1 s2.0 S1550413112001921 Main
1 s2.0 S1550413112001921 Main
1 s2.0 S1550413112001921 Main
*Correspondence: admin.auwerx@epfl.ch
DOI 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.04.022
838 Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD+ and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
liver mitochondria
NAD+ content in
(mmol / kg prot)
(mmol / kg prot)
NAD+ levels
2 0
Tubulin PARP-1
0 0
Veh NR Veh NR
Figure 1. Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation Increases NAD+ Content and Sirtuin Activity in Cultured Mammalian Cells
(A) C2C12 myotubes, Hepa1.6, and HEK293T cells were treated with nicotinamide riboside (NR) for 24 hr, and acidic extracts were obtained to measure total
NAD+ intracellular content.
(B) GPR109A-expressing Chem-4 cells were loaded with 3 mM Fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester derivative (Fura-2/AM) for 30 min at 37 C. Then cells were washed
three times with Hank’s balanced salt solution. Finally, calcium fluxes in response to increasing concentrations of nicotinic acid (NA; as positive control), NR, or
nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) were determined as indicated in the Experimental Procedures.
(C) C2C12 myotubes, Hepa1.6, and HEK293T cells were treated with either PBS (as vehicle) or 0.5 mM of NR, NMN, or NA for 24 hr. Then total NAD+ intracellular
content was determined as in (A).
(D) C57Bl/6J mice were fed with chow containing vehicle (water) or either NR, NMN,or NA at 400 mg/kg/day (n = 8 mice per group). After 1 week, NAD+ content
was determined in liver and quadriceps muscle.
(E) HEK293T cells were treated with NR (0.5 mM, black bars) or vehicle (white bars) for 4 hr. Then cells were harvested, and mitochondria were isolated for NAD+
(F) C57Bl/6J mice were fed with chow containing vehicle (water) or NR at 400 mg/kg/day (n = 8 mice per group). After 1 week, mitochondria were isolated from
their livers to measure NAD+ content.
(G) HEK293T cells were treated with either PBS (as vehicle) or 0.5 mM of NR for 24 hr. Then mRNA and protein was extracted to measure Nampt levels by
RT-qPCR and western blot, respectively.
(H) HEK293T cells were treated with either PBS (as vehicle) or 0.5 mM of NR for 24 hr. Then protein homogenates were obtained to test global PARylation and
PARP-1 levels. Throughout the figure, all values are presented as mean ±SD. Asterisk indicates statistical significant difference versus respective vehicle group at
p < 0.05. Unless otherwise stated, the vehicle groups are represented by white bars, and NR groups are represented by black bars.
the activity of major NAD+-consuming activities in the cell, such effects at concentrations between 0.5 and 1 mM. In C2C12 my-
as PARP-1 (Bai et al., 2011b) and CD38 (Barbosa et al., 2007), otubes, the Km for NR uptake was 172.3 ± 17.6 mM, with a Vmax of
prompted an increase in NAD+ bioavailability and enhanced 204.2 ± 20.5 pmol/mg of protein/min. Unlike NA, both NR and
SIRT1 activity, ultimately leading to effective protection against another well-described NAD+ precursor, NMN (Revollo et al.,
metabolic disease. In this work we aimed to test whether similar 2007), did not activate GPR109A (Figure 1B), hence constituting
effects could be achieved through dietary supplementation with valuable candidates to increase NAD+ levels without activating
a natural NAD+ precursor, such as NR. GPR109A. Strikingly, the ability of NR to increase intracellular
NAD+ in mammalian cells was, at least, similar to that of these
RESULTS other precursors (Figure 1C). We next evaluated the efficacy of
NR, NMN, and NA to increase NAD+ in vivo by supplementing
NR Increases Intracellular and Mitochondrial NAD+ mouse chow with NR, NMN, or NA at 400 mg/kg/day for
Content in Mammalian Cells and Tissues 1 week. All compounds increased NAD+ levels in liver, but only
NR treatment dose-dependently increased intracellular NAD+ NR and NA significantly enhanced muscle NAD+ content. (Fig-
levels in murine and human cell lines (Figure 1A), with maximal ure 1D). These results illustrate how NR administration is a valid
Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc. 839
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
tool to boost NAD+ levels in mammalian cells and tissues without SOD2 activity (Figure 2E). To ensure that NR-induced SOD2 de-
activating GPR109A. acetylation was consequent to SIRT3 activation, we used mouse
Given the existence of different cellular NAD+ pools and the embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) established from SIRT3 KO mice.
