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V0.1 2012-11-20

1. GPS DEVICE LOGIN MONITORING CENTER...................................................................... 1

2. HEARTBEAT-PACKETS .............................................................................................................. 1

3. SEVER SENDING DATA FORMAT............................................................................................ 1

3.1. KEYWORD EXPLANATION ......................................................................................................... 1

Data load ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Data load successfully .................................................................................................................................. 2
Cancel Data load .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Cancel Data load successfully ...................................................................................................................... 2

4. DEVICE REPORT MESSAGE FORMAT .................................................................................. 3

4.1. MESSAGE FORMAT .................................................................................................................... 3

4.2. DESCRIPTION OF FIELD CONTENT .............................................................................................. 4
4.3. DESCRIPTION OF KEYWORDS .................................................................................................... 6

5. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE MESSAGE .................................................................... 7

5.1. LOCATION MESSAGE ................................................................................................................. 7

5.1.1. Single Locating .............................................................................................................................. 7
5.1.2. track upon time interval:................................................................................................................. 7
5.1.3. track upon distance interval ............................................................................................................ 7
5.1.4. Location information extension ...................................................................................................... 7
5.2. SET THE DEVICE MESSAGE WITH PARAMETERS .......................................................................... 8
5.2.1. cancel Auto track continuously ...................................................................................................... 8
5.2.2. cancel alarm ................................................................................................................................ 8
5.2.3. set Movement alarm ....................................................................................................................... 8
5.2.4. cancel movement alarm .................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.5. Set overspeed alarm ....................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.6. Set time zone .................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.7. Cut off oil and power...................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.8. Resume the oil and power .............................................................................................................. 9
5.2.9. Arm .............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.2.10. Disarm ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.11. Switch to SMS Mode ............................................................................................................... 10
5.2.12. Set Geo-fence .......................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.13. Cancel Geo-fence .................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.14. Data load.................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2.15. Cancel Upload ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.16. Activate Less Gprs Mode ........................................................................................................ 11
5.2.17. Deactivate Less Gprs Mode ..................................................................................................... 11
5.2.18. Automatic update positions of vehicle turns ............................................................................ 11
5.2.19. Set multi-area management ..................................................................................................... 12
5.2.20. Set IP , Port for Address Function............................................................................................ 12
5.2.21. Activate speed limit mode ....................................................................................................... 12
V0.1 2012-11-20

5.2.22. Deactivate speed limit mode .................................................................................................... 12

5.2.23. Activate speed limit ................................................................................................................. 12
5.3. ALERTS (DEVICE-SERVER )..................................................................................................... 13
5.3.1. SOS alert ...................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.2. Low Battery alarm ........................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.3.Movement alarm ............................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.3. Over Speed alarm ......................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.4. Geo fence alarm ........................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.5. Power off alarm ............................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.6. Door alarm ................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.7. Shock sensor alarm....................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.8. ACC alarm ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.9. Accident alarm ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.3.10. Bonnet alarm ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.11. Footbrake alarm ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.12. Temperature alarm ................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.13. Oil leak/oil theft alarm ............................................................................................................. 14
5.3.14. Notification of Vehicle fault..................................................................................................... 14
5.3.15. Vehicle maintenance notification ............................................................................................. 15
5.4. REMOTE START ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.5. ACC WORKING ALARM ........................................................................................................... 15
5.6. MULTI-AREA MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 15
5.7. ABSOLUTE STREET ADDRESS ........................................................................................................ 16
5.8. PHOTO TRANSMISSION .................................................................................................................. 16
5.9.SCHEDULING SCREEN .................................................................................................................... 17
5.9.1. announcement .................................................................................................................................. 17
5.9.2.Phone call dispatch ............................................................................................................................ 18
5.10.LED ADS SCREEN ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.10.1.Add ads ........................................................................................................................................... 19
5.10.2.Delete ads ........................................................................................................................................ 19
5.11.RFID ........................................................................................................................................... 20
5.12. TYRES PRESSURE MONITORING ................................................................................................... 20

V0.1 2012-11-20 拟制
V0.2 2013-02-5 添加调度屏和广告屏协议
V0.1 2012-11-20

1. GPS Device Login Monitoring Center

Device sends the login packet:##,imei:359586015829802,A;
Server reply:LOAD
PS:If device receive “LOAD”, it indicates device connect server successfully. If device do not
receive, it will continue to send login data.

