UNIT-I Reservoirs
UNIT-I Reservoirs
UNIT-I Reservoirs
Inflow Hydrograph
Storage capacity – yield – Mass curve
Mass curve
Storage capacity – yield – Mass curve
• A mass curve is a rising curve and it remains parallel
to the time axis when there is no flow during a given
time interval.
• In another words, a mass curve does not drop with
positive values of time.
• The area under the hydrograph from the starting
upto any time,t1 shown by hatching , represents the
total quantity of water that has passed through the
stream upto t1 and is equal to the ordinate of the
mass curve at time t1.
• The ordinates of the mass curve for different times
and plotted at the corresponding times to obtain the
mass inflow curve.
• A mass curve is a continuously rising curve as it
shows accumulated flow.
• The slope of the curve at any point indicates the
rate of flow at that time.
• If there is no flow during a certain period, the
curve will be horizontal.
• A steeply rising curve indicates high rate of
• Relatively dry periods are indicated by concave
depressions on the mass curve.
Storage capacity – yield – Mass curve
• Similarly the mass curve of demand is a plot of
cumulative demand versus time.
• The rate of draft or demand is the rate at which
water is required for a power plant or another
• The mass curve of demand with a constant
demand rate is a straight line having a slope equal
to the demand rate.
• The mass demand curve deviates from a straight
line if the demand rate varies with time as shown
in Fig.
Storage capacity – yield – Mass curve
Year 198 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Run off 98 103.5 168.3 94 95.3 152.4 110 131.3
Draw mass diagram. What is the average yield form
the catchment? What should be the live storage
capacity of the reservoir to use the source fully? If
the dead storage is 20% of live storage, what is the
gross storage? Mark the emptying and filling periods
on the mass curve.
Problem 3
Sol: The cumulative values are marked out and the they
are plotted against the corresponding years.
Year Run off(Cm) Run off Volume M.m3 Cumulative Run off
(1) (2) (3) = (2) x1675
1982 98 1642 1642
1983 14305 2404 4046
84 168.3 2819 6865
85 94 1575 8440
86 95.3 1596 10036
87 152.4 2553 12589
88 110 1842 14431
89 131.3 2199 16630
Σ= 992.8 16630
Problem 3
The average annual yield is the arithmetic mean of the
given annual yields and is equal to
= 992.8 = 124.1 cm of runoff
= 124.1 x 1675x10002 m3
= 2078.M m3 .