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Law Enforcement Administration: Preboard Examination

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY
NO ERASURE ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.


1. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national economy or security:
A. relative vulnerability B. relative criticality C. relative necessity D. relative security
2. These are major courses of action that the organization plans to take in order to achieve its objectives.
A. procedures B. plans C. strategies D. objectives
3. In this form of authority, personnel do not give orders but they offer advice. Frequently, this is based on a
high level of expertise but the advice carries no formal requirement for acceptance.
A. democracy B. monitoring C. functional authority D. staff authority
4. ________ means controlling the direction and flow of decisions through unity of command from top to
bottom of organization:
A. audit B. monitoring C. coordination D. authority
5. PO III Peter Factor is assigned to collect available information concerning the activities of the Red Scorpion
Group (RSG). He is with what unit of the police?
A. anti-juvenile delinquency
B. criminal investigation
C. intelligence
D. patrol
6. Intelligence can and should do nothing more than
A. promote better police-citizen interaction
B. enhance the probability of accuracy in report writing
C. improve administrative efficiency particularly in recruitment and selection
D. increase the number of arrests of criminal syndicate members
7. PO III Juan Tupaz submitted an intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
A. information is usually from a reliable source and is possibly true
B. information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable
C. information is usually from a reliable source and is probably true
D. information is usually from a reliable source and is doubtfully true
8. The Neighborhood Team Policing exhibit the following organizational features, EXCEPT:
A. unified delivery of services
B. low-level flexibility in decision-making
C. combined investigation and patrol functions
D. unity of direction
9. Who may be automatically granted highest waiver, as provided under Section 15 of Republic Act No. 8551?
A. police retirables requesting for extension of service
B. members of cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government agency
C. government employees wishing to transfer to the PNP
D. graduates of Criminology
10. Plans which require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the police organization.
A. management plans
B. operational plans
C. extra-departmental plans
D. tactical plans
11. Protection of classified documents/matters concerning their preparation, classification, reproduction,
handling, transmission, disposal and destruction.
A. document security
B. operational security
C. physical security
D. organizational security
12. What is the system of natural or man-made barriers placed between the potential intruder and the
object/person/matter being protected?
A. Communication security B. Physical security C. Document security D. Personnel security
13. Intelligence on the enemy and the characteristics of operation used in the planning and conduct of tactical
A. strategic intelligence B. combat intelligence
C. military intelligence D. counter-intelligence
14. The effectiveness and efficiency of the patrol function can be enhance if there is a detailed and up-to-date
information about crime and criminals. This calls for the establishment of a __________.
A. patrol base headquarters
B. crime information center
C. management information center
D. public information office
15. Planning cannot be undertaken without referring to _______ on the entire police organization, community,
crime, equipment inventories, personal data, etc.
A. costs B. plans C. data D. statement
16. New employees should be briefed on security rules and regulations of the organization and the importance
of observing them. This process is called ________.

17. What plans require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the police organization?
A. tactical plan B. management plan C. extra-department plan D. operational plan
18. This is a patrol program designed to ensure law abiding citizens’ feeling of security but the reaction of fear
for the would be violators.
A. double-officer patrol C. single-officer patrol
B. low visibility patrol D. high visibility patrol
19. The transfer of heat from one material to another by direct contact is called _______.
A. Oxidation B. conduction C. convection D. radiation
20. Developing security consciousness among policemen forms part of enhancing _______.
A. line intelligence C. counterintelligence
B. strategic intelligence D. artificial intelligence
21. The National Police Commission is attached to the Department of the Interior and Local government
(DILG) for _______.
A. administrative control
B. operational supervision
C. administration and control
D. policy and program coordination
22. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible urge due to unexpected opportunity and
little chance of detection?
A. systematic pilferer B. casual pilferer C. ordinary pilferer D. unusual pilferer
23. An appeal filed with the NAPOLCOM Regional Appellate Board shall be decided within _________ days
from receipt of the motion of appeal.
A. fifty (50) B. thirty (30) C. twenty (20) D. sixty (60)
24. In the intelligence function, the black list includes _________ forces.
A. unwanted B. neutral C. friendly D. unfriendly
25. The first step in the planning process is to recognize the need to plan. Which of the following is NOT a way
of discovering the need to plan?
A. conduct of research
B. conduct of training
C. conduct of management audit
D. conduct of inspection
26. The special formations used in crowd control include the wedge, diagonal and deployed line. When a
crowd is small enough not to require a squad, then the formation is:
A. diagonal B. deployed line C. wedge D. clockwise
27. Under this principle, the chief executive directly controls two to ten subordinates, who then control two or
ten subordinates each and so on until the bottom of the organization is reached.
