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PMR 2019

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  20th Annual BC/EFA Benefit Concert/ 

Silent Auction  
MainStage Theatre ​I​ University Theatre 
Production Meeting Report 

Date: ​9/11/2019  Start Time: ​4:30pm  End Time: ​5:22pm  Location: ​EO Bull 
Room 108 Design Lab 

Agenda:   AIDS Fact of the Week:  

Round Table  Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention option for 
Song Selection Discussion  people who don’t have HIV but who are at high risk of becoming 
Song Selection Voting  infected with HIV. PrEP involves taking a specific HIV medicine 
every day. 

Meeting Number: ​3  Days Until Tech: ​80  Days Until Opening: ​85 

Present: ​C. Yingling, C. Iannella, J. Waltz, O. DiIorio, G. Sminkey, R. Borczuch, O. Quinones, A. 
Savage, C. McPartland, C. Duffey, E. Powell, E. Trapp, B. Smith, M. Martin, G. Haines, B.H. 

Absent (Excused):   Absent  Late (Excused):   Late (Unexcused): 

K. Kushnir, A. Santos-Castillo,  (Unexcused):   J. Griffith  S. Sinsel 
C. Bloomfield, B. Smith 
★ 4:30-4:44 Round Table 
★ 4:44-4:48 Song Selection Start of Discussion 
★ 4:48-4:58 Discussion of Finale 
★ 4:58-5:09 Discussion of General 
★ 5:09-5:22 Discussion of Showtune Showdown 
★ 5:22 End meeting 

General Notes: 
★ We picked songs today!  
○ Finale: Raise You Up/Just Be- Kinky Boots 
○ General: The Greatest Show- The Greatest Showman 
○ Showtune Showdown: Greased Lightnin’- Grease vs Footloose- Footloose 

Report by Rachel Borczuch (Stage Manager)  

★ Remember to keep this to just the staff until we announce it at UT!! 

Director: ​Chris and Cait’s Office Hours- M: 12-1pm 

★ Chris invited our invited groups! High Street Harmonix and Top Drawer Swing Dance 
Team are confirmed, and we also have invited: 
○ Deep Dish Pizzazz Improv Team 
○ Irish Dance Team 

Producer: ​Josh’s Office Hours: MWF: 12-1pm, Georgia’s Office Hours- T: 11am-12pm 
★ Broadway Flea Market is coming and we are invited! 
○ Sunday, September 22nd 1pm-whenever it ends 
■ You must provide your own transportation 
■ If you would like to attend, email Josh by midnight tonight! 
● Macbeth Cast and SM/Directing team cannot attend 
★ Get the word out about donations! 
★ Fundraiser this Saturday!!!! Grilled Cheese sale: Set up @10pm, Sale 11pm-1am 
○ Everyone on staff should be at (at least) part of the fundraiser 
○ If you have questions, conflicts, or concerns, contact Josh ASAP 

★ Follow AIDS Benefit on our social media platforms (at the bottom of the report)! And 
Repost things! 
○ Pro tip: Put things on your story the morning of an event so your followers see 
it and remember! 
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

Music: ​Connor’s Office Hours- T/TH: 12-2pm 

★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

Choreography: ​Liz’s Office Hours- T/TH: 11am-12pm 

★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

★ Alondra is working on a Pinterest board for initial design concepts 
★ Emma and Alondra will be in contact today 
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 


Report by Rachel Borczuch (Stage Manager)  

★ Seth (College of Arts of Humanities Faculty) is giving Becs access to the WCU Arts and 
Humanities instagram, so send stuff their way so they can post it there as well! 
★ Once we start on songs, Becs and Myles will be working on a pinterest board for the 
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

Stage Management: ​Rachel’s Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-4pm 

★ Get your office hours to me by next meeting (September 18th) 
★ Go to/donate to the fundraiser this Saturday night! 

University Theatre: 
★ We liked the UT slot, and will be keeping that in this week 
○ Chris will send Cait information before meeting so it gets in the UT notes 
★ We have microwaves we are willing to donate if you need them for any fundraisers. 
★ Can UT send a reminder email about the grilled cheese sale this weekend please? 

★ Nothing at this time, thank you! 
AIDS Benefit social media! 
Instagram- @aidsbenefitwcu 
Twitter- @aidsbenefitwcu 
Snapchat @ wcuaidsbenefit 
Facebook- West Chester University AIDS Benefit 
Google drive- 

Report by Rachel Borczuch (Stage Manager)  

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