characteristics, performance criteria,

routing strategies: fixed routing, flooding, random routing, Adaptive routing, congestion
control, X.25 protocol.

LAN: LAN-protocol architecture (IEEE-802 reference model).

Topologies-Bus, tree, ring and star. Medium access control, and Logic link control. LAN
systems: Ethernet, token bus and token ring. Ethernet and fast Ethernet (CSMA/CD)-
IEEE 802.3 MAC: -CSMA/CD and its precursors (pure &slotted ALOHA, CSMA), IEEE
802.3 MAC frame format, IEEE 802.4-token bus LAN and frame format, IEEE 802.5 -
token ring LAN and frame format, IEEE 802.5 FDDI token ring LAN and frame format.
Bridges from 802.x to 802.y.

Transport Layer: - Services, elements of transport protocol, simple transport protocol.


1.Data and Computer communications –William Stallings, Prentice Hall of 4th edn.
2.Computer Networks-Tanenbaum,Preintice Hall of India,3rd Edn.

1.Computer Networks: Protocol, Standards and interfaces-Black Prentice Hall of India
2.Data Networks:Concepts,theory and practices-Black , Peintice Hall of India.
3.Introduction to Data communications and Networking,Behrouz Forougan-WCB/Mc
Graw Hill.



Introduction:- Meaning Nature, Need, Role, Importance, Evolution of Management

through Information System. Analysis of basic data and information concepts, Concepts
of data and information, Economics of information, Management and formal information
system concepts, business and scientific data processing, Introduction to the applicability
of MIS for management activities, functions and decision making.
Understanding the need of automated data processing systems:- Systems study,
balanced MIS effectiveness; efficiency criterion, feasibility studies, rationale computer
applications, evaluation of benefits, cost concepts, costing of information system.
Development of MIS:- Strategic information System Planning - General system
design - System implementation - training - post implementation follow up - Feed back -
Application:- Accounting systems - Financial, Production systems - Marketing
Intelligence systems - Manpower planning systems - Semi-unstructured business
problems – Suitability of MIS design to management decision problems.
MIS for corporate planning:- Advanced MIS – Expert systems – Decision support
systems – Knowledge based flexible systems – output design – interactive design –
Graphic display and report design.
1. Murdick R.G, Ross j. E, Claggtt J. R, Information systems for Modern Management,
3rd Edn., Prentice Hall of India, 1987.
2. Wigarders.K, Svensson A, Sehong.L, Rydin A & Dahlrem G., Structured Analysis
& Design of Information Systems, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1986.
3. Aktas, Structured Analysis and design of Information System, Prentice Hall
Internation (Paperback Edition), 1987.
4. Spargue and Waston, Decision Support, Prentice Hall Internation, 1988.
5. David, Applied Decision Support, Prentice Hall Internation, 1988.
6. Kanter J, Management Information Systems, 3rd Edn. Prentice Hall of India, 1984.
7. Bennett J.L, Building Decision Support System, Addition Sasley pull. Comp., 1983.
8. Lucas, Analysis, Design and Implementation of information System, 3rd Edn
Mc.Graw Hill Book Company, 1976.
9. Newman, Designing Integrated Systems for the Office Environment, Mc.Graw Hill
Book Company, 1987.
10. Senn, Analysis and Design of Information system, Mc.Graw Hill Book Company,


Evolution of operating systems:- Serial processing, Batch processing,

multiprogramming. Types of operating systems, Batch operating systems, multi
programming operating system – Time sharing operating systems, Real time operating
system, Distributed operating system.
Processor Management:- Job and process concept, Implicit and explicit tasking,
concurrent processes. The operating system’s view of processes – process state, process –
state transition diagram, PCB(Process control block), System state and process lists,
process state transition process switch, threads, operating system services for process
Scheduling: Type of schedulers, scheduling and performance criteria, scheduling
Algorithms (Both process and job).
Interprocess synchronization and Communication: Concurrent co-operating processes,
need for interprocess synchronization, critical section, Mutual exclusion, mutual
exclusion algorithms, Dekker’s solution to mutual exclusion, Semaphores-definition,
primitives, Busy-wait implementation, hardware implementation of semaphores – Test
and set instruction, queuing implementation of semaphores, monitors, inter process
communication using messages.