A. scalar principle B. unity of command C. exception principle D. span of control
28. What is meant by an evaluation of C-1?
A. information comes from an unreliable source and is probably true
B. information comes from an unreliable source and is probably true
C. information comes from a fairly reliable source and is confirmed from other sources
D. information comes from fairly reliable source and is doubtfully true
29. Under physical security, what should be placed between the prospective intruder and target installation?
A. Hazard B. Risk C. Net D. Barrier
30. Mr. Jun de las Alas was born on June 1, 1975. Does he meet the age requirement for entry to the police
service in June 1999?
A. No, but he can apply for age waiver.
B. Yes, he is only 24 years old and is within the age requirement
C. Yes, he meets the maximum educational requirement
D. No, he has exceeded the minimum age requirement
31. A police officer who manages a police station must use all of the following skills, EXCEPT:
A. conceptual B. interpersonal C. technical D. communication
32. The planning process generally consist of five (5) steps in sequential order. Which is the first step?
A. Formulation of details of the plan
B. Recognition of the need to plan
C. Setting up planning objectives
D. Gathering and analysis of data
33. The _______ shift is usually the busiest of all patrol shifts, often accounting for 40% to 50% of all calls for
A. morning shift B. midday shift C. afternoon shif D. night shift
34. These are barbed wires placed above a vertical fence in order to increase physical protection of
establishments or installations.
A. top tower B. cellar guard C. top guard D. tower guard house
35. What is the next planning step after the need to plan is recognized?
A. Evaluate alternatives B. Formulate the objective
C. Gather and analyze data D. Execute the plan
36. This type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive strategies in a regular and
systematic basis.
A. apprehension-oriented patrol
B. low visibility patrol
C. split-force patrol
D. directed deterrent patrol
37. Among the following applicants for appointment to the police service, who may be automatically granted
height waiver?
A. government employees wishing to transfer to the PNP
B. members of cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government agency
C. police retirables requesting for extension of service
D. graduates of criminology
38. The following changes must be made in police operating procedures if the investigate skills of patrol
personnel are to be employed to their fullest advantage, EXCEPT:
A. Patrol supervision should insist that patrol officers simply make a brief report and return to patrol
duties, rather than complete their investigations.
B. Patrol officers should be better trained and equipped to conduct routine investigations
C. Patrol officers should be encouraged to devote more time to the investigation of crimes to which
they respond.
D. The patrol supervision should be able to provide the patrol sufficient merit to warrant immediate
follow-up investigation by the patrol officer.
39. The more complex the organization, the more highly specialized the division of work, the greater the need
A. clearer delineation of functions
B. coordinating authority
C. strict line discipline
D. finer division of supervision
40. _______ differs from routine patrol methods in that patrol officers perform certain specific, predetermined
preventive/deterrent strategies on a regular and systematic basis.
A. low-visibility patrol
B. Directed Deterrent Patrol
C. Split Force Patrol
D. Apprehension-oriented Patrol
41. PO II Carlo Alba and PO I Angelo Suba report only to one (1) supervisor. This is the principle of
A. delegation of authority
B. unity of command
C. span of control
D. chain of command
42. PO III Serafin Alta frequents clubs, places of amusement and entertainment known to be habitually visited
by subject and subject’s associates. PO III Alta’s undercover assignment is called
A. multiple assignment B. work assignment C. social assignment D. dwelling assignment
43. Which of the following statements is FALSE:
A. Classified information must not be discussed with friends and members of the family
B. Classified information should be known only by one person.
C. Cabinets with classified documents must be secured with padlocks and security measures at all
D. All classified documents must be safeguarded.
44. Assessing organizational strengths and weaknesses is usually known as:
A. force field analysis B. simulation model C. Delphi technique D. forecasting
45. These regulations establish the specifications of uniform and the manner in which they are to be worn:
A. personnel transaction regulations
B. firearms regulations
C. uniform regulations
D. equipment regulations
46. Police visibility in strategic and crime prone areas projects _______ thus, an effective crime prevention
A. police omnipresence B. police discretion C. police effectiveness D. police authority
47. Which of the following trait or ability is most important of a police officer?
A. personnel integrity and honesty
B. physical stamina and bearing
C. courageous
D. high intelligence
48. In 2001, there were 200,450 crimes reported to the Police Station of Municipality A. If the population of
Municipality A is 5 Million, what is the crime rate?
A. 3509 B. 4250 C. 4010 D. 4009
49. If a complaint or incident is NOT fully disposed of as a result of the first investigation, a _______ report
should be submitted.
A. case disposition report B. follow-up report C. investigation report D. crime report
50. The advantages of a strong patrol more than make up for slightly inferior performance. More patrolmen are
then made available for emergency, and the more active and widespread the patrol, the more apparent is their
presence, thus, promoting the impression of ________.
