Making A Motion Example
Making A Motion Example
Making A Motion Example
Director: There is a motion on the floor to open a _____ minute discussion regarding ______. Is
there a second?
Cast members who wish to second the motion raise 2 fingers and say, “Second.”
Director: Second has been called by _____. Maker of the motion, first pro.
Director: Con?
If any cast member wishes, they may offer a con. A con does not have to be offered. If no con is offered,
the cast will proceed to the next step. If there is a con, pro/con will continue until there are no further
cons. This debate is just to decide whether or not to proceed with the motion. It does not mean you
necessarily agree with the ideas of the motion presented.
Director: Pro?
Cast: Question.
If any cast member feels that pro/con needs to continue, they may object to question.
Cast: Consent.
Calling ‘consent’ means that cast members are ready to proceed with the motion.
If, for any reason, a cast member is not comfortable moving forward they may object to ‘consent’. If the
motion involves voting or passing an amendment and a cast member does not want the motion to
pass, they should object to ‘consent’ and not ‘question.’ The cast will then move to a paper vote.