PMR 2019
PMR 2019
PMR 2019
Silent Auction
MainStage Theatre I University Theatre
Production Meeting Report
Date: 9/11/2019 Start Time: 4:30pm End Time: 5:22pm Location: EO Bull
Room 108 Design Lab
Meeting Number: 3 Days Until Tech: 80 Days Until Opening: 85
Present: C. Yingling, C. Iannella, J. Waltz, O. DiIorio, G. Sminkey, R. Borczuch, O. Quinones, A.
Savage, C. McPartland, C. Duffey, E. Powell, E. Trapp, B. Smith, M. Martin, G. Haines, B.H.
General Notes:
★ We picked songs today!
○ Finale: Raise You Up/Just Be- Kinky Boots
○ General: The Greatest Show- The Greatest Showman
○ Showtune Showdown: Greased Lightnin’- Grease vs Footloose- Footloose
Producer: Josh’s Office Hours: MWF: 12-1pm, Georgia’s Office Hours- T: 11am-12pm
★ Broadway Flea Market is coming and we are invited!
○ Sunday, September 22nd 1pm-whenever it ends
■ You must provide your own transportation
■ If you would like to attend, email Josh by midnight tonight!
● Macbeth Cast and SM/Directing team cannot attend
★ Get the word out about donations!
★ Fundraiser this Saturday!!!! Grilled Cheese sale: Set up @10pm, Sale 11pm-1am
○ Everyone on staff should be at (at least) part of the fundraiser
○ If you have questions, conflicts, or concerns, contact Josh ASAP
★ Follow AIDS Benefit on our social media platforms (at the bottom of the report)! And
Repost things!
○ Pro tip: Put things on your story the morning of an event so your followers see
it and remember!
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night!
★ Alondra is working on a Pinterest board for initial design concepts
★ Emma and Alondra will be in contact today
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night!
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night!
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night!
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night!
University Theatre:
★ We liked the UT slot, and will be keeping that in this week
○ Chris will send Cait information before meeting so it gets in the UT notes
★ We have microwaves we are willing to donate if you need them for any fundraisers.
★ Can UT send a reminder email about the grilled cheese sale this weekend please?
★ Nothing at this time, thank you!
AIDS Benefit social media!
Instagram- @aidsbenefitwcu
Twitter- @aidsbenefitwcu
Snapchat @ wcuaidsbenefit
Facebook- West Chester University AIDS Benefit
Google drive-