A. suspenseness B. omnipresence C. effect iveness D. efficiency
51. What is the importance of a firm or installation in relation to national security referred to?
A. relative vulnerability
B. relative criticality
C. relative security
D. relative necessity
52. When heat is transmitted by a circulating medium, the method is called _______.
A. radiation B. convection C. oxidation D. conduction
53. The ________ list includes officials and citizens who are cleared to attend meetings in Malacañang.
A. white list B. target list C. black list D. access list
54. The attestation function over police appointment is vested in the:
A. Civil Service Commission
B. National Police Commission
C. Professional Regulation Commission
55. Selling security within the organization sets and maintains a climate of _______ and appreciation of the
department'’ objectives.
A. participation B. understanding C. clear D. collaboration
56. Mr. Jaime del Rio was born on May 1, 1975. Does he meet the age requirement for entry to the police
service in June 2002?
A. No, he has exceeded the minimum age requirement
B. Yes, he is only 27 years old and is within the age requirement
C. No, but he can apply for age waiver.
D. Yes, he meets the maximum educational requirement
57. What is the evaluation of an intelligence report which is “the information comes from a completely reliable
source and is probably true”?
A. B-2 B. A-3 C. A-2 D. B-1
58. In 2001, physical injuries numbered 12,500 out of a total crime volume of 60,500. What percent of the total
crime volume is attributed to physical injuries?
A. 18.7% B. 25.7 C. 20.7%% D. 4.8%
59. Patrol Officers are useful in crime solution if they are properly trained in criminal investigation. Which of the
following cannot be undertaken by them?
A. He can locate and question the suspect if he apprehends him.
B. He can identify available evidences
C. He can take note of statements of the suspect.
D. He can issue the treasury checks to fellow policemen.
60. SPO I Edna Castro evaluated the information gathered as “Completely reliable, source probably true”.
What is the type of evaluation?
A. A-5 B. A-4 C. A-1 D. A-2
61. It is the ongoing process which ensures that new risks are recognized and that established deterrents
remain necessary and cost effective.
A. inspection B. risk analysis C. interrogation D. evaluation
62. What type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive strategies on a regular and
systematic basis?
A. split-force patrol
B. low visibility patrol
C. directed deterrent patrol
D. apprehension-oriented patrol
63. A patrol beat refers to a:
A. number of crimes to be solved
B. number of residents to be protected
C. location of police headquarters
D. geographical area to be patrolled
64. It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to national security.
A. relative criticality
B. relative indispensability
C. relative vulnerability
D. relative security
65. It is the formal process of choosing the organizational mission and overall objective for both the short and
long terms as well as the divisional and individual objectives based on the organizational objectives.
A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing
D. managerial decision-making
66. A ________ is usually for the purpose of waiting for the anticipated arrival of a suspect who is either
wanted for investigation or who is expected to commit a crime at a certain location.
A. stake out
B. “cops and robbers game”
C. follow up
D. surveillance
67. How is the crew complement of a Mobile Patrol Division organized into shifts for each turn of duty?
A. daily 4 shift assignment
B. daily 5 shift assignment
C. one shift daily
D. daily 3 shift assignment
68. The formulation of conclusions from the theory developed, tested and considered valid as a result of
interpretation is called
A. collection B. evaluation C. integration D. deduction
69. In 2001, murder accounted from 10% of all index crimes. If the total index crimes was 25,000, how many
were murder incidents?
A. 250 B. 500 C. 2,500 D. 5,000
70. As much as possible, the preparation of the overall development plan of the police organization should be
participated in by the heads of all staff service and operation/administrative support units. This policy is:
A. desirable; offices can be properly trained in planning
B. undesirable; the presence of too many officers will create confusion
C. undesirable; there will be problems of credits grabbing after plan is formulated
D. desirable; the officers will know the organization better and sense of ownership of the plan is
71. The following questions are tests for accuracy of information EXCEPT:
A. Does the report agree or disagree with available and related intelligence?
B. Is the reported fact or event known in advance?
C. Is it the same or consistent with know modus operandi?
D. Is the information about the target or area of the operation?
72. Natural hazards such as storms, earthquakes, floods or lahar cannot be prevented from occurring. To
minimize the disastrous effects of these phenomena, the security officer must prepare a:
A. security education plan
B. guard deployment plan
C. disaster or emergency plan
D. civil defense plan
73. Involves segregation of deviants into isolated geographic areas so that they can easily be controlled
A. coersion B. conversion C. quarantine D. containment
74. What management principle provides that only one officer be in direct command or supervision of each
A. span of control B. chain of command C. unity of command D. line of authority
75. What is referred to as the total number of police officers assigned to patrol duties?
A. effective strength B. actual strength C. mandatory strength D. authorized strength
76. When police patrols are increased beyond normal levels, this is called ________.
A. desistent deterrent patrol
B. reactive patrol
C. citizen patrol
D. proactive patrol
77. What is the method of collecting information wherein the investigator tails or shadows the persons or
A. research B. Casing C. surveillance D. photography
78. Before a security expert can recommend what type of security will be needed by an industrial
establishment, there is a need for him to undertake a:
A. security training B. security survey C. security check D. security education
79. When one procures information about subject surety, he is performing ______ collection method.
A. routine B. active C. overt D. covert
80. Under this principle, each group reports to an individual who is part of a supervisory group that answers to
a higher supervisor and so on until a group of administrators report to the chief executive.
