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VegSci2015 Grafting

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Vegetable Science (2015) 42 (2) : 82-87

Grafting tomato on eggplant as a potential tool to improve waterlogging

tolerance in hybrid tomato
Anant Bahadur, N Rai, Rajesh Kumar, S K Tiwari, A K Singh, A K Rai, Umesh Singh, P K Patel,
Vivek Tiwari, A B Rai, Major Singh and B Singh

Received: August, 2014 / Accepted: July, 2015

Abstract abiotic stresses such as soil salinity, toxicity of heavy

metals, drought and waterlogging. Under natural
This study was conducted at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi during environmental conditions, plants often get exposed to
2013-14. Four eggplant rootstocks v.i.z., IC-354557, IC- transient or permanent waterlogging. This induces
111056, IC-374873 and CHBR-2 were used, while hybrid changes in physico-chemical properties of soil like pH,
tomato (Arka Rakshak and Arka Samrat) were used as scion
redox potential and available oxygen level. Therefore,
cultivars. Both grafted and non-grafted plants were exposed
the plants growing on the waterlogged soil face the
to waterlogging stress for 72 and 96 hr, respectively during
vegetative and reproductive stages. Experimental finding
stressful environment in terms of availability of oxygen;
revealed that there was no leaf chlorosis and wilting in the this may be hypoxia (deficiency of O2) or anoxia (absence
plant, and was less reduction in chlorophyll content (CCI), of O2). Researchers from the Asian Vegetable Research
chlorophyll fluorescence yield (Fv/ Fm) in all plant growth and Development Center (2003) reported that tomatoes
stages, when tomato hybrids were grafted over eggplant are difficult to grow during the hot-wet season, because
rootstocks. In contrast, the non-grafted plants have waterlogged soils can significantly reduce yields. In
registered 39.6-41% reduction in Fv/Fm and 41-100 % north Indian plains, tomato is transplanted during S-W
reduction in CCI at 96 hr after exposing the waterlogging monsoon (July-September) where waterlogging is a
stress. Non-grafted plants wilted and die 4-7 days after serious problem for the survival of plants, particularly
relieving from stress; whereas the grafted plants completely during the early establishment stage. The tomato is highly
recovered from stress shock in 7-10 days after relieving from sensitive to flooding conditions (Bray et al., 2001; Ezin
stress. It may conclude from the present study that grafting et al., 2010; Bhatt et al., 2015). The success of grafting
tomato onto eggplant rootstocks, particularly on IC-354557 largely depends on the selection of the rootstock and
and IC-111056 may improve waterlogging tolerance for 72- the grafting technique employed (Ginoux and Laterrot,
96 hr in tomato hybrids. 1991). Rootstock-scion combinations need to be tested
Keywords: Tomato grafting, eggplant rootstocks, in order to optimise crop performance and promote
waterlogging tolerance, chlorophyll fluorescence commercial acceptance of the technique. High yielding
varieties of tomato can be successfully grafted over
Introduction waterlogging tolerant rootstocks of eggplant (Bhatt et
al., 2015). With the objective to identify suitable
Grafting in vegetable crops, now-a-days has emerged
waterlogging tolerant eggplant rootstocks, the improved
as a promising and an alternative tool to the relatively
tomato cultivars were grafted on four rootstocks of
slow conventional breeding methods aimed at increasing
eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) during early vegetative
tolerance to abiotic stresses and soil pathogens in fruit
(15-20 days after transplanting, DAT), active vegetative
vegetables. Scions of vegetable crops like watermelon,
stage (40-45 DAT) and reproductive stages (60-70 DAT).
squash, cucumber, bitter gourd, tomato and eggplant,
etc. can readily be grafted onto different rootstocks prior Materials and Methods
to being transplanted in the field or in the greenhouses.
The main objective of grafting is to reduce infections by Plant materials: The experiment was conducted using
soil-borne pathogens and to enhance the tolerance to eggplant rootstock (Solanum melongena L.) grafted with
tomato scion (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at ICAR-Indian
Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi during 2013-
ICAR- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Post Bag- 1,
PO- Jakhini (Shahanshahpur), Varanasi- 221 305 (U.P.) India
14. Rootstock of four eggplant accessions; IC-354557,
Vegetable Science, Vol. 42, January - June 2015 83