Dead Lock: Definition, conditions for dead lock, Resources-Allocation graph,

Methods, for handling dead lock – Dead lock prevention, Dead lock avoidance, Banker’s
Algorithm, Dead lock detection and recovery, Dead lock detection Algorithm.
Memory Management: Single process monitor, protection in single processor
monitor, relocation - static and Dynamic. Static Partitioned Mem. Allocation (MFT) –
Principles of operation allocation algorithms, Relocation, Protection, sharing
fragmentation – internal and external, swapping Dynamically partitioned memory
Allocation (MVT)- principles of operation Allocation algorithms, compaction protection
and sharing.

Segmentation – Principles of operation, address translation, protection and


Paging- principles of operation page allocation, hardware support for paging

protection and sharing.

Virtual Mem. – principles of operation, Address translation management of

virtual mem. Program behavior, page replacement policies, replacement algorithms, page
allocation policies, segmentation and paging implementation of virtual mem.,
hierarchical address translation tables, and MMUs.

File Management : File structure file types,, file access, file attributes, file

Directories – Flat directory systems, hierarchical directory systems, path names,

direct operations, file system implementations – contiguous allocation, linked list
allocation, indexed allocation.

Disk Scheduling : FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN.

Text Book:
Operating System – M.Milenkovic, Mc Graw Hill

1. Operating Systems Concepts –Silberschatz, Adison Wesly.
2. An Introduction to Operating System – H.M.Deitel, Adison Wesley.
3. Modern Operating Systems – Tauenbaym, Prentice Hall.


(Elective – I)

Windows programming: MS Windows overview –GUI concept – SDK, OWL,

MFC-Hungarian notation-derived data types-Message driven architecture – Win main
procedure, Handles, Message processing & polling loop-Resources and handling, text
& graphics, Dialog boxes, edit controls, files, clipboard, printer handling, child
windows, MDI, DDE, DLL, OLE, ODBC windows registry – New executable and
portable executable files.
Visual Basic Programming: Variable, Constants, strings, Numbers, Remark and
End statements, string, Date financial & Numeric Function, Program Flow Control,
User Defined functions & Modules. Forms – Single document interface, Creating
controls, Event driven programming, Text boxes, Message boxes & labels –
properties window usage.

Visual Basic Programming-I : Custom controls – Picture box, Rich Text Box,
List Box, Progress Bar, Tree view, Tool Bar, slider – Objects in VB = classes and
object creation & Manipulation. Graphics – Line, shape, Boxes, Circles, ellipses &
pie chart, help systems. DDE properties – DDE events – DDE Events – DDE methods
– OLE properties, Active X controls creation & usage. Database access – Data
control – File control – Data Grid – Record Set SQL to manipulate data.

Visual C++ Programming-II : Structure of MFC and application , MFC class

hierarchy, various visual object properties – C Wnd, C winApp, C frame Wnd, CDC,
C object, C file, Cgdi Object, C except, C dialog, C string, C edit, Common dialog
box classes, Clist, Resources-Menu, Accelerators, Dialog boxes, Icons, string tables,
bit maps, versions. Afx Functions, Message Maps, Document view architecture,
dialog boxes and communication, Multiples views of document.
Advanced MFC, DAO & ODBC –Data access methods & data controls for data base
Applications with multiple document usage. Active X controls, Active X documents,
Active X themes, VBX, MS COM and DOM, RPC. Window sockets –type of sockets
BSD, UDP, WSAapi functions, over view Window Pipes, Active X Containers Active
X Servers. Synchronization classes: -Cthread, Csemaphore, Cmutex, Cevent.