A. unity of command B. scalar principle C. span of control D. aggregation principle
81. Which of the following is NOT a patrol pattern?
A. clockwise B. criss-cross C. zigzag D. stationary
82. To what unit do policemen in plainclothes belong when they infiltrate crowds and gather information about
criminal syndicates?
A. Budget B. Intelligence C. planning D. Patrol
83. Which of the following statement is TRUE
A. Performance evaluation measures credibility of the police personnel
B. Performance evaluation is not a basis for salary increases or promotion
C. Performance evaluation is done once a year among police personnel
D. Performance evaluation is implemented to determine the quality of work performance of personnel.
84. Line units such as the patrol section or investigation section in police stations prepare their work programs
which are called
A. budget B. operational plan C. management plan D. tactical plan
85. What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable course of
actions of foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence B. police intelligence C. national intelligence D. strategic intelligence
86. How are coded messages converted to intelligible language?
A. encoding B. labeling C. processing D. decoding
87. The type of undercover operation wherein techniques are applied for a longer time and is considered as
the most different investigate activity yet most rewarding.
A. casing B. penetration C. undercover operation D. surveillance
88. As Security Director of Company B, you should know how many beds are normally available in a multiple
injury situation and how many ________ patients can be processed at a single time.
A. wounded B. female C. emergency D. male
89. A person’s suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through a process called ________.
A. security training B. security promotion C. security education D. security investigation
90. This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather that upon high visibility patrol
A. high visibility patrol C. directed patrol
B. low visibility patrol D. decoy patrol
91. What type of organization consciously coordinates the activities of two or more persons toward a given
A. flexible organization C. informal organization
B. normal organization D. non-flexible organization
92. Who among the following meets the age qualification for appointment to the police service?
A. Rey who is 20 years old
B. Dennis who is 17 years old
C. John who is 22 years old
D. Santi who is 35 years old
93. The covert observation of an area, a building or stationary object in order to gain information is called:
A. undercover works B. casing C. penetration D. surveillance
94. If a fire in a warehouse is about to involve barrels of bleaching powder, the greatest danger would be from:
A. a fast-burning flare up that could not be controlled
B. an explosion
C. the impossibility of using water on the fire
D. a toxic and irritant gas
95. Which of the following is not included in the patrol function?
A. Response to citizen calls for assistance
B. Investigation of crimes after this is reported to the Investigation Section
C. Routine preventive patrol
D. Inspection of identified hazards
96. Disaster preparedness and control plans should include ________ so that people who are directly involved
should know the extent of the incident.
A. evacuation services
B. identification services
C. public information services
D. counseling services
97. An intelligence report classified as A-2 means _______.
A. The information comes from a completely reliable source and is doubtfully true.
B. The information comes from a completely reliable source and is probably true.
C. The information comes from a usually reliable source and is probably true
D. The information comes from a usually reliable source and is possibly true
98. It ensures the question “what is to be accomplished by the plan?
A. objectives B. problem C. planning assumptions D. planning environment
99. P/c Insp. Pedro Gayco is assigned to prepare the work program of his division which must be analyzed
from the point of view of the nature, time and place of the tasks and measured in terms of resource
A. Tactical plan B. Procedural plan C. Management Plan D. Operational Plan
100. What police plans refer to actions to be taken at a designated location and under specific circumstances?
A. management plans B. operating plans C. tactical plans D. procedural plans

Answer Key
1 A 21 D 41 B 61 D 81 C
2 B 22 B 42 C 62 C 82 B
3 D 23 D 43 B 63 D 83 B
4 D 24 B 44 A 64 A 84 B
5 C 25 B 45 A 65 A 85 D
6 D 26 B 46 A 66 A 86 D
7 B 27 D 47 B 67 D 87 B
8 B 28 C 48 D 68 D 88 C
9 B 29 D 49 B 69 C 89 D
10 C 30 B 50 B 70 D 90 B
11 A 31 C 51 B 71 D 91 A
12 B 32 B 52 B 72 C 92 C
13 D 33 A 53 D 73 C 93 B
14 B 34 C 54 A 74 C 94 D
15 C 35 B 55 A 75 A 95 B
16 B 36 D 56 B 76 D 96. C
17 C 37 B 57 C 77 C 97 B
18 D 38 A 58 C 78 B 98 A
19 B 39 A 59 D 79 D 99 C
20 A 40 B 60 D 80 C 100 C

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