IC-111056, IC-374873 and CHBR-2 were grafted with surface have the ability to withstand the negative effect
two hybrid tomato cultivars (Arka Rakshak and Arka of flooding, and also to increase water as well as mineral
Samrat). Non-grafted tomato plants (Arka Rakshak and uptake and compensate for the loss of the original roots.
Arka Samrat) were also used as a control for The adventitious roots can obtain oxygen from the air
comparison. and absorb nutrients; this characteristic may play an
important role in its adaptation to flooding conditions.
Preparation of graft: Seeds of above 4 genotypes of
eggplant were sown in the last week of June at 1.5-2.0 Chlorophyll content index (CCI) and chlorophyll
cm depth in small plastic glasses (size 7× 9 cm2) filled fluorescence measurement: The ratio of flurescence
with soil, sand, vermicompost and cocopit (2:1:1:1). variable (Fv) and flurescence maximum (Fm) is an
After one week, the seeds of scion cultivars of tomato indicator of plant stress resulting from damage to
were also sown in small earthen pots accommodating photosystem II. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter
about 50 seedlings. The pots of rootstocks and scions (Fv/ Fm) was recorded every day upto 10 days after
were irrigated daily for 25 days. Four to five weeks old removal from the waterlogging treatment.
seedlings of eggplant were used as rootstocks, whereas Measurements were made on fully expanded leaf of the
three to four weeks tomato seedlings as scions. Splice upper canopy after a 30 min dark adaptation. Dark
or side grafting was followed wherein 45° slant-cut fluorescence (Fo), maximal fluorescence (Fm) and
made on the sides both in the rootstock and scion at photochemical yield (Fv/Fm) were recorded. CCI was
matching grafting ensuring aligning of their cambium, measured every day upto 10 days after removal from
and clip together with a silicone grafting clip. Grafted the waterlogging treatment by the Chlorophyll Content
plants were soon transferred in grafting chamber where Meter (CCM 200, Apogee instruments Inc. USA). The
the maximum temperature was never allowed to above average of two readings was taken at third upper
30°C, and relative humidity was in ranged of 80 to 85% expanded leaflet.
during most of the time. The light interception in grafting
chamber was not more than 25% of the total incoming Results and Discussion
radiation. After 10-12 days of establishment of graft Leaf chlorosis, wilting and development of aerial roots:
union, the grafted plants were transplanted into bigger The most important visual symptom of waterlogging
pots (30 × 30 cm2 size) filled with mixture of field soil stress in the plant is epinasty, leaf yellowing and wilting.
and vermicompost (3:1 ratio), and kept in the greenhouse In the present experiment, the grafted as well as non-
for another 10-12 days for the establishment of grafted plants were scored for tolerance to waterlogging
seedlings. stress using scale 0-5 (Yeboah et al., 2008). Results
Waterlogging treatment: Grafted and non-grafted indicated that the grafted plant did not show any wilting
plants were exposed to waterlogged conditions for 72 symptoms, and plant recovered from shock after 10
and 96 hr during early vegetative (15 DAT), active days of withdrawal from stress. The non-grafted tomato
vegetative growth (45 DAT) and reproductive stages hybrids exhibited wilting symptoms 72 hr after
(75 DAT). Pots were placed in the large water tank removing from stress, and plant die 10th days of its
(LBH= 2.5 × 1.25 × 0.60 m3) with maintaining 8 to 10 removal from waterlogging (fig. 1a). During active
cm water above the pot soil surface. The average vegetative stage, after 96 hr of waterlogging stress, Arka
maximum, minimum temperature and humidity during Samrat grafted on IC-354557 performed well followed
the experimentation was 24.0/12.1°C, 92/61% in by Arka Rakshak on IC-374873. Grafted plants on these
February, and 32.2/16.7°C, 83/45% in March. eggplant rootstocks did not exhibit symptom of wilting
and yellowing, and plant recovered well 10 days after
Plant wilting, yellowing and adventitious root
stress (fig. 1b). Experimental finding obtained at
formation: After removing from flooding treatment,
reproductive stage revealed that tomato hybrid Arka
individual plants were scored for waterlogging tolerance
Rakshak on IC-111056 and Arka Samrat on IC-354557
on the basis of plant wilting, yellowing and development
found the best options for survival under waterlogging
of aerial adventitious roots using a modified scale of 0-
situation. It is obvious from fig. 1c that the grafted plant
5 developed Yeboah et al. (2008). Adventitious root
over these eggplant rootstocks did not show any
formation (ARF) was scored visually on a 0-3 scale
symptoms of leaf yellowing and wilting during 96 hr of
following the methods of Yeboah et al. (2008). A third
waterlogging stress, and 10 days after removal of stress.
flooding tolerance score of individual plants (in terms
In contrast to this, the non-grafted tomato hybrids start
of leaf yellowing percentage) was determined using a
leaf yellowing and wilting 96h of waterlogging stress,
scale of 1-6 (Mohanty and Ong, 2003). The genotypes
and they wilt and die 10 days after water-logging stress.
that exhibit high adventitious root formation above soil
Leaf chlorosis and wilting is the major indicator of
84 Bahadur et al. : Grafting tomato on eggplant as a potential tool to improve waterlogging tolerance in hybrid tomato

