Ecology and Evolution of Invasive
Ecology and Evolution of Invasive
Ecology and Evolution of Invasive
Laurent J. Lamarque
November 2013
© Laurent J. Lamarque, 2013
thus been devoted to the study of invasive species, which in turn has shown to provide
use of a biogeographical approach between species native and invasive ranges. This
approach has rarely been applied, especially for tree invasions, and Acer negundo L.
and Acer platanoides L., native to North America and Europe, respectively, and
reciprocally introduced into the other’s range where they have spread, offer a perfect
The two species currently exhibit different stages of invasion throughout the
riparian habitats of Southern France, A. platanoides is present but not yet dominant in
strategy between species. Frequent disturbances in riparian forests have favored the
disturbed inland forests have impeded dominance by the shade tolerant and dispersal
multiple factors in the success of invasive species. It also illustrates that invasive trees
have the potential to rapidly adapt to novel conditions and therefore represent
appropriate models to assess the migration rate of tree populations and the role of
Tout d’abord, je tiens à remercier du fond du cœur mes parents, qui m’ont
pour votre présence, sans cesse rassurante et apaisante, qui m’a permis de mener à bien
cette aventure.
Je remercie mon frère pour son soutien ainsi que pour l’équilibre de vie qu’il m’a
toujours apporté et qui m’a permis de gérer plus facilement l’éloignement de la Maison
ces dernières années. Tous ces matchs à commenter, tous ces verres à vider, toutes ces
Je remercie Sylvain Delzon pour la chance qu’il m’a donnée, la confiance qu’il m’a
I thank Chris Lortie for the opportunity to come work with him. I learned a lot from the
way North American scientists run their research projects. Thank you for stimulating
Un grand merci à Annabel Porté, qui est venue en cours de route contribuer au bon
I’m grateful to Pr Bridget Stutchbury and Pr Laurence Packer for being part of my
supervisory committee and for giving valuable comments throughout the completion of
my degree.
Many thanks to all the people who contributed to this project in Canada: Pr Arthur
Weis, John Jensen and the Koffler Scientific Reserve at Joker’s Hill; Alexandre Béra,
Michael Marianovski, Claudia Ratti, Sam Sharifi, Cory Sheffield; and the Lortie lab
members: Robyn Borsuk, Alessandro Filazzola, Dan Masucci, Anya Reid, Margo
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont permis de mener ce projet à terme en France: Patrick
I thank all the Lortie lab members who made my grad school life a wonderful
Masuccl, Anya Reid, Ally Ruttan, Diego Sotomayor and Ryan Spafford.
Florian Alberto, Caroline Bresson, Régis Burlett, Yann Guengant, Jean-Baptiste Lamy,
I thank all the people who made my journey in Ontario a period of time I won’t ever
forget: Sheila Dumesh and Benny Lenchner, Luciano and the Lombardi Family, Diego
Sotomayor, Paul Marmer and Ganganmurun Enkhbayar, Milos Milic, Milan Tosic,
Milesker anitz à mes amis de la Pena Xarneguak Con Limon et aux Garaztarrak pour
tous les bons moments passés en leur compagnie qui m’ont permis de “recharger les
Enfin, mention très spéciale pour “La Fille qui m’accompagne” depuis le jour où j’ai
posé mes valises sur les bords du Lac Ontario. Mon séjour à Toronto te doit beaucoup.
Table of Contents
Abstract.............................................................................................. ii
Dedication......................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgments ............................................................................. v
Table of Contents ............................................................................. ix
List of Tables .................................................................................. xiii
List of Figures.................................................................................. xv
Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Context of the project ........................................................................................... 2
Invasion biology: an attractive and growing field of research ........................ 11
Hypotheses related to invasions ....................................................................... 11
Traits associated with species invasiveness ..................................................... 14
Phenotypic plasticity of invasive species .......................................................... 16
Evolutionary processes of invasions................................................................. 17
Invasive trees: valuable models to understand plant invasions ....................... 20
Objectives of the project ..................................................................................... 22
References .............................................................................................................24
Chapter 1 ......................................................................................... 36
Abstract ................................................................................................................37
Introduction .........................................................................................................38
Material and Methods ......................................................................................... 40
Study species and habitat descriptions ............................................................. 40
Density and relative abundance ....................................................................... 42
Regional spread ................................................................................................ 43
Statistical analyses ........................................................................................... 43
Results ...................................................................................................................44
Density and relative abundance of the exotic maple species ........................... 44
Regional distribution ........................................................................................ 47
Discussion .............................................................................................................48
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 56
References .............................................................................................................56
Chapter 2 ......................................................................................... 61
Abstract ................................................................................................................62
Introduction .........................................................................................................63
Material and Methods ......................................................................................... 66
Studied species .................................................................................................. 66
Greenhouse experiment design ......................................................................... 67
Growth and biomass measurements ................................................................. 68
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................... 92
Abstract ................................................................................................................ 93
Key words ............................................................................................................. 93
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 94
Material and Methods ......................................................................................... 97
Systematic review .............................................................................................. 97
Meta-analyses ................................................................................................... 98
Results ................................................................................................................. 104
Systematic review ............................................................................................ 104
Meta-analysis on hypotheses tested on invasive trees .................................... 107
Meta-analysis on functional traits measured in invasive tree studies ............ 108
Publication bias .............................................................................................. 109
Discussion ........................................................................................................... 110
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 116
References ........................................................................................................... 116
Synthesis 187
Theory .................................................................................................................188
Summary of major findings ............................................................................. 189
Theoretical consequences ................................................................................. 192
Implications for methodology .......................................................................... 195
Implications for habitat conservation and invasive species management ... 198
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 201
References ....................................................................................................... 202
List of Tables
Table 1. Description of the hypotheses proposed to explain the success of
invasive species ....................................................................................................... 5
Table 2. Review of the studies that used reciprocal common gardens to test
evolutionary changes in invasive species ............................................................... 7
Table 3. List of invasive tree species on which invasion hypotheses were tested.. 9
Table 4. Invasion hypotheses that are tested in this project ............................ 22
Chapter 1
Table 1. Generalized Linear Model results for density and relative abundance of
maple tree populations ..................................................................................... 44
Chapter 2
Table 1. Split-split-plot analysis of variance of tested environmental conditions for
measured traits and group of species ................................................................ 73
Chapter 3
Table 1. List of articles that effectively tested one of the eight dominant invasion
hypotheses on invasive tree species .................................................................... 100
Table 2. Systematic review based on eight dominant hypotheses proposed to
explain the success of invasive species .......................................................... 105
Chapter 4
Table 1. Climate and soil characteristics in common gardens established in
Canada and France .............................................................................................. 133
Table 2. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) analyses of traits related to
growth, phenology, physiology and leaf morphology for native and invasive
populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides grown in two reciprocal
common gardens ................................................................................................. 140
Table 3. Slope of the regression between the date of leaf unfolding and temperature
in 2009 and 2010 for native and invasive populations of Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides monitored in two gardens ........................................................... 145
Chapter 5
Table 1. The 16 source populations sampled to examine phenotypic plasticity of
invasive tree species Acer negundo ..................................................................... 165
Table 2. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) analyses of traits related to
growth, gas exchange and leaf morphology, biomass and biomass allocation in eight
native and eight invasive populations of Acer negundo along a nutrient gradient
............................................................................................................................. 171
Table 3. Relative Distance Plasticity Index (RDPI) along a nutrient gradient for
populations of Acer negundo from the native and invasive ranges .................... 175
Table 4. Plasticity Index (PI; Valladares et al. 2000) along a nutrient gradient for
populations of Acer negundo from the native and invasive ranges ................ 176
Table 1. Summary of findings from the study of invasive maple trees ............. 190
Appendix 4. Locations of Acer negundo populations sampled in the native and
introduced regions for the demographic comparisons ....................................... 241
Appendix 5. Locations of Acer platanoides populations sampled in the native and
introduced regions for the demographic comparisons ....................................... 242
Appendix 9. Overview of the 136 forests visited to assess the regional extent of
invasion of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides ................................................ 247
Appendix 12. Means and Tukey groups per species group for all measured traits
and tested experimental conditions .................................................................... 253
Appendix 13. Control and treatment data for all the studies included in the meta-
analysis conducted on the invasion hypotheses ............................................. 255
Appendix 14. Control and treatment data for all the studies included in the meta-
analysis conducted on the functional traits .................................................... 257
Appendix 15. List of the invasive tree species studied in the 96 articles selected
from the systematic review ................................................................................. 259
Appendix 16. List of the source populations of Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides........................................................................................................... 264
Appendix 19. Means ± SE of life-history traits (survival, growth, phenology,
physiology and leaf morphology) of native and invasive populations of Acer
negundo and Acer platanoides grown in two reciprocal common gardens ....... 259
Appendix 21. Means ± SE for traits related to growth, gas exchange and leaf
morphology, biomass and biomass allocation of eight native and eight invasive
populations of Acer negundo growing along a nutrient gradient ........................ 266
Appendix 22. Intraspecific comparisons of phenotypic plasticity in invasive plants
........................................................................................................................ 267
List of Figures
Figure 1. The process of biological invasions ........................................................4
Figure 2. Conceptual synthetic framework based on ecological and evolutionary
processes .......................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1
Figure 1. The density and relative abundance of Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides populations in their native and non-native ranges ............................ 45
Figure 2. The age structure of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides populations in
their native and non-native ranges .........................................................................46
Figure 3. The relationship between the density of Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides and native tree species of the recipient communities ........................ 47
Figure 4. The regional distribution of Acer negundo populations in Southern
Chapter 2
Figure 1. Relative height growth rates of the invasive and native species
Figure 3. Specific leaf area, light-saturated assimilation rate, leaf nitrogen content
and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency of the invasive species (Acer negundo),
the late-successional native species (Fraxinus excelsior) and the early-
successional native species (Alnus glutinosa) as measured in situ ....................... 77
Figure 4. Light-saturated assimilation rate, photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency
and leaf nitrogen contents of the invasive and native species according to the
environmental conditions................................................................................. 80
Chapter 3
Figure 1. Weighted-mean effect sizes (Hedges’ d) and 95% bias-corrected
confidence intervals calculated for seven dominant hypotheses proposed to
explain invasion in trees ......................................................................................107
Figure 2. Weighted-mean effectsizes(Hedges’ d) and95% bias-corrected
confidence intervals calculated for the five main functional traits used in invasive
tree species ..................................................................................................... 109
Chapter 4
Figure 1. Differences in survival and diameter between native and invasive
populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides grown in two common gardens
....................................................................................................................... 141
Appendix 2, Figure1.Native range of Acer negundo
Appendix 2, Figure2.Invasive range of Acer negundo
Appendix 2, Figure3.Native range of Acer platanoides
Appendix 2, Figure4.Invasive range of Acer platanoides
two common gardens ..................................................................................... 142
Chapter 5
Figure 1. Means ± SE of life-history traits for native and invasive seedlings of
Acer negundo ...................................................................................................... 172
Figure 2. Plasticity of native and invasive seedlings of Acer negundo to nutrient
availability ...................................................................................................... 174
Figure 1. Conceptual synthetic framework applied to Acer negundo invasion in
Appendix 6. Populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides sampled in
Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées, Southern France for the demographic comparisons
............................................................................................................................. 243
Appendix 7. Populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides sampled in
Southern Ontario, Canada for the demographic comparisons ............................ 243
Appendix 10. Forests visited in Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées, Southern France to
assess the regional extent of invasion of Acer negundo..................................... 252
Appendix 11. Forests visited in Southern Ontario, Canada to assess the regional
extent of invasion of Acer platanoides ............................................................... 252
Appendix 17. Populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides sampled in
Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Rhône-Alpes, France for the common garden
experiment ........................................................................................................... 262
Appendix 18. Populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides sampled in
southern Ontario, Canada for the common garden experiment .......................... 263
Appendix 20. Populations of Acer negundo sampled in Aquitaine, France and
Ontario and Québec, Canada to examine intraspecific differences in phenotypic
plasticity to nutrient availability ......................................................................... 265
Appendix 23. Populations of Acer negundo sampled for genetic analyses ...... 270
Appendix 24. Populations of Acer platanoides sampled for genetic analyses... 270
biodiversity worldwide (Chapin et al. 2000; Sala et al. 2000). Their effects are
comparable to climate warming, land use changes and disturbances in general (Box 1).
apparent over time, and research in invasion biology has consequently expanded at an
exponential rate in the last thirty years (Gurevitch et al. 2011). A huge literature now
biological invasions (Bossdorf et al. 2005; van Kleunen et al. 2010; Felker-Quinn et al.
2013; Price and Partel 2013). More than two-dozen hypotheses have been proposed to
explain the success of invaders in various contexts (Table 1), and there is now extensive
evidence that one single explanation is not sufficient to describe all invasion processes
(Hierro et al. 2005; Catford et al. 2009; Gurevitch et al. 2011). Invasion biology is thus
the role of introduction history, species functional traits, and ecological and
community organization.
Nonetheless, there are two major research gaps that are particularly relevant to
this thesis: biogeographical contrasts and studies of invasive tree species. Demographic
processes such as population increase, local dominance, and range expansion are
central to invasion (Gurevitch et al. 2011), and invasive plants are assumed to occur at
greater density and/or abundance at sites in their introduced (away) vs. native (home)
range (Hierro et al. 2005; Williams et al. 2010). However, direct demographic
Species called exotic (= alien, introduced) are those whose presence in a region is the
and Pysek 2006). Exotic species represent to date a significant part of the vascular flora
in many places around the globe: about half in Hawaii and New Zealand, 21% in Great
Britain, 24% in Canada, 10-30% in mainlands of the USA, 12.5% in Europe and 10% in
Australia (Vitousek et al. 1996). Naturalized species are exotics that succeed in forming
propagation (Richardson and Pysek 2006) whereas invasive species are those
having the potential to spread over large areas (Elton 1958; Mack et al. 2000; Colautti
separated barriers or stages that introduced species must overcome before becoming
invasive (Figure 1; Williamson and Fitter 1996; Richardson and Pysek 2006;
Blackburn et al. 2011). It is often difficult to estimate the proportion of exotic species
becoming invasive (Jeschke and Strayer 2005; Rodriguez-Cabal et al. 2013), but as a
naturalized and that 1 in 10 of those naturalized become invasive species (the ‘Tens
Invasive species are considered the second greatest cause of biodiversity loss
after habitat destruction by human activities and a significant component of the global
change affecting natural ecosystems for several decades (Vitousek et al. 1997; Lee
2002; Didham et al. 2005). Economic costs associated with invaders are also important
expensive management actions (Dukes and Mooney 1999, Williamson 1999, Pimentel
et al. 2000; Sakai et al. 2001; Pimentel et al. 2005). Biological invasions have
consequently become a priority topic among ecologists, land managers and policy
Figure 1. The process of biological invasions (modified from Pysek and Richardson
2007 and Blackburn et al. 2011). It is divided into a series of barriers or stages that a
species must overcome to pass on to the next stage. Species are referred to by different
names according to the stage they have reached. Species referred to as exotics were
introduced either intentionally or accidentally into a new range whereas those referred
to as aliens were introduced intentionally by humans only.
if this scenario is common among exotic plant species (Hinz and Schwarzlaender 2004;
Firn et al. 2011). Moreover, while common garden experiments are well suited
Table 1. Description of the hypotheses proposed to explain the success of invasive species
Driving factors and respective hypotheses Description
to test the role of evolutionary changes in the success of invasive species (Siemann and
Rogers 2001; Maron et al. 2004), most of them used only one common environment
either in the native (Wolfe et al. 2004; Oduor et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011) or the
introduced range (Siemann and Rogers 2001; Cano et al. 2008; Kumschick et al. 2013).
This can lead to serious pitfalls of data interpretation if plants finally respond
differently to different growing conditions (Williams et al. 2008; Moloney et al. 2009).
At this moment, only six studies properly tested the role of evolutionary changes in
introduced ranges (Table 2). Hence, although biogeographical approaches give the
Table 2. Review of the studies that used reciprocal common gardens to test
evolutionary changes in invasive species.
Reference Studied species Number and location of common gardens
Genton et al. 2005
Ambrosia 1 in the native range (Ontario, Canada) 3 in
artemisiifolia L. the introduced range (France)
Hierro et al. 2013 Centaurea 1 in the native range (Turkey)
solstitialis L. 1 in the introduced range (Argentina)
Maron et al. 2004a Hypericum 1 in the native range (Spain)
perforatum L. 1 in the introduced range (Washington,
Maron et al. 2004b Hypericum USA)
2 in the native range (Spain and Sweden)
perforatum L. 1 in the introduced range (Washington,
Maron et al. 2007 Hypericum
in the native range (Spain)
perforatum L. 1 in the introduced range (Washington,
Williams et al. Cynoglossum USA)
1 in the native range (Germany)
2008 officinale L. 1 in the introduced range (Montana, USA)
have been thoroughly studied only for a minority of invasive species (Pysek et al.
2008). This taxonomic bias is especially clear for invasive tree species. Out of the 357
tree species considered invasive to date (Richardson and Rejmanek 2011), invasion
hypotheses have been tested on 114 of them (Table 3), but evolutionary changes via
common garden experiments have solely been studied for two species, Triadica
sebifera L. and Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) Blake (Siemann and Rogers 2001;
Franks et al. 2008). The lack of focus on invasive trees is detrimental because these
species are ecosystem engineers, and their longer life span compared to herbaceous
species can speak to the long-term dynamics and effects of invasions. Since no other
invasive trees have previously been tested through reciprocal common gardens (Table
2), the biogeographical approach of this project provides a step forward into our
for a detailed description of both species) has also implications for the research in
ecology and evolution in general. Two broad themes would particularly benefit from
insights gained from the study of these two invasive tree species:
(i) habitat conservation and invasive species management. There is a growing need
of models that could anticipate invasions (Mack et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2011).
Niche-based and process-based models that have been developed in this way to predict
the potential future range of invasive species require however a detailed understanding
Table 3. List of invasive tree species on which invasion hypotheses were tested. A literature review was conducted on Web of Science for
the terms [tree x invas x name of the hypothesis] and using the article of reference of each hypothesis. All published studies up until 17 June
2013 were searched. See Appendix 3 for the complete list of studies.
Driving factors and respective hypotheses Time tested Invasive tree species studied
Propagule pressure (P)
Propagule pressure (PP)
Acacia cyclops, Acacia saligna, Acer negundo, Acer platanoides, Ailanthus altissima, Celtis
16 sp, Cordia alliodora, Larix decidua, Pinus spp1, Prunus serotina, Pseudotsuga menziesii,
Quercus rubra, Rhamnus cathartica, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Schinus molle, Schinus
Sampling (SP) 0
Abiotic characteristics (A) 15
Disturbance (D)
Acacia dealbata, Acacia longifolia, Acacia saligna, Ailanthus altissima, Eriobotrya
japonica, Gleditsia triacanthos, Homalanthus populifolius, Ligustrum lucidum,
Paraserianthes lophantha, Paulownia tomentosa, Pinus spp, Pittosporum undulatum,
Populus x canescens, Prosopis caldenia, Prunus serotina, Quercus robur, Solanum
mauritianum, Ulmus pumila
Dynamic equilibrium model (DE) 0
Empty niche (EN) Ailanthus altissima, Pittosporum undulatum, Prunus serotina, Robinia pseudo-acacia,
Rhamnus cathartica
Environmental heterogeneity (EVH) 0
Fluctuating resource availability (FRA) 13 Acacia longifolia, Acer platanoides, Alstonia macrophylla, Bischofia javanica,
Cinnamomum verum, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Psidium cattleianum, Sandoricum koetjape,
Syzygium jambos, Tabebuia pallida, Tamarix ramosissima, Triadica sebifera
Habitat filtering (HF) 0
'Invasive Pinus species in the Southern Hemisphere include P. albicaulis, banksiana, canariensis, cembroides, contorta, coulteri, edulis, flexilis, gerardiana, greggii,
halepensis, jeffreyi, kesiya, lambertiana, luchuensis, massoniana, merkusii, monophylla, monticola, mugo, muricata, nigra, patula, pinaster, pinea,
ponderosa, radiata, resinosa, roxburghii, sabiniana, strobus, sylvestris, taeda, virginiana.
Coniferae species considered naturalized in Europe include Araucaria araucana, Chamaecyparis pisifera, Cryptomerica japonica, Cupressus arizonica, C. lusitanica,
C. macrocarpa, C. x leylandii, Juniperus chinensis, J. virginiana, Platycladus orientalis, Abies balsamea, A. concolor, A. grandis, A. lasiocarpa, A. procera, Cedrus
atlantica, Larix gmelinii, L. kaempferi, L. laricina, L. x marschlinsii, Picea engelmannii, Pi. mariana, Pi. pungens, Pi. sitchensis, P. banksiana, P. ponderosa, P.
radiata, P. rigida, P. strobus, P. wallichiana, P. x rotundata, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga canadensis, Sequoia sempervirens, Metasequoia glyptostroboides,
Sequoiadendron giganteum, Taxodium distichum.
tolerances (Peterson 2003; Wang et al. 2012). It is therefore crucial to detect key
proliferate (Moles et al. 2008; van Kleunen et al 2010; Hinz et al. 2012). These findings
would also be valuable to improve management strategies that use trait- based and
climate change because the long life-span of trees does not allow them to rapidly adapt
evolution is thus the ability of tree species to respond to climate change that is occurring
at an unprecedented rapid rate (Alberto et al. 2011). Tree populations can track climate
change via phenotypic plasticity, evolutionary changes and genetic adaptation to new
exotic species to new environments can occur within a few decades after their
introduction in new regions, /.e. quite rapidly compared to the timeline of plant
evolution (Dlugosch and Parker 2008a), and invasive tree species hence represent good
environmental conditions.
mechanisms have been postulated and tested to explain the success of invasive species.
possible to structure them around three general drivers of invasion (Table 1, Figure 2;
introduced and high frequency of introduction events (Lonsdale 1999; Foxcroft et al.
human population density and proximity (Pysek et al. 2010), and increases the chance
introduced populations (Lockwood et al. 2005). It may also explain the minimum lag
generally increases with time (Rejmanek 2000). Some authors thus consider this factor
Invasion cannot occur if a species does not survive or tolerate the conditions of the site
environmental factors are often based on a change in resource availability, via frequent
Davis et al. 2000; Blumenthal 2006). Resource availability can fluctuate following an
refers to community invasibility, suggesting that more diverse communities may be less
prone to invasion due to higher levels of biotic resistance and interspecific competition.
invasional meltdown are processes that can favour invasion whereas the loss of
native species generally impede it (Callaway and Aschehoug 2000; Keane and Crawley
2002; Levine et al. 2004). This category is therefore closely related to the functional
Invasion occurs when there is an interaction between these three driving forces
(Figure 2). Habitats with high resource availability are for instance more susceptible to
be invaded by exotic species possessing traits conferring fast growth such as high
maximum assimilation rate and specific leaf area (Leishman et al. 2010). This explains
why different individual hypotheses have been successfully tested on the same invasive
shifts towards increased competitive ability and herbivory tolerance were all found to
spp in their introduced ranges (Keay et al. 2000; Vivanco et al. 2004; Siemann et al.
2007; Zou et al. 2008; He et al. 2009; Hierro et al. 2009; Andonian and Hierro 2011).
areas need further attention. Propagule pressure should be quantified for more species
and in different ecosystems, and this would improve the current frameworks developed
to anticipate and prevent invasions in general. Moreover, abiotic and biotic drivers of
invasion have mainly been tested independently from each other, and it is now
necessary to assess the relative importance of community invasibility and species traits
Predicting which species are more likely to become invasive has been a major goal in
invasion biology. A common line of investigations has therefore been the search for the
kinds of functional traits that could promote invasiveness. There has been significant
work examining this via comparisons of traits between invasive and non- invasive
Several recent meta-analyses have tried to find general patterns across a wide
range of ecosystems and species (Daehler 2003; Hawkes 2007; Pysek and Richardson
2007; van Kleunen et al. 2010; Firn et al. 2011; Ordonez et al. 2010). Invasive species
tend to exhibit higher growth rate, higher photosynthetic capacity, higher specific leaf
area, higher resistance to herbivores, and higher fecundity than native species of
invaded communities (Daehler 2003; Pysek and Richardson 2007; Ramula et al. 2008;
van Kleunen et al. 2010; Dawson et al. 2011). Contradictory results were however
found between global analyses for important traits such as plant size (Hawkes 2007;
van Kleunen et al. 2010), seed mass (Mason et al. 2008; Ordonez et al. 2010) and plant
fecundity (Daehler 2003; Pysek and Richardson 2007). The feasibility of predicting
invasiveness based on traits alone is therefore still disputed (van Kleunen et al. 2010;
suggested that species may be pre-adapted for invasion (Pysek and Richardson 2007;
Schlaepfer et al. 2010; Jenkins and Keller 2011; Dostal et al. 2013). In common garden
introduced ranges had higher germination, higher shoot-root ratios, and greater biomass
2010; van Kleunen et al. 2011). These findings thus represent a new pathway in our
understanding of the origins of invasiveness, and more experimental work in the native
ranges involving more species and more traits is now needed. The pre-adaptation
hypothesis should also be tested in the context of trait plasticity across multiple
environmental gradients.
A particular case in the search of specific traits conferring invasiveness is the study of
trait phenotypic plasticity, which is a major source of variation in nature, and thus an
climate conditions (Schlichting 1986; Sultan 2000, 2001). Plants are plastic for many
phenology and reproduction (Sultan 1995; Pintado et al. 1997; Valladares et al. 2000;
Sultan 2001; Gonzâlez and Gianoli 2004; Sânchez-Gômez et al. 2006; Portsmuth and
Niinemets 2007).
enhancing ecological niche breadth and population growth rate of invaders (Baker
1965; Sexton et al. 2002; Richards et al. 2006; Ghalambor et al. 2007; Funk 2008).
Invasive species are generally more plastic for a variety of morphological and
physiological traits when compared to native and non-invasive exotic species (Pattison
et al. 1998; Niinemets et al. 2003; Burns and Winn 2006; Pan et al. 2006; Zhao et al.
