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A Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy

(Week 12/ Day 1 and 2)

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and
information, their design principle and elements, and selection criteria.
Performance Standard The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other
creative forms of multimedia showcasing their / his/her understanding,
insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.
Learning Competencies The learner…
1. describes the different dimensions of text information and media
2. Comprehends how text information and media is/are formally and
informally produced, organized, and disseminated MIL11/12TIM-

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Comprehends how text information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized,
and disseminated;
2. appreciate the worth of text information in giving messages thru any formats; and
3. describes the different dimensions of text information and through written and oral descriptions.

II. Subject Matter

Topic Dimensions of text information and media
References: Commission on Higher Education (CHED). MEDIA AND INFORMATION
LITERACY Teaching Guide for Senior High School. Manila: PNU. P97-104
Magpile, Christine Marie (2016). Media and Information Literacy: Enhancing Education
Through Effective communication. Intelegente Publishing: Quezon City.
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Blackboard
Values Integration: Cooperation and credibility

III. Learning Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
a. 1 Prayer
a. 2 Greetings
a. 3 Classroom Management
a. 4 Checking of Attendance
a. 5 Review
a. 6 Motivation: Show to the learners an example of a fraudulent text message:
I am Attorney Robert Limco of Happy Cola Company. Congratulations! Your SIM card number has
been chosen in our raffle draw. You have won 500,000 pesos. Please give me your bank account
number so we can deposit your reward. For more details, please contact me.

B. Developmental Activities
b. 1 Activity
1. Per group of 4, students will be given a set of pictures of text information and media that we utilize
every day. Among others are road signs, warnings, furniture labels, and others that depend on this
strand (i.e automotive signs, machine symbols).
b. 2 Analysis
Day 1: Call on the learners to answer the following questions:

 Who or what institution is sending this message?

 What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
 What is the language used by the writer?
 What views are represented? Are they balanced?
 How might the message be interpreted in different ways?
 What is omitted, slurred or added in the message?

Day 2: Call on the learners to answer the following questions:

1. How are these messages affect you as a student in your regular activities?
2. How are these message been presented? With its colors, emphasis, balance?

b. 3 Abstraction
Text – a simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand-
written, printed or displayed on-screen.
Text as visual
a. Typeface (also called font, font type, or type) refers to the representation or style of a
text in the digital format.
b. A typeface is usually comprised of alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, symbols
and other special characters. When fonts are installed in the computer, they usually
come in file formats such as True Type Font (.ttf), Open Type Font (.otf), etc.
c. In the absence of images or drawings, text is the easiest way of communicating to your

Day 2: Creators of media and Type of textual messages

b. 4 Application
Day 1
Assessing a Text information: Students will be given 2 sets of information and they will be tasked to
criticize the item as a whole. Students will be given the following aspect to observe:
1. Use of fonts
2. Use of colors
3. And how each element says about each item

Ask a student to synthesize and generalize the topic discussed.

IV. Evaluation

1. A non fiction writing, written with intention of informing the reader about a specific topic.
2. Give 1 example of text information
3. This is a classification of text information which is real and factual.
4. Give an example of genre of text information.
5. Name one creator of text information.
6-10 How will you create a text information? Give at least 3 steps.

V. Assignment
1. What are the basic design principles and fundamentals?

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

**IOM will be submitted weekly after unit discussion.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject group Head, SHS-TVL

A Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy
(Week 11/ Days 3-4)

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and
information, their design principle and elements, and selection criteria.
Performance Standard The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other
creative forms of multimedia showcasing their / his/her understanding,
insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.
Learning Competencies The learner…
1. evaluates the reliability and validity of text information and media
and its/their sources using selection criteria
2. produces and evaluates a creative text-based presentation using
design principle and elements

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the principles, elements and fundamentals of text information;
2. Appreciate principles, elements and fundamentals of text information in curating their own text
information material during discussion and application; and
3. produces and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design principle and elements
4. evaluates the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/their sources using
selection criteria

