Dosha Nakshatras
Dosha Nakshatras
Dosha Nakshatras
For a long time since, it is strongly believed that certain Nakshatras are Dosha Nakshatras
for the girls.
But the same Nakshatras are not considered to be Dosha Nakshatras to the boys.
It may appear that even our Sastras have shown discrimination between a girl and a boy in
considering the same values in respect of a horoscope study.
Everything envisaged in our ancient Sastras, had some strong reason or reasons behind it.
This aspect of showing a discriminatory approach to certain Nakshatras between a boy and
a girl should be looked into in the light of the then being socio-economic conditions and
family set up.
The following Nakshatras of the girls were attributed with the consequntial effects as given
and Visakam Nakshatra is believed to take a stake on the younger brother-in-law's life.
It is also believed that only the first two paadams of the respective Nakshatras are effective
and worth fearing and the 3rd and 4th Paadams are not considered as important.
While the horoscopes matching process ensures the protection of a girl, coming into the
family of a boy, it also laid some emphasis on the safety of other persons in the boy's
The girl is coming into the boy's family and forms part of it. She is going to live in the same
house where the father-in-law, mother-in-law, elder brother-in-law and younger brother-in-
law are also living which means the family is a joint family set-up for the consideration of
the above Dosha Nakshatras.
The boy is not going to the girl's family and make a living in that house and become a part
of the family members and as such, such a Dosham was not attributed to the Boy's
When a girl's Nakshatra was considered as affecting or influencing some other member of
the family, it was on the concept that they all lived together .
In the modern days, the father, mother, son and daughter have to separate and live in an
altogether different place - away from their joint home - for the purpose of education and
The family's living status is not all the same that was some years back. Like a girl being
separated from her family after the marriage, the modern economic conditions have
brought in separation of the son also from the family - in some cases - even the husband
and wife are separated on account of their jobs.
When a boy gets married, he is not going to live with his parents or grand parents. His
employment necessarily compels him even before the marriage to live in a separate place.
Obviously, the family of a newly wed boy is going to be nucleur and not necessarily a joint
family with the father, newly married son, the brothers (other sons) together in one family.
In the changed economic and social order, when the newly married son is going to live
separately and not as a joint family with his brothers, the question of applying the Doshams
in respect of Visakam and Kettai Nakshatras does not carry any consideration.
Similarly, when the parents are not going to live with the boy after the marriage, the
question of applying Moolam or Ayilyam Nakshatras of the girl will also not arise.
Even living together as a joint family, our traditional belief that the 3rd and 4th Paadams of
Moolam and Ayilyam Nakshatras are not harmful, is equally a consideration we have to bear
in mind.
I strongly believe that our forefathers would not have prescribed these as Dosha Nakshatras
under the then being social order.
I also strongly believe that the Nakshatra of the girl newly coming into the family frame,
can change the fate of someone in the family, who can otherwise survive the fate.
If something bad happens to anyone in the family because of the arrival of a girl with a
Dosha Nakshatra, the same bad thing should have happened even if the girl with a Dosha
Nakshatra did not arrive into the family.
A Dosha Nakshatra of a girl can not re-write the fate of any other person, if his/her fate is
already alright.
A Dosha Nakshatra may be an indicator of something bad and it can never be a creator of
anything bad.
If it were to be so, the basics of Astrological study itself will be shaken if such an eventuality
is not destined to the affected person. It may or may not be evident in the horoscope.
Astrologers are not supposed to reveal such things to the clients. But unless the person
concerned is having such a destiny, nothing untoward will happen, just because a girl with a
Dosha Nakshatra is married into the family.
This false belief that the girl's Dosha Nakshatra has caused damaged the life of some other
person itself has caused irreparable damage to the lives of several girls. This fear has to be
first thrown away. God has not created one human to kill another human. That never
If anything bad has happened after the entry a girl with a Dosha Nakshatra into the family,
the same thing should have happened even if the girl was not married into the family.
Dosha Nakshatras are not Dosha Nakshatras by their character - but they can be indicators
in some cases to something unpleasant.
An horoscope influences only the person to whom it belongs. Relatively it may have some
indications as to its surroundings. It does not infer that a Dosha Nakshatra causes damage
to someone else.