2010; Skâlova et al. 2012). This pattern has recently been summarized by Davidson et
reproduction (van Kleunen and Fischer 2005; Ghalambor et al. 2007). In this regard,
invaders are thought to benefit from plasticity as (i) Jacks-of-all-trades, when they
they are able to increase fitness under favourable conditions, or (iii) Jacks-and- Masters
(Richards et al. 2006). Davidson et al. (2011) empirically analysed these scenarios, and
found that the higher plasticity of invasive species was weakly associated with greater
pairs of invasive/native species showed that trait means were relatively more important
than trait plasticity to explain the higher fitness of invasive over native species (Godoy
et al. 2012). The relative success of invaders could thus be more dependent on
differences in trait values between native and invasive species (Godoy et al. 2011;
interpreted with caution due to limited fitness data available. Overall, phenotypic
plasticity can promote invasiveness by allowing exotic plant species to tolerate new
environmental conditions, while the evolution of plasticity has also been shown to be
beneficial in new environments (Bossdorf et al. 2008; Droste et al. 2010). The role of
A paradox in invasion biology is that invasive species succeed in replacing species that
have had a longer time to adapt to local environmental conditions. Despite a lag period
of adaptation, invasive species are indeed known to rapidly become tolerant to novel
(Hänfling and Kollmann 2002; Novak 2007; Keller and Taylor 2010). This can be
achieved via the use of common garden experiments and molecular analyses.
popular in invasion biology. Based on common garden experiments, these studies have
(Siemann and Rogers 2001; Blumenthal and Hufbauer 2007; Droste et al. 2010). Many
life-history traits both between native and invasive populations and among invasive
populations (Leger and Rice 2003; Bossdorf et al. 2008; Droste et al. 2010; Feng et al.
across the introduced range, and thus showed rapid evolutionary response to climatic
selection in North America (Maron et al. 2004, 2007; Montague et al. 2008). Invasive
availability than the ones sampled 11 years before, which suggests an evolutionary
change in adaptive plasticity among invasive populations during the species’ expansion
into open sites (Sultan et al. 2013). Quantitative genetic studies therefore offer valuable
diversity, genetic bottlenecks, hybridization, and natural selection, which require the
experiments. Molecular analyses have been used for various purposes such as
identifying native source populations (Williams et al. 2005; Ortiz et al. 2008),
reconstructing routes and histories of invasion (Estoup and Guillemaud 2010; Gaudeul
et al. 2011), comparing genetic structure between native and invasive populations
(Prentis et al. 2009; Erfmeier and Bruelheide 2011), and assessing evolutionary
consequences of invasions (Carroll 2007; Suarez and Tsutsui 2008). Lavergne and
Molofsky (2007) for instance showed that the success of European Phalaris
events of exotic organisms may be the rule rather than the exception (Durka et al. 2005;
Genton et al. 2005; Henry et al. 2009; Pairon et al. 2010). This would balance the
reduction in genetic variation that generally occurs when genotypes are introduced in
new regions (Dlugosch and Parker 2008a; Estoup and Guillemaud 2010), although
there are cases of invasion such as Hypericum canariense L. demonstrating that local
adaptation can also proceed rapidly despite single introductions of genotypes and
strong founder effects (Dlugosch and Parker 2008a,b). Successful invaders are
periods, and their role in establishing species range limits and species interactions.
Combining common garden experiments and genetic analyses can also be beneficial for
should be kept away from other populations to minimize gene flow (Estoup and
Guillemaud 2010). More work should now focus on assessing adaptive evolutionary
pertinent examples because the responses of tree species to future changes still remain
Invasive trees: valuable models to understand plant invasions Globally, forests cover
one third of the land area and contain approximately 80% of terrestrial biodiversity (UN
strongly influence global climate and biogeochemical cycles by acting as sources and
sinks of greenhouse gases (Canadell and Raupach 2008; Kolström et al. 2011). In
forests, tree species are ecosystem engineers because they regulate major processes
such as fixation of carbon, decomposition of organic matter, nutrient and water cycling,
and degradation of toxic compounds (Sayer 2006; Aerts and Honnay 2011; Pan et al.
2011). They also moderate local temperature via canopy transpiration, affect resource
availability to herb layer species, and provide nesting and sheltering cavities as well as
abundant food for many vertebrate species (Gilliam and Roberts 2003; Richardson et al.
2007; Farwig et al. 2008; Lindenmayer et al. 2012). Experimental approaches are
however difficult to set up in forests, and uncertainty still exists on the functional
significance of tree species diversity and identity for ecosystem processes in forests
climate, water availability and soil fertility (Jacob et al. 2013), while significant effects
biomass, microbial community composition, and insect guild structure in temperate and
tropical forests (Grayston and Prescott 2005; Vivanco and Austin 2008; Meinen et al.
2009; Plath et al. 2012). Tree species identity, and not diversity, could thus play a
The replacement of native by invasive tree species in both forests and grassland
habitats is therefore critical. A total of 652 woody species encompassing 357 temperate
and tropical trees are currently considered invasive in regions they were introduced to
(Richardson and Rejmanek 2011). There are various reasons for worldwide
food, control of erosion and driftsand, and fuelwood supply (Richardson 1998;
Reichard and White 2001; Breton et al. 2008). Examples of major tree invasions
include Eucalyptus, Pinus and Australian Acacia species in the Southern Hemisphere
(Richardson and van Wilgen 2004; Becerra and Bustamante 2008; Zenni et al. 2009;
Hawaii (Vitousek and Walker 1989; Asner and Vitousek 2005), Tamarix species in arid
and semiarid regions of western North America (Zavelta and Hobbes 2001; DeWine
and Cooper 2010) and broadleaved Triadica sebifera, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia
Rogers and Siemann 2002; Kowarik and Saumel 2008; Castro-Diez et al. 2009; Martin
and Canham 2010). Moreover, invasive trees strongly modify nutrient cycling,
Higgins 1998; Le Maitre et al. 2000; Allison and Vitousek 2004; Yelenik et al. 2004).
They also alter community dynamics by suppressing native keystone species and
reducing native understory diversity and regeneration (Martin 1999; Fang and Wang
2011; Cuneo and Leishman 2013; Schachtschneider and February 2013). Nonetheless,
there is a paucity of data on the forces driving these invasions. Few studies documented
the relative importance of functional traits and evolutionary processes in the success of
invasive trees. Filling these gaps would thus provide better insights on the general
patterns of tree invasion dynamics, which would help to define a common framework
for tree invasion biology and to establish more accurate management strategies at the
local scale.
The present project seeks to understand maple tree invasion, i.e. to determine which
dominant environmental factors, functional traits and evolutionary processes drive the
Table 4. Invasion hypotheses that are tested in this project, via derived data from the
tree invasion literature and empirical data from field and controlled experiments.
Type of data
Hypotheses tested Derived Empirical Chapters
Propagule pressure x 3
Facilitation x 3
Disturbance x x 2, 3
Fluctuation of resource availability x x 2, 3
Enemy release x 3
Evolution of increased ability x x 3, 4, 5
Evolution vs. pre-adaptation of increased x 2, 5
Novel weapons (allelopathy) x x 3
Community invasibility x x 1, 3
Species invasiveness x x 3, 4, 5
(i) Do introduced populations occur at higher density and/or abundance than their
native conspecifics (cf. home vs. away comparisons)? Are introduced populations well
population density and dominance of exotic species are higher in the introduced than in
the native range. However, demographic processes have rarely been contrasted to test if
any of the above patterns occur. The aforementioned questions are addressed to
evaluate the extent of maple tree invasion, i.e. to quantify population increase, local
dominance and range expansion of exotic maple tree populations (Chapter 1).
Exotic plant populations have been found to negatively affect populations of co-
occurring native species at the local scale. We investigate this idea for the two exotic
(iii) What are the environmental factors that favour invasion? More importantly,
what are the relevant functional traits that contribute to invasiveness? Abiotic factors
and biotic characteristics play an important role in the success of invasive species.
valuable for risk-assessment protocols. We identify here the particular conditions and
important functional traits that drive maple tree invasion (Chapters 2 and 3).
invasive populations exhibit higher phenotypic plasticity than their native conspecifics?
Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity are two processes that can explain
and 5).
Overall, this approach may give insights on the link between determinants of
history strategy (cf. early vs. late-successional species) explain variation in their
invasion success?
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Chapter 1
Published as
and non-native ranges represent a first step when studying invaders. However, this
coupled with regional dispersal surveys, we assessed whether two exotic maple tree
species, Acer negundo and Acer platanoides, can be classified as invasive in the
determining the degree of invasion by exotic species using this reciprocal approach.
abundance, age structure of native and introduced populations, and whether the two
denser than populations measured in their native range and negatively related to native
tree species density. Age structure did not differ between regions for this species. At the
regional scale, this species has invaded most of the riparian corridors sampled in
that of native populations and was not related to native tree species density. Although
seedling recruitment was higher away than at home, this species has invaded only 9% of
the forests sampled in southern Ontario, Canada. Although reported invasive, these two
exotic maple species differed in their relative demographic parameters and regional
(Vitousek et al. 1996, Mack et al. 2000). The degree of invasion either locally or
species are between their native and non-native ranges (Hinz and Schwarzlaender 2004,
but see Grigulis et al. 2001, Paynter et al. 2003, Jakobs et al.
2004, Pergl et al. 2006, Beckman et al. 2009). Perhaps the most effective method
contrast the density and relative abundance of the introduced species in its home and
away range (Hierro et al. 2005). Whilst this approach has been successfully applied to
the study of soil biotic effects on native communities (Reinhart et al. 2003, Reinhart and
2005, Williams et al. 2008), it has nonetheless rarely been applied directly to estimates
of relative population density and regional spread, either because plant growth
differences between ranges seem obvious and such studies unnecessary or because
comparative studies across continents are difficult and costly (Hinz and
Schwarzlaender 2004). We define invasive species here as exotic species which must
exhibit ‘important ecological differences’ between native and non-native ranges (Elton
1958, Inderjit 2005). Differences can include increased population size or density, plant
and there is also a general consensus in the literature that exotics behaving similarly in
both its ranges are not invaders (Crawley 1987, Chapin et al. 2000, Sakai et al. 2001).
These definitions do not include impacts or the relative effects of the invader. To date,
invasive species are mainly defined in biogeographical contrasts (Valery et al. 2008,
Wilson et al. 2009) and refer to allochthonous plants with human-mediated dispersal
pathways (Richardson et al. 2000, Colautti and MacIsaac 2004, Pysek et al. 2004,
of introduced species in their native and non-native ranges is a crucial first step in
studying invasive plant species and potentially determining whether a given species is
invasive in its introduced range at this point in time. Given that trees are very long-lived
and ecosystem engineers strongly shaping both the function and the biodiversity of an
ecosystem (Jones et al. 1994, Richardson 1998), this method should be particularly
amenable to and useful for explaining the degree of invasion of tree species.
Substitutions between different tree species within a forest ecosystem also dramatically
alter function and composition (Berlin et al. 2005, Zobel et al. 2006), and invasion by
tree species thus represents one of the most aggressive changes to a native community
or ecosystem (Richardson 1998). Hence, two tree species reciprocally introduced into
density surveys and regional surveys for two maple tree species - Acer negundo and
Acer platanoides - both of which are reciprocally native in one range and introduced
into the range of the other where they are assumed invasive. This is a perfect
work of Reinhart and Callaway in 2004. The following three predictions were thus
tested to examine the overarching general hypothesis that biogeographical contrasts are
the introduced populations occur at higher density and abundance relative to the native
species is invasive, it must at some even minor level negatively impact the density of
considered invasive, the regional spread of the species in the novel region should be at
least 10%, i.e. more than 1 in 10 communities surveyed should have the introduced
species present at even low densities of juveniles or adult trees. We recognize there are
propose that taken together they definitely demonstrate that relative differences in the
density and extent of presence within a novel region can be used to infer invasiveness.
introduced into many regions throughout Europe since 1688 (Medrzycki 2007). It often
occurs in dense monospecific stands and grows in disturbed sites, along roadsides, in
abandoned fields (Medrzycki 2007). It is also frequently found in the riparian zones of
characterized by a high rate of disturbance such as flood and high soil nutrient levels
commonly planted street tree in North America since its importation to Philadelphia in
the mid-to-late 1700’s (Spongberg 1990), because of its ability to tolerate stressful
urban environments combined with its ease of propagation (Nowak and Rowntree
1990). From this widespread planting, it has become naturalized and has spread into
urban woodlands (Bertin et al. 2005) as well as intact forests (Webb and Kaunzinger
1993) wherein it has been shown to reduce understorey biodiversity (Wyckoff and
States forests (Fang 2005, Martin and Marks 2006, Wangen and Webster 2006).
The natural habitats of each maple tree species were surveyed in both the native
and non-native ranges. The native habitats sampled in Southern Ontario, Canada for
saccharum, Cornus canadensis, Fraxinus americana and Prunus nigra whilst forests
sampled in Southern France for presence of Acer platanoides were broadleaf deciduous
Similarly, non-native forests sampled were the type of habitats commonly invaded by
Acer negundo in France and Acer platanoides in Canada. Thus, forests visited in
Southern France were riparian deciduous forests dominated by native Salix alba,
Populus nigra, Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia. In Canada, sites were
ranges for each maple tree species. In total, 20 forests were surveyed in Southern
Ontario, Canada and 14 in Southern France (Appendices 4-8). Within each forest,
population densities were estimated not only for the introduced maple tree species but
also for the native tree species occurring in the non-native range recipient communities.
Acer negundo populations were sampled in 16 forests in Canada and 7 in France and
All the population densities were estimated with the same T-square method, a
Specifically, introduced and native tree stem densities were assessed using 600 m
transects with regular sampling at 3 m intervals. Both the distance from the transect to
the nearest target tree species and the distance from that individual to its closest
neighbour were recorded at each interval (Krebs 1999, Steinke and Hennenberg 2006).
and degree of spatial aggregation (Steinke and Hennenberg 2006). Moreover, the
life-stage of each stem sampled was also recorded as seedlings (< 0.5 m in height),
juveniles (> 0.5 m but < 3 m) or reproductively mature adults (> 3 m).
maple tree individuals by the total number of individuals sampled in each forest.
adults, juveniles and seedlings of a given species by the total number of adults,
Regional spread
To assess the regional extent of each maple tree species in its non-native range, a total
of 66 forests were surveyed in Southern Ontario for presence of Acer platanoides and
70 in Southern France for presence of Acer negundo throughout a similar region area of
30,000 km2 (Appendices 9-11). The sampled forests were chosen when they met the
three following criteria: (i) being within the defined region area, (ii) specifically
matching the type of habitat usually invaded by the target maple tree species, and (iii)
having an area of at least 10 ha. Each forest was then classified as uninvaded (species
measure, this survey facilitated rapid and broad assessments of invasion within each
forest via two 700 m transects 100 m apart. This scale provided a good estimator of
Statistical analyses
Generalized linear models were used to test the effects of maple species, range, native
tree species diversity (estimated via the Shannon index), and appropriate interaction
effects on both the density and relative abundance of these exotic maple species. Tukey
LSD post hoc contrasts were then used to ascertain specific, within factor significant
differences at alpha P < 0.05. For each exotic maple species, variation in frequency of
stems amongst age categories pooled across sites within region was also analysed using
Chi-square tests with region and age-class as factors. Standard linear regressions were
then used to examine the effect of introduced maple tree density on native tree density.
Ontario, Canada. All statistics were performed with JMP 9 ver. 9 (SAS).
There were significant species, range, and species by range interaction effects on both
invasive species density and relative abundance between the forests sampled whilst the
diversity of the native tree species did not significantly predict these two estimates of
Table 1. Generalized Linear Model results for density and relative abundance of maple
tree populations; n = 16 and 7 populations for Acer negundo in Canada and France,
respectively; n = 10 and 7 populations for Acer platanoides in Canada and France,
Source of variation df x2 P Post hoc
Species 1 9.5406 0.0020 AN > AP
Range 1 9.9898 0.0016 I>N
Species x range 1 7.3552 0.0067 I(AN) > N(AN), I(AP),
Shannon’s H’ 1 0.0817 0.7750 N(AP)
Relative abundance
Species 1 184.6909 < 0.0001 AN > AP
Range 1 108.4653 < 0.0001 I>N
Species x range 1 13.9469 0.0002 I(AN) > N(AN), I(AP),
Shannon’s H’ 1 0.0026 0.9587 N(AP)
Bold numbers indicate significant species and range effects (P < 0.05). The results of
the Tukey post hoc tests indicate the direction of the significant differences between
levels of each factor. AN, Acer negundo; AP, Acer platanoides; Inv, invasive range;
Nat, native range.
The density and relative abundance of A. negundo was significantly greater in the
non-native range than in the native range whilst A. platanoides did not differ in either
Acer platanoides
^ 4000 ra
E 3000
» 2000
intn b b
a> b
a 1000
0 É
(c) (d)
80 a
ac 60
TO 40
a> b
> b
TO 20 a>
O' b
Figure 1. The density and relative abundance of Acer negundo (a,c) and Acer
platanoides (b,d) populations in their native and non-native ranges. Bars show means ±
SE of populations from Southern Ontario, Canada (n = 20) and Southern France (n =
14). *** p < 0.001, ** P < 0.01.
The representation of age categories did not differ between ranges for A. negundo
categories did significantly differ with more seedlings and saplings and a lower number
E 80 0)
tfl I I Seedlings
O 60
Wk Saplings
Figure 2. The age structure of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides populations in their
native and non-native ranges.
9, Figure 3). Importantly, there were no significant effects of either maple species on
other native species in their respective home ranges (Linear regressions, r2A. negundo =
Figure 3. The relationship between the density of Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides and native tree species of the recipient communities. In Southern France
(Acer negundo non-native range), n = 7, and n = 10 in Southern Ontario, Canada
(Acerplatanoides non-native range).
Regional distribution
The regional spread of A. negundo in Southern France was significantly different from
0.0011, df = 2). In Southern France, most of the riparian corridors surveyed at the
regional scale were invaded by Acer negundo (Figure 4). The species formed
monospecific stands along Adour and Dordogne Rivers, whilst the downstream on the
Garonne River only was uninvaded (Appendix 10). In Southern Ontario, 27% of the
only 9% of the forests were found highly invaded (Figure 4) although no monospecific
The objective of this study was to test biogeographical contrasts as a means to infer
extent of invasion using two exotic maple tree species. To do this, three predictions
were tested for each of these two tree species. Introduced populations of A. negundo
were denser than their native populations, negatively impacted the density of native tree
species, and were extensively dispersed throughout the introduced region. In contrast,
abundances relative to the native conspecifics. There was also no evidence for negative
very limited regional spread in the introduced range. Hence, the assumption that these
two species are invasive in the reciprocal introduced ranges is supported for only one of
the two species, i.e. all three predictions were satisfied for A. negundo but none of the
and regional dispersal surveys in determining whether exotic species can be considered
invasive in their non-native range. Consequently, we propose that this methodology can
be used as a basic starting point to define whether species are invasive at a given point
in time within a novel region - at least using definitions associated with abundance or
spread and not effects. By way of analogy, we view this approach as a facile diagnostic
tool that allows ecologists or managers to quickly identify the species, symptomatically
at least, that are invasive. This of course does not preclude or replace studies of
decide whether further action is needed. The primary strength of this method is thus that
density is easily measured and unequivocal in terms of its meaning, i.e. more non-native
trees within a community is not desirable. However from a management and advocacy
perspective, the primary limitation is that small population sizes do not necessarily
imply small effects or that the particular non-native species cannot become invasive. In
(between regions and relative to the natives) be emphasized versus population size per
The tree species A. negundo is clearly invasive in France with relatively higher
densities and abundances than its native conspecifics. Introduced plants are often found
at higher densities in the introduced ranges (Paynter et al. 2003, Reinhart et al. 2003,
Jakobs et al. 2004, Vila et al. 2005, Herrera et al. 2011). Admittedly, differences in
density do not guarantee impacts or invasiveness, but it can be an excellent tool to infer
invasion provided the surveys are comprehensive and if exotic densities are relatively
high since interference is then much more likely. Reinhart and Callaway (2004)
similarly found differences in A. negundo in one population from the native range
(Wisconsin, USA) relative to one population in the non-native range (Sablons, France)
region, and they interpreted this finding as support for the enemy release hypothesis
since a positive effect of the soil biota associated with the dominant native
heterospecifics was measured (Reinhart and Callaway 2004). This study illustrates that
potential mechanism is measured concomitantly. While we did not take that approach
in this study since the goal was to assess extent of invasion and not mechanism,
including direct and indirect facilitation effects by native species and conspecifics
(Saccone et al. 2010b), higher seedling survival under shade environments (Saccone et
al. 2010a), or greater phenotypic plasticity for growth than native riparian tree species
some aspects of the two approaches common in the invasion literature, i.e. more
significantly increase our ability to describe whether a given exotic species is invasive
adjacent regions such as New York State, USA just south of the study sites herein
(Martin and Marks 2006, Adams et al. 2009). There are several possible explanations.
both ranges for A. platanoides and naturalization may not necessarily involve
evolutionary changes (Firn et al. 2011). Introduced individuals may not be better
interspecific competitors relative to their native conspecifics (Vila et al. 2005), and the
size of the recipient habitats available for the species may be too variable and limited,
i.e. the forests in southern Ontario are very fragmented (Ebeling et al. 2008). Th enemy
release hypothesis (ERH) has also been invoked as an explanation for higher introduced
population densities or growth relative to the native conspecifics (Keane and Crawley
2002, Wolfe 2002, Vila et al. 2005). Using a large herbivoreload survey in both ranges
of A. platanoides, Adams et al. (2009) found that introduced populations did enjoy a
However, Morrison and Mauck (2007) did not find support for ERH when comparing
herbivory between A. platanoides and the native Acer saccharum. Consequently, the
reduction in herbivory pressure is likely not universal and differs between regions
within the introduced range. Hence, herbivore loads associated with A. platanoides may
differ between southern Ontario and more southern extents of invasion. A final
alternative mechanism documented in this study and others is the negative distance and
conspecifics (Gomez-Aparicio et al. 2008, Martin and Canham 2010). This does not
necessarily mean that this species will not become invasive in southern Ontario but
does indicate that at this point in time effective management should be applied. Overall,
compounds in the establishment and proliferation of exotic species (Firn et al. 2011),
but also as an approximate guide to the level of intervention or set of management tools
to be applied which is the case for this tree species. Interestingly, the differences in the
relative success of invasion by these two reciprocal maples also relates to length of time
since introduction. Whilst these events are not precisely documented, a 100-yr
into NA/Canada may at least partially explain the differences in density we detected
with additional time providing opportunity for increases in tree density. Whilst the
diagnostic tool does not indicate that A. platanoides is currently invasive, it would of
course be prudent to implement prevention since other novel regions have been
successfully invaded by this species and since in time there is no reason to expect
Successful plant invasions are often related to traits such as early and effective
reproduction (Rejmanek and Richardson 1996, Grigulis et al. 2001). Studies of the age
seedling establishment patterns (Paynter et al. 2003). Population age structure did not
differ between the native and non-native regions for A. negundo, which means that the
success of that species may not be attributed to increased seedling recruitment or that
such recruitment may be limited by the availability of viable seeds and safe sites
percentage of seedlings and saplings, and in this case, germination may be influenced
by both more suitable environmental conditions in the non-native regions and the
genetic constitution of seeds (Erfmeier and Bruelheide 2005). The lower percentage of
adult trees observed in Southern Ontario can indicate a more recent introduction event
into that region relative to the northeastern USA and thus this species is still in the
initial phases of colonization. More likely however is that those forests in this region
currently limit species recruitment into the canopy (Martin et al. 2009). Importantly,
higher native tree densities in Canada may also provide less opportunity for invasion
USA, Berlin et al. (2005) found that A. platanoides was common at all size classes
which indicates that this species can certainly become invasive in similar forests to the
ones sampled herein. Several factors such as seed bank, soil disturbance, and seedling
survival influence seedling and sapling recruitment (Herrera et al. 2011), and there is no
reason to expect that the species will not become invasive if management practices are
not changed or active intervention applied. Acer platanoides is shade tolerant with
seedlings well adapted to closed canopies and they can persist for long periods in the
understory layer (Webster et al. 2005, Martin and Marks 2006). Similarly, in
comparison with the native A. saccharum, A. platanoides seedlings have greater winter
survival (Morrison and Mauck 2007). Hence, examining the traits for this species
suggests that application of biogeographical contrasts only once can fail to capture the
Lastly, whilst not the primary focus of this study, the two maple species
negundo and no impact at this point in time by A. platanoides. The main value of
concert with the other two predictions. Nonetheless, the negative impact of A. negundo
on native tree species density supports (at least correlatively) the hypothesis that
invasions negatively affect native species richness and abundance (Tilman 1997, Foster
et al. 2002). Since the recruitment of A. negundo seedlings is facilitated by their adult
conspecifics (Saccone et al. 2010b), this species directly eliminates seedlings of native
and Kikvidze 2008). However, the second species tested, A. platanoides, is likely not
directly competing with natives at this point in time but other studies have shown that it
can eventually do so via reduced seedling and sapling density and abundance in areas
invaded by this species in the USA (Martin 1999, Fang 2005). Stands dominated by A.
platanoides are more compositionally homogeneous and less diverse due to a reduction
of the regeneration of dominant canopy species (Reinhart et al. 2005) whilst densities of
A. platanoides seedlings are higher beneath conspecific adults than beneath native
species (Wyckoff and Webb 1996, Reinhart et al. 2006). These other studies support
this study given that a low number of adults have already reached the canopy in the
southern Ontario forests sampled which limits both their facilitative effects on
conspecific seedlings and their suppressing effects on native populations. Hence, this
invasive species (Pysek and Hulme 2005). In addition to local scale demographic
(Pauchard and Shea 2006, Kuhman et al. 2010). Except for the downstream site on the
Garonne River in France where the high salinity inhibits its establishment, A. negundo
is invading most of the floodplains surveyed at the regional scale in southern France
which is consistent with previous studies from other river valleys in southern and
processes and the invaders (Pauchard and Shea 2006). For instance, riparian systems
are more prone to invasions than the surrounding landscape because of increased
propagule transport by water and regular physical disturbances such as flooding (Pysek
and Prach 1993, Kowarik and Saumel 2008). Given that hydrochory provides an
effective dispersal vector for primarily wind-dispersed exotic tree species, A. negundo
2010). This is a compelling set of findings which suggests that it will continue to
due to the high levels of disturbance in these ecosystems. Although present in most of
invading only a few local forests. These regional contrasts are thus consistent with the
first records that reported it as naturalized and potentially invasive in that region
(Dunster 1990, Larson 1996). This begs the question if only the regional-level
demographic sampling need be applied. Previous research has shown that factors
driving invasion vary according to the scale of analysis (Stohlgren et al. 2002, Knight
and Reich 2005). At the local scale for instance, diversity of native species limits
invasibility (Levine 2000, Von Holle 2005) while exotic plants respond to connectivity
and habitat fragmentation at the landscape scale. Consequently, both local and regional
biogeographical scales also need to be considered (Kuhman et al. 2010) since regional
surveys provide extent estimate and local surveys provide intensity estimates.
