Evidences The Tempest
Evidences The Tempest
Evidences The Tempest
bMiranda's empathic and 1.2.6 O, I have suffered With those that I saw
Compassionate nature suffer!
Prospero's own role in his 1.2.90 “I pray thee, mark me. I, thus neglecting
downfall worldly ends, all dedicated To closeness
and the bettering of my mind
Alonso is enchanted with 5.1.187 Is she the goddess that hath sever'd us,
Miranda's beauty And brought us thus together?
Prospero telling to forget 5.1.200 There, sir, stop. Let us not burden our
the past, remembrances with A heaviness that's
encourages the other gone
characters to think about the
future not the past
Miranda is very naïve and has 5.1 How beauteous mankind is! O brave new
led a sheltered life on the world,
island with Prospero That has such people in’t!
Prospero loves Miranda 4.1 for I Have given you here a third of mine
own life— Or that for which I live—
Prospero praises Miranda 4.1.10 For thou shalt find she will outstrip all
Ferdinand loves Miranda 4.1.11 I do believe it against an Oracle
Prospero handing over 4.1.13 Then as my gift, and thine own acquisition
Miranda to Ferdinand worthily purchas'd, take my daughter.
Prospero loves Miranda and 4.1.22 Therefore take heed, As Hymen's lamps
warns Ferdinand shall light you
Prospero explaining the 4.1.146 The solemn temples, the great globe
beauty and ugliness of life and itself—
it's temporary nature Yea, all which it inherit—shall dissolve,
Caliban trying to convince T 4.1.221 Let it alone, thou fool, it is but trash
and S that this is meaningless
Caliban afraid of Prospero 4.1.230 If he awake, from toe to crown he'll fill our
skins with pinches
Prospero enjoys power (that 4.1.263 At this hour lies at my mercy all mine
enemies are at his mercy) enemies
Ariel demanding freedom 5.1.6 On sixth hour, at which time, my lord, you
said our work should cease
Ariel convincing Prospero 5.1.18 That if you now beheld them, your
That he will feel sympathy if affections would become tender
he sees them
Ariel 5.1.226 Sir, all this service Have I done since I went
Antonio and Sabastian are 5.1.111 “…I embrace thy body; And to thee and
forgiven for removing thy company I bid A hearty welcome.”
Antonio and Sabastian 139 – 142 “But you, my brace of lords, were I so
forgiven for plotting murder minded, I here could pluck his highness’
of Alonso frown upon you And justify you traitors.
At this time I will tell no tales.”
Caliban, Trinculo, Sabastian 5.1.291 “Go, sirrah, to my cell. Take with you your
forgiven for plotting to kill companions. As you look To have my
Prospero pardon, trim it handsomely.”
Prospero decides to give up 5.1.55 I’ll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms
magic in the earth, And deeper than did ever
plummet sound I’ll drown my book.
Prospero returning to Milan 5.1.306 And in the morn I’ll bring you to your
ship, and so to Naples
Alonso asks for forgiveness 5.1.118 Thy dukedom I resign, and do entreat
Thou pardon me my wrongs.
Caliban repents Lines 341 – 344 and I’ll be wise hereafter, And seek for
grace. What a thrice-double ass Was I, to
take this drunkard for a god, And worship
this dull fool!
Prospero says that he will 5.1.29 And justify you traitors At this time I will
say nothing for now tell no tales.
Prospero sets Caliban free 5.1.253 Set Caliban and his companions free; untie
the spell
Prospero frees Ariel 5.1.316 My Ariel, chick, That is thy charge. Then
to the elements Be free, and fare thou
Prospero to Alonso saying that 5.1.229 At pick'd leisure, Which shall be shortly,
I will clear your confusion I'll resolve you
Ariel obedience 5.1.227 Sir all this service Have I done since I went
Prospero talking about Caliban 5.1.275 This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine
Antonio saying that let's kill 3.3.14 Let it be tonight; for now they are oppress'd
him tonight with travail, they will not nor cannot use
such vigilance as when they are fresh
Ariel 3.3.52 You are thee men of sin whom Destiny, that
hath to instrument this lower world
Ariel 3.3.58 I have made you mad; and even with such-
like valour men hang and drown their
proper selves
Ariel speech 3.3.69 You three from Milan did supplant good
Prospero, expose'd unto the sea,
Ariel speech 3.3.75 Thee of thy son, Alonso, they have bereft;
and do pronounce by me ling'ring perdition,
worse than any death
Prospero and Ferdinand loves 3.3.90 Young Ferdinand, whom they suppose is
Miranda drown'd, And his and mine lov'd darling
Caliban begging Stephano to 3.2.64 Take his bottle from him. When that's gone,
take away his stock of water he shall drink naught but brine for I'll not
so that he has to drink sea show him where the quick freshes are
water only
Stephano to Trinculo, if you 3.2.74 As you like, this give me the lie another
like this beating, time
CAliban wants to beat Trinculo 3.2.82 Beat him enough. After a little time I'll beat
to release his frustration for him too.
being physically tortured by
Prospero and Ariel
Caliban's deepest desire of 3.2.87 With a log batter his skull, or paunch him
physically harming Prospero with a stake, or cut his weasand with thy
CAliban knows importance of 3.2.93 Remember first to possess his books; for
Prospero's books without them he's but a sot
Burn but his books
Caliban's extreme desire to 3.2.85 Having first seized his books, or with a
harm Prospero physically log, Batter his skull, or paunch him with a
stake, Or cut his wezand with thy knife.”
Caliban gives Stephano hope 3.2.104 and bring thee forth brave brood
that if he kills Prospero, he can
marry Miranda and have
beautiful children
Caliban 3.2.111 Wilt thou destroy him then
Caliban describing his island 3.2.133 The isle is full of noises, sounds, and sweet
poetically airs, that giv delight and hurt not
Ferdinand's noble nature 3.1.5 “There be some sports are painful, and
and depth of love for their labour Delight in them sets off.
Miranda and most poor matters Point to rich ends.
Miranda very much in love 3.1.85 I am your wife, if you will marry me.
with Ferdinand If not, I’ll die your maid
Miranda hates the tasks given 3.1.18 Now pray you work not so hard
to Ferdiand
Ferdinand honestly doing 3.1.24 The sun will set before I shall discharge
work and hardworking what I must strive to do
Prospero realises Miranda is 3.3.33 Poor worm thou art infected. This visitation
madly in love shows it.
Ferdinand in love. I love 3.1.73 Beyond all limit of what else i' th' world, do
honour and value you more love, prize, honour you
than anything in the world
Prospero praying for both 3.1.75 Heavens rain grace on that which breeds
between 'em.
Caliban cursing Prospero with 2.2.5 His spirits hear me, and yet I needs must
an incurable disease curse
Caliban 2.2.142 I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island -
and I will kiss thy foot.
Caliban cursing Prospero 2.2.157 A plague upon the tyrant that I serve
Stephano to Caliban 2.2.169 I prithee now lead the way without any
more talking
Antonio encourages Sebastian 2.1 Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to
to kill his father come
In yours and my discharge.
(so we should take the future into our own
When Caliban is drunk he 2.2 ‘Ban, Ban, Cacaliban
celebrates having a new Has a new master: get a new man.
master Freedom, hey-day! hey-day,
freedom! Freedom!