waterlogging stress as reported by Reyna et al., (2003) measuring chlorophyll fluorescence is Fv and Fm ratio
in soybean, Cai et al. (1996) and Boru et al. (2001) in (photochemistry of PS II). It is an important
wheat, and Kuo et al. (1982) and Bhatt et al. (2015) in photosynthetic parameter to evaluate the performance
tomato. When soil is saturated with excess water, gas of plants under stress (Maxwell and Johnson, 2000).
diffusion is reduced in the soil and consequently reduces In present investigation, first to ten days after flooding,
O2 supply to the roots. This reduction in O2 causes the the Fv/Fm range from 0.756 to 0.706 for Arka Rakshak
damage to the root system of the plant. During hypoxic on IC-111056; 0.707 to 0.773 for Arka Samrat on
and anoxic conditions, the production of ATP declines CHBR-2; 0.718 to 0.768 for Arka Samrat on IC-354557
and consequently decrease root metabolism. The at early vegetative stage (fig. 2a). At active vegetative
decrease in energy supply in turn decreases ion transport stage, the Fv/Fm values were 0.643 to 0.726 for Arka
in the root and influences the nutrient use efficiency. In Rakshak on IC-374873; 0.596 to 0.752 for Arka Samrat
addition, the reduction in available energy could decrease on IC-354557 (fig. 3a). Similarly, at reproductive stage,
other physiological processes such as gas exchange, the Fv/Fm values ranged between 0.557 to 0.754 for
chlorophyll kinetics, osmotic adjustment and Arka Samrat on IC-354557; 0.646 to 0.783 for Arka
carbohydrate metabolism of the plant. Similar to our Rakshak on IC-111056; 0.0 to 0.717 for non-grafted
findings, Bhatt et al. (2015) also reported that when Arka Rakshak and 0.0 to 0.678 for non-grafted Arka
eggplant was used as rootstock for flooded tomato, Samrat (fig. 4a). It was concluded that after exposure
there was low reduction in leaf water potentials and of plants for 72h of flooding, Fv/Fm did not vary
greater accumulation of sugar as osmolytes, possibly significantly up to 8 days after flooding, thereafter
through osmo-regulation. Increased sugar levels and intense wilting started, and Fv/Fm decreased by 39.6-
starch in plant following flooding has also been reported 41% in non-grafted plants, while in grafted plants the
by many workers (Wample and Davis, 1983; Gravatt reduction was just 9.78-11.5%. Ezin et al. (2010) also
and Kirby, 1998; Chen et al., 2005; Gimeno et al., reported a significant reduction in chlorophyll
2012). Magnitude of sugar accumulation is decisive in fluorescence in the susceptible genotypes of tomato
ascertaining the plant capacity to confer stress tolerance. under waterlogging because of loss in the yield of PSII
photochemistry thereby reduction of photosynthetic
Chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content
rate. Bhatt et al. (2015) has also reported 10-14%
index: The differing response of grafted and non-grafted
reduction in Fv/Fm values in non-grafted or self-grafted
plants in term of chlorophyll fluorescence and
tomato, whereas it was only 1-7% when eggplant was
chlorophyll content index (CCI) suggest the possibility
used as rootstock. The response of Chl fluorescence in
of using both parameters to screen for waterlogging
non-grafted plants to flooding indicated that during
tolerance. The most common parameter used for
flooding apart from decrease in stomatal conductance,