Greenwood, L. and B. Sloan for their assistance with fieldwork. We are also grateful to
A. J. Porté for her assistance with statistical analyses. This project was supported by an
NSERC DG and CFI infrastructure grant to CJL and by french grants of Conseil
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Chapter 2
Published as
Porté AJ2, Lamarque LJ*, Lortie CJ, Michalet R, Delzon S: Invasive Acer
negundo outperforms native species in non-limiting resource environments
due to its higher phenotypic plasticity. BMC Ecology
2011, 11:28.
2 Co-first authors
to the natives in the introduced range. Phenotypic plasticity of these traits has also been
cited to increase the success of invasive species but has been little studied in invasive
an invasive species to Europe, Acer negundo, and early- and late- successional
co-occurring native species, under different light, nutrient availability and disturbance
regimes. We also compared species of the same species groups in situ, in riparian
forests. Under non-limiting resources, A. negundo seedlings showed higher growth rates
photosynthetic capacities and nitrogen content per unit leaf area compared to the native
species; these findings were observed both on the seedlings in the greenhouse
experiment and on adult trees in situ. These physiological traits were mostly
conservative along the different light, nutrient and disturbance environments. Overall,
under non-limiting light and nutrient conditions, specific leaf area and total leaf area of
A. negundo were substantially larger. The invasive species presented a higher plasticity
in allocation to foliage and therefore in growth with increasing nutrient and light
availability relative to the native species. The higher level of plasticity of the invasive
species in foliage allocation in response to light and nutrient availability induced a better
the invasiveness of A. negundo and suggest that such behaviour could explain the ability
hardwood forests.
Plant invasions, a main component of global change, are a source of agricultural and
economic problems worldwide but also a major ecological threat for biodiversity [13],
which makes it crucial to understand the key mechanisms that can lead to invasions in
an ecosystem. Recent studies concluded that plant invasions are the result of complex
interactions between the exotic species performances (i.e., invasiveness), the recipient
environment’s vulnerability (i.e., invasibility) and the history of the introductions (see
for instance [4,5]). With regard to species invasiveness, the success of invasive species
seemed to be largely due to their superiority over native species in terms of growth rate
and spread into recipient ecosystems; this superiority seemed related to higher values of
traits related to fitness such as growth rate, maturity age, fecundity and seed dispersal
[4,6-8]. Invasive tree species are doing a lot of damage worldwide [9], and a recent
meta-analysis [10] reported that growth rate is a key determinant of the success of
invasive tree species. Furthermore, comparative studies that measured native versus
invasive tree growth have shown that invasive species are associated with higher growth
rates than natives [11-15]. Hence, a reasonable starting point for understanding the
contrast to natives.
In most cases, a higher growth rate results from a more efficient resource use.
Major traits related to resource use include leaf traits such as Specific Leaf Area (SLA)
or Total Leaf Area (TLA) that serve as a surrogate for light use and carbon assimilation
[16] or physiological traits such as photosynthetic rates or nitrogen leaf content [16].
Higher SLA often correlates with a growth advantage for exotic tree species over native
ones [13,15,17]. A recent comparison of 29 invasive and noninvasive pine species [18]
showed that invasiveness could be predicted by using only species growth rate and SLA.
On the other hand, it was also demonstrated that invasive tree species were characterised
by higher photosynthetic rates compared to native ones [19,20]. The same conclusion
was presented on two species of the genus Acer (A. platanoides vs. A. saccharum, [12]).
could confer a competitive advantage to invasive species relative to natives but also the
dynamic response of their traits [21]. Invasiveness can indeed be related to a higher
increase the success of invasive species [23-26] since it increases their realised
ecological niches. In general, phenotypic plasticity has been applied to the study of plant
invasions through the following two distinct hypotheses [27]: (1) invasive species are
more plastic than exotic non-invasive species or native species of the recipient
communities [28-30] and/or (2) invasive populations of exotic species have evolved and
to compare phenotypic plasticity amongst related pairs of invasive and native species
[21] as well as amongst exotic species with different degree of invasive success
[26,34,35]. Relative differences in the mean value of traits associated to their plastic
the invasiveness of exotic species and thus provide mechanistic explanations of invasion
However, although many of the world’s most serious invasive plant species are woody
species such as several Pine species [36,37], very few studies have explored the link
empirical studies on tree species are critical to identify the general role of plasticity in
explaining invasiveness [21]. Box elder maple (Acer negundo) native to North America
has been widely planted as an ornamental tree species throughout central and southern
Europe. Recently, it has colonised riparian habitats in many regions spreading at the
Fraxinus angustifolia, Populus nigra, Alnus glutinosa and Salix alba. We used
greenhouse treatments spanning different light regimes, soil nutrient resources and
disturbance levels. Additionally, adult trees in different riparian forests were compared
in situ to ensure that results obtained on seedlings under artificial environments were
relevant. Specifically, three main questions were addressed here: (i) Are there any
growth differences between the invasive Acer negundo and native species? (ii) Which
traits could best explain the success of the invasive species? (iii) Do the studied species
environmental conditions?
Studied species
Native to North America, Acer negundo L. is the most widely distributed of all North
seventeenth century (in France around 1749 [64,65]). It is a small to medium sized tree
with pinnately compound leaves that usually have five leaflets. First planted in parks,
this species is now widely used in South of Europe as an urban tree for avenues for
ornamental purposes. The actual distribution area of A. negundo in Europe now extends
from southern France to Lithuania and from Italy to Germany [ 66]. In France, its
ongoing invasion takes place in the southern two-thirds [67], mainly in riparian habitats.
constitute a key ecosystem that shapes many species’ habitats [69] and are particularly
vulnerable to invasions [4]. Acer negundo mostly invades riparian zones at the ecotone
between native softwood and hardwood communities [43,44,70]. In these habitats, five
native species can commonly be found in France and thus are likely to compete one or
two at a time with A. negundo: Populus nigra, Salix alba and Alnus glutinosa are
The objective was to compare the invasive tree species, A. negundo, to the four native
tree species: F. excelsior, F. angustifolia, S. alba and P. nigra. During fall 2003 seeds of
A. negundo and both Fraxinus spp were collected in situ on populations located along
the Garonne River and were sown after vernalization, in spring 2004 at the nursery of
the INRA Pierroton research station (44°44’N 0°46’W, west of Bordeaux, Gironde,
France). In February 2005, one-year-old seedlings of S. alba and P. nigra were bought.
In March 2005, seedlings of all five species were transplanted in 4 L pots filled with a
commercial sphagnum soil mixture (organic matter 80% of dry matter, pH= 6; Le
terreau du producteur, HTA, Saint Cyr en Val, France) and placed in a greenhouse under
natural air relative humidity and controlled temperature (day T° 25°C and night T°
15°C). Plants were watered daily to field capacity. The experiment was arranged in a
split-split-plot design with complete random blocks (3). The treatments were applied to
mimic riparian habitat conditions: shade (3 levels, main plot), nutrient availability (2
applied from 1 April 2005, 15 days after leaf unfolding, until 14 June. The shade
treatments consisted in a control full light (C, 100% of the ambient radiation), shade (S,
25% of full light) and deep shade (SS, 7% of full light). It was obtained combining
thermal cloths over the plants. The nutrition treatment was obtained by providing a
22.5% SO3; + metal elements) versus no fertiliser (N-). The fertiliser was applied three
times on the 3rd, 14th and 53rd day after the start of the experiment. The fertiliser
West France [71,72]. Finally, disturbance (D) by river bank flooding was simulated by
applying a hand-made partial defoliation (25%, on the 21st and 48th day after the start of
the experiment) and compared to non-disturbed (ND) plants. Four individuals per
species were randomly assigned to each of the 12 treatments, leading to a total of 720
At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, total height (cm, ruler, nearest mm,
H1 and H2 respectively) was measured on each seedling. The relative height growth rate
(RGRh, was calculated for each individual as the difference between the
logarithms of final and initial height divided by the number of days between the
where l n ( H 1 ) and ln( H 2 ) are the ln-transformed plant heights at the initial (t1) and
At the end of the experiment, all seedlings were harvested to measure above- and
below-ground biomasses (oven-dried at 65°C until constant dry weight) which were
used to calculate the root/shoot ratio (RSR, g.g-1). Within each treatment and block, 180
plants out of the 720 were sampled randomly but equally amongst the treatments and
and roots were separated. All the leaves were immediately set in distilled water for a
minimum of 12h to reach full hydration [74] and total leaf area per individual
(TLA, m2) was determined then with a planimeter (Light box, Gatehouse, Scientific
Instruments LTD, Norfolk, UK). Stem, root and leaf dry weights (oven-dried at 65°C
until constant weight) were measured. For each species, specific leaf area (SLA, was calculated as the ratio of TLA to leaf dry weight; the leaf weight ratio
(LWR, g.g-1) as the ratio of leaf dry weight to total individual biomass (stems + leaves +
Gas exchange measurements were carried out in early June, between 8:00 am and 12:00
am, with a steady state through flow chamber (PLC4, PP-Systems, Hitchin, UK)
coupled with an infra-red gas analyzer (CIRAS II, PP-Systems, Hitchin, UK). During
the measurements, air CO2 concentration, air temperature and relative humidity (RH) in
the chamber were controlled to match ambient air values: 375 ± 3 ppm of CO2, 25 ± 1°C
and 70 ± 10% of RH. All the measurements were made at saturated light (PPFD= 1500
under the deep shade treatment due to the very low number of leaves per individual. For
Salix alba, no measurements could be performed either, whatever the treatment, due to a
too small leaf size compared to the leaf chamber surface. Three repetitions were made
measurements. Light-saturated photosynthetic assimilation rate per unit leaf dry weight
Leaf nitrogen content was analysed from the leaf samples used for
photosynthetic rate measurements (n = 96). Leaf samples were crushed to powder with a
ball mill (MM 200, Fisher Bioblock Scientific, France), then nitrogen content (Nm, %)
was measured with an elementary analyser Eager 300 CHONS (FlashEA 1112,
ThermoElectron Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA). Nitrogen content per leaf area (Na,
g N.m-2) was calculated as Nm divided by SLA and the photosynthetic nitrogen use
In situ measurements
In situ measurements were conducted in May 2006 in four invaded riparian habitats of
South-West France. Two sites were located in Cestas along the Eau Bourde River
along The Jalles River (44°54’12.45”N, 0°36’16.40”W) and one in Saint- Denis-de-Pile
along the Isle River (44°59’35.66”N, 0°12’28.45”W). At each site, ten adult individuals
from the upper canopy were selected for each species (the invasive species A. negundo
measurements were carried out following the same protocol as for the greenhouse
experiment. Leaves used for photosynthesis measurements were collected and their leaf
area, dry weight, SLA and nitrogen contents were determined as indicated previously.
Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were conducted using the SAS software package (SAS 9.1, SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, NC). For the controlled conditions experiment, a split-split-plot
analysis of variance was performed (procedure GLM) and mean differences assessed
with SNK and Tukey multiple comparison tests (a < 5%). Main plot (shade) and block
effects were tested using shade x block as an error term, the sub-plot effects
fertilisation, disturbance x shade x fertilisation) were tested using the regular error term
according to Federer and King [75]. Analysis of variance (procedure GLM) and SNK
multiple comparison tests (a < 5%) were used to test species differences in situ.
Growth rate
Figure 1 presents the relative growth rate responses to light level, nutrient availability
and disturbance as applied to the native and invasive tree seedlings. Nutrient availability
induced the most significant difference in growth rate whatever the species: the relative
height growth rates (RGRh values) were 3.2 (P = 0.0013), 2.0 (P = 0.0013) and 1.6 (P <
0.0001) times higher in fertilised compared to non-fertilised treatments, for the invasive,
did not induce any significant difference in growth rate whatever the species and
whatever the shade or fertilisation levels. On the other hand, the response to light varied
Figure 1. Relative height growth rates (RGRh, mm. mm-1. d-1. 10"3) of the invasive and native
species according to the environmental conditions. Values are means of nine to twelve seedlings
(± 1 SE of the mean) for the invasive species (Acer negundo, full diamonds), late-successional
native species (Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia, grey triangles) and
early-successional native species (Salix alba and Pinus nigra, open squares) across the three
shade levels (Full light C, Shade S, Deep shade SS), the two nutrient levels (nutrient supply N+
vs. no supply N-) and the two disturbance regimes (Disturbed D vs. Non-disturbed ND).
effect of the shade treatment on the RGRh of neither group of native species. On the
contrary, the shade treatment (P = 0.0116) and the interaction shade x fertilisation (P =
0.0155) had a significant impact on the relative growth rate of the invasive species.
Under fertilised and full light conditions, A. negundo and early-successional native
species displayed significantly higher RGRh than late-successional native species (with
50 to 110% increases according to the treatment); in constrast, under fertilised and deep
the early-successional species. To sum up, the growth rate plasticity in response to
resource (light x nutrient) availability was 9.6 times higher in A. negundo seedlings
relative to the native seedlings: A. negundo growth rate was 13 times higher in full light
and shade (on average) compared to the deep shade level (Figure 1) under high nutrient
availability, whereas the same environmental changes only resulted in a 1.23 and 1.5
time increase in RGRh for the early- and late-successional native species, respectively.
Overall, nutrient availability was the main factor affecting biomass allocation, the
response to light availability being trait and species dependent. Allocation to roots was
significantly lower under the fertilised treatments (Table 1), with a 1.8%, 1.2% and
1.6% reduction for the invasive, early- and late-successional species, respectively. The
LWR increased with fertilisation for all species (Figure 2). However, for the invasive
significant under the fertilised full light and shade treatments only
Figure 2. (A) Root/shoot ratio (RSR), (B) leaf weight ratio (LWR, g. g-1), (C) total leaf area (TLA, m2) and (D) specific
leaf area (SLA, m2. kg-1) of the invasive and native species according to the environmental conditions. Values are means
of nine to twelve seedlings (± 1 SE of the mean) for the invasive species (Acer negundo, full diamonds), late-successional
native species (Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia, grey triangles) and early-successional native species (Salix
alba and Pinus nigra, open squares) across the three shade levels (Full light C, Shade S, Deep shade SS), the two nutrient
levels (nutrient supply N+ vs. no supply N-) and the two disturbance regimes (Disturbed D vs. Non-disturbed ND).
(significant shade x fertilisation P = 0.0213 on LWR, Table 1). TLA was significantly
increased by fertilisation for all species (Table 1): for the invasive, TLA was 3.7 times
higher compared to non-fertilised treatments, vs. only 2.1 and 2.3 times higher for the
early- and late-successional species. The invasive species displayed a lower RSR than
the native species under fertilised conditions whatever the light treatment (0.01 < P <
0.05, Figure 2). Late-successional native species presented the highest allocation to
leaves than the native species across all treatments (0.0003 < P < 0.02; +170 and +74%
increase in mean LWR, compared to the native early- and late-successional species,
respectively). Under fertilisation and full light or shade conditions, the TLA of the
invasive species reached three-fold higher values than either early- and
late-successional species (P < 0.01), similarly to that observed for relative growth rate
SLA under increased light regimes (P < 0.001, Table 1), whereas fertilisation and
disturbance had no effect. Furthermore, the invasive species seedlings exhibited higher
SLA than the native ones, SLA values being 1.6 and 1.3 times higher on average for the
groups (P < 0.001), with higher SLA values for the invasive compared to the
early- and late-successional native species (ratio 1.7 and 1.4, respectively; Appendix
Physiological traits
The same physiological traits - photosynthetic assimilation rate, leaf nitrogen content
greenhouse (Figure 4) and on adult trees in the field (Figure 3). Amax and Amaxw were
quite conservative over the different environments for all species, with no significant
fertilisation effect for the late-successional native species, Table 1). The leaf nitrogen
availability and disturbance regime. The pattern observed in the response of nitrogen
content on a leaf area basis (Na) to shade and fertilisation was similar for all species: Na
significantly increased with fertilisation in interaction with the shade treatment, the
nitrogen content being on average three times higher under full light x fertilisation
treatment (Table 1, Figure 4), compared to the other modalities. Overall, the treatments
(Amax, Amaxw) than both the native early- and late-successional species which performed
equally. In situ, the light saturated assimilation rate of the invasive species equalled half
that of the natives. The differences observed on the seedlings were quite similar, the
effect: 0.01 < P < 0.04), from 1.5 to 5.7 time increase, according to the treatment; the
difference was found between species in leaf nitrogen content expressed on a biomass
higher compared to that of the late-successional and the invasive species (0.003 < P <
0.05, according to the treatment). In the field on adult trees, stronger differences were
found, with both early- and late-successional species presenting higher nitrogen
contents than the invasive species (P < 0.001; 70% more compared to the natives,
Figure 3). On adult trees in situ, PNUE demonstrated the lower efficiency of the
invasive species compared to the natives (P = 0.002, Figure 3); in the greenhouse, the
photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency was not significantly different between the
In the present study, we compared the growth, physiology and allocation patterns of an
invasive tree species, A. negundo, to co-occurring native tree species across a wide
disturbance using 1 year-old seedlings under greenhouse conditions and adult trees in
the field. Overall, A. negundo seedlings grew better under high- level resource
environments (full light and fertilised). The relative success of A. negundo was,
however, not related to any physiological advantage per se but to its higher plasticity in
Functional strategies
We showed that under high resource environments, the invasive A. negundo exhibited
higher growth than the co-occurring native tree species. This finding is
Figure 4. (A) Light-saturated assimilation rate (Amax, pmol CO2. m-2. s-1), (B) photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency
(PNUE, pmol CO2. g-1N. s-1) and (C, D) leaf nitrogen contents (Nm % and Na g. m-2) of the invasive and native
species according to the environmental conditions. Values are means of nine to twelve seedlings (± 1 SE of the
mean) for the invasive species (Acer negundo, full diamonds), late-successional native species (Fraxinus excelsior
and Fraxinus angustifolia, grey triangles) and early-successional native species (Salix alba and Pinus nigra, open
squares) across the three shade levels (Full light C, Shade S, Deep shade SS), the two nutrient levels (nutrient supply
N+ vs. no supply N-) and the two disturbance regimes (Disturbed D vs. Non-disturbed ND).
[14,45,46]. Using a transplant design in the field, Saccone et al. [43] showed that A.
negundo could outcompete native species through a trade-off between high survival in
shaded environments and high growth under full light conditions. For species of the
same genus Acer, Kloeppel and Abrams [12] demonstrated that the height growth
increment of the native A. saccharum was more than two times lower than the growth
In our study, the growth success of the invasive tree was not related to any
physiological advantage over its native counterparts. On the contrary, both in the field
for adult trees and under all light and nutrient controlled conditions for seedlings, A.
negundo photosynthetic rates and leaf nitrogen contents (Na, Nm) were lower or
equivalent to those measured on the late and early-successional native species. Several
when comparing invasive and native tree species [15,18,20] or shrubs [47]. In some
of the invasive species. In the literature regarding the nitrogen leaf content and nitrogen
disadvantage related to nitrogen content of the invasive tree compared to its local native
competitors. Thus although we have been working on seedlings, the findings of our
study are novel for they represent the first study on woody plants to our knowledge that
physiological disadvantage relative to the natives; such a paradox has only been
despite its poor physiological performances, it could outcompete local species growth
due to a large investment in the development of aerial structures (lower RSR, higher
LWR and TLA, higher SLA) thus maximising solar radiation capture. Under controlled
conditions, its total leaf area can represent up to three times that of the native seedlings,
its leaf weight representing 20 to 40% of its total biomass, in opposition with the
few studies really measured the biomass repartition between compartments of invasive
tree species and SLA was more largely measured in trees as a proxy to detect higher
light resource capture capacities. The higher SLA values that we observed in A.
negundo were in accordance with many studies covering more than 50 species of
which found that large leaf and foliage trait values (SLA and TLA) can be common
characteristics to woody invasive species; but contrary to our conclusion, they also
synthesis concluded that invasive and native woody species differ in functional
structural (SLA) and physiological trait values (Amax, N content) concluded that native
and invasive species (122 species in Australia) use similar strategies for light capture
and carbon assimilation [55]; the success of invasive species was thus generated by
their positions at the higher end of the range of species traits values. Similarly,
Thompson and Davis [56] proposed to use a continuous scale of traits to compare
“winner” species. However, our results do not support these hypotheses since the native
which largely compensated for its lower photosynthetic rates and nitrogen use
efficiency. This strategy can explain its elevated growth rates under high resource
Magnitude of plasticity
Our experiment demonstrated that A. negundo is highly plastic in growth and traits such
negundo seedlings performed poorly relative to natives under low nutrient conditions
whatever the light regime and under fertilised but light-limited environments. A.
negundo also strongly benefited from increases in light and nutrients whereas native
species plasticity remained limited. Indeed, it seems that the success of invaders
relative to local species is highly dependent on the growing conditions [25], as the
native species would stand up to the competition impeding invasion success under
stressful environments (low nutrient, water or light availability). In accordance with our
results, several studies also showed a pattern of superior allocation plasticity in invasive
invasive tree species. Nonetheless, three studies have found a higher plasticity in
photosynthetic characteristics [19,21] and nitrogen content [50] in the natives with
increasing resources compared to the invasives, while several others found a higher
and native vines [53] concluded to the superior plasticity of the invasives in traits
related to growth and allocation (LWR, SLA) and not in physiological traits (Amax,
conclusions. So both responses can occur in invaded forests, higher or lower plasticity
of the invasive species, likely depending on the particular species and the
characteristics of the invaded system. Our study forms a first comparison of native and
invasive tree species that covers both field and controlled resource conditions,
strategies were proposed by which invaders can outcompete native species. (i) Jack-
of-all-trades, the invader having superior abilities across stressful environments, (ii)
Master-of-some, the invader being able to outcompete its counterparts under favourable
conditions only and (iii) Jack-and-master a combination of both strategies. Our results
clearly show that A. negundo has a master-of-some strategy that can explain the secret
of its success at least in the riparian forests. Higher plasticity in allocation traits can
of these specific riparian ecosystems to overgrow local species. Thus, in the actual
accentuated due to both its greater performance under high nutrient availability and to
its higher plasticity relative to native species. Dramatic impacts of nitrogen deposition
on forest functioning have indeed been demonstrated, particularly the increase of the
annual rate of biomass increment [61] and the facilitation of invasions [62].
Our study added to the general debate on the mechanisms and species traits that explain
the success of invasive tree species over their native counterparts. The success of A.
adaptive by relating trait values to fitness proxies under different environments [59] and
(ii) whether the invasive populations present genetic differentiation in the plasticity of
their traits [10,63] by comparing populations from both the native and invasive ranges.
establishment under closed-canopy hardwood forests while its high plasticity would
perfect its growth and potentially allow its spread in resource-rich riparian forests down
to the river.
We thank the INRA Experimental Unit of Cestas-Pierroton (France) for its technical
Lugot and A. Peytavin for their contribution in data collection. Our study was supported
by grants from the French Ministry of Environment (Invabio) and from the Conseil
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Chapter 3
Published as
Trees act as ecosystem engineers and invasions by exotic tree species profoundly
studies dealing with 45 invasive tree species, we conducted a quantitative review and a
meta-analysis to estimate the relevance of eight leading hypotheses for explaining tree
invasions. We also tested whether species functional traits (growth rate, density/cover,
germination, biomass and survival) equally promote tree invasiveness. Overall, our
pertinent to explain tree invasions. Furthermore, more than one hypothesis has been
supported for a given species, which indicates that multiple factors lead to the success
of invasive tree species. In addition, growth rate appears to be the most efficient
predictor of invasiveness for invasive trees and could thus be used as a means to
identify potential alien tree invasions. We conclude that further investigations are
needed to test the consistency of some hypotheses across a broader pool of invasive tree
species, whilst experimental studies with the same tree species across a larger range of
sites would help to reveal the full suite of factors that affect tree invasions.
Key words
Tree invasion, systematic review, meta-analysis, invasiveness, invasibility, functional
Over the last few decades, biological invasions have become a pressing topic in ecology
conservation biology (Sakai et al. 2001; Callaway and Maron 2006). Their negative
important ecosystem functions as well as strong economic costs induced to limit their
proliferation (Inderjit 2005). Virtually no places are immune from changes related to
controlled by keystone species. In forests, trees play the role of ecosystem engineers
and regulate ecosystem functions (Reich et al. 2001; Crooks 2002; Belote and Jones
litterfall and decomposition rates, energy balance or carbon storage (Richardson and
Higgins 1998; Jackson et al. 2002; Yelenik et al. 2004). For instance, Australian Acacia
spp account for the most significant declines in native species richness in the Fynbos
Biome of South Africa (see Richardson and van Wilgen 2004 for review; Gaertner et al.
2009), whilst Tamarix spp prevent natural flood regimes and deepen local water tables
Growing concern about tree invasions in recent decades has promoted their
and Bond 1991; Krivanek and Pysek 2006; Pysek et al. 2009). While a recent review
presents evidence for 357 tree species being invasive in at least one region of the world
(Richardson and Rejmanek, in press), studies have predominantly featured conifer tree
invasions in the Southern Hemisphere (Richardson et al. 1994; Higgins et al. 1996;
Richardson 1998; Simberloff et al. 2010) and broadleaved deciduous tree invasions in
the Northern Hemisphere (Keay et al. 2000; Rogers and Siemann 2002; Chabrerie et al.