2. Heartbeat-packets
To make sure the device real time online, the device send timed heartbeat-packet. Interval time is
one minute.

Heartbeat-packet content is the IMEI number. E.g. 359586015829802

Server reply:ON
PS:If device receive “ON”, it indicate online. It indicate offline if device do not receive reply
from server for three times. The device keep Reconnecting. After server verify the legitimacy of
the device and receive complete frames data from device, it consider device online.

3. Sever sending data format

Header ID Keyword content
** ,imei:359587010124900 , ,

3.1. Keyword Explanation

Send Response
Keywor Keywor
Function explanation Function explanation
d d
100 Single track 001
101 Auto track continuously 001
Cancel Auto continuous track
102 Cancel Auto continuous track 102
103 Track upon distance interval 001
104 Cancel alarm 104 Cancel alarm successfully
105 Set movement alarm 105 Set movement alarm
Cancel movement alarm
106 Cancel movement alarm 106

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107 Set overspeed alarm 107 Set overspeed alarm successfully

108 Set time zone 108 Set time zone successfully
Cut off the Oil and Power
109 Cut off the Oil and Power
Cut off the Oil and Power when car
speed is less than 20KM/H
110 Resume the Oil and Power 110 Resume oil and Power successfully
111 Set arm successfully
111 Set Arm
511 Set arm failed, Pls turn off ACC
112 Set Disarm 112 Set disarm successfully
113 Switch to SMS Mode 113 Switch to SMS Mode Successfully
114 Set Geo-fence 114 Set Geo-fence successfully
115 Cancel Geo-fence 115 Cancel Geo-fence successfully

Data load
116 116 Data load successfully

Cancel Data load

117 117 Cancel Data load successfully

118 Set less GPRS Traffic 118 Set less GPRS Traffic successfully
Close less GPRS Traffic
119 Cancel less GPRS Traffic 119
Automatic update positions of Automatic update positions of
120 120
vehicle turns vehicle turns successfully
Set multi-area management
121 Set multi-area management 121
122 Set IP , Port for Address Function 122 Set IP , Port for Address Function
123 Set shock alarm 123 Set shock alarm successfully
124 Cancel shock alarm 124 Cancel shock alarm successfully
125 Remote start successfully
125 Remote start 525 ACC off
526 No appointment
126 Set OBDII data sending way 126 Set successfully
Activate speed limit mode
150 Activate speed limit mode 150
Deactivate speed limit mode
151 Deactivate speed limit mode 151

152 Set speed limit 152 Set speed limit successfully

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[Server request] photo transmission

160 Server request photo wtxx
Photo retransmit
Server request photo
161 vtxx [alarm trigger] Photo retransmission
Send LCD/Handset, Dispatch
170 170 Device response
Phone call dispatch

171 Center sends answer race requ 171 Device response
est to vehicles

175 Driver hand in answer order

Phone call dispatch
:Center send “answer
successfully” to vehicle which
answer request successfully
Phone call dispatch
:Center send “answer failed
“command to vehicles which
answer request failed
176 For special case, driver cancel order
177 Driver finish task
Phone call dispatch:Center
send“cancel order” command to
vehicle which answer request
Send to LED ads screen, add ads
180 180
181 Delete ads 181

4. Device report message format

4.1. Message format

Header ID Content Terminator

imei :359587010124900 ;

Field Description length (byte)

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header The header is imei 4

ID IMEI of the device ,for identification 1+15
Content Words of the content is separated by commas N
Terminator Terminator is ; 1

4.2. Description of field content

keywor time Cell phone latit S Lo E/W Sp direction

ds number ude / ng ee /request
N it d address
,001 ,0809231929 ,13554900601 F/L A/V S E/W 360.00/1
Continued access
Altidue ACC state Door First Second Temp
State fuel fuel erat
sensor sensor ure
1 1 ;
For example:

Content specification
Content after the first comma is: keywords
Content after the second comma is: year, month, day, hour, second
Content after the third comma is: the number of sim card in the tracker
Content after the fourth comma is: whether the signal of GPS is ok.