Fig. 1 showing wilting during early vegetative, active vegetative and reproductive stages. 0 = dead plant, 1 = 100-75% of wilt
from tip to the base, 2 = 74-50% wilting of leaves from tip to the middle, 3 = leaves between base and middle undulating, 4 =
recurved leaves margins and 5 = green plant with no sign of stress (Yeboah et al., 2008). (Error bar shows P<0.05 level of
Vegetable Science, Vol. 42, January - June 2015 85

Fig. 2 Chlorophyll fluorescence (2a) and chlorophyll content index (2b) at early vegetative stage of 72 hr waterlogging.
(Error bar shows P<0.05 level of significance).

Fig. 3 Chlorophyll fluorescence (3a) and chlorophyll content index (3b) at active vegetative stage of 96h waterlogging.
(Error bar shows P<0.05 level of significance)

(4a) (4b)
Fig. 4 Chlorophyll fluorescence (4a) and chlorophyll content index (4b) at reproductive stage of 96 hr waterlogging. (Error
bar shows P<0.05 level of significance)
86 Bahadur et al. : Grafting tomato on eggplant as a potential tool to improve waterlogging tolerance in hybrid tomato

non-stomatal factors may also have contributed in flood tolerance to tomato scion. Eggplant rootstocks
reduced photosynthetic rate as indicated by significant may be of great use in improving physiological tolerance
reduction in Fv/Fm. Decrease in Fv/Fm indicated to flooding through a resilient root system. Grafting of
damage to thylakoid membranes and/or photosynthetic tomato on eggplant rootstocks improved waterlogging
electron transport system (Havaux and Lannoye, 1983). tolerance on early vegetative, active vegetative and
Flooding induces progressive impairment of reproductive stages in comparison to the non-grafted
photosynthetic machinery, starting with reduction in plants reflected by wilting/survival of plants, Chl
efficiency of the light-harvesting complexes that leads fluorescence and CCI. Grafting of tomato onto eggplant
to an electron overflow in the photosynthetic system, rootstocks can improve flooding tolerance of flood
and to severe impairment in the electron transport chain. sensitive tomato crop. It may conclude from the present
The relatively higher Fv/Fm is associated with healthy, study that grafting tomato onto eggplant rootstocks,
non-stress, evergreen plants (Demming and Bjorkman, particularly on IC-354557 and IC-111056 may improve
1987; Maki and Columbo, 2001; Percival, 2004). waterlogging tolerance for 72-96h in tomato hybrids
during all three stages of the plant. Using these eggplant
As far as chlorophyll content index (CCI) was
rootstocks for tomato would be a potential tool for
concerned, during vegetative stage CCI did not reduce
growing tomatoes in rainy season, where waterlogging
significantly upto 7 days after flooding treatment in
situations frequently occur.
grafted and non-grafted plants, however at reproductive
stage, after 5th day of flooding the non-grafted plant Acknowledgements
could not survive (CCI value zero). In contrast, the
tomato plant grafted over eggplant noticed the higher This work is a part of ICAR-sponsored project ‘National