2008; Cincotta et al. 2009). In addition, invasions by tree species have been
investigated through the use of multiple functional traits such as survival and herbivory
(Siemann and Rogers 2001; Chaneton et al. 2004). Consequently, the capacity now
exists to quantitatively assess the literature on invasive trees and to determine general
trends such as which functional traits are determinants of tree invasiveness, which
community-level attributes promote tree invasions, and which research gaps should be
plants (Hierro et al. 2005). They focus either on community, habitat or ecosystem- level
such as its life-history traits and mode of reproduction, that define its capacity to invade
(Sakai et al. 2001; Erfmeier and Bruelheide 2010; Richardson et al. 2011). A species
may become invasive (i) if its entry in the community is facilitated by native species
affect the community (disturbance hypothesis; Mack et al. 2000) or (iii) when
availability; Davis et al. 2000) or vacant niches (empty niche hypothesis; Mack 1996;
Levine and D'Antonio 1999) are available. On the other hand, functional traits have
2001). For instance, some exotic grass and tree species have been found to produce high
weapons hypothesis; Callaway and Aschehoug 2000). Escaping from natural enemies,
plant species can also exhibit a rapid increase in distribution and abundance (enemy
release hypothesis; Keane and Crawley 2002) whilst evolutionary changes may occur
as plants reallocate their resources previously reserved for defence to growth and
Notzold 1995). Initially proposed for weedy invasions into grasslands (Maron and Vila
approach applied to invasive trees would offer both a broad picture of the importance of
tree invasions in forest systems and an assessment of the effectiveness of the studies
contribute to explaining tree invasions? (2) Is the success of a given invasive tree
species explained by one or more hypotheses? (3) Which functional traits are the best
offspring in very large numbers at considerable distances from parents plants, and thus
have the potential to spread over a considerable area (Richardson et al. 2000; Pysek et
al. 2004). Similarly, ‘invasion success’ refers here to species that have been successful
in both establishing and spreading in areas beyond their native range, which is an
Williamson 2006; Blackburn & Jeschke 2009). We included in this study tree species
only, defined as in Richardson & Rejmanek (2011, in press). For inclusion in this study,
articles had to focus on invasive tree species and effectively tested at least one of the
Systematic review
This systematic review focused on the eight most common hypotheses associated with
invasive species in general. Four of these are linked to the invasiveness concept, the
enemy release (ER) hypothesis (Keane and Crawley 2002), the evolution of increased
competitive ability (EICA) hypothesis (Blossey and Notzold 1995), the novel weapons
(NW) hypothesis (Callaway and Aschehoug 2000) and the propagule pressure (PP)
hypothesis (Williamson and Fitter 1996; Lonsdale 1999), while four are encapsulated
in the invasibility concept, the empty niche (EN) hypothesis (Levine and D'Antonio
1999), the theory of fluctuation of resource availability (FRA) (Davis et al. 2000), the
theory of facilitation (Bruno et al. 2003) and the disturbance hypothesis (Mack et al.
2000). Using the Web of Science (ISI) electronic bibliographic database, an extensive
literature survey was conducted through a set of key words including ‘enemy release’,
experimental and modelling studies were included provided they focused on factors
associated with promoting invasions. However, modelling studies that mapped plant
population distributions in their invasive ranges were excluded from the set of studies
used in the formal meta-analyses since they did not explicitly test hypotheses.
Publications were then classified as follows: how many (a) cited each hypothesis, (b)
tested it in practical terms on plant invasions, and (c) tested it on invasive tree species.
All the articles that were listed on the Science Citation Index as of early November
2010 and that met the inclusion criteria were included. A vote-counting method was
used to assess the success of testing each hypothesis on invasive trees (Gates 2002).
Using the pool of experimental and observational publications from the systematic
review which focused on invasive trees, we performed two meta-analyses: one on the
hypotheses tested and one on the main functional traits measured in tree invasion
ecology and linked to invasiveness. Because it takes into account the effect of small
sample sizes (Hedges and Olkin 1985; Rosenberg et al. 2000), Hedges’ unbiased
standardized mean difference (Hedges’ d) was used as the metric of effect size for both
meta-analyses. Hence, studies were included only if a measure of the sample size and
the error term of the mean values were available for both control and treatment groups.
These values were obtained either from text, tables, or graphs. Data published in graph
form were extracted using TechDig 2.0 software (Jones 1998). Mean, sample size and
error term data which were not provided in the publications nor obtained by contacting
for plant invasion are all relevant to explain the success of invasive trees, control and
treatment groups used for effect size calculations in a publication were determined to be
in accordance with the hypothesis tested (Appendix 13). Accordingly, we changed the
sign of the effect sizes for the studies related to the novel weapons hypothesis because
negative values of the effect sizes actually indicated an inhibitory effect of the invasive
sizes in a publication were pooled per species and per hypothesis tested, and we thus
used the pooled mean effect size and the mean variance (Leimu et al. 2006; van
Kleunen et al. 2010). Therefore, the final data set included 63 studies reported in 58
The second meta-analysis was run to assess whether the functional traits
equally promote tree invasiveness. Hence, control and treatment groups used here were
mainly based on the comparison (/') between native and invasive populations of the
invasive tree species studied or («) between native species of the introduced range and
the invasive tree species (Appendix 14). We only compared functional traits that were
widely studied as biomass (plant weight and root-shoot ratio), density/cover (number of
Table 1. List of articles that effectively tested one of the eight dominant invasion hypotheses on invasive tree species. For each study,
were respectively reported the invasive tree species studied, the study location, the hypothesis tested and the functional traits measured.
Reference Invasive tree species Study location 3 Traitb
J Studies included in the meta-analysis conducted on hypotheses. § Studies included in the meta-analysis conducted on functional traits. a D:
Disturbance, EICA: Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability, EN: Empty Niche, ER: Enemy Release; F: Facilitation, FRA: Fluctuating
Resource Availability; NW: Novel Weapons (also called “allelopathy” hypothesis), PP: Propagule Pressure. b B: Biomass, Ge:
Germination, Gr: Growth rate, DC: Density/ Cover, S: Survival.
germination and seedling recruitment), growth rate (height and diameter increment)
and survival. Lastly, effect sizes in a publication were pooled per species and per
functional trait measured, and the pooled mean effect size and the mean variance were
thus used. Consequently, the final data set included 80 studies reported in 41
2 (Rosenberg et al. 2000). Confidence intervals (CI) of effect sizes were calculated
using bootstrap resampling procedures (Adams et al. 1997) with 9999 iterations. The
strength and pertinence of hypotheses and functional traits were evaluated according to
d values and considered if the 95% biased-corrected bootstrap CI of the effect size d did
not overlap zero (Rosenberg et al. 2000). Data were analyzed using randomeffect
models as it was assumed that, in addition to sampling error, there is a true random
Heterogeneity between hypotheses and between traits was examined with Q- statistics
(Hedges and Olkin 1985) while publication bias was explored statistically with
Systematic review
A total of 6308 articles were published that cited the eight main hypotheses advanced
to explain biological invasions (Table 2). Nonetheless, within this set of publications,
only 561 (9%) effectively tested these hypotheses on concrete cases of invasion,
conducting experiments on invasive animal or plant species and for both terrestrial
Table 2. Systematic review based on eight dominant hypotheses proposed to explain the success of invasive species. For each
hypothesis, number of articles that respectively, cited it and tested it on both invasive species in general and invasive tree
species in particular. The analysis of articles was conducted using the ISI Web of Science (date of access up to early November
2010). A votecounting method was applied on the 96 articles that focused on invasive tree species. Percentages presented were
calculated in function of the total number of articles of each column. See Appendix 15 for more information on the invasive tree
species studied.
Hypothesis Article of reference Time cited Time tested on invasive Time tested on invasive tree
sp sp
Supported Mixed Rejected
D Mack et al. (2000) 1435 75 (13%) 12 (13%) 12 0 0
EICA Blossey and Notzold 452 59 (10%) 12 (13%)
10 0 2
EN Levine and D’Antonio 461 68 (12%) 6 (7%) 5
0 1
ER Keane and Crawley 722 81 (14%) 14 (16%) 3
10 1
F Bruno et al. (2003) 670 47 (8%) 13 (14%) 10 2 1
FRA Davis et al. (2000) 1019 89 (16%) 12 (13%) 11 1 0
NW Callaway and 429 73 (13%) 9 (10%) 3
6 0
Aschehoug (2000)
PP Lonsdale (1999) 1120 69 (12%) 12 (13%) 11 1 0
Williamson and Fitter
Total 6308 561 90 (16%) 70 (78%) 6 14
D: Disturbance, EICA: Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability, EN: Empty Niche, ER: Enemy Release, F: Facilitation, FRA:
Fluctuating Resource Availability, NW: Novel Weapons (also called “allelopathy” hypothesis), PP: Propagule Pressure.
and aquatic communities. The most tested hypothesis on invasive species in general
was the fluctuating resource availability hypothesis (16% of the 561 articles that
effectively test any hypothesis) whereas the facilitation hypothesis was the least tested
concretely tested these hypotheses (Table 1). The most tested hypotheses in tree
invasion ecology was the enemy release hypothesis (16% of the 90 articles that
effectively test any hypothesis on invasive trees) while the least tested on invasive trees
was also the empty niche hypothesis (8%; Table 2). A large proportion (78%) of articles
focusing on invasive tree species reported support for the hypothesis they tested (Table
2). The empty niche hypothesis however found no support to explain tree invasions
A wide range of habitats, mainly open fields, grasslands and forests have been
invaded by tree species in both Hemispheres and under temperate, subtropical and
deciduous species. Nonetheless, all the hypotheses were not tested in all systems and,
for example, studies conducted in the Southern Hemisphere on conifer tree invasions
predominantly focused on the role of both propagule pressure and disturbance. Overall,
there were 45 species of invasive trees from 23 different families studied in the 90
publications. However, invasive tree species were unequally represented among the
studies with 17 species reported in only one study. In contrast, there were 11 articles
that focused on conifer tree (Pinaceae family) invasions in the Southern Hemisphere,
respectively tested invasion hypotheses on Sapium sebiferum (Chinese tallow tree) and
The empty niche hypothesis was excluded from the comparison performed between
hypotheses because too few studies were conducted to allow us to calculate an effect
size. First, the overall weighted-mean effect size of this set of studies was positive (d =
0.6889) and significantly different from zero (95% bias-corrected bootstrap CI: 0.4956
Overall 63 (26)
Invasiveness 37
(13) Invasibility 26
NW 6 (4)
PP 6 (5) i --------♦-
F 8 (5) EICA 11 (2) ---------- Oi -------- ♦1
D6 —o ----
(4) t FRA
9 (10)
ER 16 (7)
01 2 3 4
Mean effect size (Hedges’d)
We did not observe any difference in effect sizes between hypotheses related to
invasibility and the ones linked to invasiveness (dinvasiveness = 0.7073, dinvasibility = 0.6342;
appeared between hypotheses. The novel weapons hypothesis only expressed an effect
size greater than 1 (dNW = 1.7717). While the propagule pressure and the facilitation
hypotheses had also relative large effect sizes (dPP = 0.9582, dF = 0.9194), the four
other hypotheses showed moderate effect sizes (dEICA = 0.6469, d^ = 0.5647, dFRA =
0.4654 and dER = 0.3735; Figure 1). Further analysis revealed that the novel weapons
hypothesis expressed a significantly greater effect size than the other hypotheses
related to the novel weapons hypothesis, no significant difference was found between
Meta-analysis on functional traits measured in invasive tree studies The grand mean
effect size for all the functional traits was positive (d = 0.5945) and significantly
different from zero (95% bias-corrected bootstrap CI: 0.3970 to 0.7975; Figure 2). The
0.16; Figure 2). Nevertheless, growth rate showed the largest effect size (dgrowth rate =
0.9217) while the effect size values were moderate for density/cover, germination,
biomass and survival (ddensity/cover = 0.5292, dgermination = 0.4913, dsurvivai = 0.4505 and
growth rate and the four other functional traits pooled together (Qbetween = 6.49, df = 1, P
= 0.01; Figure 2). When we re-analysed the studies linked to all the functional traits
except growth rate, no significant difference was found between effect sizes (Qbetween =
0.19, df = 3, P = 0.97).
Overall 80 (21)
Growth rate 25 (14)
---- * ------- ----- 1
4 other traits 55 (20) h-O ---- 1 ***
0 12 3 4
Mean effect size (Hedges’d)
Publication bias
The inspection of the weighted histogram of effect sizes of the raw data showed no
depression around zero and the funnel plot of the effect sizes versus the sample size did
not show skewness suggesting no publication bias in reporting results from the studies
included in this meta-analysis (Aguilar et al. 2006). The robustness of our results was
also supported by Rosenthal’s weighted fail-safe number (51,408.4) which was much
greater than the number of studies (6840) expected without publication bias (Rosenberg
et al. 2000).
the eight hypotheses prevalent in the grassland invasion literature also apply to invasive
tree species. Because it was more often rejected, the empty niche hypothesis may be the
least relevant hypothesis. In addition, although all the functional traits tested were
identified as determinants of tree invasiveness, growth rate was the most significant.
Invasions by trees were explained by the same hypotheses that have been successfully
applied to invasive grass species, which suggests that similar processes may function, at
least coarsely, in forests and grasslands with respect to factors that promote the success
of introduced species.
species that are proliferating in their introduced range. Studies were mostly conducted
in South Africa on conifer and evergreen trees and in North America on invasive
deciduous trees. Most of these studies (69) were published within the last five years,
which clearly indicates the growing interest for invasive trees within plant invasion
ecology. However, all the tree species were not equally studied and some tree species
dominate the literature to date, which can partially explain the geographical and
taxonomic biases in invasion ecology highlighted by Pysek et al. (2008). Pinus and
Acacia spp invasions into grasslands and shrublands represent the most extensive
research on invasive trees in the Southern Hemisphere (Higgins and Richardson 1998;
Rouget et al. 2001; Alston and Richardson 2006; Dezotti et al. 2009) while in North
America, broadleaved deciduous Acer platanoides invasion into forests and Sapium
sebiferum invasion into coastal prairies feature the dominant cases of invasive trees
studied in the Northern Hemisphere (Conway and Smith 2002; Barton et al. 2004;
Morrison and Mauck 2007; Battaglia et al. 2009). Consequently, more research efforts
on a broader pool of invasive trees are still necessary to fully understand the broad
processes that promote tree invasions, particularly since 357 tree species are considered
invasive in at least one region of the world (Richardson and Rejmanek, in press).
contribute to explaining tree invasions. With the exception of the empty niche
hypothesis (see below), the systematic review revealed that the dominant hypotheses
for plant invasions were successfully tested on invasive trees (100% for invasiveness
hypotheses and 75% for invasibility hypotheses), whilst the meta-analysis conducted
on the hypotheses similarly showed that they all generated significant positive effect
sizes. These findings lead to two key conclusions. First, tree invasions cannot be
explained by a single hypothesis and are likely related to changes in several biological
factors in the invaded habitats. Indeed, invasiveness and invasibility interact in trees to
promote invasion processes (Richardson and Pysek 2006). Hence, the success of
resource availability are also those most affected by natural enemies in their native
range (Blumenthal 2006; Blumenthal et al. 2009). When introduced to a new region,
they benefit more from both enemy release and resource availability than
several hypotheses were successfully tested on the same invasive tree species, which
further suggests that no one mechanism may fully explain invasion into forests. For
instance, in the case of Sapium sebiferum in wetland and upland habitats of the United
States, studies suggested that various mechanisms such as loss of natural enemies,
in light and nitrogen availability may promote its high and ongoing invasion of
grasslands (Siemann and Rogers 2003b; Siemann and Rogers 2007; Zou et al. 2008a;
Zou et al. 2009). Evidence from these experiments supports recent findings that species
attributes and attributes of recipient communities interact during plant invasion events
(Krivanek et al. 2006; Pysek and Richardson 2007; Pysek et al. 2009).
However, all the hypotheses might not equally explain tree invasions. Results
from the systematic review showed that the majority of the studies supported the
hypothesis they tested, except for the empty niche hypothesis. Given that no single
study reported support for it (Howard et al. 2004; Belote et al. 2008), the empty niche
hypothesis is the least relevant hypothesis for invasive tree success. This may be due to
the concept of empty niche itself. With local and regional factors as determinants of
forest invasibility (Knight and Reich 2005; Ohlemuller et al. 2005), the empty niche
hypothesis seems too vague and less precisely defined than the ideas supported by the
other hypotheses. Nonetheless, few studies only tested this hypothesis on invasive trees
more research is crucial to test its consistency. Conversely, the novel weapons
hypothesis, which showed a very large positive effect size, suggests that tree invasion is
successful when exotic trees are able to release allelopathic compounds, as shown for
Sapium sebiferum in North America and Acacia dealbata in Europe (Keay et al. 2000;
theory also showed a large effect size and thus presents a new direction for research in
experimental studies that successfully tested this hypothesis to date. For example,
conspecifics and soil pathogens (Reinhart et al. 2005; Reinhart et al. 2006) and native or
non-native woody species (Tecco et al. 2007; Iponga et al. 2010). In addition, the theory
of facilitation can also be closely related to other processes promoting tree invasions
such as disturbance (Richardson et al. 1994; Alston and Richardson 2006; Carvalho et
al. 2010) or enemy release (Reinhart and Callaway 2004; Adams et al. 2009; Reinhart et
al. 2010). Moreover, propagule pressure, usually seen as a key factor of plant invasion
characteristic of invasion in trees (Richardson 1998; Kaproth and McGraw 2008; Pysek
et al. 2009; Martin and Canham 2010), and thus needs to be integrated as a basis of a
null model when studying process of tree invasion (Rouget and Richardson 2003;
Colautti et al. 2006). Finally, our results also emphasized the importance of both
phenotypic plasticity, commonly linked to the enemy release hypothesis, and genetic
invasive trees, the enemy release hypothesis has been supported in general, particularly
with invasive species and populations experiencing less herbivore damage than native
species of the introduced range or native populations (Lankau et al. 2004, Cincotta et al.
2009), which is consistent with previous meta-analyses on herbivore loads and invasive
plant species (Maron and Vila 2001, Liu and Stiling 2006). As for the EICA hypothesis,
it was also supported through genetic evolution in invasive trees with positive and
significant effect sizes detected here (Siemann and Rogers 2001; Rogers and Siemann
2004). However, because it has been soundly tested but on only a single species,
Sapium sebiferum, more experimental studies on other tree species are needed before
we can make any definitive conclusions about the role of genetic evolution of tree
populations in their invasive success. In addition, in order to fully interpret the global
effects of the EICA hypothesis, invasive and native populations need to be tested in
more than one environment concurrently and in both native and invasive ranges
(Williams et al. 2008), which has not yet been conducted for invasive tree species to
All the five functional traits showed positive effect sizes, and consequently can
recent meta-analysis conducted by van Kleunen et al. (2010), where invasive alien
species were found to have significant greater values for six performance- related traits
than non-native species. In addition, the most interesting finding of our study is that
germination. Thus, growth rate appears not only to be the key functional trait linked to
invasiveness for a tree species but also to be the most associated with the invasion
success of tree species once established. This is in agreement with a previous study that
identified the relative growth rate as the most important predictor of invasiveness in
disturbed habitats for 29 pines species (Grotkopp et al. 2002) and supports the
competitive ability for resources (Baruch et al. 2000; Closset-Kopp et al. 2010). In
contrast, previous findings on weed species in grasslands showed that invasive species
are better characterized by high germination rates rather than high growth rates (Milbau
et al. 2003). Hence, trees may be unique relative to weed species in grasslands with
respect to the relative importance of growth rate over other performance-related traits
and, in consequence, growth rate should be more frequently used in future tree invasion
studies. Maximum assimilation rate (Amax) and specific leaf area (SLA) have been
identified as the most significant factors affecting relative growth rate (Swanborough
and Westoby 1996; Hoffmann and Poorter 2002). Given that it also represents an easy,
fast and inexpensive measurement, SLA could become an efficient diagnostic tool
when assessing and comparing growth performances between native and invasive tree
species. For instance, some previous studies have already emphasized the benefit of
higher SLA and higher net CO2 assimilation for invasive species over native neighbours
(Baruch and Goldstein 1999; Feng et al. 2007). Nonetheless, because Rejmanek and
Richardson (1996) were able to explain invasiveness in Pinus species using only three
other traits without growth (seed mass, length of juvenile period and interval between
seed mast years), quantitative measures of other functional traits are also necessary.
While data are more available for tree growth and biomass as evidenced in the present
study, data are scarcer on dispersal and reproduction, although these factors are crucial
for invasion success (Rejmanek et al. 2005; Martin and Canham 2010). Consequently,
although flowering, seed production and dispersal are hard to investigate in long- lived
trees, further efforts need to focus on these reproductive traits before we could consider
involved in the expansion of exotic tree species, as previously reported for invasive
grass species. Our results indeed indicate that several factors can simultaneously act to
explain the success of invasive trees. In addition, although a remarkably great number
of tree species are reported as invasive all over the world, few studies have focused on
this taxon compared to other taxa (grass and animal) and further research is needed,
We thank DM Richardson and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments
that improved the manuscript. This study was supported by a grant of Canada
Foundation for Innovation to CJL and a French grant of Conseils généraux de Gironde
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ranges of exotic plants and the major concern that aggressive tree species currently
represent, information is still scarce about the evolutionary ecology of invasive trees.
We compared native and invasive populations of both Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides using two reciprocal common gardens in the native and introduced ranges
of each species, Almost 3000 seedlings were planted in Canada and in France and
were monitored over four years. Within common gardens, invasive populations of A.
negundo significantly differed from their native conspecifics in all the traits examined.
They exhibited greater diameter than native populations in the France garden (i.e.
introduced range) but had lower survival and reduced photosynthetic capacity in both
growth and leaf phenology between gardens. In contrast, native and invasive
populations of A. platanoides did not show genetic differentiation for any traits across
gardens nor differed in plasticity. While we did not detect evidence of an evolutionary
change for A. platanoides, both genetic changes and phenotypic plasticity are involved
in A. negundo invasiveness.
Key words
2012). Because exotic species have to cope with new conditions before being able to
invade non-native areas (Allendorf and Lundquist 2003), evolutionary processes such
as genetic drift events (i.e. founder effects and bottlenecks), hybridization between
species or disparate source populations and novel selection pressures are expected to
play a major role in plant invasion (Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000; Lee 2002). In
abiotic stress (Alpert et al. 2000) and release from natural enemies (Evolution of
For decades, life-history traits have been studied as major determinants of plant
invasiveness (Hawkes 2007; van Kleunen et al. 2010). For instance, growth rate has
often been successfully tested as a key factor promoting plant invasion (Pattison et al.
1998; Erfmeier and Bruelheide 2004; Lamarque et al. 2011). Traits related to
physiology and leaf morphology are important determinants of growth rate (Grotkopp
et al. 2002; Wright et al. 2004) and higher values in favour of invasive species have long
been reported in the literature for these traits (Kloeppel and Abrams 1995; Pattison et al.
1998; Nagel and Griffin 2004). Phenology - the timing of periodic events such as leaf
unfolding and flowering - may also contribute to exotic plant invasiveness, particularly
variable environments (Godoy et al. 2009; Wolkovich and Cleland 2011). Overall, any
of these traits that are beneficial under novel environmental conditions are subjected to
exotic species have been found to undergo evolutionary changes in a variety of traits
related to dispersal ability (Cheptou et al. 2008), reproduction (Ridley and Ellstrand
2009), defense (Maron et al. 2004a; Rapo et al. 2010), growth (Siemann and Rogers
2001; Huang et al. 2010; Hodgins and Rieseberg 2011) and leaf physiology and
morphology (Buswell et al. 2011; Feng et al. 2011). Similarly, they are also able to
evolve greater phenotypic plasticity compared to populations from the native range if
more plasticity offers a fitness advantage in the novel environments (Leger and Rice
2003; Richards et al. 2006; Lavergne and Molofsky 2007; Zou et al. 2009).
via the classical common garden approach (Connor and Hartl 2004; Vitasse et al.
can be assessed if multiple common gardens are used, as phenotypic plasticity is the
(Williams et al. 2008). Although this is not a general feature for all invaders (Franks et
al. 2008a; Cripps et al. 2009; Andonian and Hierro 2011), many studies that compared
functional traits between native and invasive populations of exotic species in common
Rice 2003; Maron et al. 2004a; Genton et al. 2005; Zou et al. 2007; Feng et al. 2011).
For instance, Blumenthal and Hufbauer (2007) found a consistent pattern of increased
analysing the results of such experiments is that most of them are conducted in only one
occur (Williams et al. 2008; Flory et al. 2011b). Therefore, multiple common garden
experiments are required in both native and introduced ranges (Willis and Blossey
tree invasion was examined using reciprocal common gardens with native and invasive
populations of two maple tree species. The species A. negundo and A. platanoides are
hypothesized that populations from native and non-native ranges would express
predicted that, relative to native conspecifics, invasive populations would (i) differ in
growth with more advanced phenology, thinner leaves and higher photosynthetic rates
and (ii) show greater plasticity for these traits across gardens. Genetic differences
observed between population ranges for each species would indicate that evolutionary
changes could have favoured A. negundo and A. platanoides invasiveness in France and
Canada, respectively. To date, although invasive trees have become a major concern
around the world, most studies have used herbaceous species to test for phenotypic trait
about the adaptive evolution processes that might have occurred in invasive tree
populations. This study is one of few that directly examine genetic differentiation in
invasive tree species using common gardens in both native and introduced ranges.
Study species
species native to North America, with a wide distribution extending from southern
Alberta and central Manitoba to north-eastern Texas and New Jersey (Medrzycki
2007). Mainly confined within flood-plains and riparian systems, it can also occur in
dry coniferous forests, oak savannas and grasslands (Ward et al. 2002; Dewine and
Cooper 2008). Fast growing but generally not exceeding 60 years of age (Maeglin and
Ohmann 1973), the species is dioecious and protandrous with both wind dispersed
pollen and seeds (Erfmeier et al. 2011). Intentionally introduced in Europe at the end of
the 17th century (first known date is 1688 in England) to be later used as an ornamental
high rate of flood disturbance and high soil nutrient level, where it outcompetes native
species under non-limiting resource conditions (Porté et al. 2011; Lamarque et al.
2012). However, it has also widely spread to form monospecific stands under drier
conditions far away from rivers, for instance along roadsides, industrial wastelands or
Acer platanoides L. (Norway maple) is the most widespread native maple in Europe,
Spain and northern Greece southward and to the Ural Mountains eastward and
extending until Asia Minor and northern Iran (Santamour and McArdle 1982). The
species is shade tolerant and generally found in mixed forests in lowlands, wide river
valleys and low mountain areas (Nowak and Rowntree 1990). Introduced in the United
States in 1756 and in Canada in 1778, it has commonly been planted during the latter
half of the 20th century as an ornamental shade tree (Nowak and Rowntree 1990;
Wangen and Webster 2006). Tolerating a wide range of conditions (Lapointe and
Brisson 2011), it has spread into urban woodlands and intact forests of northeastern
North America as well as montane forests of the northern Rocky Mountains where it
(Webb and Kaunzinger 1993; Bertin et al. 2005; Reinhart et al. 2005, 2006). Despite
considered as one of the most common exotic invasive tree species in North America
Two common gardens were established, one in Canada (Koffler Scientific Reserve at
Joker’s Hill, King City, ON; 44°03’N, 79°29’W) and one in France (INRA Pierroton
research station, Cestas, Gironde; 44°44’N, 0°46’W) (see Table 1 for climate and soil
characteristics). Each garden was located both in the native range of one maple tree
species and in the introduced range of the other. Seeds were collected during the fall
2006 from ten native (Canada) and ten invasive (France) populations of Acer negundo
and from ten native (France) and six invasive (Canada) populations of Acer platanoides
(Appendices 16-18). For each species, populations were haphazardly selected among a
Note: King City climate data from the Canada’s National Climate Archive (climate
normals 1996-2011 from Toronto Buttonville Airport station, ON); Cestas climate data
from the French National Weather Service (climate averages 1996-2011 from the INRA
research station, Gironde).