F means gps data is valid, L means no gps signal. In the old version, it is 5 comma
when L, the following field is null. It stand for LBS in the new version, LAC is
instead of latitude, Cellid is instead of longitude.

imei:359586015829802,help me,000000000,13554900601,L,,,22820,,10320,,,,;

Content after the fifth comma is: hour, minute, second of zero time zone
Content after the sixth comma is: Be corresponding to the content after the fourth
comma, A=F,V=L;
Content after the seventh comma is: Latitude
Content after the eighth comma is: N is north latitude, S is south latitude
Content after the ninth comma is: Longitude

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V0.1 2012-11-20

Content after the tenth comma is: E is east longitude, W is west longitude
Content after the eleventh comma is: speed
Content after the twelfth comma is: 1 stand for address request, non-1 stand for
direction ( Direction will be sure with a decimal point )
Content after the thirteenth comma is: altitude
Content after the fourteenth comma is: The current state of the vehicle ACC; 1 is on,
0 is off
Content after the fifteenth comma is: The current state of the vehicle door; 1 is open
the door, 0 is close the door
Content after the sixteenth comma is: the remaining Oil percentage in the fuel tank 1
Content after the seventeenth comma is: the remaining oil percentage in the fuel tank
Content after the eighteenth comma is: The current temperature sensor indicated
End with a semicolon after the nineteenth comma.

di di di di
Ac ag ag ag ag
cu Th no no no no
mu In A Dr rot En ba sti sti sti sti
Po er
la st ve ivi tle gi tte c c c c
S w te
keywo ti an ra ng pe ne ry tr tr tr tr
Time pe er m
rds ve t ge ti rc sp vo ou ou ou ou
ed lo pe
mi fu Fu m en ee lta bl bl bl bl
ad ra
le el el e ta d ge e e e e
ag ge co co co co
e de de de de
1 2 3 4
,OBD ,

Pr Le L Pr r Pr Le Pr Ri
es ft e es i es ft es gh Ri
Nu gh le
de s fr f s g s re s t gh
mb t ft
vi of on t of h of ar of re t
er Fr re
keywo ce Le t F ri t Le te ri ar re
Time of on ar
rds st ft te r gh f ft mp gh te ar
wh t st
at fr mp o t r re er t mp st
ee st at
e on er n fr o ar at re er at
ls at e
t at t on n ti ur ar at e
ti ur s t t re e ti ur

第 5 页 共 15 页
V0.1 2012-11-20

re e t ti t re e
a re e
t m
e p
,TPM ,08092319
S 29

4.3. Description of keywords

Keywords Function specification

001 location information
help me SOS alarm
low battery low battery alarm
move Movement alarm
speed Over seed alarm
stockade GEO-fence alarm
ac alarm Power off alarm
door alarm Door open alarm
sensor alarm Shock alarm
acc alarm Acc alarm
accident alarm accident alarm
bonnet alarm bonnet alarm
footbrake alarm footbrake alarm
T: Temperature alarm
oil Fuel alarm
DTC P0001 diagnostic trouble code:P0001
service Vehicle maintenance notification

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V0.1 2012-11-20

5. Detailed description of the message

5.1. Location message

5.1.1.Single Locating

server  device
device  server

5.1.2. track upon time interval:

server  device
Tracker report location information to the server by time intervals, this time intervals can vary
from 10 S, or 15S or 30 minutes.

5.1.3.track upon distance interval

server  device
After set track upon time interval , set track upon distance interval, tracker will track upon
time and distance interval: when device movement reaches the limited settings and reaches
reporting interval, device will report location information.

5.1.4. Location information extension

Some products on the 001 field has been expanded, including the current oil data, while others
include the current temperature .
Location information (after"001", distinct by space, the first one is the current amount of oil,
the second is the current temperature):
Only including the current oil data,
imei:359586015829802,001 10.00,0809231429,,F,062947.294,A,2234.4026,N,11354.3277,E,0.00,360.00;
Meanwhile, including the current oil data and temperature .
imei:359586015829802,001 0.1% +28.0,0809231429,,F,062947.294,A,2234.4026,N,11354.3277,E,0.00,360.00;
newest version Location information extend as follow format

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GPS105, oil 2 fields define to the current definition of the cumulative mileage.
Contents is long integer number string.

Indicates that travel 101 kilometers.

5.2. Set the device message with parameters

Receive the message sent by the server, device give an answer . means settings is successful
or not

5.2.1.cancel Auto track continuously

Server  Device
Device  server
imei:353451044508750,102,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.2. cancel alarm

Server  Device
Device  server
imei:353451044508750,104,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
After sending a command to cancel the alarm, all alarm settings will be cancel, not effect.