Text books
1.Charles Petzold, ‘programming Windows 95’, Microsoft press.
2. John Paul Muller, ‘Visual Basic C++ from the ground up’,Tata Mc Graw Hill,1997
3. Carry Cornell, ‘Visual Basic 5 from the ground up’, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Robert Lafore, ‘programming in Windows 3.1’,Galgotia publications.
5. Windows API Bible, -Galgotia publications.



1. Operating systems for distributed and parallel computing, Network operating

systems, distributed operating systems.
2. Principles of distributed database , Design and administration of distributed
database. The management of distributed transactions, Distributed database
management systems.
3. Forms of distributed processing, strategy, security and audit ability.
4. Distributed system architectural model, Distributed control, protection,
synchronization, applications, hardware/Software relationships in distributed

1. An Introduction to distributed and parallel computing, - Joel M.Crichlow (

Prentice Hall International Ltd.,1988)
2. Distributed database principles and systems, Stefano Ceri and Giuseppe Pelagatti
(Mc. Graw Hill International Edition)
3. Design and strategy for Distributed Data processing, James Martin (Prentice Hall
4. Distributed systems – Architecture & Implementation, eds –B.W Lampson,M.Paul
and H. J Siegert (Springer – Verlag, study edition).1988
5. Data communications and Distributed Networks – Uyless D.Black (Prentice Hall
6. Computer Networks and Distributed processing Software, Techniques and
Architecture, James Martin (Prentice Hall International,1981).
7. Database processing – Fundamental, Design, Implementation, David M Kroenke
and Kathleen A Dolan.( Maxwel Macmillan International editions,1990).
8. Distributed Software Engineering- Sol. M.Schatz and Jia Ping Wang,IEEE Press
(Catalog no.ECO 283-2)
9. Parallel and Distributed computing,D.P Bertsekas and J.N.Tsitskilis – Prentice
Hall International Edition,1989).
Note: MCA – 405 Advanced computer Architecture (Elective 1) and MCA – 405 Unix
& shell Programming (Elective 1)


(Elective –1)

Introduction to parallel Processing: -Trends towards Parallel processing – Parallelism

in uniprocessor – Parallel computer structures – Architecture classification scheme.

Principles of Pipelining and vector Processing: - Linear Pipelining – classification of

pipeline processors – general pipelines Instructions and arithmetic pipelines Dynamic
pipelines, Vector processing requirements, pipeline computers and vectorization methods
architecture of CRAY – 1.
Array Processor:- SIMD array processor Interconnection networks – Parallel algorithm
for array processors SIMD matrix multiplication – Associative array processing –
Memory organization.

Multiprocessor Architecture and programming :- Function structures –

Interconnection Networks – Language features to exploit parallelism – Process
Synchronization Mechanisms.
Data Fellow Computers :-Data driven computing and languages – Data fellow
computers architectures – static data fellow computer - Dynamic data fellow computer –
Data fellow design alternatives.

Text Books

1. Advanced Computer Architecture Kai Hwang, MC Graw Hill.

2. Computer Architecture and parallel processing ,Hwang & Bridggs(Mc Graw Hill).

1.Computer Architecture ,Michael.j Flynn, Narosa.
2.Computer Organization Architecture Designing for Performance, Stallings. W, Prentice
Hall of India.



A brief history of UNIX – Version of UNIX – Zenix, OSZ 80386 UNIX – a structural
overview – The file system.

The shell – shell commands, shell programming language, alternative shells, shell layer
manager and batch processing . Multi user operation – File Processing Text processing
and Office support Software development – communication facilities in UNIX.

Text Book

Understanding Unix – A Conceptual Guide by James R Groff & Paul N Weinbery.

1. Unix for You –Promod Koparkar.
2. An Introduction to Berkley Unix – Wang.P, Wordsworth Pub.
3. The Unix System Guide Book – Silvester P.P.
4. Design of Unix Operating System - Beach M.

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