Canada. Seeds were harvested from 10 to 13 maternal trees in each source population
with approximately 300 seeds per tree. In February 2007, seeds from each maternal tree
were placed into a string net with humid vermiculite, and were submitted to a cold
treatment (14 weeks at 5°C in a cold chamber) at the INRA Pierroton research station,
France. In spring 2007, seeds were sown into plant tubs with a 2/3:1/3 mix of compost
and sand at the French nursery. A total of 25 seeds were sown per maternal tree, i.e. 250
seeds per source population. The effect of maternal trees was tested on seed
germination in order to test for potential maternal effects, which were also minimized
by choosing seedlings with similar height and diameter. Seedlings were planted in the
gardens in late winter 2008. Both common gardens had the same surface of 0.5 ha and
the same design with 4 blocks of 6 rows. Seedlings were randomly assigned to one of
the 4 blocks and represented 6 to 13 maternal trees per population. On average, a total of
40 seedlings were planted per population, leading to 365 individuals per block and 1460
garden, seedlings were spaced 0.5 m apart with rows separated by 1 m. They were
watered on the planting date in both gardens and received ambient rainfall hereafter.
In both gardens, height and stem collar diameter of each individual were measured
every year from 2008 to 2010. Height measurements were carried out using a graduated
pole to 0.01 m accuracy while stem collar diameters were measured using an electronic
calliper to 0.01 mm accuracy (Vitasse et al. 2009b). For all analyses, we used final
Timing of leaf unfolding (LU) was monitored in the two common gardens during two
consecutive years (2009 and 2010). Each of the 1460 seedlings was examined every
week during a month (from mid-March and late-April in the France and Canada
apical buds from bud dormancy to leaf unfolding using a four stage scale (Vitasse et al.
2009b). For each seedling, leaf unfolding was considered reached when one of the
leaves was fully expanded (stage n° 4). Leaf unfolding date (day of the year, DOY) was
then estimated by linear regression between two measurement campaigns. For each
population, leaf unfolding date was calculated as the average of the estimated dates for
Gas exchange
For both species, gas exchange and leaf morphology were measured in each garden on 6
native and 6 invasive populations with 7 individuals per population, leading to a total of
168 seedlings sampled per garden. Populations were randomly chosen in the France
garden and the same populations were used for measurements in Canada. Gas exchange
Hitchin, UK) equipped with CO2, temperature, humidity and light control modules
(Pattison et al. 1998; Bresson et al. 2011). Gas exchange was measured inside a sealed
0.5°C and a relative humidity of 80 ± 10%. All measurements were made at saturated
light (PPFD = 1500 pmol.m-2.s-1) in order to obtain a light- saturated assimilation rate
per unit leaf area (Aarea, pmol CO2.m-2.s-1; maximum assimilation rate at ambient CO2).
Prior to each measurement campaign, the gas analyser was calibrated in the laboratory
using 400 ppm standard gas, while full CO2 and H2O zero and differential calibrations
were performed in the field after a set of six measurements. Photosynthetic rates were
measured during summer 2009 for A. negundo and summer 2010 for A. platanoides.
Both years, two to three consecutive weeks were required in each garden to complete
the photosynthetic measurements due to the need for sunny days. In France and in
Canada, measurements were always done between 8:00 am and 11:00 am on fully
expanded sunny leaves. Two to three measurements were carried out on each
individual, and data were recorded when assimilation curves remained stable during
After gas exchange measurements, three to five fully expanded leaves were collected
per individual. Leaf area was determined using a planimeter (Light Box model,
Gatehouse, Scientific Instruments LTD, Norfolk, UK). Leaves were then placed in an
oven at 65°C until constant dry weight and leaf dry mass was measured with an
electronic weigh scale (Explorer Pro, EP 114 model, Ohaus Corporation, Pine Brook,
NJ, USA). Leaf mass per area index (LMA, g.m-2) was calculated as the ratio of leaf
weight to leaf area (Baruch and Goldstein 1999; Feng et al. 2007). Finally, the same leaf
samples were also used to analyze leaf nitrogen content. Leaves were crushed to a
powder with a ball mill (MM 200, Fisher Bioblock Scientific, France) and nitrogen
content (Nmass, %) was analysed using an Eager 300 CHNOS elementary analyser
(FlashEA 1112, ThermoElectron Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA; Feng et al. 2007).
Nitrogen content per leaf area (Narea, g N m-2) was calculated as the product of Nmass and
LMA and the photosynthetic N-use efficiency (PNUE, pmol CO2.g-1N.s-1) as the ratio
of Aarea to Narea.
Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were conducted separately for each species. Probability of survival
was compared between ranges using a generalized linear model with binomial
distribution and logit link function (procedure GENMOD in SAS, version 9.1, SAS
Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Differences in seedling growth, phenology, leaf physiology
and morphology were tested with a generalized linear mixed model (procedure
MIXED, REML method in SAS, version 9.1, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Multiple
individual (several measurements per leaves and several leaves) were pooled before
means and standard errors were calculated from measurements conducted on single
individuals (for instance, ndiameter = 1748, 878 and 90 per category, respectively). The
statistical model was also run from individual level datasets, and post-hoc (SNK
multiple comparison) tests were performed based on mean values. In the common
gardens, each population was represented via seedlings from as many mother trees as
per mother tree. The experimental design thus allowed tests at the population level only,
and the maternal tree term did not appear in the analyses. Overall differences in trait
introduced) and the location x range interaction as fixed factors and block nested within
location, population nested within range and the location x population nested within
range interaction as random factors. Random effects were further assessed using a log
likelihood ratio test from the full and reduced models. A significant range effect for a
given trait indicated overall genetic differentiation between native and invasive
populations. Differences in each trait were also analysed for each garden separately,
with range as a fixed factor and block and population nested within range as random
factors. Phenotypic plasticity was examined here at the population level as an average
across individuals from each population (Richards et al. 2006; Williams et al. 2008), as
opposed to the genotype-level. Plasticity was reported when populations of the same
range exhibited differences for a trait between the two gardens (i.e. a significant
location effect). Differences in the magnitude of plasticity were indicated when the
interaction location x range was significant. The magnitude of plasticity of each range
for a given trait was calculated as follows: [(traitFrance - traitCanada)/ traitFrance] x 100.
Lastly, phenological sensitivity was further studied for native and invasive populations
of both species. Mean temperature values in 2009 and 2010 were calculated for the
same period of time in both the Canadian and French gardens, from 1 January to leaf
unfolding dates. Linear regressions were then fitted between temperature and leaf
unfolding. Slopes of the corresponding linear regressions were used to obtain the shifts
in leaf phenology per degree increase in temperature (degree day-1) and thus to compare
Genetic differentiation
0.0001; Figure 1a; see Appendix 19 for mean values). Seedlings from native
populations survived better than those from invasive populations both in Canada (96%
vs. 73%; / = 74.77, P < 0.0001) and in France (74% vs. 63%; / = 11.21, P = 0.0008). In
platanoides (j = 1.14, P = 0.2851; Figure 1c). Seedlings from native and invasive
populations had respectively 56% and 51% survival in Canada while both had 71%
survival in France.
from invasive populations growing larger in France relative to those from native
populations (significant range effect; Table 2a, Figure 1b). We did not observe any
(Figure 1b). Individuals from invasive populations also grew taller in the French
gardens but differences in height were not significant due to high variation for this trait
(CV > 58%). For A. platanoides, seedlings from native and invasive populations
exhibited similar diameters and heights in both gardens (Table 2b, Figure 1d).
negundo from native and invasive populations (Table 2a, Figure 2a). In the Canadian
garden, native populations unfolded significantly earlier both in 2009 and 2010. In
France, seedlings from invasive populations flushed significantly later in 2009 but
populations always unfolded at the same time in the two gardens (Table 2b, Figure 2e).
Table 2. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) analyses of traits related to growth (diameter and height), phenology (LU), physiology
(^area, Narea, PNUE) and leaf morphology (LMA) for native and invasive populations of A) Acer negundo and B) Acer platanoides grown in
two reciprocal common gardens. See Appendix 19 for mean values of traits.
Diameter Height LU 2009 LU 2010 A
area area
Source of variation df F or LLR F or LLR F or LLR F or LLR df F or LLR F or LLR F or LLR F or LLR
A) Acer negundo
Fixed effects
Location 1 328.76*** 16.32*** 12148.90*** 4376.48*** 1 110.49*** 41.42*** 11.24** 76.61***
Range 1 16 91*** 0.01 174.13*** 32.00*** 1 18.95** 96.19*** 3.90f 51.55***
Location x range 1 24.26*** 1.07 55.15*** 427 75*** 1 1.18 0.50 0.72 1.35
Random effects
Population (range) 18 5.90* 1.50 1.10 1.50 10 0 0 0 0.50
Location x population (range) 18 1.90 0.90 1.50 0 10 0 0 0 0
B) Acer platanoides
Fixed effects
Location 1 89.88*** 31.97*** 5586.78*** 1505.49*** 1 8.05* 269.80*** 61.30*** 70.97***
Range 1 0.03 0.34 0.07 0.01 1 4.01f 3.00 9.42** 7.27*
Location x range 1 0.01 0.23 0.22 0.19 1 0.08 3.18 0.55 0.81
Random effects
Population (range) 14 4.20 0.30 4.70 28.00 10 0 0.50 0 1.70
Location x population (range) 14 3.50f 0 0 0.40 10 0 0.10 0 0
Notes: F values are given for fixed effects while log likelihood ratios (LLR) are given for random effects. Survival data were calculated at
the population level; thus, there is no x value for population (range) and location x population (range). See text for definition of terms. t P <
0.1, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Acernegundo Acer platanoides
Figure 1. Differences in survival
a c
O 50
CO 25
18 b d
E 15
E, 12
ju 9 iE
Canada France
1 Canada France
and diameter between native (white bars) and invasive (black bars) populations of Acer
negundo (a,b) and Acer platanoides (c,d) grown in two common gardens (Canada vs.
France). The invasive range of each species is represented with hatchings. Values
represent means ± SE for both native and invasive populations. *** P < 0.001.
A. negundo for all traits related to leaf physiology and morphology (significant range
effect; Table 2a, Figure 2b-d). In particular, native populations expressed greater
photosynthetic capacities with significantly higher Aarea and Narea and greater LMA
in both the Canadian and French common gardens. Contrastingly, native and invasive
CM 8
"5 6
and Narea)
and leaf
native (white
bars) and
invasive 80 d h
Canada France Canada France
(black bars) populations of Acer negundo (a-d) and Acer platanoides (e-h) grown in two common gardens (Canada vs. France). The invasive range of each
species is represented with hatchings. Values represent means ± SE for both native and invasive populations. See text for definition of terms. f P < 0.06, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P <
were observed in PNUE and LMA (Table 2b). However, native and invasive
higher LMA, lower PNUE and marginally higher Narea (Figure 2f-h).
Phenotypic plasticity
gardens (j = 64.65, P < 0.0001). After two years, survival was greatest in Canada (85%)
than in France (68%). Survival also differed between gardens for seedlings of A.
platanoides (j2 = 33.06, P < 0.0001) and was greater in France (71%) than in Canada
both species (significant location effect; Table 2). Growth conditions were better in
France where seedlings grew taller and larger thanks to a longer growing season.
A. negundo (significant location x range effect; Table 2): diameter increased by 48%
vs. 35% between the Canadian and the French garden for seedlings from invasive and
populations did not differ in growth plasticity and for both ranges, diameter and height
Dates of leaf unfolding differed between gardens for both species (Table 2). Mean leaf
unfolding occurred 27 and 40 days earlier in France compared to Canada for seedlings
difference in phenological plasticity between ranges for A. negundo (Tables 2 and 3).
With respect to the response to temperature, reaction norms were linear (r2 > 0.90, P <
0.05) but the magnitude of phenological plasticity was significantly higher for
seedlings from invasive populations (3.24 ± 0.12 degree day" 1) relative to conspecifics
from the native range (2.41 ± 0.45 degree day"1). Seedlings of A. platanoides from
native and invasive populations did not differ in phenological plasticity, and leaf
Seedlings of both species were highly plastic for all leaf physiology and
morphology traits studied (Table 2, Figure 2b-d and f-h). However, we did not observe
any difference in plasticity between ranges for these traits. Seedlings of A. negundo
from both native and invasive populations had 40% higher Aarea, 21% higher Narea, 19%
higher PNUE, 61% higher LS and 24% lower LMA in the French garden compared to
16%, Narea by 45%, LS by 59% and LMA by 15% in France relative to Canada. They
Notes: a Mean temperature from 1 January to 25 March for Acer negundo and from 1
January to 30 March for Acer platanoides, b SE of the linear regression slope. * P <
0.05, ** P < 0.01.
novel environments have been increasingly documented over the past decade and
closely linked to plant invasiveness (Sakai et al. 2001; Parker et al. 2003; Maron et al.
2004b; Buswell et al. 2011). Despite cases of exotic species for which invasive
genotypes did not show greater performance than their native conspecifics (Willis et al.
2000; DeWalt et al. 2004; Maron et al. 2004a; Andonian and Hierro 2011), genetic
changes have been commonly reported in invasive plants (Blossey and Notzold 1995;
Willis and Blossey 1999; Leger and Rice 2003; Blumenthal and Hufbauer 2007; Feng
et al. 2011; Flory et al. 2011a; Eriksen et al. 2012). However, few studies worked on
invasive trees (Delmas et al. 2011; Lamarque et al. 2011) and genetic differentiation
between native and invasive tree populations has only been examined for Melaleuca
Smouse 2001; Siemann and Rogers 2001; Rogers and Siemann 2005; Zou et al. 2007;
Franks et al. 2008a, b). Based on reciprocal common gardens, we found genetic
introduced range (i.e. in France) relative to the native genotypes. In contrast, invasive
of A. negundo from the introduced range were genetically different from their native
expectations, they demonstrated faster growth and reduced LMA which may allow
them to be well suited to non competitive, nutrient rich and disturbed environments
such as the riparian habitats invaded in the non-native range. Our finding is consistent
with previous studies that documented genetic-based advantage in growth for invasive
over native populations of both exotic grasses (Bastlova and Kvet 2002; Leger and Rice
2003; Blumenthal and Hufbauer 2007; Flory et al. 2011a; Hodgins and Rieseberg 2011)
and Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera; Siemann and Rogers 2001; Huang et al.
2010). Increased growth may play an important role in the invasion success of the
invasiveness (Grotkopp et al. 2002; van Kleunen et al. 2010; Lamarque et al. 2011). In
co-occurring native tree species through higher growth rate under non-limiting
conditions (Saccone et al. 2010; Porté et al. 2011). The absence of difference in growth
in the Canadian garden might be due to harsher winter conditions or greater amount of
growth rate (Marquis 1992) and previous research documented the evolution of the
genotypes of exotic plants (Siemann and Rogers 2003a, b; Maron et al. 2004a; Huang et
al. 2010). Thus, invasive genotypes of A. negundo might have evolved greater
negundo populations from the introduced range is not achieved through increasing net
and lower leaf nitrogen contents in the two gardens compared to native conspecifics.
This result contrasts with the current literature as studies have documented either no
difference between native and introduced populations (Bastlova and Kvet 2002;
DeWalt et al. 2004) or physiological advantages of invasive genotypes (Zou et al. 2007;
characteristic often positively associated with fastgrowing plants (Pattison et al. 1998;
Nagel and Griffin 2004). Provided the same leaf biomass as native genotypes, invasive
ones would thus exhibit greater photosynthetic surface area which would allow greater
light use efficiency and carbon assimilation. Invasive populations of A. negundo also
southern France (Porté et al. 2011). In consequence, it might be possible that a change
in adaptive strategy has occurred in the introduced range favouring genotypes with
significantly lower survival rates in the two gardens compared to the native genotypes.
This suggests a possible trade-off between competitive ability and survival; invasive
populations might have evolved towards faster growth at the expense of survivorship.
genotypes has been documented for the annual herb Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Hodgins
Bruelheide 2010).
the native and introduced ranges. Several reasons could explain this pattern. First, time
since invasion affects the potential for genetic change in invasive species (Williamson
1996), and therefore it might not have been sufficient to enable evolutionary changes to
be established (Willis et al. 2000; Franks et al. 2008b). Nonetheless, this seems unlikely
given that A. platanoides has been present and naturalized in North America for
roughly the same period of time as A. negundo in Europe (250-300 years; Nowak and
Rowntree 1990; Kowarik 2003). Second, maternal effects may have contributed to the
lack of difference (Franks et al. 2008a); however, we did not observe any difference in
germination. Third, selection for faster growth may have been limited. This might be
due to the mid- to late- successional life history strategy exhibited by A. platanoides
and Canham 2010). Finally, selection may have not been intense because populations
variation in the traits related to growth. This is a concern because molecular analyses
comparing genetic diversity between the native and introduced ranges of this species
have yet to be done. However, A. platanoides has been widely used in landscaping
(Nowak and Rowntree 1990; Conklin and Sellmer 2009) and therefore we could expect
that multiple introduction events may have occurred and counterbalanced population
Across the two gardens, populations of both A. negundo and A. platanoides exhibited
high levels of plasticity in all studied traits. Consistent with the common consideration
that phenotypic plasticity is important for plant invasiveness (Richards et al. 2006), our
results also support previous work that experimentally provided evidence for high
2007; Funk 2008) and exotic maples in particular (Kloeppel and Abrams 1995;
Reinhart et al. 2006; Porté et al. 2011). Moreover, the comparison of trait plasticity
between native and invasive maple genotypes produced mixed results. We observed a
platanoides. Similarly, no general pattern has emerged in the literature so far. While a
growing number of studies reported greater plasticity of various traits in invasive over
native populations of exotic species (Leger and Rice 2003; Chun et al. 2007; Lavergne
and Molofsky 2007), others did not find any difference in plasticity between home and
away genotypes (Williams et al. 2008; Flory et al. 2011b). Contrasted results were also
obtained for the invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia, with invasive populations
showing higher plasticity to water and pH variation than native conspecifics (Kaufman
and Smouse 2001) while no divergence in plasticity was found between ranges in
response to herbivory (Franks et al. 2008b). Such differences in results between studies
are likely due to differences in the genetic diversity available in the introduced range
in diameter growth and leaf phenology relative to populations in their native range. This
conditions (Richards et al. 2006). Increased plasticity in fitness traits for invasive
studies (Kaufman and Smouse 2001; Chun et al. 2007; Qing et al. 2011). In particular,
Zou et al. (2009) found that invasive populations of Triadica sebifera had greater
performance than native ones under benign conditions. Interestingly, the fact that
invasive populations of A. negundo from France grew significantly better in the French
garden and flushed significantly later in Canada relative to their native conspecifics
suggests that they might have evolved to be locally adapted to their new environment
introduced populations from a wider distribution range (Ebeling et al. 2011). Finally,
Kvet 2002; Eriksen et al. 2012). Based on two common gardens, Williams et al. (2008)
also highlighted the importance of climatic conditions and growing season length in
did not observe difference in plasticity between ranges. Overall, the greater sensitivity
colonizing new areas in Europe as invasive species with flexible phenologies are
expected to benefit from increased system variability and longer growing seasons
Using a quantitative genetic approach, we provide new insights into tree invasions
showing that invasive A. negundo populations may have evolved faster growth and
evaluate the importance of genetic differentiation vs. phenotypic plasticity (Monty and
Mahy 2010), assess whether plasticity is adaptive (Richards et al. 2006) and test local
adaptation with populations from a wider distribution range. More importantly, several
mechanisms can explain genetic differences between native and invasive populations,
natural selective forces following novel biotic and abiotic pressures (Sakai et al. 2001;
Bossdorf et al. 2005; Dlugosch and Parker 2008). Consequently, neutral genetic marker
based analyses are needed to determine the role of founder effects and post-introduction
selection in shaping exotic maple invasions. Such information would also have
variation at resistance loci might be more prone to control (Muller-Scharer et al. 2004).
Alternatively, evidence for adaptive selection would suggest that invasive trees would
climate change.
The authors thank the INRA experimental unit of Cestas-Pierroton and Pr A. E. Weis
and the University of Toronto Koffler Scientific Reserve for logistical support. They
are also grateful to Dr P. M. Kotanen and Dr C. C. Jolivet for providing data on garden
Lugot, A. Moreau, E. Martineau and O. Felis in France. This research was funded by a
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Am Nat 159:396-419
Hawkes CV (2007) Are invaders moving targets? The generality and persistence of
advantages in size, reproduction, and enemy release in invasive plants species with time
Chapter 5
Published as
Lamarque LJ, Porté AJ, Eymeric C, Lasnier J-B, Lortie CJ, Delzon S (2013) A
test for pre-adapted phenotypic plasticity in the invasive tree Acer negundo L.
PLoS ONE 8(9): e74239
Phenotypic plasticity is a key mechanism associated with the spread of exotic plants
and previous studies have found that invasive species are generally more plastic than
invasion has received less attention, and in particular, the genetic basis of plasticity is
impacting the riparian forests of southern and eastern Europe thanks to higher plasticity
1152 seedlings from 8 native and 8 invasive populations was compared in response to
More importantly, invasive genotypes did not show increased plasticity in any of the 20
traits examined. This result suggests that the high magnitude of plasticity to nutrient
Key words
Phenotypic plasticity has been widely recognized as an important feature for plants to
cope with environmental changes [1,2]. Numerous studies have shown that plants are
plastic for a large array of traits related to structure, development, metabolic activity,
has also been classified as a major determinant of the success of invasive species by
Broader distributions of alien species are correlated with higher levels of plasticity in
species are also more plastic than co-occurring native or noninvasive species [15-20].
Davidson et al. [21] recently synthesized this work via a meta-analysis of 75 pairs of
plasticity than native species irrespective of the response traits measured. However,
there are instances that did not support this pattern [22-25], and it has been suggested
that the success and fitness advantage of invasive species can be mediated by the
expression of constant higher mean trait values across different environments and not
necessarily by the plasticity of these traits [26-29]. For instance, invasive species
frequently possess higher trait values for growth rate [30,31,32], lower leaf mass per
area [30,33, see 34 for review], and advanced leaf unfolding and flowering periods
combination with mean trait values when testing for plant invasiveness.
regard, intraspecific contrasts across environmental gradients have been analyzed in the
following cases: (i) between populations from native and invasive ranges [40,41] and
(ii) between populations within the invasive range [12,42,43]. Overall, no general
pattern has emerged to date. Invasive populations of Senecio inaequidens were for
instance more plastic than their native conspecifics in response to fertilization [44]
biomass and leaf mass per area among invasive populations of Microstegium vimineum
therefore be a common feature of several invasive plants, and it should now be more
explicitly tested.
disrupting major native ecosystem structure and functioning [46,47,48]. Invasive trees
are thus appropriate models to evaluate the role of ecological and evolutionary
processes in invasion given their large impacts, frequency, and longevity [49-53]. To
date, most studies examining the importance of phenotypic plasticity in tree invasion
compared invasive vs. native tree species [15,39,54,55]. With the exception of
plasticity between native and invasive populations of exotic trees are unexamined.
Porté et al. [57] recently found that the invasive tree Acer negundo significantly
expressed higher magnitude of phenotypic plasticity than its cooccurring native species
purpose of this study was therefore to examine the genetic basis of plasticity in A.
and biomass and known to promote plant invasiveness [31,32] were measured. We
associated traits relative to populations from the native range. These findings would
support the idea that plasticity could have evolved in the introduced range. In contrast,
the absence of difference in plasticity between populations from native and invasive
Studied species
successional species native to North America. Its distribution range extends from
southern Alberta and central Manitoba to Mexico and Guatemala southward and from
central Montana to New England states and central Florida eastward [58,59 but see 60].
This species is frequently found in floodplains and riparian habitats but can also occur
in dry coniferous forests, oak savannas, and grasslands [61,62]. A. negundo was
intentionally introduced in the Old Continent at the end of the seventeenth century, i.e.
not only in riparian habitats characterized by high rate of flood disturbance and high
soil nutrient level [65,66] but also under drier conditions along roadsides, industrial
Experimental design
Seeds of A. negundo were harvested between September and November 2009 from
eight native populations sampled in Ontario and Quebec, Canada and from eight
region, Southern France (Table 1, Appendix 20). No specific permissions were required
for these locations that are not part of protected areas and do not involve endangered
species. All native and invasive populations were sampled from riparian forests.
Populations in the invasive range were distributed within the Adour-Garonne river
basin. Seeds came from 9 to 12 maternal trees in each source populations with maternal
trees randomly selected and at least 10 m apart. In February 2010, 30 seeds per maternal
tree were subjected to a cold treatment (14 weeks at 5°C in a cold chamber) at the INRA
research station of Pierroton, France (44°44’N, 0°46’W). In spring 2010, 27 seeds per
maternal tree were sown into 4 L (15 x 15 x 17.7 cm) pots filled with a commercial
sphagnum peat soil mixture (organic matter 80%, pH = 6). We first sowed three seeds
per pot until germination and then kept one seedling in each pot thereby generating a
total of 90 seedlings per source population. Pots were then placed under a greenhouse
Table 1. The 16 source populations sampled to examine phenotypic plasticity of invasive tree species Acer negundo.
Pr ovince/ D epar tment Collect ion s it e River Latitu de Longitu de
Native r ange
I nvasive r ange
enter. We did not control light and temperature that approximated ambient conditions.
A split-plot design was used with nutrient level as the fixed main effect and
range of A. negundo populations (native or invasive) as the fixed sub-effect with all
seedlings from 8 to 10 families (i.e. maternal trees) per population for a total of 1152
4 individuals. The experiment was initiated on 17 February 2011 and lasted 147 days.
Nutrients were applied on the 25th, 53th, 81st and 109th days of the experiment. The
nutrient treatment corresponded to the addition of the complete slow release 16-7-15
Levallois-Perret, France). In the low nutrient level (N0), seedlings did not receive any
additional fertilizer. In the medium and high nutrient levels (N1 and N2, respectively),
seedlings received four fertilizer doses equivalent to 0.125 g and 0.500 g N each, for a
total of 0.500 g and 2 g N, respectively. The high nutrient level corresponded to the
riparian habitats of southern France [68,69]. A previous study conducted in situ also
showed that invasive individuals of A. negundo had a leaf N content averaging 1.17
gN.m"2 [57]. The N0 and N1 treatments thus represent levels of nutrient that are below
Gas exchange
four individuals from different families and blocks were randomly sampled per source
population. The measurements were done on sunny days between 20 June and 7 July.