5.2.3. set Movement alarm

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,105,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
tracker will alarm when goes out of 200M,after set Movement alarm

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5.2.4. cancel movement alarm

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,106,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.5.Set overspeed alarm

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,107,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.6.Set time zone

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,108,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
In the time zone command -5 means time zone ,in -5 zone ,if time zone is positive 8 ,omit digital

5.2.7.Cut off oil and power

Server  device
If cut off oil and power successfully, the device will reply:
imei:353451044508750,109,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
When Vehicle speed is below 20 km / h ,it will execute cutting off oil and power and reply:
imei:353451044508750,509,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.8.Resume the oil and power

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,110,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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Server  device
When set Arm successfully,device reply:
imei:353451044508750,111,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
When set Arm fail,pls turn off ACC,device reply:
imei:353451044508750,511,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
After Armed,ACC,door,shock alerts will be effective

5.2.10. Disarm

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,112,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.11. Switch to SMS Mode

Server  device
device  server
imei:353451044508750,113,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.12. Set Geo-fence

Server  device
device  Server
imei:353451044508750,114,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

There are two latitude and longitude, The first latitude & longitude is coordinate of the top
left corner of the Geo-fence, while the second latitude & longitude is the coordinate of the
bottom right corner, note that there are positive and negative distinguish, positive can
omit + ,negative need add -

5.2.13. Cancel Geo-fence

Server  device

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device  Server
imei:353451044508750,115,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.14. Data load

Server  device
load the tracking data of 18th April 2011 to monitoring platform.device  Server
imei:353451044508750,116,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.15. Cancel Upload

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,117,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.16. Activate Less Gprs Mode

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,118,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.17. Deactivate Less Gprs Mode

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,119,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.18. Automatic update positions of vehicle turns

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,120,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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5.2.19. Set multi-area management

First , click multi-area management menu , take a point on map , pull a circle and record
the radius . Name the area . Default name is area01-05 , at most 5 areas are supported .
Save the area name , lat/long of point , Radius and send them to tracker . Then tracker
will send one alert when going into the area , send another alert when getting out of
area .
Server  Device
**,imei:359586018966098,121,22.353648,113.543678 area01,800m
121,22.353648 , 113.543678 are latitude , longitude of the point on map area01 is the
name of area . 800M is radius . Radius can be 800KM too .
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,121,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.20. Set IP , Port for Address Function

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,122,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.21. Activate speed limit mode

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,150,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.22. Deactivate speed limit mode

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,151,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.2.23. Activate speed limit

Server  Device

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Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,152,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3. Alerts (Device-Server )

Tracker send alerts to server . Server will analyze , but not respond .

5.3.1.SOS alert

imei:353451044508750,help me,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.2.Low Battery alarm

imei:353451044508750,low battery,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.3.Movement alarm

imei:353451044508750,move,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.3.Over Speed alarm

imei:353451044508750,speed,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.4.Geo fence alarm

imei:353451044508750,stockade,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.5.Power off alarm

imei:353451044508750,ac alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.6.Door alarm

imei:353451044508750,door alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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5.3.7.Shock sensor alarm

imei:353451044508750,sensor alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.8.ACC alarm

imei:353451044508750,acc alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.9.Accident alarm

imei:353451044508750,accident alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.10. Bonnet alarm

imei:353451044508750,bonnet alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.11. Footbrake alarm

imei:353451044508750,footbrake alarm,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.3.12. Temperature alarm

imei:353451044508750,T:+28.0,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
“T:”means Temperature senor alarm, “+28.0” mean current Temperature.

5.3.13. Oil leak/oil theft alarm

imei:353451044508750,oil 51.67,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

“oil”means oil alarm, and the balance oil in fuel tank is 51.67%。
Dual fuel sensor alarm, oil 1 alarm 51.6%:
oil 2 alarm: 41.7%:

5.3.14. Notification of Vehicle fault

When the keyword is DTC, the place where oil 2 means diagnostic trouble code.

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5.3.15. Vehicle maintenance notification

When the key word is service ,the place where oil 2 means expiration time of
maintenance ,and the place where temperature means remain maintenance mileage.“+15”means
there is 15 days before expiration time ,if “-15” means it has exceed expiration time 15 days.
“+500”means there is remain maintenance mileage 500km,and “-500”means it has exceed
maintenance mileage 500km.