relevance of mitochondrial NAD+ content for mitochondrial and The absence of SIRT3 was reflected by the higher basal acetyla-
cellular function (Yang et al., 2007a), we also analyzed whether tion of SOD2 (Figure 2F). Importantly, NR was unable to
NR treatment would affect mitochondrial NAD+ levels. In decrease the acetylation status of SOD2 in SIRT3/ MEFs (Fig-
contrast to what has been observed with other strategies aimed ure 2F), even though NAD+ levels increased to similar levels as in
to increase NAD+ bioavailability, such as PARP inhibition (Bai SIRT3+/+ MEFs (Figure 2G). These results clearly indicate that NR
et al., 2011a), we found that mitochondrial NAD+ levels were triggers SIRT3 activity, probably by increasing mitochondrial
enhanced in cultured cells (Figure 1E) and mouse liver (Figure 1F) NAD+ levels, inducing the concomitant deacetylation of its mito-
after NR supplementation. chondrial targets. Strikingly, not all sirtuins were affected by NR,
To further solidify our data, we also wondered whether the as the acetylation of tubulin, a target of the cytoplasmic SIRT2
enhanced NAD+ levels upon NR treatment could derive from (North et al., 2003), was not altered (data not shown).
alterations in the NAD+ salvage pathway or PARP activity.
However, we could not see any change in Nampt mRNA or NR Supplementation Enhances Energy Expenditure
protein content in response to NR treatment (Figure 1G). Simi- Given the promising role of sirtuins to protect against metabolic
larly, PARP activity and PARP-1 content were not affected by disease, we next evaluated the effects of long-term NR adminis-
NR (Figure 1H). Altogether, these results suggest that NR tration in vivo. We fed 10-week-old male C57Bl/6J mice with
increases NAD+ by direct NAD+ biosynthesis rather than by indi- either chow diet (CD) or high-fat diet (HFD), supplemented or
rectly affecting the major NAD+ salvage (Nampt) or consumption not with NR at 400 mg/kg/day. While NR had no effect on the
(PARPs) pathways. Importantly, this increase in NAD+ was not body weight (BW) on CD, HFD-induced BW gain was signifi-
linked to changes in cellular glycolytic rates or ATP levels (data cantly attenuated by NR (Figure 3A), due to reduced fat mass
not shown), which would be expected if NAD+/NADH ratios (Figure 3B). This was visibly translated into a significant lower
had been altered to the point of compromising basic cellular weight of the epididymal depot in NR-fed mice (Figure S2A).
functions. Importantly, this was not due to redistribution of lipids to other
tissues (Figure S2A), most notably to liver, which actually con-
NR Treatment Enhances SIRT1 and SIRT3 Activity tained 40% less triglycerides (Figure S2B).
The ability of NR to increase intracellular NAD+ levels both in vivo The reduced BW gain of NR-fed mice upon HFD was not due
and in vitro prompted us to test whether it could activate sirtuin to reduced food intake, as NR-fed mice actually had a tendency
enzymes. Confirming this hypothesis, NR dose-dependently to eat more, especially on HFD conditions (Figure 3C). Similarly,
decreased the acetylation of FOXO1 (Brunet et al., 2004) in NR did not affect the activity pattern of mice (Figure 3D), indi-
a SIRT1-dependent manner (Figure 2A). This deacetylation of cating that the lower BW on HFD was not consequent to different
FOXO1 by SIRT1 upon NR treatment resulted in its transcrip- physical activity. Rather, the phenotype was due to enhanced
tional activation, leading to higher expression of target genes, energy expenditure (EE). Mice on CD had a marked tendency
such as Gadd45, Catalase, Sod1, and Sod2 (see Figure S1 on- to display higher O2 consumption rates when fed with NR, and
line) (Calnan and Brunet, 2008). The lack of changes in SIRT1 this tendency became clearly significant under HFD conditions
protein levels upon NR treatment (Figure 2A) suggests that NR (Figure 3E). Of note, NR-fed mice became more flexible in their
increases SIRT1 activity by enhancing NAD+ bioavailability. use of energy substrates, as reflected in the higher amplitude
The higher SIRT1 activity in NR-treated cells was supported by of the changes in RER between feeding and fasting periods (Fig-
mRNA expression analysis. Consistent with SIRT1 being a nega- ure S2C) in CD conditions. Altogether, these results indicate that
tive regulator of Ucp2 expression (Bordone et al., 2006), NR NR lowers HFD-induced BW gain by enhancing EE.