CCI value (46.0) at reproductive stage. First to ten days Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)’.
after flooding, the CCI range from 40.3 to 44.3 for Authors are thankful to the Director, ICAR-Indian
Arka Rakshak on IC-111056; 26.9 to 44.9 for Arka Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR), Varanasi for
Samrat on CHBR-2; 20.9 to 38.6 for Arka Samrat on providing all the assitance to run this project smoothly.
IC-354557; 13.9 to 32.2 for non-grafted Arka Rakshak
and 15.7 to 26.7 for non-grafted Arka Samrat at early lkjka’k
vegetative stage (fig. 2b). At active vegetative stage, VekVj esa ty&Hkjko ds izfr lgu”khyrk fodflr djus gsrq cSaxu
the CCI values were 18.4 to 26.3 for Arka Rakshak on ds ewyo`Ur ij o’kZ 2013&14 esa xzkf¶Vax ij iz;ksx fd;k x;kA
IC-374873, 19.7 to 22.1 for Arka Samrat on IC-354557 VekVj lk;u gsrq nks iztkfr;ksa % vdkZ j{kd ,oa vdkZ lezkV rFkk
(fig. 3b), whereas the CCI was registered zero for non- cSaxu ewyo`Ur ds fy, 4 ykbusa ;Fkk% vkbZ-lh-354557] vkbZ-lh-
grafted Arka Rakshak and Arka Samrat. Similarly, at 111056] vkbZ-lh- 374873 rFkk lh-,p-ch-vkj- 2 iz;ksx esa yk;h
reproductive stage, the CCI values ranges between 26.4
xbZA xzkf¶Vax rFkk fcuk xzkf¶Vax ikS/kksa esa fofHkUu voLFkkvksa esa 72
to 33.8 for Arka Rakshak on IC-111056; 39.5 to 50.7
?kaVs rFkk 96 ?kaVs dk ty Hkjko dk ikS/ks dh fofHkUu vkdkfjdh ,oa
for Arka Samrat on IC-354557; 0.0 to 60.4 for non-
nSfgdh xq.kksa dk izHkko vk¡dk x;kA fu’d’kZ esa ;g ik;k x;k fd
grafted Arka Rakshak and 0.0 to 57.3 for non-grafted
Arka Samrat (fig. 4b). In non-grafted plants, ftu VekVj ikS/kksa dks cSaxu ds ewyo`Ur] fo”ks’kdj vkbZ-lh-354557
considerable reduction (41-100%) in CCI was observed rFkk vkbZ-lh- 111056 ij yxk;k x;k Fkk mudh ifÙk;ksa esa ihykiu
as compared to about 40-43% reduction in grafted ;k eqj>kiu ds y{k.k 96 ?kaVksa rd ty Hkjko gksus ds ckotwn ugha
plants, 8 days after flooding exposure. Earlier, Kato et ns[kk x;k tcfd fcuk xzk¶VsM ;k Lo;a ds ewyo`Ur okys VekVj esa
al. (2001) also reported reduction in chlorophyll content ty Hkjko ls eqfDr gksus ds 4 ls 7 fnu esa DyksjksfQy lkanzrk]
of cucumber leaves induced by waterlogging which was DyksjksfQy ¶yksjkslsUl esa 40&100 izfr”kr fxjkoV ntZ dh xbZ]
enhanced by grafting onto squash rootstocks. When rFkk ikS/ks ckn esa iwjh rjg lw[k x;s blds foijhr xzk¶VsM ikS/ks ty
grafting watermelon cv. ‘Crimson Tide’ onto bottle gourd Hkjko ds ckn iwjh rjg 5&7 fnuksa esa LoLFk gks x;sA bl iz;ksx ls
(Landrace) the decrease in chlorophyll content was less ;g fu’d’kZ fudkyk tk ldrk gS fd VekVj dk cSaxu ij xzkf¶Vax
pronounced compared to non-grafted watermelons ty Hkjko dh fLFkfr ls fuiVus ds fy, ,d csgrj ek/;e gSA
(Yetisir et al., 2006; Liao and Lin, 1996). Recently, Bhatt
et al. (2015) also noticed that chlorophyll reduction at References
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Vegetable Science, Vol. 42, January - June 2015 87

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