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Practice #2: Bernoulli

Hydraulics Lab

Professor: Jose Manuel Molano Martínez

Ana Fernanda González – A01363861

Jonathan Álvarez Suárez – A01204937
Rogelio Tovar Medel - A01701398
Alonso García Roa – A01207701
Campus Querétaro


PRACTICE 2. Bernoulli Equation

The reasoning behind the following practice is to apply de Bernoulli equations into some sort of
real-life application in order to demonstrate the correlation between values of velocity, pressure
and so on into the different states of the change of cross-sectional area of the tube.

General Data:
The following table shows the main characteristics of the venturi used during the experimental
Table #1 - Dimensions of the Venturi Cross-sections
Tapping Diameter of cross-section (mm) Manometer Height
1 31.75 h1
2 15 h2
3 31.75 h3


 Flowrate #1 (Q1):

Table #2: Flowrate 1 Data

Tapping Diameter Static Pressure Velocity
Flowrate (m3/s)
Position (mm) Deflection H (mm) (m/s)
1 31.75 239 0.222831
0.0001764 2 15 180 0.998344
3 31.75 215 0.222831

Tapping Position Vs. Static Tapping Position Vs. Velocity - Q1

Pressure Deflection - Q1 1.2
300 1
Static Pressure H (mm)

Velocity V (m/s)

50 0.2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Tapping Position Tapping Position

2 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

 Flowrate #2 (Q2):

Table #3: Flowrate 2 Data

Tapping Diameter Static Pressure Velocity

Flowrate (m3/s)
Position (mm) Deflection H (mm) (m/s)

1 31.75 264 0.249001

0.0001971 2 15 186 1.115596
3 31.75 231 0.249001

Tapping Position Vs. Static Pressure Tapping Position Vs. Velocity - Q2

Deflection - Q2 1.2
300 1

Velocity V (m/s)
Static Pressure H (mm)

250 0.8
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
Tapping Position
Tapping Position

 Flowrate #3 (Q3):

Table #4: Flowrate 3 Data

Tapping Diameter Static Pressure Velocity
Flowrate (m3/s)
Position (mm) Deflection H (mm) (m/s)
1 31.75 323 0.304676
0.0002412 2 15 192 1.365032
3 31.75 274 0.304676

3 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

Tapping Position Vs. Static Pressure Tapping Position Vs. Velocity - Q3

Deflection - Q3 1.6
350 1.4
Static Pressure H (mm)

300 1.2

Velocity V (m/s)
250 1
200 0.8
150 0.6
100 0.4
50 0.2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Tapping Position Tapping Position

 Flowrate #4 (Q4):

Table #5: Flowrate 4 Data

Tapping Diameter Static Pressure Velocity

Flowrate (m3/s)
Position (mm) Deflection H (mm) (m/s)

1 31.75 380 0.340557

0.0002696 2 15 187 1.525788
3 31.75 315 0.340557

Tapping Position Vs. Static Pressure Tapping Position Vs. Velocity - Q4

Deflection - Q4 1.8
400 1.6
350 1.4
Static Pressure H (mm)

Velocity V (m/s)

300 1.2
250 1
200 0.8
150 0.6
100 0.4
50 0.2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Tapping Position Tapping Position

4 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

1. Analyze and discuss the results. Are they what you would expect based on the
The predictions were actually spot on, given the fact that a divergence in the velocities
created different values for what’s captioned as position but corresponds to the pressure
stated on a given point, considering the measures with a higher velocity every time in each
second value. This correlation goes with the initially presumed difference as the first
number corresponds to the wider area, and the second to the narrow part of the nuzzle,
and the last one goes to the regression to the first stage.
This could be explained as the raise in pressure on the first point, dropping significantly
(and consequently rising the velocity) on the bottle neck and ending with a difference at
the last one because of what we think is the effect that the water starts slowing down but
hasn't come to an equilibrium just yet.

2. Application of Bernoulli’s equation:

  2
 2g (h1  h5 ) 
Q  A5   d12 d 52
1  ( A ) 
A1   A5  
 1  where 4 and 4

Table #6: Theorical Flowrate Vs. Experimental Flowrate

Experimental Flowrate (m3/S) Theorical Flowrate (m3/s) Error (%)

0.0001764 0.000195 9.55

0.0001971 0.000224 12.10
0.0002412 0.000291 17.00
0.0002696 0.000350 23.57

3. Compare the predictions from Question 2 to your measured volume flowrates. How
do these theoretical values compare to your lab results?

The theoretical values are similar in order of magnitude towards the practice values,
although there is a considerable error as the height increased (H). The error range is
between 9.55% to 23.57 % in relation to the increase in height. This may be due to the air
voids in the system, the correct performance hydraulic pump and the human error in
reference to the measurements.

5 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

PRACTICE 2. Bernoulli Equation

Rúbrica de Evaluación
correctamente No realizó correctamente las
Realizó correctamente las
las gráficas, sin gráficas, y no contienen títulos
gráficas, con títulos y unidades
títulos y ni unidades
20 puntos
unidades 0 puntos
10 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 1 la pregunta 1
10 puntos 0 puntos

correctamente No realizó correctamente las
Realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de gráficas de la pregunta 2, y no
gráficas de la pregunta 2, con
la pregunta 2, contienen títulos ni unidades
títulos y unidades
sin títulos y
10 puntos
unidades 0 puntos
5 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 3 la pregunta 3
15 puntos 0 puntos

No calculó
correctamente en la pregunta
correctamente en la pregunta 4
15 puntos
0 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 5 la pregunta 5
10 puntos 0 puntos
Realizó Realizó Realizó Realizó Realizó
conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones
objetivas, poco objetivas, poco objetivas, poco objetivas, subjetivas, sin
comparando comparando comparando sin comparar comparar
resultados resultados resultados resultados resultados
obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y no
demostró demostró demostró poco demostró poco demostró
aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del
objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la
práctica práctica práctica práctica práctica
20 puntos 15 puntos 10 puntos 5 puntos 0 puntos

6 Practice from Armfield Manual

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