decreased Ucp2 mRNA levels (Figure 2B). Importantly, knocking From a metabolic perspective, NR- and vehicle-fed mice had
down Sirt1 prevented the action of NR on Ucp2 expression (Fig- similar fasting blood glucose levels in either CD or HFD condi-
ure 2B). Similarly, the higher expression of a FOXO1 target gene, tions (Figure 3F). However, fasting insulin levels were much lower
Sod2, upon NR treatment was also prevented by the knockdown in NR-supplemented mice (Figure 3G). This lower insulin/glucose
of either Foxo1 or Sirt1 (Figure 2B). This suggested that NR leads ratio is indicative of insulin sensitization after NR administration.
to a higher Sod2 expression through the activation of SIRT1, This speculation was further supported by glucose tolerance
which then deacetylates and activates FOXO1. Importantly, the tests. NR promoted a slight, albeit not significant, improvement
knockdown of Sirt1 did not compromise the ability of NR to in glucose tolerance (Figure 3H) in mice fed a HFD, accompanied
increase intracellular NAD+ content, indicating that NR uptake by a robust reduction in insulin secretion (Figure 3I). Therefore,
and metabolism into NAD+ are not affected by SIRT1 deficiency NR-fed mice on HFD display a better glucose disposal with lower
(Figure 2C). insulin levels. In order to conclusively establish whether NR
In line with the increase in mitochondrial NAD+ levels (Figures fed mice were more insulin sensitive, we performed insulin toler-
1E and 1F) and the potential consequent activation of mitochon- ance tests and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps on CD and
drial sirtuins, NR also reduced the acetylation status of Ndufa9 CD-NR mice. We chose not to perform this analysis on the HFD
immunoprecipitates and SOD2 (Figures 2D and 2E, respec- groups in order to avoid the possible influence of differential BW.
tively), both targets for SIRT3 (Ahn et al., 2008; Qiu et al., Glucose disposal upon insulin delivery was largely enhanced in
2010). SOD2 deacetylation has been linked to a higher intrinsic NR-fed mice (Figure 3J). In agreement, mice supplemented
activity. In line with these observations, NR treatment enhanced with NR required an almost 2-fold higher glucose infusion rate
840 Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD+ and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
3 Vehicle
IB: Ac-Lys NAD+ content
NR (mmol / kg prot)
(arbitrary units)
mRNA levels
* *
1 0,5
IB (SN): Tubulin *
NR (mM) 0 0.2 0.5 0 0.2 0.5 0 0
Scramble SIRT1 FOXO1 siRNA - - + + - - - - ++ - - - - ++ - - - - ++ - -
SIRT1 siRNA - - - - + + - - - - + + - - - - + + - - - - + +
IP: Ndufa9 NAD+ content
IB: Ac-Lys IB: Ac-Lys
(mmol / kg prot)
SOD2 activity
1,5 * 0,5
IB: Ndufa9 1 Porin
Veh NR 0,5
0 Veh NR Veh NR
Figure 2. Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation Increases Sirtuin Activity in Cultured Mammalian Cells
(A) HEK293T cells were transfected with a pool of either scramble siRNAs or SIRT1 siRNAs. After 24 hr, cells were treated with vehicle (PBS) or NR at the
concentrations indicated, and, after an additional 24 hr, total protein extracts were obtained. FOXO1 acetylation was tested after FOXO1 immunoprecipitation (IP)
from 500 mg of protein, while tubulin and SIRT1 levels were evaluated in the supernatant of the IP.
(B) HEK293T cells were transfected with a pool of either scramble siRNAs, FOXO1 siRNAs, or SIRT1 siRNAs. After 24 hr, cells were treated with NR (0.5 mM; black
bars) or vehicle (PBS; white bars) for an additional 24 hr. Then total mRNA was extracted and the mRNA expression levels of the markers indicated were evaluated
by qRT-PCR.
(C) HEK293T cells were transfected with a pool of either scramble siRNAs, FOXO1 siRNAs, or SIRT1 siRNAs. After 24 hr, cells were treated with NR (0.5 mM; black
bars) or vehicle (PBS; white bars) for an additional 24 hr. Then acidic extracts were obtained to measure intracellular NAD+ levels.
(D and E) HEK293T cells were treated with NR (0.5 mM) or vehicle (PBS) for 24 hr and total protein extracts were obtained to measure (D) Ndufa9 or (E) SOD2
acetylation after IP. The extracts were also used to measure SOD2 activity (E, bottom panel).