II. Subject Matter

Topic Text information: principles, fundamentals, and elements
References: Commission on Higher Education (CHED). MEDIA AND INFORMATION
LITERACY Teaching Guide for Senior High School. Manila: PNU
Magpile, Christine Marie (2016). Media and Information Literacy: Enhancing Education
Through Effective communication. Intelegente Publishing: Quezon City
McCann Studies International. www.mccannstudies.com
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Blackboard
Values Integration: Cooperation and Appreciation

III. Learning Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
a. 1 Prayer
a. 2 Greetings
a. 3 Classroom Management
a. 4 Checking of Attendance
a. 5 Review
a. 6 Motivation

B. Developmental Activities
b. 1 Activity
1. Divide the class into four groups.
2. Have the learners imagine that each group is an advertising firm. The task for each group is to
discuss creating a brochure for a client with specific needs.
3. Assign each group based on the topics:
a. Group 1 – Tourism Campaign – This brochure will invite the readers to spend their summer
vacation in your city.
b. Group 2 – Election Campaign – This brochure will promote to the readers a local politician
who will run for mayor in the upcoming election.
c. Group 3 – School Admission – This brochure will advertise to the readers a
college/university in your place.
d. Group 4 – Community Advisory – This brochure will inform the readers about the new
policy for garbage collection schedule and segregation in your community.
e. Have the learners identify the appropriate content
f. for the brochure based on the Media and Information Design Framework.

b. 2 Analysis
With the above activities, call on the learners per group to report their work with the following
a. How did they come up with the design?
b. What are the elements that can locate in their design (lines, shapes, etc).
c. Looking at the typography, why did the group used specific fonts? Style? Do these
elements and total look has something to do with the totality of the message?

b. 3 Abstraction
From the students’ work, the teacher will discuss more about the following:
The elements of text information:
Design principles and elements – the principles in designing text elements are Emphasis,
Appropriateness, Proximity, Alignment, Organization, Repetition and Contrast.
1. Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given to a part of the text-based content. When
trying to make a point or highlighting a message, you can make the text bold, italicized, have a heavier
weight, darkened or lightened (depending on your background color) or enlarged.
2. Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience, purpose
or event. In the creation of text-based content, make sure that the selection criteria (tone, style, purpose,
clarity) is followed. As for the choice of typefaces to be used, refer to the discussion of the characteristics of
the fonts. When it comes to large body text, the font should be clear enough to read.
3. Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each other. When two things
are closely related, we bring them close together. Otherwise, we put text elements far from each other. For
example, the main title and subtitle are usually placed close to each other.
4. Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be left, right,
center or justified.
5. Organization - refers to a conscious effort to organize the different text elements in a page.
6. Repetition- concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design. Repetition
encourages the use of repeating some typefaces within the page. When several typefaces are used on a page,
it might distract the audience and fail to communicate what you want them to get from the content. To strike
a balance, do not also use just a single typeface for a visual design product.
7. Contrast- creates visual interest to text elements. Contrast is achieved when two elements are
different from each other. When you place a white text on a very light yellow background, contrast is not
achieved and the text will be difficult to read, but when you put a white text on a dark brown background,
contrast is created. Contrast can be achieved in various ways, by joining the following elements: large font
with a small font, serif and sans serif, thin elements with thin elements, cool color and warm color.

b. 4 Application
After the discussion, students will be given a time to wrap up their work, (or for at least they will be tasked
to distinguish the things for improvement of their work). They will also be tasked to suggest a better idea or
design to other groups.
Ask learners to synthesize the topic discussed by pinpointing key details on the following:

IV. Evaluation
Write the terminology that is being asked in the following statements:
1. A non fiction writing, written with intention of informing the reader about a specific topic.
2. Give 1 example of text information
3. This is a classification of text information which is real and factual.
4. Give an example of genre of text information
5. Name one creator of text information.
6-10 How will you create a text information? Give at least 3 steps.

V. Assignment
1. Identify and describe the different dimensions of visual information and media.

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

**IOM will be submitted weekly after unit discussion.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject group Head, SHS-TVL

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