Water FPD
Water FPD
Water FPD
OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Science Science as a Science
Unders Human Inquiry Skills
tanding Endeavour
1 Earth’s Science Participate 1.Students recall Via answers given in INTRODUCTION
Engage resource involves in guided and share past whole class discussion Students seated on mat
s are observing, investigatio knowledge about (Objective 1) What students already know (meditation type exercise) What does it look like? Whiteboard
used in asking ns to rain - The word Rain is written on the board What does rain sound like? Marker
a variety questions explore and Effectiveness of rain - Students are to close their eyes and think about What does rain feel like?
of ways about, and answer 2. Students design protection of what they know about rain What does rain taste like?
(ACSSU0 describing questions (A and build a structure (objective 2) - Teacher leads session by asking students question What is rain made of?
32) changes in, CSIS038) structure which with their eyes closed Is all rain the same?
objects and protects from rain - Students open eyes and discuss answers
events (ACS T-Chart T-Chart (what
HE034) - Teacher writes up answers discussed on T-Chart Does anyone know anything we know before,
else about rain? what we now
Middle know)
Design Brief Explained marker
- Important not to get wet in the rain so you don’t
catch a cold Materials
- Students are to design something using materials
provided to block out rain Collaborative
- Going to work in groups (existing collaborative learning group
learning groups) poster
Teamwork values are explored Teamwork
Safety considerations poster
- Careful use of scissors at all time
- Absolutely no running
- If cutting any plastic – ask for teacher assistance
Students are given time to design creation
- Students explore materials provided
o Cardboard
o Cellophane
o Sticky tape
o Glue
o Blue tack
o Paper plates
o Plastic cups
o Pop sticks and skewers
o Milk bottles What are the most effective
o Plastic yoghurt containers parts of all the designs?
- Individual designs must be drawn but students are to
discuss ideas in their groups
Students are given time to decide on a design
- Integrating all ideas into one
- Teacher and EA will assist with this step
Students are to create their designs
- Ensuring teamwork
- Sticking to their design as closely as possible
Students take a photo using class iPad of design
Students explain designs
Students seated on mat
- Students explain to the class aspects of design (with
teacher commenting on efficiency and effectiveness)
- Explain how rain will be blocked out
- Effective ideas are discussed as a class
- Interesting and less-known ideas are discussed and
added to t-chart
Explain prediction
- Explain terms used to describe result of rain
o Absorb Laminated A3
o Run off sheets
o Pool Did you use one of the Whiteboard
- Need to make a prediction of what you think will terms we just learnt? marker
Explain activity
- Runner will come up to front and collect a watering
can and towel
- Pourer pours the rain onto the surface slowly and
carefully using the watering can
- Whilst all group members observe
o How did it change?
o Does it look or smell different?
o What did the rain sound like?
o What happened to the water?
- Students then discuss what happened and recorder
records on A3 sheet
- When finished, there’s an extension question at iPad
bottom (extending)
Students complete activity
- Teacher assists and prompts students if necessary
- Once teacher checked, photographer takes photo
with iPad
Students seated on mat Teacher diagram
- Students come up one at a time and place label on and labels
teacher diagram Brainstorm
- Brainstorm created at start of lesson is revisited Mini whiteboard
- Students write 3 things they learnt on mini Markers
whiteboards and hold up to teacher
5 Earth’s People use Pose and 1. Students are Accuracy of posters INTRODUCTION
Evaluate resourc science in respond to able to design and (objective 1) Students seated on mat
es are their daily questions, create posters Review previous lesson Teacher diagram
used in lives, and make with visual and Ideas shared in class - Students re-place labels on teacher diagram of water and labels from
a variety including predictions written discussion (objective cycle as a class with teacher giving quick explanation Does anyone remember previous lesson
of ways when caring about famili information 2) of each stage what it is called?
(ACSSU0 for ar objects regarding saving - Because it is a cycle – new water doesn’t enter. Water ________?
32) their enviro and water Answers on exit slips Water is only recycled
nment and events (ACSI (objective 2) - Explain importance of not wasting water
living S037) 2. Students are
things (ACS able to recall MIDDLE Whiteboard
HE035) Represent learnt information Discussion of ways water can be saved (written on whiteboard Marker
and regarding water as suggested)
communicat throughout a unit - Short showers Can anyone think of any
e of work - Turn off taps other ways?
observations - Watering the grass (collect old water)
and ideas in - Only wash clothes when they are dirty
a variety of Explain activity
ways (ACSIS - Create a poster (in existing collaborative learning Collaborative
042) groups) on a strategy to save water learning groups
- Teacher assigns each group a different strategy listed poster
- Students create posters including:
o Key information
o How to implement the strategy A2 card
o How the strategy saves water Textas
o Pictures Pencils
Complete activity
- Students complete activity, adding their own ideas
- Struggling students prompted by teacher (enabling) Are these strategies hard to
Gallery walk do?
- Students complete a gallery walk of all posters Why is it important to save
Students seated on mat
T-Chart from lesson 1 t-chart
- Read ideas generated from lesson 1 Do we know lots more markers
- Students add other information (1 lesson at a time) about rain and water now?
- Teacher prompts each lesson to help students
remember content (pointing to work displayed on
walls) https://www.yo
Safety considerations for dance utube.com/watc
- Adequate space between all students h?v=KM-
- No being silly with arms 59ljA4Bs
- Far away from desks
Dance A Drop Around the
- Students watch water cycle dance World
- Students take part in water cycle dance Barbara McKinney
Books in reading corner
The Water
- Going to be reading books about water Princess
- They are in reading corner Susan Verde
Exit slip completed individually
- What are the 3 ways water can react with a surface? Water Is Water: A
- Label the water cycle Book About
- What are 4 uses for water? the Water
- What are 3 ways to save water? Cycle
Miranda Paul