5.4. Remote start

Server  Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,125,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
2、Turn off the engine
imei:353451044508750,525,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
imei:353451044508750,526,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.5. ACC working alarm

When ACC on, device send:

imei:353451044508750,acc on,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
When ACC off, device send:
imei:353451044508750,acc off,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
Server count the engine work time according to the time from ACC on and ACC off.

5.6. Multi-area management

When Device enter or get out of the preset Multi-area, and it will send information to server
Enter the first area:
imei:353451044508750,area01 in,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;
get out of the first area:
imei:353451044508750,area01 out,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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5.7. Absolute street address

The content after the 11th comma become 1,it means the device request Absolute
street address; If the device have no GPS signal, the detail will be LBS.
imei:353451044508750,001,0809231929, 13554900601,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,1;

after receive latitude and longitude, it will show Chinese if the device is in China, and
English in foreign countries. The Chinese reply by server will be as below:
address1, 广东省深圳市南山区南头关二路 113-115 号,lat:22.111111 long:113.234564,T:11/08/09 17:22,
Then the software of device need recognize “address1” and translate the Chinese into
hexadecimal, send it out, the part in English send out directly, that means, if this content with
Chinese, it need send 2 SMS message, one translate the Chinese into hexadecimal, the other
SMS message is the part in English sent out directly.

When the device is in foreign countries, the information from server in English will be
received as below:
address2, zhongguo guangdong shenzhen nanshan nantou guankou ,lat:22.111111 long:113.234564,T:11/08/09

Then the device need adjudge "address2" remark, and forward directly to users' phone
Note: Send “address+password” to device to get the Absolute street address, if the device in SMS
mode, it will switch to GPRS mode

5.8. photo transmission

1、Server request photo

Request Photo
Photo transmission start, XX means photo data amount.
Transmit data package, imei:359586018966098 is before each data package,VR,01,02,03 is photo queue in each data
imei:359586018966098,vr, data packet……………………………………………………
xx:mean photo data packet amount(decimal show in ASCII,vt15 mean 15 data packet)
2、 Device send photo to server automatically when it have alarm
After device send alarm message to server, there is no other data sent to server when device send
the photo.
Photo transmission start, XX means photo data amount
Transmit data package, imei:359586018966098 is before each data package,VR,01,02,03 is photo queue in each data

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imei:359586018966098,vr, data packet……………………………………………………

3、Data re-transmission
When data is wrong ,server will request to re- transmit. When data is not received completely, or
transfer is not finished over 30s,server will remove and request to re- transmit. If transmission is
still not successfully finished for 3times,then server will cancel this action. That means each
photo can be re-transmitted for 2 times at most, totally 3 times transmission plus the first one.
That will be cancelled after 3 times.

During Photo transmission, other alarms will not be triggered and photos will not be sent.
photo re-transmission without photo re-taken
Photo transmission start,XX means photo data amount
Transmit data package, imei:359586018966098 is before each data package,VR,01,02,03 is photo queue in each data
imei:359586018966098,vr,data package…………………………………………………

Byte 0 Format of data packet Byte N

Packet ID Data Size Photo data
(2 Byte) (2 Byte) (Packet size-6 Byte)
(2 Byte)
Packet ID:Serial number of packet, each photo data packet ID start from 0
Data size:the size of photo data in packet
Check code:Incorrect check code, Packet data divided by accumulation of check code is low
byte, high byte= 0.
low byte of check code = accumulation(byte(0)~byte(N-2) ), high byte of check code = 0.
Note:The data of one photo is finish, writing the photo data into JPEG file, it will generate a photo.

5.9.Scheduling screen

5.9.1. announcement

Server Device
**,imei:359586018966098,170,gong gao, 2012 12/25 tian yao xia yue
The words in blue is the content shown in scheduling screen
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,170,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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5.9.2.Phone call dispatch

Center issue a dispatch Order
171---Center sends answer race request with Order No. and details to each vehicle

Vehicle hands in answer race Order with Order NO. Press Button Ok on the device
175--- Vehicle hands in answer race Order with order NO. only.