Leaf gas exchange measurements were carried out with a portable steady-state
Systems, Hitchin, UK) equipped with temperature, humidity, light and CO2 control
modules. Net gas exchanges were measured within a sealed cuvette of 2.5 cm2, with an
desiccant. To obtain the maximum assimilation rate per unit leaf area (^ area, pmol
CO2.m-2.s-1) at ambient CO2, leaves were illuminated with a red-blue light source
attached to the gas exchange system and maintained at saturated light (PPFD = 1500
pmol PAR.m-2.s-1). Prior to the measurements, the gas analyser was calibrated in the
laboratory using 400 ppm standard gas, while full CO2 and H2O zero and differential
calibrations were performed in the field after each set of six measurements. Up to three
measurements were carried out on each sampled individual, and data were recorded
when assimilation curves remained stable for more than 20 s. All measurements were
taken between 8:00 am and 11:00 am on fully expanded and sun-exposed leaves to
Leaf nitrogen content and morphological traits were measured on 288 seedlings
representing six individuals per population and per treatment (including those used for
gas exchange measurements). Leaves were sampled on the same days as the
photosynthetic rate measurements. Three to five leaves were collected per sampled
individual. Leaf surface area was measured with a planimeter (Light Box model,
Gatehouse, Scientific Instruments LTD, Norfolk, UK) and the average leaf size (Ls,
cm2) was calculated. Leaves were then placed in an oven at 65°C until constant dry
weight and leaf dry mass was later weighed with an electronic weighing scale (Explorer
Pro, EP 114 model, Ohaus Corporation, Pine Brook, NJ, USA). Leaf mass per area
index (LMA, g leaf.m"2 leaf) was calculated as the ratio of leaf weight by leaf area.
Finally, leaf samples were crushed to a powder with a ball mill (MM 200, Fisher
Bioblock Scientific, France) and leaf nitrogen content (Nmass, %) was determined using
Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA). The maximum assimilation rate per unit leaf mass
(Amass, pmol CO2.g"1.s"1) was calculated as the Aarea to LMA ratio, the leaf nitrogen
content per leaf area (Narea, g N.m-2) as the product of Nmass and LMA, and the
photosynthetic N-use efficiency (PNUE, pmol CO2.g-1 N.s-1) as the A area to Narea
A total of seven individuals died during the course of the experiment and therefore,
final height and stem collar diameter of 1145 seedlings were recorded on 4 July. A
graduated pole to 0.01 m accuracy was used to record heights, and diameters were
previously used for morphological measurements were harvested on 14 July after 147
days of growth. Above-ground biomass was separated into stems and leaves, and roots
were separated from soil and washed. Biomass was oven-dried at 65°C until constant
dry weight and further weighed using an electronic weighing scale (Explorer Pro, EP
114 model, Ohaus Corporation, Pine Brook, NJ, USA). The following traits were
calculated: total biomass (Wt, g), above-ground biomass (Wa, g), leaf biomass (Wl, g),
stem biomass (Ws, g), root biomass (Wr, g), total leaf area (Al, m2), leaf weight ratio
(LWR, g leaf.g-1 plant), stem weight ratio (SWR, g stem.g-1 plant), root weight ratio
(RWR, g root.g-1 plant), root:shoot ratio (RSR, g.g-1) and leaf area ratio (LAR, m2
leaf.g-1 leaf).
Statistical analyses
Differences in traits were tested with a generalized linear mixed model that was fit to a
split-plot design (procedure MIXED, REML method in SAS, version 9.2, SAS
Institute, Cary, NC, USA) [70]. We used nutrient level, range, and the interaction of
nutrient level x range as fixed factors whilst block, block x range, population nested
within range, and the interaction of nutrient level x population nested within range were
treated as random factors. To account for the influence of plant size on biomass
allocation [71 and references herein], we used total biomass as a covariate when we
tested the following traits: RSR, LWR, SWR, RWR, Al and LAR. Type III sums of
squares were used for the calculation of F statistics. Random effects were further
evaluated using a log likelihood ratio (LLR) test from the full and reduced models. All
factors were identified significant at alpha < 0.05. A significant range effect for a given
trait indicated an overall genetic differentiation between seedlings from native and
population level [13,72]. A significant effect of nutrient level indicated plasticity for a
given trait. The difference in plasticity of a given trait between seedlings from native
and invasive populations was reported when the interaction of nutrient level x range
was significant. The variation of trait of native and invasive seedlings was also
reported as follows: [1-(traitenv2/traitenv1)] 100. Lastly, we calculated the Relative
Distance Plasticity Index (RDPI) [73], and the Plasticity Index (PI) [5] for two
|mean(env1) - mean(env2)|
RDPI -- ------ - -- — ----------- - --- —TT
|mean(env1) + mean(env2)|
p [mean(envl) - mean(env2)]
[max(mean(env1), mean(env2))]
For each trait, the two indexes were calculated for each population using mean values in
each treatment (i.e. nutrient level). The difference in RDPI and PI between native and
invasive ranges was examined using a generalized linear mixed model with range as a
Overall trends
expressed significantly greater heights and smaller diameters than their native
conspecifics (significant range effect; Table 2, Figure 1A,B; see Appendix 21 for
rates (Aarea and Amass; Figure 1C), and invasive seedlings had lower leaf nitrogen
contents (Narea and Nmass; Figure 1D) and greater PNUE (Table 2). Invasive seedlings
also had lower average leaf size and LMA (Table 2, Figure 1E). There were no
Table 2. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) analyses of traits related to growth, gas exchange and leaf morphology, biomass and biomass allocation in eight
native and eight invasive populations (pop) of Acer negundo along a nutrient gradient. F values are given for fixed effects, log likelihood ratios (LLR) are given for
random effects. Statistically significant values (P < 0.05) are shown in bold, marginally significant values (P < 0.1) are shown in italic.
Source of variation
Traits Nutrient (N) Range N range Pop (range) N x pop (range)
Diameter (mm) 5237.0 55.93 <.0001 5.92 0.0289 0.14 0.8718 12.3 0.0004 2.9 0.0885
Height (cm) 11004.7 39.43 <.0001 39.33 <.0001 2.37 0.1123 5.3 0.0213 4.2 0.0404
Leaf traits
Aarea (pmol CÜ2.m .s )
- -
784.7 38.09 <.0001 0.04 0.8392 0.00 0.9980 2.7 0.1003 5.2 0.0226
Amass (Mmol CÜ2.g'1.S'1) -467.9 31.78 <.0001 0.06 0.8098 0.24 0.7876 0.3 0.5839 0.9 0.3428
Narea (g N.m'2) 1.9 116.61 <.0001 28.96 <.0001 2.95 0.0543 0.0 1 0.0 1
Nmass (%) 486.0 194.18 <.0001 7.58 0.0087 0.13 0.8772 0.5 0.4795 2.8 0.0943
PNUE (pmol CÜ2.g-1 N.s-1) 929.2 17.91 <.0001 2.86 0.1135 0.03 0.9748 2.8 0.0943 0.6 0.4386
LMA (g.m-2) 2032.0 0.97 0.4069 8.94 0.0098 0.10 0.9087 0.7 0.4028 1.1 0.2943
Ls (cm2) 2343.6 14.44 <.0001 20.21 0.0005 0.31 0.7393 0.8 0.3711 0.2 0.6547
Wt (g) 2590.9 17.06 <.0001 0.02 0.8985 0.23 0.7928 0.0 1 0.9 0.3428
Wa (g) 2454.3 18.93 0.0002 1.24 0.2709 0.25 0.7803 0.0 1 1.5 0.2207
Wl (g) 1559.5 37.29 <.0001 0.16 0.6915 0.11 0.8944 0.0 1 1.0 0.3173
Ws (g) 2338.2 14.51 0.0006 1.60 0.2132 0.35 0.7099 0.0 1 1.5 0.2207
Wr (g) 1886.0 9.47 0.0001 10.74 0.0059 0.24 0.7837 0.0 1 1.1 0.2943
A (m2)
l -609.1 14.42 0.0012 5.62 0.0326 1.45 0.2355 1.3 0.2542 0.5 0.4795
Biomass allocation
RSR (g.g-1) -308.2 20.25 <.0001 54.33 <.0001 0.38 0.6846 0.7 0.4028 3.0 0.0833
LWR (g leaf.g-1 plant) -1011.7 32.35 <.0001 5.32 0.0277 1.74 0.1893 0.7 0.4028 0.7 0.4028
SWR (g stem.g-1 plant) -772.7 0.06 0.9401 66.33 <.0001 2.43 0.1068 1.6 0.2060 4.2 0.0404
RWR (g root.g-1 plant) -705.8 17.63 <.0001 53.89 <.0001 0.11 0.8943 1.3 0.2542 3.7 0.0544
LAR (m2 leaf.g-1 leaf) -2577.3 29.76 <.0001 9.40 0.0083 0.79 0.4631 0.1 0.7518 2.9 0.0886
Figure 1. Means ± SE of life-history traits for native and invasive seedlings of Acer
negundo. Differences in growth (A,B), physiology (C,D), leaf morphology (E),
biomass (F,G) and biomass allocation (H) were calculated across nutrient levels. n =
576 (height and diameter), 96 (Aarea) and 144 (Narea, LMA, Wt and Al) per range. See
text for definition of terms. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
statistical differences in total and aboveground biomass (Table 2, Figure 1F). Seedlings
from invasive populations however allocated more resources to foliage than to roots,
displaying greater Al, LWR, SWR and LAR, and lower Wr, RSR and RWR compared to
variations were found in height among invasive populations (within invasive range:
LLR = 5.6, P = 0.018; within native range: LLR = 0.6, P = 0.44) and in diameter among
native populations (within native range: LLR = 14.1, P = 0.0002; within invasive range:
Trait plasticity
nutrient effect for all traits but LMA and SWR; Table 2, Figure 2) with increased
growth, maximum assimilation rate, total biomass, and above-ground allocation (AGB,
TLA, LWR, LAR) and decreased below-ground allocation (RSR, RWR). The change
from low-to-medium nutrient conditions had a stronger effect on seedling trait values
respectively showed a 19%, 44% and 35% increase in height, maximum assimilation
rate and total biomass from low-to-medium nutrient conditions but a 2%, 18% and 9%
increase from medium-to-high nutrient conditions (Figure 2; see Tables 3 and 4 for trait
RDPI and PI values). Across all populations, traits such as SWR and LMA showed low
plasticity along the nutrient availability gradient (mean RDPISWR = 0.03, mean
RDPILMA = 0.07) while Wl, Aarea and Narea exhibited larger changes (mean RDPIW =
Table 3. Relative Distance Plasticity Index (RDPI) along a nutrient gradient for
populations of Acer negundo from the native and invasive ranges. Comparisons of
RDPI using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model with range as a fixed factor and
population nested within range as a random factor. Significant difference between
ranges (P < 0.05) denoted by an asterisk. See text for definition of terms.
RDPI low-t o- mediu m nutr ient levels RDPI mediu m-t o- high nutr ient levels
T raits
H eight 0.12 ± 0.02 0.10 ± 0.02 0.04 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01
Dia met er 0.08 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01
Leaf traits
0.29 ± 0.04 0.28 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.03 0.14 ± 0.04
xT -ar ea
A 0.24 ± 0.04 0.25 ± 0.06 0.15 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.03
xT - mas
N s
ar ea 0.24 ± 0.03 0.22 ± 0.02 0.27 ± 0.02 0.28 ± 0.04
mass 0.20 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.03 0.27 ± 0.02 0.25 ± 0.03
Wt 0.23 ± 0.04 0.26 ± 0.06 0.08 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.04
0.24 ± 0.04 0.28 ± 0.07 0.09 ± 0.03 0.15 ± 0.05
Wi 0.28 ± 0.06 0.31 ± 0.08 0.12 ± 0.04 0.15 ± 0.04
native and invasive populations for any traits (non-significant nutrient x range effect;
Table 2, Figure 2). There was also no difference in RDPI or PI for any traits but the
RDPILMA between medium and high nutrient levels did differ (Tables 3 and 4; across
the whole gradient, mean trait RDPI = 0.15 and 0.14 and mean trait PI = -0.14 and -
0.15 for native and invasive populations, respectively). The magnitude of plasticity
differed at the population level for height, maximum assimilation rate, and SWR
H eight -0.22 ± 0.03 -0.17 ± 0.03 -0.04 ± 0.03 -0.01 ± 0.04
Dia met er -0.14 ± 0.02 -0.13 ± 0.02 -0.06 ± 0.03 -0.07 ± 0.02
Leaf traits
-0.44 ± 0.04 -0.43 ± 0.05 -0.14 ± 0.11 -0.14 ± 0.09
XT -ar ea
A -0.38 ± 0.04 -0.38 ± 0.09 -0.13 ± 0.10 -0.07 ± 0.08
xT - mass
ar ea -0.38 ± 0.03 -0.35 ± 0.03 -0.43 ± 0.02 -0.43 ± 0.05
1, 1
mass -0.31 ± 0.07 -0.32 ± 0.05 -0.43 ± 0.02 -0.39 ± 0.04
Wt -0.30 ± 0.09 -0.35 ± 0.10 -0.07 ± 0.06 -0.07 ± 0.10
Biomass allocation
RSR 0.14 ± 0.09 0.20 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.06 0.11 ± 0.06
plants, particularly in invasive trees [15,21,74]. Nevertheless, these differences are not
characteristics. This null hypothesis was tested and supported in this study using the
highly invasive tree species Acer negundo. Although increased nutrient availability is a
key component of tree recruitment dynamics [75,76], this artificial gradient tested here
did not elicit differences in plasticity between native and invasive seedlings.
consensus has been reached in the literature so far (Appendix 22). Variation in resource
conditions lead to differences in plasticity between seedlings from native and invasive
populations for perennials Centaurea stoebe and Taraxacum officinale and trees
Melaleuca quinquenervia and Triadica sebifera [39,56,77,78] but not for the annual
grass Microstegium vimineum, the biennnial forb Alliaria petiolata and the perennial
shrub Clidemia hirta [40,45,79]. However, a rigorous assessment of the origin and
importance of plasticity in plant invasion requires both inter- and intraspecific contrats
shown increased plasticity relative to than their co-occurring native species across the
same resource gradient [57], expressed here similar response for all life-history traits
characteristics of plasticity that would be pre-adapted in the native range. This supports
the outcome observed for Triadica sebifera in response to water availability: invasive
but not than their native conspecifics [39]. The only other study that conducted both
inter- and intraspecific comparisons across the same resource gradient did not find any
differed in most of their traits across the gradient of nutrient availability. Invasive
seedlings consistently exhibited higher values for traits associated with invasiveness,
i. e. higher growth rate, lower LMA, and greater allocation to foliage [30,34]. This
supports many other studies which posit that genetically-based advantages in plant size
and above-ground biomass for invasive over native genotypes may promote the success
Interestingly, invasive seedlings of A. negundo did not achieve greater height growth
Significant lower leaf nitrogen content and similar maximum assimilation rate were
functional traits in invasive plant species that showed higher values of physiological
traits for invasive genotypes [86,87,88]. These divergences might be due to the rapid
strategy. Whilst plasticity may not have evolved de novo, it is possible that most of the
may have done so to provide a competitive advantage over native species of recipient
that invasive aliens differed in traits but not in plasticity from their non-invasive alien
denominator for invasive plant species but tolerance of invasive genotypes across a
broad range of conditions might rely more on a combination of life-history traits rather
than on evolved plasticity in the introduced range. This would be the case for A.
negundo since the species occupies wide and similar ranges of habitats such as wet-rich
and dry-poor nutrient riparian forests both in North America and in Europe [52,61,89].
selective pressures can drive genetic differentiation between native and invasive
populations. Molecular analyses using neutral markers over large areas sampled
including whole native and invasive ranges would thus be necessary to fully understand
the role of these factors [90]. Given that there was no consistent variation in traits
amongst populations from the invasive range, genetic data would provide valuable
information on the origin of those populations sampled in French riparian areas, e.g.
whether they have all undergone similar selective pressures or come from the same
pool of native populations which were not sampled in this study (i.e. founder effects).
The origin of increased plasticity in invasive plant species is an important and relatively
were able to sample herein, pre-adaptation is a more viable explanation for the high
availability. Future studies should however test in the native range the response of
factors in order to test more effectively both the importance of evolved versus
We thank Maurice Aulen and Mathieu Reveillas for their assistance with seed
collection as well as Yann Guengant for his assistance with growth measurements. We
are also grateful to Jean-Baptiste Lamy for his advice on statistical analyses and to the
Bignalet, for their logistical support. This research was supported by NSERC DG and
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This project examined the ecological and evolutionary processes that drive the spread
of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides in their introduced ranges. The following
(i) Population size and density of invasive species are greater in their introduced
than in their native range. A total of 136 forests were visited in Southern France and
Southern Ontario, Canada in order to estimate the current local and regional extent of
maple tree invasion and evaluate impacts on native communities (Chapter 1).
(ii) Environmental conditions (i.e. habitat invasibility) and functional traits (i.e.
identify specific abiotic factors and traits that favor maple tree invasion, performances
of invasive A. negundo and co-occurring native tree species seedlings were compared
Meta-analyses were also conducted to search for general patterns among the tree
functional traits are different mechanisms which allow exotic species to outcompete
native species and thus to persist and spread under variable conditions in their
success of exotic maple trees was studied using a quantitative genetic approach, i.e. by
ecological and evolutionary processes promote the success of invasive species (see
Figure 2 of the Introduction). It was used here as a tool for synthesizing the findings and
highlighting similarities and differences observed between the two cases of maple tree
ranges revealed differences in pattern of invasion between Acer negundo and Acer
platanoides, at least throughout the geographical areas we focused on (Table 1). At this
point in time, A. platanoides is present but not yet locally dominant in forests of
Southern Ontario (Chapter 1). Introduced populations are not occurring at higher
density or abundance than populations from the native range, and are not affecting
deciduous forests of northeastern U.S. (Martin 1999; Berlin et al. 2005; Fang 2005).
The pattern of invasion differs for A. negundo, which has already aggressively invaded
density than native populations. They are also extensively distributed at the regional
level, and significantly reduce native species abundance (Chapter 1). This is in line with
many floodplain forests of Southern and Eastern Europe (Protopopova et al. 2006;
Table 1. Summary of findings from the study of invasive maple trees. Prediction results are presented via extent of significance (+++: P <
0.0001, 0: non-significant) and final outcome on tree invasion.
Methodology Prediction Response A. negundo A. platanoides Outcome
CH1. Spatial pattern Invasive populations are larger than native conspecifics Relative abundance +++ 0 yes/no
Invasive populations grow denser than native conspecifics Density +++ 0 yes/no
Invasive populations are well established regionally Presence-absence +++ 0 yes
Invasive populations impact native community Native species density +++ 0 yes/no
CH2. Inv vs. nat species Invasive species outcompete native species Growth rate +++ yes
Physiology 0 no
Leaf morphology +++ yes
Biomass +++ yes
CH3. Meta-analysis Several hypotheses explain tree invasion Habitat invasibility yes
Species invasiveness yes
Traits are good predictors of tree invasiveness Growth rate yes
Biomass yes
Density/Cover yes
Germination yes
CH4. Quantitative genetics Genetic differentiation between native and invasive genotypes Survival +++ 0 yes/no
Growth rate +++ 0 yes/no
Phenology +++ 0 yes/no
Physiology 0 0 no
Leaf morphology +++ 0 yes/no
CH5. Quantitative genetics Genetic differentiation between native and invasive genotypes Growth rate +++ yes
Physiology 0 no
Leaf morphology +++ yes
Biomass +++ yes
Invasive genotypes are more plastic than natives Growth rate 0 no
Physiology 0 no
Leaf morphology 0 no
Biomass 0 no
non-limiting conditions of light and nutrients (Chapter 2; Table 1, Figure 1). The idea
that invasive species may gain from high resource availability was confirmed by the
analysis of the main invasion hypotheses tested on invasive tree species. The
fluctuating resource availability (FRA) and disturbance (D) hypotheses were supported
by 23 of the 24 studies that tested them on different cases of tree invasion (Chaneton et
al. 2004; Peperkorn et al. 2005; Schumacher et al. 2009) (Chapter 3; Table 1).
represent conditions that are more likely to facilitate invasion by exotic tree species.
However, successful invasion also requires that exotic species possess relevant traits
that would allow them to perform better than native species under high-resource
and survival predict well the success of invasive trees, growth rate is the most relevant
trait associated with tree invasiveness (Chapter 3). This result supports other global
analyses that demonstrated higher growth rate values for invasive than non-invasive
species (Pysek and Richardson 2007; van Kleunen et al. 2010). It also matches the
invasive A. negundo over native trees is explained by a higher growth rate via greater
Finally, our test of the genetic changes in invasive maple trees produced mixed
results (Table 1). Seedlings of A. platanoides from native and invasive populations did
not differ in any mean values of life-history traits and showed similar magnitude of
plasticity across environmental conditions (home vs. away; Chapter 4; Figure 2). In
conspecifics (Figure 1). They grew significantly faster thanks to a greater allocation of
thus have undergone genetic shift towards higher competitive ability. Moreover,
individuals (Chapter 5) but more plastic than co-occurring native species in response to
nutrient availability (Chapter 2), which means that plasticity to nutrient gradient is
traits are both genetically and environmentally determined in A. negundo, but only
Theoretical consequences
The observational and experimental studies of the project (Chapters 1, 3-5) supported
both the findings of the systematic review and meta-analyses on tree invasions (Chapter
2) and the literature in general (Hierro et al. 2005; Catford et al. 2009), showing that
and intrinsic species traits. Increased nutrient and light availability following natural or
negundo (Figure 1). Processes of invasion can also be influenced by residence time and
propagule pressure (Gravuer et al. 2008; Eschtruth and Battles 2009), and these factors
not tested here would thus merit further attention. Moreover, we found evidence that
invasive species can at the same time possess pre-adaptations to novel conditions and
compared to their native conspecifics. These results have implications for conservation
already introduced ones (Schlaepfer et al. 2010) whilst the potential for
post-introduction evolution implies that importation of new genotypes and gene flow
among populations should be limited to reduce species adaptive potential (Dlugosh and
Parker 2008).
Interestingly, the two studied maple tree species displayed different stage of
invasion (Figures 1 and 2). The early successional A. negundo is currently more
dominant and established in riparian habitats across Southern France (i.e. more
due to all the various explanations discussed herein and promoting invasions, i.e.
residence time, native distribution range size, propagule pressure, disturbance and
species traits (Thuiller et al. 2006; Pysek et al. 2009a,b; Eschtruth and Battles 2011).
However, the two species have large native distribution ranges allowing them to
tolerate a wide range of climates, and similar introduction dates with multiple repeated
introduction events (Appendix 2). The difference in stage of invasion between species
negundo while less disturbed inland forests have impeded dominance by the shade
tolerant and dispersal limited A. platanoides. These results finally support the idea that
invasion, with species traits being more important in more advanced stages (Kolar and
studying processes that promote invasions by exotic species. Biogeographical local and
regional contrasts of spatial patterns proved to be a reliable means to infer the invasion
stage of exotic species at a point in time in a specific novel region. Given that invasions
are not processes occurring at a single spatial scale (Hamilton et al. 2005), we
surveys of species’ presence at the regional scale in order to quickly identify species
that perform better away vs. at home and to prioritize control efforts (Paynter et al.
2003). Moreover, examining not only population abundance but also their age structure
is critical since studies recently showed that invasive species do not necessarily occur at
higher abundance in their introduced than in their native ranges (Firn et al. 2011; Parker
et al. 2013). Quantification of population age structure would also give insights for
projecting population growth rate via matrix population models (Marco and Paez 2000;
Sebert-Cuvillier et al. 2007). For all these reasons we can bewail the current paucity of
such field surveys (Hierro et al. 2005; Hinz et al. 2012). The relative importance of seed
bank dynamics and natural enemy release in the success of invasive maple trees would
now benefit from using such biogeographical approach between native and invasive
ranges. Ideally, the test of propagule pressure and enemy release hypotheses would be
conducted over multiple years and across whole distribution ranges to avoid
confounding effects of weather conditions specific to the study year and site, which has
more powerful way to rigorously test hypotheses, search for general patterns across a
wide range of studies and species, and identify research gaps while accounting for
heterogeneity among studies (e.g. differences in sample sizes) and publication bias
(Gurevitch and Hedges 1999; Nakagawa and Poulin 2012; Lortie et al. 2013). This
approach allowed us to find that there are specific traits promoting tree invasiveness
under different circumstances (Chapter 2), which supports other meta-analyses and
Pysek and Richardson 2007; van Kleunen et al. 2010). This result has important
gardens in native and introduced ranges of the two species was particularly important to
differentiation and phenotypic plasticity. The fact that native and invasive populations
of A. platanoides significantly differed in leaf nitrogen content (Narea) and leaf mass per
area index (LMA) but only in the native range (France) emphasizes possible errors of
interpretation when collecting data in only one environment. Had we conducted the
experiment only in France, we might have concluded that invasive populations had
evolved towards more conservative leaf traits. The quantitative genetic approach can be
even more powerful with the support of molecular analyses. The next step in the study
of maple tree invasion is therefore the comparison of the genetic structure between
populations from native and introduced ranges to differentiate between evolution in the
new habitat (showing that the same starting population genetically diverged following
negundo and A. platanoides have already been sampled across the whole distribution
ranges in North America (Appendices 23 and 24). Another potential direction of work
resident genotypes compared to genotypes from other habitats (‘local vs. foreign’
criterion; Kawecki and Ebert 2004), and generally investigated via the use of reciprocal
France via increased phenotypic plasticity for allocation to foliage and growth in
(Chapter 2). Mechanical and chemical controls may thus be successful, as they have
been for other invaders such as the invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia (Martin et al.
2010). However, they might not limit reinvasion of the species if N availability remains
high. A long-term control of the species and restoration of native tree communities
could rely on lowering N availability. Perry et al. (2010) have recently reviewed
biomass removal. Although there is to date little evidence that these practices would
reduce invasion in forests (Cassidy et al. 2004; LeBauer and Treseder 2008), they could
further attention.