(F and G) SIRT3+/+ and SIRT3/ mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with NR (0.5 mM) or vehicle (PBS) for 24 hr, and either (F) total extracts to test
SOD2 acetylation were obtained or (G) acidic extracts were used to measure intracellular NAD+ content. Throughout the figure, all values are presented as
mean ±SD. Asterisk indicates statistical significant difference versus respective vehicle group at p < 0.05. Unless otherwise stated, the vehicle groups are
represented by white bars, and NR groups are represented by black bars. This figure is complemented by Figure S1.
to maintain euglycemia in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps was significantly accentuated upon HFD (Figure 4A), suggesting
(Figure 3K). Together, these observations unequivocally demon- an enhanced muscle oxidative performance. Similarly, NR-fed
strate that NR-fed mice are more insulin sensitive. Furthermore, mice, both on CD and HFD, showed enhanced thermogenic
NR partially prevented the increase in total (Figure 3K) and LDL capacity, as manifested in the ability to maintain body tempera-
cholesterol levels (Figure S2D) induced by HFD, even though ture during cold exposure (Figure S3B and Figure 4B). The latter
HDL-cholesterol levels were unaffected (Figure S2E). The observation hints toward an improvement in brown adipose
amelioration of cholesterol profiles is fully in line with previous tissue (BAT) oxidative performance. To gain further insight into
observations from the use of other NAD+ precursors, such as the ability of BAT and muscle to enhance their oxidative perfor-
NA (Houtkooper et al., 2010). mance, we performed some histological analysis. Gastrocne-
mius muscles from NR mice displayed a more intense SDH
NR Enhances the Oxidative Performance of Skeletal staining than gastrocnemius muscles from their vehicle-fed
Muscle and Brown Adipose Tissue littermates, indicating a higher oxidative profile (data not shown).
NR-fed mice had a clear tendency to display a better endurance Electron microscopy revealed that mitochondria in BAT of
performance than vehicle-fed mice (Figure S3A). This tendency NR-fed mice, despite not being significantly larger, had more
Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc. 841
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
Figure 3. NR Supplementation Prevents Diet-Induced Obesity by Enhancing Energy Expenditure and Reduces Cholesterol Levels
Ten-week-old C57Bl/6J mice were fed with either chow diet (CD) or high-fat diet (HFD) mixed with either water (as vehicle) or NR (400 mg/kg/day) (n = 10 mice
per group).
(A) Body weight evolution was monitored for 12 weeks.
(B) Body composition was evaluated after 8 weeks of diet through Echo-MRI.
(C–E) Food intake, activity, and VO2 were evaluated using indirect calorimetry.
(F and G) Blood glucose and insulin levels were measured in animals fed with their respective diets for 16 weeks after a 6 hr fast.
(H and I) After 10 weeks on their respective diets (CD, squares; HFD, circles), an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test was performed in mice that were fasted
overnight. At the indicated times, blood samples were obtained to evaluate either (H) glucose or (I) insulin levels. Areas under the curve are shown at the top right
of the respective panels.
(J) Insulin tolerance tests were performed on either CD or CD-NR mice (4 weeks of treatment). At the indicated times, blood samples were obtained to evaluate
blood glucose levels. The area above the curve is shown at the top right of the panel.
(K) Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps were performed on either CD or CD-NR mice (4 weeks of treatment). Glucose infusion rates (GIR) were calculated after
the test.
(L) Serum levels of total cholesterol were measured in animals fed with their respective diets for 16 weeks, after a 6 hr fast. Throughout the figure, white represents
the vehicle group, and black represents the NR-supplemented mice. All values are presented as mean ±SD. Asterisk indicates statistical significant difference
versus respective vehicle-treated group. This figure is complemented by Figure S2.
abundant cristae (Figure 4C), which has been linked to ingly, NAD+ was also higher in the BAT of NR-fed mice, but
increased respiratory capacity (Mannella, 2006). Altogether, only on HFD (Figure 5B and Figure S4A). These differences could
the above results suggest that NR-supplemented mice display be due to the differential expression of NRKs in tissues. NRKs
a higher oxidative capacity due to enhanced mitochondrial initiate NR metabolism into NAD+ (Houtkooper et al., 2010).
function. There are two mammalian NRKs: NRK1 and NRK2 (Bieganowski
and Brenner, 2004). While we found Nrk1 expressed ubiquitously
Chronic NR Feeding Increases NAD+ In Vivo in a Tissue- (Figure S4B), Nrk2 was mainly present in cardiac and skeletal
Specific Manner muscle tissues, as previously described (Li et al., 1999), but
We next wondered how chronic NR feeding would affect NAD+ also detectable in BAT and liver (Figure S4C), in line with the
metabolism in mice. Chronic NR supplementation increased better ability of these tissues to respond to NR.