After judged, center sends“ successful answer”response to the first vehicle, also failure
answer to other vehicles
172--- center sends“ successful answer”response to the first vehicle with Phone call
dispatch order No and details
173---Center sends failure answer to other vehicles with Order No. only

After received successful answer from center, vehicle cancel the order with Order No. to
center Press button“Down”, to cancel order due to special reasons
176---vehicle cancel order to center with Order No and reasons

Vehicle response center about carrying passengers successfully with Order No. Press
Button Up, meaning Order finished
177--- Vehicle response center about carrying passengers successfully with Order

Center cancel order

174---Center cancel order to the vehicle getting“ successful answer”response with
Order No. only

Server Device
1) 、171--- Center sends answer race request with Phone call dispatch
Order No. and details
**,imei:359586018966098,171,1301220909091,xin an 1 lu jie ke.
Order No and details are ascall code. The longest Order details is 235byte; The call phone
dispatch order No is 13Byte,which is unique and consist of 12 digital date number and 1
self-composed digital. E.g.: 1301220909091
2) 、172--- center sends“answer successfully”response to the certain vehicle with Phone call
dispatch order No and details

**,imei:359586018966098,172,1301220909091,xin an 1 lu jie ke.

173--- Center sends failure answer to other vehicles with Order No. only
3)、174--- Center cancel order to the vehicle getting“answer successfully”response with Order
No. only . Special reasons make the order cancelled

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Server  Device
1)、171---vehicles send responses to center with Order No. meaning message received
imei:353451044508750,171,1301220909091,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.
2)、175---Vehicle hands in answer race Order to Center with Order No. Press button Ok on
the device
imei:353451044508750,175,1301220909091,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.
3)、after receive answer successfully from center
176--- vehicle cancel order to center with Order No and reasons; Press button“Down”,
to cancel order due to special reasons
imei:353451044508750,176,1301220909091,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.
177--- Vehicle response center about carrying passengers successfully with Order No.
Press Button Up, meaning Order finished
imei:353451044508750,177,1301220909091,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.

5.10.LED ads screen

5.10.1.Add ads

Server  Device
**,imei:359586018966098,180,03,Welcome to COBAN
Red number is message group code number, range from 03-99. Ads max capacity is 200 Byte;If
code number has exist,then the details will be covered. Words in blue are details shown on Led
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,180,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

5.10.2.Delete ads

Server Device
Device  Server
imei:353451044508750,181,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

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Content description:
Key word:rfid
The number 0083E869 will be replaced by the ID of the RFID Tag

5.12. Tyres pressure monitoring

S e R
t f i
a t g
Ri f
t r h
Ri gh St t
u e t
gh t at r St
s a r
t fr us e at Righ
Left o r e
ke fr on of a us t
Numbers front Left front f t a
yw ti sta on t ri r of rear Status of
of tyres temperatur l e r
or me tus t te gh p le temp right rear
tyress pressu e e m p
ds pr mp t r ft erat
re f p r
es er fr e re ure
t e e
su at on s ar
f r s
re ur t s
r a s
e u
o t u
n u r
t r e

, 09
tp 23 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
ms 19
Message example

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Content explain:
Time: year,month,day,hour,minute,second;
Status: Communication status between tracker and tyres pressue. 0 inicates normal,
1indicates failure
Numbere of tyress: 4 is the default, for future expansion;
Left front tyres pressure: Floating point numbers strings, unit: Kpa
Left front tyres temperature: integer, decimal string, units: degrees Celsius;
Left front tyre State: eight-bit string, 0 indicates normal, 1 indicates failure.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 1 High 1 higher 1 lower 1 1 1
temperature pressure pressure Sensor Low Air
Reserve Reserve
>75℃ >3.4Bar <1.8Bar failure battery leakage

Right front tyre pressure: a floating-point string units; Kpa

Right front tyres temperature: integer, decimal string units: degrees Celsius;
Right front tyress condition: as above, the meaning of the fields is same as the fields of left front
tyres status;
Left rear tyre pressure: a floating-point string, units; Kpa
Left rear tyre temperature: integer, decimal string, units: degrees Celsius;
Left rear tyres condition: as above, the meaning of the fields is same as the fields of left front
tyres status
Right rear tyre pressure: a floating-point string, units; Kpa
The right rear tyre temperature: integer, decimal string, units: degrees Celsius;
Right rear wheel: as above, the meaning of the fields is same as the fields of left front tyres status

1 UTC of position fix,forma: hhmmss.sss
2 Data status (A=Valid data, V=invalid data)
3 Latitude format: ddmm.mmmm
4 North (N) or South (S)
5 Longitude
6 East(E) or West(W)
7 Speed over ground 0.0 to 1851.8 knots
8 Track made good in degrees True, 000.0 to 359.9 degree, True course
9 UT date format: ddmmyy
10 Magnetic variation degrees 000.0 to180.
11 Degree
12 Checksum

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