NAD+ levels in both CD (Figure S4A) and HFD (Figure 5A) condi- We also tested whether the increase in NAD+ would be
tions in some tissues, including liver and muscle, but not in concomitant to changes in other NAD+ metabolites. Strikingly,
others, such as brain or white adipose tissue (WAT). Interest- NADH and nicotinamide (NAM) levels were largely diminished
842 Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD+ and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
AOC (a.u.)
A B 20
1000 38
15 NAD+ levels. We furthermore could not detect differences in
* *
Body temperature ºC
800 37 * mRNA expression of the different NMN adenylyltransferase
Distance run (m)
0 (NMNAT) enzymes (Figure 5D). Altogether, these results rein-
600 36
force the notion that the higher NAD+ levels observed in tissues
400 35 * from NR-fed mice are consequent to an increase in direct NAD+
synthesis from NR.
200 34
1,5 not in brain and WAT, where NAD+ levels were unaffected by
NR supplementation (Figure 6A and Figure S5A). We also eval-
1 uated PGC-1a acetylation as a second readout of SIRT1
activity (Rodgers et al., 2005). We were unable to detect
0,5 PGC-1a in total lysates from WAT or brain (Figure S5B), but
in muscle, liver, and BAT, PGC-1a was deacetylated upon
NR treatment (Figure S5C). These observations highlight how
NR can only induce sirtuin activity in tissues where NAD+ accu-
NR 7
(relative to vehicle group)
Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc. 843
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
(mmol / kg tissue)
a Tissue-Specific Manner
NAD+ content
Nampt Nampt NMNAT-1 NMNAT-2 NMNAT-3
Vehicle NR
844 Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.
Cell Metabolism
NR Increases NAD+ and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
IB: Ac-K 2000 (A) Total protein extracts were obtained from
quadriceps muscle and brain as indicated to
IB: SOD2 0 evaluate the acetylation levels of FOXO1 and
Muscle Brain SOD2 through immunoprecipitation assays, using
1 and 0.5 mg of protein, respectively.
B D (B) Total mRNA from quadriceps muscle and brain
4 Muscle was extracted to measure the abundance of the
(relative to vehicle)
Complex V (C) Mitochondrial DNA content was measured in
2 * * * DNA extracted from quadriceps muscle and brain.
Porin The results are expressed as mitochondrial copy
1 number relative to genomic DNA.
Tubulin (D) The abundance of mitochondrial marker
0 proteins in 20 mg of protein from total quadriceps
muscle and brain lysates. Throughout the figure,
Vehicle NR
all values are shown as mean ±SD. Asterisk indi-
cates statistical significant difference versus
vehicle-supplemented group at p < 0.05. This
2 Brain
figure is complemented by Figure S4.
(relative to vehicle)
Complex V
mRNA levels
0,5 Tubulin
Our data, combined with the evidence
Vehicle NR
0 that other NAD+ precursors can improve
d 1a 1a rt
1 age-related insulin resistance (Yoshino
ca c- pt Si
M Pg C et al., 2011) and that NR increases yeast
replicative life span (Belenky et al.,
2007), therefore warrant future investiga-
into the cell (Nikiforov et al., 2011). Given that the presence of tions to see if boosting NAD+ levels by NR supplementation
NMN in plasma is debated (Hara et al., 2011), the most likely might also improve the health and life span of humans.
scenario is that NR, rather than NMN, is the entity directly taken
up by the cell, to then become metabolized in the cytosolic EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
compartment to NMN. The lack of NRK1 and NRK2 in the mito-
chondrial compartment (Nikiforov et al., 2011) supports the notion
All chemicals and reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich unless stated
that NMN might act as the precursor entering the mitochondria or otherwise. NR was custom synthesized as previously described (Yang et al.,
other compartments for further metabolism into NAD+ by the 2007b) and was kindly provided by Amazentis and Merck Research
various NMNAT enzymes (see Figure 7 for a scheme). Laboratories.
Cell Metabolism 15, 838–847, June 6, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc. 845
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NR Increases NAD and Prevents Metabolic Disorders
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