The biogeographical contrasts that were applied to assess local and regional
progressed very rapidly over the last three decades, a recurring criticism of the
discipline is the lack of a common framework for linking theory and management
(Hulme et al. 2008). Because invasions do not follow administrative borders, extents of
(Hulme 2009). Therefore, collection and availability of data strongly differ around the
world (Pysek et al. 2008; Nunez and Pauchard 2010), and have led to significant delays
that has elaborated the efficient IUCN Red List to determine the threat status of species,
listing efforts in invasion biology have focused on opinions (Lowe et al. 2000; Mace et
al. 2008). Yet a more quantitative procedure would be helpful to facilitate comparisons
of the state of invasions between regions and to assess past and anticipate future trends
and biosecurity risks (McGeoch et al. 2010). For example, knowledge of whether a
species is already present in the country and the current invasion status of its
populations are important to determine what strategy and how much effort should be
describe the presence of exotic species in a specified introduced range (J.R.U. Wilson,
pers. comm.). The authors suggest that this set of metrics should provide information on
impact (Wilson et al., submitted). These metrics would help assessing both success and
analogous to invasions (Caplat et al. 2013). Other aspects of invasions could also be
have high value for risk assessments and trait-based restoration approaches (Funk et al.
benefit from a better understanding of invasion risk under global change. Research has
indeed indicated that ongoing global change will affect the impacts of invasions on
native and managed ecosystems (Bradley et al. 2010). Rising global temperatures,
altered precipitation regimes, increased carbon dioxide and nitrogen deposition and
changing magnitudes and durations of extreme weather events are likely to modify both
distribution and prevalence of invasive species (Vila et al. 2007; Chuine et al. 2012). In
this context, niche-based and process-based models have become increasingly popular
for projecting potential ranges of species under both current and future environmental
conditions and defining priority areas for conservation (Thuiller et al. 2005a,b; Morin
et al. 2008). For instance, Kleinbauer et al. (2010), who simulated the future
climatic change scenarios, found that temperature currently constraints the actual
strategies for areas of conservation value with the greatest risk of invasion such as
that are obtained via field and experimental studies at local and regional scales (Pattison
and Mack 2008; Bradley et al. 2010). The information we accumulated in this project
trees may consequently represent an important starting point towards the prediction of
processes that govern species coexistence. This project illustrated the importance of
influence of multiple factors in the success of invasive species. The genetic changes
genotypes to temperature suggest that introduced individuals of exotic trees have the
potential to rapidly evolve and adapt to novel conditions. This supports the idea that
tree species possess the evolutionary responses to match their new climates (Aitken et
al. 2008; reviewed in Alberto et al. 2013). Invasive trees thus represent appropriate
models to assess the migration rate of tree populations (dispersal ability) and the role of
adaptive plasticity and natural selection in the climate warming context (Chevin et al.
introduced ranges would be particularly interesting to test the hypothesis that genotypes
with colonizing attributes are favored at the leading edges where expansion occurs
whilst genotypes that are more capable of resisting to drought and heat stress are
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Keane RM, Crawley MJ (2002) Exotic plant invasions and the enemy release
hypothesis. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 17: 164-170
Facilitation (F)
Bruno JF, Stachowicz JJ, Bertness MD (2003) Inclusion of facilitation into ecological
theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18: 119-125
Global competition (GC)
Elton CS (1958) The ecology of invasions by animals and plants. Methuen, London
Mitchell CE, Agrawal AA, Bever JD, Gilbert GS, Hufbauer RA, Klironomos JN,
Maron JL, et al. (2006) Biotic interactions and plant invasions. Ecology Letters
9: 726-740
Callaway RM, Thelen GC, Rodriguez A, Holben WE (2004) Soil biota and exotic plant
invasion. Nature 427: 731-733
Callaway RM, Aschehoug ET (2000) Invasive plants versus their new and old
neighbors: A mechanism for exotic invasion. Science 290: 521-523
Reckless invader (RI)
Simberloff D, Gibbons L (2004) Now you see them, now you don’t! Population crashes
of established introduced species. Biological Invasions 6:161-172
Specialist-generalist (SG)
Callaway RM, Thelen GC, Rodriguez A, Holben WE (2004) Soil biota and exotic plant
invasion. Nature 427: 731-733
Appendix 2. Description of the two maple tree species studied in this project.
Order: Sapindales
Common names
North America: Box elder, Manitoba maple, Ash-leaved maple France: érable
Species identification
This deciduous short-lived species does not exceed 80 years of age with maximum age
about 100 years (Rosario 1988). Individuals are medium sized trees up to 20 m in height
and 1.2 m in diameter (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973). Their architecture is variable and
depends on environmental conditions: they form upright trees with one trunk when
growing in mesic forests with stable soil but their trunk can weep down when partially
shaded like in forest edges (Medrzycki 2007). Young stems have a green to light grey
bark that becomes darker and divided with irregular ridges in older individual (Rosario
1988). The root system is usually shallow but a short taproot with strong lateral toots
can develop on deep soils (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973). Acer negundo is the only
maple tree species with divided leaves, which are opposite with an unusual variable
leaflet number: from 1 in juvenile to 5-7 in older trees (Rosario 1988; Medrzycki 2007).
The species is considered as dioecious, wind- pollinated and protandrous but asexual
reproduction by sprout and suckering is also common (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973;
Wagner 1975; de Jong 1976). The age at first reproduction depends on resource
availability: from as short as 5 years in open areas and at least moderate soil conditions
to 15 years or more in forest understory (Medrzycki 2002). The flowering period begins
in early spring before the development of leaves (Medrzycki 2007). Female seed crop is
affected by light availability (Schopmeyer 1974). The fruit is a winged paired samara
occurring in drooping racemes and mature in autumn (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973).
and samaras as well as shape, size and number of leaflets per leaf (Dawson and
Ehleringer 1993; Rosario 1988). These varieties include var. negundo, var. interior,
Native range
Acer negundo is native to North America where it is widely distributed (Maeglin and
Ohmann 1973; Figure 1). Its natural range of occurrence extends from southern Alberta
and central Saskatchewan to southern Texas with local spots of occurrence in Mexico
and Guatemala southward and from California to New England states and central
Florida eastward. It has also been naturalized in Maine, southern Quebec, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and in southeastern Washington and
and Ohmann 1973; Ward et al. 2002). The different varieties are generally distributed
as follows: var. negundo in eastern United States and introduced to eastern Oregon and
Washington, var. interior from Rocky Mountains to Arizona and Canada, var.
violaceum in northeastern United States and northern Great Plains, var. texanum in
western Missouri, eastern Kansas and southeast United States, var. californicum in
California and var. arizonicum in Arizona and New Mexico (Rosario 1988).
riparian and palustrine communities (Ward et al. 2002; Dewine & Cooper 2008).
However, it can also occur in dry coniferous forests, oak savannas and grasslands and
colonize old fields and anthropogenic disturbed habitats (Rosario 1988; Medrzycki
2007). It grows on all types of soils from heavy clays to pure sands but prefers
well-drained soils (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973; Rosario 1988). Establishment of Acer
negundo is highly correlated to peak flow magnitude (DeWine and Cooper 2007) and
the species is considered flood-tolerant with a 85-day survival threshold observed for
inundation (Friedman and Auble 1999). It is less resistant than cottonwoods and
willows but more tolerant than most of species from mesic forests, and consequently
usually occurs in the upper floodplain terraces along big rivers (Everson and Boucher
stress (Dina and Klikoff 1973 but see Dawson and Ehleringer 1993) with no evidence
for xylem refilling following relief of soil drought (Hacke and Sperry 2003). It is highly
vulnerable to cavitation with values of MCP (mean cavitation pressure) and P50 (50%
loss of conductivity pressure) averaging -1.68 and -1.70 MPa, respectively (Lens et al.
2011). Like many dioecious species, Acer negundo also exhibits spatial segregation of
the genders: females occur at high resource sites, i.e. in moist streamside habitats,
whilst males dominate at low resource sites, i.e. in xeric and non-streamside habitats
(Dawson and Ehleringer 1993). Such habitat- related sex ratio bias might be explained
water-use patterns compared to females (Dawson and Ehleringer 1993; Ward et al.
2002; Dawson et al. 2004). For instance, females displayed higher mean sap flux
density and mean canopy stomatal conductance per unit leaf area at the whole-plant
there is to date no evidence for difference in sex ratio between moist and dry sites in the
species, although it can be a pioneer in some instances (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973). It
American elm (Ulmus americana), black ash (Fraxinus nigra), pin oak (Quercus
palustris) and bur oak (Quercus macropcarpa) (Maeglin and Ohmann 1973; Rosario
1988; Barbosa et al. 2000). This species has also been documented as a better
competitor than exotic Tamarisk (Tamarisk sp.) and consequently suggested as a means
to control Tamarisk invasion in riparian habitats of western United States (DeWine and
have been recorded feeding on this species (Tietz 1982 but see Jing and Coley 1990;
pometaria), when growing under Acer negundo (White and Whitham 2000).
Introduced range
History of introduction
Together with several North American plant species, Acer negundo was intentionally
imported in Europe during the seventeenth century (Medrzycki 2007). The earliest
were first mentioned in 1690 for Holland, 1699 for Germany, 1808 for Poland, 1835 for
Czech Republic and 1865 for Estonia (Pysek and Prach 2003; Medrzycki 2007).
Williams 2008). In the second half of the nineteenth century, it became very popular
due to its fast growth and was therefore widely used in horticulture and for landscaping
purposes as a wind-break and shelterbelt tree (Tutin et al. 1968). It was also planted by
bee-keepers because of its early pollen production in the spring and “Boxelder’s honey”
can be found in Bialowieza, Poland (Medrzycki 2007). Elsewhere, Acer negundo has
also been planted in New Zealand where it is naturalized but not invasive and in
Invasion of ecosystems
Acer negundo currently occurs in the same type of habitats than in its native range
flood disturbance and high soil nutrient level (Planty-Tabacchi et al. 1996; Tabacchi
and Planty-Tabacchi 2003; Lamarque et al. 2012) where it forms monodominant stands
at the ecotone between native softwood and hardwood communities (Pont 1999). It thus
competes with species early successional species such as Alnus glutinosa L., Populus
nigra L. and Salix alba L. and with late-successional species such as Fraxinus
angustifolia Vahl. and Fraxinus excelsior L. It also grows along roadsides and in
industrial wastelands or dry ruderal sites (Rothmaler 1984; Sanz Elorza et al. 2004).
and Gut 2004). It is considered invasive in Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Russia (Figure 2; Kowarik 2003; Sanz
Elorza et al. 2004; Protopopova et al. 2006; Medrzycki 2007; Csiszar 2009; Borisova
2010; Gonzalez-Munoz et al. 2011; Janusauskaite and Straigyte 2011; Pysek et al.
Order: Sapindales
Common names
Species identification
in height and 1.90 m in diameter (Mayer 1980; Prentice and Helmisaari 1991).
Individuals have a broad and rounded crown with a grey-brown bark that develops
shallow and regular grooves with age (Chaney 1995). Leaves are opposite and
palmately lobed with 5 to 7 lobes bearing few large teeth while the leaf petioles exude a
white sap when broken (Rushforth 1999). This species is insect-pollinated and
sprout (Prentice and Helmisaari 1991; Renner et al. 2007). Flowers, yellow- green and
in corymbs of 15-30 together, appear early in the spring before emergence of new
leaves (Rushforth 1999; Tal 2011). The fruit is a double samara with twowinged seeds
and is wind-dispersed (Mitchell 1974; Greene and Johnson 1992 but see Rusanen et al.
2003). Seeds are shed dry and are dessication-tolerant (Finch- Savage et al. 1998). This
species is reported to have prolific fecundity but does not produce viable seeds until
25-30 years of age (Mitchell 1974; Gordon and Rowe 1982 but see Wangen and
Webster 2006).
It has been sparingly used as a timber species in Europe (Nowak and Rowntree
1990) whilst many cultivars have been selected for their distinctive leaf shapes or
coloration, the most popular ones including ‘Columnare’, ‘Crimson King’, ‘Emerald
Queen’, ‘Globosum’ and ‘Rubrum’ (Santamour and McArdle 1982; Conklin and
Sellmer 2009).
Native range
Acer platanoides is the most widespread native maple in Europe. It occurs from
southern Scandinavia to northern Spain and Greece southward and from central France
to the Ural Mountains, Asia Minor and northern Iran eastward (Figure 3; Schmucker
1942). It is interestingly not naturally found in The Netherlands and The British Isles
(Santamour and McArdle 1982). It occurs as far North as latitude 63°10’ in Sweden and
is even found as a shrub at latitude 69°40’ in Norway (Nowak and Rowntree 1990). It
usually grows up to 1250 m in the Alps and 1800 m in the Caucasus Mountains (Nowak
and Rowntree 1990). It currently shows altitudinal and latitudinal upward shifts
This dominant species of temperate forests mostly occurs in lowlands, e.g. in wide river
valleys (Kostler 1956 but see Nowak and Rowntree 1990). It does not form pure stands
over large areas but rather small groups in mixed forests and the genetic differentiation
among populations is consequently high (Fst = 0.099; Eriksson et al. 2003; Rusanen et
al. 2003). Its abundance in mixed stands and the size of its pure stands are greater in
Central Europe than in Scandinavia (Nisbet 1893 but see Nowak and Rowntree 1990;
Acer platanoides is a popular street tree in Europe because of its vigorous early
growth rate, its wide site tolerances and its attractive dense canopy (Nowak and
Rowntree 1990; Chaney 1995). It is however vulnerable to extreme heat and drought
during seedling development (Kulagin et al. 1985). Overall, it grows best in areas with
high amounts of precipitation and/or an underground supply of water (Mayer 1980) and
prefers deep and fertile soils that are adequately drained with a pH of 5.56.5 (Loudon
1854 but see Nowak and Rowntree 1990). Accordingly, it was found to have an
and P50 (50% loss of conductivity pressure) averaging -2.29 and -1.91 MPa,
respectively (Lens et al. 2011) whereas the sensitivity of xylem hydraulic conductivity
relatively shade-tolerant but requires more and more light for optimal growth when
individuals mature (Prentice and Helmisaari 1991). Saplings increase their relative
growth rate by investing more resources to leaf biomass rather than to net assimilation
and Acer pseudoplatanus L., Acer platanoides has been a model system for
dormancy and dormancy breaking in tree species (Hong and Ellis 1990; Pinfield et al.
Introduced range
History of introduction
Acer platanoides was imported and cultivated in Great Britain at the Edinburgh Botanic
Bartram of Philadelphia, who had one of the two nurseries operating in the United
States at that time (Nowak and Rowntree 1990). Another introduction of the species
was made by William Hamilton circa 1784 (Spongberg 1990) whereas the earliest
1990). It was used as an ornamental street tree because of its desirable form and size as
well as its tolerance to stressful urban environments (Nowak and Rowntree 1990) and
was widely planted during the latter half of the twentieth century to replace Ulmus
Invasion of ecosystems
Acer platanoides can also tolerates a wide range of conditions in North America and
grows particularly well on moist, moderately to well drained, fertile soils (Spongberg
1990; Lapointe and Brisson 2011). It thus invades riparian areas but also open lots as
well as both interiors and fringes of urban forests (Webb and Kauzinger 1993; Reinhart
et al. 2005; Martin and Marks 2006). It consequently competes with North American
native species such as Acer rubrum L., Acer saccharum L., Betula lenta L., Celtis
occidentalis L., Fraxinus americana L., Prunus serotina Ehrh., Ulmus americana L.
and Quercus spp (Martin 1999; Bertin et al. 2005; Fang 2005).
Midwest, the Northern Rocky Mountains and the Northwest of the United States as well
as in eastern and southern Canada (Figure 4; Nowak and Rowntree 1990; Gleason and
“noxious weed” by the U.S. federal government, as an invasive by the Connecticut state
Barbosa P, Segarra A, Gross P (2000) Structure of two macrolepidopteran assemblages
on Salix nigra (Marsh.) and Acer negundo L.: abundance, diversity, richness, and
persistence of scarce species. Ecological Entomology 25: 374-379
Bertin RI, Manner ME, Larrow BF, Cantwell TW, Berstene EM (2005) Norway maple
(Acer platanoides) and other non-native trees in urban woodlands of central
Massachusetts. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132: 225-235 Borisova EA
(2011) Patterns of invasive plant species in distribution in upper Volga Basin. Russian
Journal of Ecology 2: 1-5 Chaney WR (1995) Acer platanoides: Norway maple. Arbor
Age 15: 22-23
Conklin JR, Sellmer FC (2009) Flower and Seed Production of Norway Maple
Cultivars. Horttechnology 19: 91-95
Csiszar A (2009) Allelopathic effects of invasive woody plant species in Hungary.
Acta Silvatica & Lignaria Hungarica 5: 9-17 Dawson TE, Ehleringer JR (1993)
Gender-specific physiology, carbon isotope discrimination, and habitat distribution in
boxelder, Acer negundo. Ecology 74: 798-815
Dawson TE, Ward JK, Ehleringer JR (2004) Temporal scaling of physiological
responses from gas exchange to tree rings: a gender-specific study of Acer
negundo (Boxelder) growing under different conditions. Functional Ecology 18:
DeWine JM, Cooper DJ (2007) Effects of river regulation on riparian box elder (Acer
negundo) forests in canyons of the upper Colorado River Basin, USA. Wetlands
27: 278-289
DeWine JM, Cooper DJ (2008) Canopy shade and the successional replacement of
tamarisk by native box elder. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 505-514 DeWine JM,
Cooper DJ (2010) Habitat overlap and facilitation in tamarisk and box elder stands:
implications for tamarisk control using native plants. Restoration Ecology 18: 349-358
Erfmeier A, Bohnke M, Bruelheide H (2011) Secondary invasion of Acer negundo: the
role of phenotypic responses versus local adaptation. Biological Invasions 13:
Eriksson G, Black-samuelsson S, Jensen M, Myking T, Rusanen M, Skroppa T,
Vakkari P, Westergaard L (2003) Genetic variability in two tree species, Acer
platanoides L. and Betula pendula Roth, with contrasting life-history traits.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 18: 320-331 Everson DA, Boucher DH (1998)
Tree species-richness and topographic complexity along the riparian edge of the
Potomac River. Forest Ecology and Management 109: 305-314
Fang W (2005) Spatial analysis of an invasion front of Acer platanoides: dynamic
inferences from static data. Ecography 28: 283-294 Finch-Savage WE, Bergervoet
JHW, Bino RJ, Clay HA, Groot SPC (1998) Nuclear replication activity during seed
development, dormancy breakage and germination in three tree species: Norway maple
(Acer platanoides L.), Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and cherry (Prunus avium
L.). Annals of Botany 81: 519-526
Gleason HA, Cronquist A (1991) Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United
States and adjacent Canada. 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York
Gonzalez-Munoz N, Castro-Diez P, Fierro-Brunnenmeister N (2011) Establishment
success of coexisting native and exotic trees under an experimental gradient of
irradiance and soil moisture. Environmental Management 48: 764-773 Hacke UG,
Sperry JS (2003) Limits to xylem refilling under negative pressure in Laurus nobilis
and Acer negundo. Plant Cell and Environment 26: 303-311 Hong TD, Ellis RH (1990)
A comparison of maturing drying, germination, and desiccation tolerance between
developing seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus L. and Acer platanoides L. New Phytologist
116: 589-596
Hultine KR, Bush SE, West AG, Burtch KG, Pataki DE, Ehleringer JR (1998)
Gender-specific patterns of aboveground allocation, canopy conductance and
water use in a dominant riparian tree species: Acer negundo. Tree Physiology
Janusauskaite D, Straigyte L (2011) Leaf litter decomposition differences between
alien and native maple species. Baltic Forestry 17: 189-196 Jing SW, Phyllis DC (1990)
Dioecy and herbivory: the effect of growth rate on plant defense in Acer negundo.
Oikos 58: 369-377 de Jong PC (1976) Flowering and sex expression in Acer L. A
biosystematic study.
Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, Veenman, Rotterdam
Friedman JM, Auble GT (1999) Mortality of riparian Box elder from sediment
mobilization and extended inundation. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15:
Kowarik I (2003) Biologische Invasionen: Neophyten und Neozoen in Mitteleuropa.
Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart
Kulagin YZ, Mushinskaya NI (1985) Critical periods in the seed reproduction of the
Norway maple (Acerplatanoides L.). Soviet Journal of Ecology 15: 111-114 Kullman L
(2002) Rapid recent range-margin rise of tree and shrub species in the Swedish
Scandes. Journal of Ecology 90: 68-77 Lair P-A (1827) Précis des travaux de la Société
Royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce de Caen depuis son rétablissement en 1801
jusqu'en 1810. F. Poisson, Caen
Lamarque LJ, Delzon S, Sloan MH, Lortie CJ (2012) Biogeographical contrasts to
assess local and regional patterns of invasion: a case study with two reciprocally
introduced exotic maple trees. Ecography 35: 803-810 Lapointe M, Brisson J (2011)
Tar spot disease on Norway maple in North America: Quantifying the impacts of a
reunion between an invasive tree species and its adventive natural enemy in an urban
forest. Ecoscience 18: 63-69 Lens F, Sperry JS, Christman MA, Choat B, Rabaey D,
Jansen S (2011) Testing hypotheses that link wood anatomy to cavitation resistance and
hydraulic conductivity in the genus Acer. New Phytologist 190: 709-723 Little EL Jr.
(1971) Atlas of United States trees: conifers and important hardwoods. Vol. 1. U.S.
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Little EL Jr. (1979) Checklist of United States Trees (native and naturalized).
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Maeglin RR, Ohmann LF (1973) Boxelder (Acer negundo): A review and commentary
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 100: 357-363 Martin PH (1999) Norway maple
(Acer platanoides) invasion of a natural forest stand: understory consequence and
regeneration pattern. Biological Invasions 1: 215-222
Martin PH, Marks PL (2006) Intact forests provide only weak resistance to a shade-
tolerant invasive Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.). Journal of Ecology 94:
Mayer H (1980) Waldbau auf Soziologisch-ökologischer Grundlage. Gustav Fischer
Verlag, Stuttgart
M^drzycki P (2002) Inwazja amerykanskiego klonu Acer negundo L. a uzytkowanie
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M^drzycki P (2007): NOBANIS - Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet - Acer negundo -
From: Online Database of the North European and Baltic Network on Invasive
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Mitchell AF (1974) A Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe.
HarperCollins, New York
Munger GT (2003) Acer platanoides. In: Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire
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Nardini A, Dimasi F, Klepsch M, Jansen S (2012) Ion-mediated enhancement of xylem
hydraulic conductivity in four Acer species: relationships with ecological and
anatomical features. Tree Physiology 32: 1434-1441
Niinemets U (1998) Growth of young trees of Acer platanoides and Quercus robur
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biomass partitioning, nitrogen, and shade tolerance. International Journal of
Plant Sciences 159: 318-330
Nowak DJ, Rowntree RA (1990) History and range of Norway maple. Journal of
Arboriculture 16: 291-296
Appendix 3. Studies that tested invasion hypotheses on invasive tree species (classified
by driving factor and hypothesis).
Propagule pressure
Propagule pressure (PP)
Barton AM, Brewster LB, Cox AN, Prentiss NK (2004) Non-indigenous woody
invasive plants in a rural New England town. Biological Invasions 6: 205-211
Dezzotti A, Sbrancia R, Mortoro A, Monte C (2009) Biological invasion of Pinus
ponderosa and Pinus contorta: case study of a forest plantation in Northwestern
Patagonia. Investigacion Agraria-Sistemas Y Recursos Forestales 18: 181-191
Donnelly MJ, Walters LJ (2008) Water and boating activity as dispersal vectors for
Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper) seeds in freshwater and estuarine
habitats. Estuaries and Coasts 31: 960-968
Edward E, Munishi PKT, Hulme PE (2009) Relative roles of disturbance and propagule
pressure on the invasion of humid tropical forest by Cordia alliodora
(Boraginaceae) in Tanzania. Biotropica 41: 171-178
Higgins SI, Richardson DM, Cowling RM (1996) Modeling invasive plant spread: The
role of plant-environment interactions and model structure. Ecology 77:
Iponga DM, Milton SJ, Richardson DM (2009a) Reproductive potential and seedling
establishment of the invasive alien tree Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) in South
Africa. Austral Ecology 34: 678-687
Kaproth MA, McGraw JB (2008) Seed viability and dispersal of the wind-dispersed
invasive Ailanthus altissima in aqueous environments. Forest Science 54: 490-
Krivanek M, Pysek P, Jarosik V (2006) Planting history and propagule pressure as
predictors of invasion by woody species in a temperate region. Conservation
Biology 20: 1487-1498
Martin PH, Canham CD (2010) Dispersal and recruitment limitation in native versus
exotic tree species: life-history strategies and Janzen-Connell effects. Oikos 119:
McCay TS, McCay DH (2009) Processes regulating the invasion of European
buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) in three habitats of the northeastern United
States. Biological Invasions 11: 1835-1844
McGregor KF, Watt MS, Hulme PE, Duncan RP (2012) What determines pine
naturalization: species traits, climate suitability or forestry use? Diversity and
Distributions 18: 1013-1023
Milton SJ, Wilson JRU, Richardson DM, Seymour CL, Dean WRJ, Iponga DM,
Proches S (2007) Invasive alien plants infiltrate bird-mediated shrub nucleation
processes in arid savanna. Journal of Ecology 95: 648-661
Nunez MA, Moretti A, Simberloff D (2011) Propagule pressure hypothesis not
supported by an 80-year experiment on woody species invasion. Oikos 120:
Proches S, Wilson JRU, Richardson DM, Rejmanek M (2012) Native and naturalized
range size in Pinus: relative importance of biogeography, introduction effort and
species traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 513-523 Rouget M, Richardson
DM (2003) Inferring process from pattern in plant invasions: A semimechanistic model
incorporating propagule pressure and environmental factors. American Naturalist 162:
Vanhellemont M, Verheyen K, De Keersmaeker L, Vandekerkhove K, Hermy M
(2009) Does Prunus serotina act as an aggressive invader in areas with a low
propagule pressure? Biological Invasions 11: 1451-1462
Abiotic characteristics
Disturbance (D)
Alston KP, Richardson DM (2006) The roles of habitat features, disturbance, and
distance from putative source populations in structuring alien plant invasions at
the urban/wildland interface on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. Biological
Conservation 132: 183-198
Bustamante RO, Badano EI, Pickett STA (2012) Impacts of land use change on seed
removal patterns of native and exotic species in a forest landscape. Community
Ecology 13: 171-177
Carvalho LM, Antunes PM, Martins-Loucao MA, Klironomos JN (2010) Disturbance
influences the outcome of plant-soil biota interactions in the invasive Acacia
longifolia and in native species. Oikos 119: 1172-1180
Chabrerie O, Verheyen K, Saguez R, Decocq G (2008) Disentangling relationships
between habitat conditions, disturbance history, plant diversity, and American
black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion in a European temperate forest.
Diversity and Distributions 14: 204-212
Chaneton EJ, Mazia CN, Machera M, Uchitel A, Ghersa CM (2004) Establishment of
honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) in burned Pampean grasslands. Weed
Technology 18: 1325-1329
Fuentes-Ramirez A, Pauchard A, Cavieres LA, Garcia RA (2011) Survival and growth
of Acacia dealbata vs. native trees across an invasion front in southcentral Chile.
Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1003-1009
Higgins SI, Richardson DM (1998) Pine invasions in the southern hemisphere:
modelling interactions between organism, environment and disturbance. Plant
Ecology 135: 79-93
Kuppinger DM, Jenkins MA, White PS (2010) Predicting the post-fire establishment
and persistence of an invasive tree species across a complex landscape.
Biological Invasions 12: 3473-3484
Mazia CN, Chaneton EJ, Ghersa CM, Leon RJC (2001) Limits to tree species invasion
in pampean grassland and forest plant communities. Oecologia 128: 594-602
Mazia C, Chaneton EJ, Machera M, Uchitel A, Feler MV, Ghersa CM (2010)
Antagonistic effects of large- and small-scale disturbances on exotic tree
invasion in a native tussock grassland relict. Biological Invasions 12: 31093122
Mazia N, Tognetti PM, Cirino ED (2013) Patch identity and the spatial heterogeneity of
woody encroachment in exotic-dominated old-field grasslands. Plant Ecology
214: 267-277
Biotic characteristics
Adaptation (ADP)
Erfmeier A, Bohnke M, Bruelheide H (2011) Secondary invasion of Acer negundo: the
role of phenotypic responses versus local adaptation. Biological Invasions 13:
Harris CJ, Dormontt EE, Le Roux JJ, Lowe A, Leishman MR (2012) No consistent
association between changes in genetic diversity and adaptive responses of
Australian acacias in novel ranges. Evolutionary Ecology 26: 1345-1360
Biotic resistance (BR)
Saccone P, Girel J, Pages JP, Brun JJ, Mi chalet R (2013) Ecological resistance to Acer
negundo invasion in a European riparian forest: relative importance of
environmental and biotic drivers. Applied Vegetation Science 16: 184-192
Williams W, Norton A (2012) Native stem-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
extensively and frequently feed on invasive Tamarix. Southwestern Naturalist
57: 108-111
Zas R, Moreira X, Sampedro L (2011) Tolerance and induced resistance in a native and
an exotic pine species: relevant traits for invasion ecology. Journal of Ecology
99: 1316-1326
Facilitation (F)
Battaglia LL, Denslow JS, Inczauskis JR, Baer SG (2009) Effects of native vegetation
on invasion success of Chinese tallow in a floating marsh ecosystem. Journal of
Ecology 97: 239-246 Becerra PI, Bustamante RO (2011) Effect of a native tree on
D'Antonio CM, Hughes RF, Tunison JT (2011) Long-term impacts of invasive grasses
and subsequent fire in seasonally dry Hawaiian woodlands. Ecological
Applications 21: 1617-1628
de Villalobos AE, Zalba SM, Pelaez DV (2011) Pinus halepensis invasion in mountain
pampean grassland: Effects of feral horses grazing on seedling establishment.
Environmental Research 111: 953-959
Chang SM, Gonzales E, Pardini E, Hamrick JL (2011) Encounters of old foes on a new
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Appendix 4. Locations of Acer negundo populations sampled in the native and introduced regions for the demographic comparisons.
Range Country Region Site Elevation (m) Latitude Longitude Habitat
Native Canada Ontario Apple Creek Park 185 43°51'18.87" N 79°21'06.47" W Maple/ ash woodland
Native Canada Ontario Black Creek Trail 173 43°45'57.35'' N 79°30'34.01'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Native Canada Ontario Brickworks Park 83 43°40'43.24'' N 79°22'12.97'' W Maple forest
Native Canada Ontario Don East Parkland 136 43°46'57.11'' N 79°22'19.43'' W Maple/ ash forest
Native Canada Ontario Don Valley East 136 43°46'29.41'' N 79°21'53.29'' W Maple/ ash forest
Native Canada Ontario Don Valley West 163 43°45'40.57'' N 79°26'12.48'' W Maple/ ash forest
Native Canada Ontario Humber River 105 43°39'53.39'' N 79°30'51.36'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Native Canada Ontario King’s Mill Park 75 43°38'55.87'' N 79°29'37.27'' W Maple woodland
Native Canada Ontario G. Lord Ross Park 177 43°46'36.57'' N 79°27'47.38'' W Maple woodland
Native Canada Ontario Serena Gundy Park 121 43°43'05.53'' N 79°21'34.98'' W Maple forest
Native Canada Ontario Taylor Creek Park 112 43°42'01.49'' N 79°18'19.15'' W Maple/ ash forest
Native Canada Ontario West Deane Park 136 43°39'48.48'' N 79°33'39.64'' W Maple woodland
Native Canada Ontario Winfields Park 151 43°44'51.36'' N 79°22'53.14'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Native Canada Ontario King’s Forest Trail 105 43°13'02.10'' N 79°48'15.71'' W Maple woodland
Native Canada Ontario Ravine Road Trail 88 43°16'06.93'' N 79°54'32.96'' W Maple/ ash forest
Native Canada Ontario Toogood Park 179 43°52'25.74'' N 79°19'16.91'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Introduced France Gironde Bruges1 5 44°54'12.45'' N 0°36'16.40'' W Poplar/ ash forest
Introduced France Gironde Bruges2 6 44°54'22.69'' N 0°36'25.84'' W Poplar/ ash forest
Introduced France Gironde Cestas 37 44°45'20.37'' N 0°40'49.95'' W Poplar/ willow woodland
Introduced France Gironde Moulon 6 44°51'29.91'' N 0°13'10.16'' W Ash forest
Introduced France Gironde St-Jean-de-Blaignac 6 44°48'54.08'' N 0°07'52.91'' W Poplar/ ash forest
Introduced France Gironde St-Denis-de-Pile 5 44°59'35.66'' N 0°12'28.45'' W Poplar/ willow woodland
Introduced France Landes Pontonx-sur-l’Adour 14 43°47'05.57'' N 0°55'23.76'' W Ash forest
Appendix 5. Locations of Acerplatanoides populations sampled in the native and introduced regions for the demographic comparisons.
Range Country Région Site Elevation (m) Latitude Longitude Habitat
Native France Haute-Garonne Lilhac 372 43°17'49.35'' N 0°49'33.07'' E Oak/ ash forest
Native France Haute-Garonne Isle-en-Dodon 285 43°20'52.01'' N 0°49'55.01" E Oak/ ash forest
Native France Haute-Garonne Senarens 339 43°22'03.57" N 0°58'15.05" E Oak/ ash forest
Native France Haute-Garonne Luchon 876 42°44'41.89'' N 0°36'30.87" E Ash woodland
Native France Haute-Garonne St-Lary-Boujean 343 43°13'25.67'' N 0°44'53.31'' E Oak/ ash forest
Native France Haute-Garonne Ambax 325 43°21'59.10'' N 0°56'28.21'' E Oak/ ash forest
Native France Pyrénées-Atlantiques Lacq-Audejos 99 43°24'16.70'' N 0°37'01.76'' W Oak/ ash forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Brickworks Park 83 43°40'43.24'' N 79°22'12.97'' W Maple forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Don Valley East 136 43°46'29.41'' N 79°21'53.29'' W Maple/ ash forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Don Valley West 163 43°45'40.57'' N 79°26'12.48'' W Maple/ ash forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Humber River 105 43°39'53.39'' N 79°30'51.36'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Introduced Canada Ontario King’s Mill Park 75 43°38'55.87'' N 79°29'37.27'' W Maple woodland
Introduced Canada Ontario G. Lord Ross Park 177 43°46'36.57'' N 79°27'47.38'' W Maple woodland
Introduced Canada Ontario Serena Gundy Park 121 43°43'05.53'' N 79°21'34.98'' W Maple forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Taylor Creek Park 112 43°42'01.49'' N 79°18'19.15'' W Maple/ ash forest
Introduced Canada Ontario Winfields Park 151 43°44'51.36'' N 79°22'53.14'' W Maple/ ash woodland
Introduced Canada Ontario King’s Forest Trail 105 43°13'02.10'' N 79°48'15.71'' W Maple woodland
Appendix 6. Populations of Acer negundo (A) and Acer platanoides (B) sampled in
Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées, Southern France for the demographic comparisons.
Appendix 7. Populations of Acer negundo (A) and Acer platanoides (B) sampled in
Southern Ontario, Canada for the demographic comparisons.
Appendix 8. List of species found in forests surveyed for the demographic comparisons.
Forests sampled were randomly picked from a list of forests where Acer negundo or
Acer platanoides were known to occur. Species density and relative abundance were
estimated via the T-square method. This sampling technique corresponded to a 600 m
transect with regular sampling at 3 m intervals that was optimized to capture the
greatest area of each forest. At each interval, both the distance from the transect to the
nearest tree individual and the distance from that individual to its closest neighbor were
recorded. All individuals recorded were identified.
Appendix 9. Overview of the 136 forests visited to assess the regional extent of invasion of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides, their habitat
type (1 = isolated 10 ha urban/ suburban forest patch, 2 = isolated 10 ha rural forest) and degree of invasion (NO = uninvaded, INV =
invaded, HIGH = highly invaded). Forests sampled were classified as uninvaded (species absent), moderately invaded (species present with
up to 5 individuals, whatever life-stage) or highly invaded (population established with at least 15 adults).
Species Country Region Site Latitude Longitude Habitat Degree of invasion
A.negundo France Gironde Macau 45°00'59.47'' N 0°36'39.14'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Labarde 45°01'38.55'' N 0°37'31.80'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Margaux 45°02'53.39'' N 0°39'08.85'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Soussans 45°04'05.00'' N 0°40'04.09'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Tayac 45°04'39.90'' N 0°40'56.48'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Lamarque 45°05'54.53'' N 0°41'39.12'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Cussan-Fort-Medoc 45°06'42.20'' N 0°42'01.80'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde St-Julien-Beychevelle 45°09'56.05'' N 0°43'46.61'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Pauillac 45°12'04.84'' N 0°44'54.79'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde St-Estephe 45°16'02.71'' N 0°45'31.09'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde St-Seurin-de-Cadourne 45°17'07.25'' N 0°46'00.19'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde St-Yzans-Medoc 45°19'50.43'' N 0°47'41.86'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Queyzans 45°20'25.08'' N 0°48'05.46'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde St-Christoly-Medoc 45°21'35.29'' N 0°49'12.87'' W 2 NO
A. negundo France Gironde Langoiran 44°42'13.92'' N 0°24'05.93'' W 2 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Podensac 44°39'21.75'' N 0°21'20.54'' W 2 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Barsac 44°36'02.60'' N 0°18'06.85'' W 2 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Pujols-sur-Ciron 44°33'31.43'' N 0°21'20.61'' W 2 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Villandraut 44°27'32.49'' N 0°22'05.07'' W 1 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Bruges 44°54'12.45'' N 0°36'16.40'' W 2 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde Cestas 44°45'20.37'' N 0°40'49.95'' W 1 INV
A. negundo France Gironde Libourne 44°55'34.46'' N 0°15'36.21'' W 2 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde Arveyres 44°53'18.74'' N 0°17'08.59'' W 2 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde Moulon 44°51'29.91'' N 0°13'10.16'' W 2 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde Castillon-la-Bataille 44°51'05.17'' N 0°02'16.32'' W 1 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde St-Jean-de-Blaignac 44°48'54.08'' N 0°07'52.91'' W 2 HIGH
A. negundo France Gironde Branne 44°49'56.09'' N 0°11'00.70'' W 2 HIGH
Appendix 11. Forests visited in Southern Ontario, Canada to assess the regional extent
of invasion of Acer platanoides.
Appendix 12. Means and Tukey groups per species group for all measured traits and tested experimental conditions. For a given trait
different letters on the same column indicate significant differences amongst species groups for a combination of light, fertilization and
disturbance (Tukey test). Species are grouped by strategy: the invasive species is Acer negundo. Native early-successional species are Salix
alba and Populus nigra, and native late-successional species are Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia.
Tukey grouping N+ N-
Variables Species C S SS C S SS C S SS C S SS
RGRh Invasive 7.22a 8.45a 0.52b 5.87a 7.68a 0.64b 2.23a 1.64b 0.73a 3.11a 1.55b 0.24a
Early sc. 5.90a 6.80ab 5.81a 5.05ab 6.84a 4.15a 3.55a 3.8a 2.8a 3.34a 4.28a 3.16a
Late sc. 3.43b 4.99b 2.91b 2.97b 4.54b 2.44ab 1.35a 1.69b 2.21a 1.72a 1.92b 1.51a
RSR Invasive 0.42b 0.29b 0.51c 0.44b 0.32b 0.64b 0.73c 0.59b 0.72b 0.73b 0.86b 0.97b
Early sc. 0.98a 0.90a 0.87b 0.93a 0.95a 1.22a 1.23b 1.36a 1.22a 1.17b 1.10b 1.06b
Late sc. 1.11a 0.97a 1.27a 1.29a 0.99a 1.48a 1.93a 1.99a 1.36a 2.14a 2.08a 1.57a
TLA Invasive 109.8a 160.1a 28.1a 63.4a 121.2a 23.1a 29.2a 32.3a 23.5a 20.9a 21.8a 9.5a
Early sc. 37.8b 38.3b 23.3a 29.0b 42.6b 16.0a 14.1b 20.6b 17.0a 7.9b 15.8a 13.1a
Late sc. 29.7b 62.0b 23.0a 18.2b 31.8b 17.0a 17.4b 16.6b 14.4a 5.9b 10.5a 13.2a
SLA Invasive 31.19a 46.29a 53.05a 30.02a 42.74a 48.50a 30.02a 30.85a 48.54a 27.12a 46.36a 55.00a
Early sc. 19.33b 23.03c 34.43c 17.04b 28.12b 36.37b 15.06c 24.01b 32.85b 17.58b 23.50b 33.70c
Late sc. 19.82b 35.09b 45.10b 20.63b 35.64ab 43.26a 20.60b 31.02a 43.75a 18.52b 28.33b 43.81b
LWR Invasive 0.37a 0.36a 0.28a 0.31a 0.35a 0.17a 0.21a 0.24a 0.21a 0.15a 0.16a 0.17a
Early sc. 0.12b 0.14c 0.11b 0.12b 0.13b 0.07b 0.09c 0.09b 0.06c 0.06b 0.05c 0.06b
Late sc. 0.19b 0.24b 0.17b 0.17b 0.18b 0.11b 0.14b 0.10b 0.14b 0.08b 0.10b 0.11b
A Invasive 4.44a 5.78b 8.87a 5.33c 2.92b 2.03c 3.41b 4.98b
-^max Early sc. 13.64a 15.35a 18.26a 15.04a 13.23a 11.55a 16.83a 13.86a
Late sc. 12.17a 9.38b 11.19a 9.95b 3.11b 5.64b 6.26b 7.51b
A Invasive 0.15a 0.13b 0.29a 0.13a 0.10a 0.07b 0.14b 0.13b
-^-maxw Early sc. 0.79a 0.66a 1.06a 0.58a 0.98a 0.49a 0.91a 0.66a
Late sc. 0.63a 0.28b 0.52a 0.30a 0.16a 0.19b 0.36b 0.28b
Nm Invasive 4.99ab 4.36a 3.94a 5.03a 5.19a 3.87a 1.23a 0.97c 2.21a 2.08a 2.2a 2.61a
Early sc. 4.48b 4.11a 3.52ab 4.50a 4.01a 3.52ab 1.81a 2.49a 2.80a 2.67a 2.38a 2.56a
Late sc. 5.24a 4.54a 2.93b 5.02a 4.66a 3.11b 1.67a 1.89b 2.30a 1.60a 1.77a 2.17a
PNUE Invasive 2.92a 6.58a 5.46a 4.01b 7.23a 6.28b 6.19a 12.66a
Early sc. 6.33a 9.24a 7.66a 9.92a 11.25a 8.80a 13.78a 14.75a
Late sc. 4.34a 7.10a 5.28a 9.22b 5.16a 9.60a 7.42a 13.41a
Na Invasive 1.60b 0.94b 0.74b 1.70b 1.22a 0.80a 0.41c 0.32c 0.46c 0.63b 0.48b 0.50b
Early sc. 2.32ab 1.83a 1.03a 2.72a 1.47a 0.99a 1.21a 1.04a 0.73a 1.59a 1.02a 0.78a
Late sc. 2.76a 1.34ab 0.65b 2.50a 1.27a 0.72a 0.81b 0.63b 0.52b 0.88b 0.65b 0.50b
RGRh: relative height growth rate (mm. mm"1.d"1.10"3), RSR: root shoot ratio (g. g-1), TLA: total leaf area (m2), SLA: specific leaf area (m2
kg-1), LWR: leaf weight ratio (g. g-1), Amax: light-saturated assimilation rate (pmol CO2. m-2. s-1), Nm: nitrogen content (%), Na: leaf nitrogen
content (g. m-2), PNUE: photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (pmol CO2. g-1N. s-1). Environmental conditions are: Fertilised (N+),
Non-fertilised (N-), Disturbed (D), Non-disturbed (ND), Full light (C), Shade (S) and Deep shade (SS).
Appendix 13. Control and treatment data for all the studies included in the meta-analysis conducted on the invasion hypotheses (Hyp.).
Mean value, sample size and error term of both control and treatment were used to calculate Hedges’ d.
Adams et al. (2009) ER Invasive sp/ native range/ herbivory resistance Invasive Invasive sp/ invasive range/ herbivory resistance
Bellingham et al. (2005) EN sp/ invasive range/ before hurricane Invasive sp/ invasive Invasive sp/ invasive range/ after hurricane Invasive sp/
Carvalho et al. (2010) D range/ unburned field Invasive sp/ invasive range/ invasive range/ burned field Invasive sp/ invasive
Chaneton et al. (2004) D unburned field Native sp/ invasive range/ herbivory range/ burned field Invasive sp/ invasive range/
Cincotta et al. (2009) ER resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ 0 ppt salt saltwater herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ 15 or
Donnelly and Walters (2008) PP Native sp/ invasive range/ no Schinus fruits Invasive sp/ 30 ppt saltwater Native sp/ invasive range/ Schinus
Donnelly et al. (2008) NW native population/ insecticide resistance Invasive sp/ fruits Invasive sp/ invasive population/ insecticide
Franks et al. (2008a) EICA invasive range/ seedlings uncaged Invasive sp/ native resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ seedlings caged
Green et al. (2004) ER population/ herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive Invasive sp/ invasive population/ herbivory resistance
Huang et al. (2010) EICA range/ ungrazed savanna Invasive sp/ invasive range/ Invasive sp/ invasive range/ grazed savanna Invasive
Iponga et al. (2009a) PP with herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ under native sp/ invasive range/ without herbivory Invasive sp/
Iponga et al. (2009b) F, ER sp Invasive sp/ invasive range/ terrestrial conditions invasive range/ under non-native sp Invasive sp/
Iponga et al. (2010) F Invasive sp/ invasive range/ herbivore exclosure Invasive invasive range/ aqueous conditions Invasive sp/
Kaproth and McGraw (2008) PP sp/ native population/ herbivory resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ no herbivore exclosure Invasive sp/
Knapp et al. (2008) ER invasive range/ outside Native sp/ invasive range/ invasive population/ herbivory resistance Native sp/
Lankau et al. (2004) ER predation resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ no water invasive range/ under Tamarix canopy Invasive sp/
level Native sp/ invasive range/ no Acacia extracts Native invasive range/ predation resistance Invasive sp/
Lesica and DeLuca (2004) NW
Liu et al. (2007) ER sp/ invasive range/ no Acacia extracts Native sp/ invasive invasive range/ high water level Native sp/ invasive
Lockhart et al. (1999) FRA range/ seed production Invasive sp/ invasive range/ shade range/ Acacia extracts Native sp/ invasive range/ Acacia
Lorenzo et al. (2008) NW Invasive sp/ invasive range/ litter intact Invasive sp/ extracts Invasive sp/ invasive range/ seed production
invasive range/ unburning and no armadillo Invasive sp/ Invasive sp/ invasive range/ light Invasive sp/ inv.
Lorenzo et al. (2010) NW
invasive range/ no perch Native sp/ invasive range/ range/ litter removed Invasive sp/ invasive range/
Martin and Canham (2010) PP
distilled water Invasive sp/ invasive range/ seedlings burning and armadillo Invasive sp/ inv. range/ perch
Martin and Marks (2006) FRA
Mazia et al. (2001) D caged Native sp/ invasive range/ no Robinia extracts Native sp/ invasive range/ Schinus extracts Invasive sp/
invasive range/ seedlings uncaged Native sp/ invasive
Mazia et al. (2010) D
range/ Robinia extracts
McCay and McCay (2009) PP
Morgan and Overholt (2005) NW
Morrison and Mauck (2007) ER
Nasir et al. (2005) NW
Nijjer et al. (2007) F Invasive sp/ native population/ soil treatments Invasive sp/ invasive population/ soil treatments sp/
Peperkorn et al. (2005) FRA Invasive sp/ invasive range/ no light and nutrient Invasive invasive range/ light and nutrient sp/ invasive
Reinhart and Callaway (2004) ER Invasive sp/ native range/ conspecific soil Invasive Invasive range/ conspecific soil sp/ invasive range/
Reinhart et al. (2003) ER sp/ native range/ conspecific soil Invasive sp/ under Invasive conspecific soil sp/ under non-native canopy
Reinhart et al. (2005) F native canopy Invasive sp/ invasive range/ uninvaded Invasive sp/ invasive range/ invaded patch sp/
Reinhart et al. (2006) F patch Invasive sp/ native soil pathogen Invasive sp/ Invasive non-native soil pathogen sp/ seedling uncaged
Reinhart et al. (2010) ER seedling caged Native sp/ invasive range/ resources 263
Invasive sp/ invasive range/ resources and herbivory sp/
Relva et al. (2010) F and herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ resources Invasive invasive range/resources and no herbivory sp/
Rogers and Siemann (2002) ER and herbivory Invasive sp/ native range/ resource Invasive invasive range/ resource availability sp/
Rogers and Siemann (2003) ER availability Invasive sp/ native range/ resource and Invasive invasive range/ resource and herbivory sp/
Rogers and Siemann (2004) EICA herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ low resource Invasive invasive range/ high resource level sp/
Rogers and Siemann (2005) EICA level Invasive sp/ invasive range/ low resource level Invasive invasive range/ high resource level sp/
Schumacher et al. (2008) FRA Invasive sp/ native population seeds Invasive range/ Invasive invasive population seeds range/ invasive sp/
Schumacher et al. (2009) FRA native sp/ resource level Native sp/ invasive range/ Invasive resource level sp/ invasive range/ disease
Siemann and Rogers (2001) EICA disease resistance Invasive sp/ native population Invasive resistance sp/ invasive population seedlings
Siemann and Rogers (2003a) FRA seedlings Invasive sp/ native population/ herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive population/ herbivory resistance
Siemann and Rogers (2003b) ER resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ herbivory resistance sp/
Siemann and Rogers (2003c) EICA resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ low resource Invasive invasive range/ high resource level sp/
Siemann and Rogers (2003d) EICA level Invasive sp/ native population seedlings Invasive invasive population seedlings sp/ invasive
Siemann and Rogers (2006) ER Invasive sp/ invasive range/ water treatment Invasive Invasive range/ water treatment sp/ invasive range/ no
Siemann and Rogers (2007) FRA sp/ invasive range/ shrub cover Invasive sp/ invasive Invasive shrub cover sp/ invasive range/ no shrub cover
Siemann et al. (2006) EICA range/ shrub cover Invasive sp/ native population/ Invasive sp/ invasive population/ resource availability
Siemann et al. (2007) FRA resource availabiity Invasive sp/ native population/ Invasive sp/ invasive population/ resource availability
Tecco et al. (2006) F resource availabiity Invasive sp/ native population/ Invasive sp/ invasive population/ herbivory resistance
Tecco et al. (2007) F herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ Invasive sp/ invasive range/ light and N treatment
Zou et al. (2006) EICA light and N treatment Invasive
Zou et al. (2008a) EICA Hyp.: hypothesis, D: Disturbance, Invasive EICA: Evolution of Increased
Zou et al. (2008b) EICA Competitive Ability, EN: Empty Niche, Invasive ER: Enemy Release, F: Facilitation,
Zou et al. (2009) FRA Invasive
FRA: Fluctuating Resource Availability, NW: Novel Weapons (also called
“allelopathy” hypothesis).
Appendix 14. Control and treatment data for all the studies included in the meta-analysis conducted on the functional traits. Mean value,
sample size and error term of both control and treatment were used to calculate Hedges’ d.
Adams et al. (2009) S Invasive sp/ native range/ herbivory resistance Native Invasive sp/ invasive range/ herbivory resistance
Bellingham et al. (2005) DC sp/ invasive range/ after hurricane Native sp/ invasive Invasive sp/ invasive range/ after hurricane Invasive sp/
Carvalho et al. (2010) B range/ unburned field Invasive sp/ invasive range/ invasive range/ unburned field Invasive sp/ invasive
Chaneton et al. (2004) B, Ge, S unburned field Native sp/ invasive range/ herbivory range/ burned field Invasive sp/ invasive range/
Cincotta et al. (2009) B, S resistance Invasive sp/ native population/ insecticide herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive population/
Franks et al. (2008a) B, Gr resistance Invasive sp/ native population/ herbivory insecticide resistance Invasive sp/ invasive population/
Huang et al. (2010) B, Gr resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ herbivore herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive. range/ no
Knapp et al. (2008) Gr, S exclosure Invasive sp/ native population/ herbivory herbivore exclosure Invasive sp/ invasive population/
Lankau et al. (2004) B, S resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ soil nutrients herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive range/ soil
Leger et al. (2007) B Native sp/ invasive range/ predation resistance Native nutrients Invasive sp/ invasive range/ predation
Liu et al. (2007) Ge, S sp/ invasive range/ no Acacia extracts Native sp/ resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ Acacia extracts
Lorenzo et al. (2010) Ge, Gr invasive range/ seed production Invasive sp/ invasive Invasive sp/ invasive range/ seed production Invasive
Martin and Canham (2010) DC range/ unburning, no armadillo Invasive sp/ invasive sp/ invasive range/ burning and armadillo Invasive sp/
Mazia et al. (2010) S range/ no perch Native sp/ invasive range/ seedlings inv. range/ perch Invasive sp/ invasive range/ seedlings
caged Invasive sp/ native population/ soil treatments uncaged Invasive sp/ invasive population/ soil
McCay and McCay (2009) DC, S
Morrison and Mauck (2007) B, Gr, S Native sp/ invasive range/ no light and nutrient treatments Invasive sp/ invasive range/ light and
Invasive sp/ native range/ conspecific soil Invasive nutrient Invasive sp/ invasive range/ conspecific soil
Nijjer et al. (2007) B, Gr, S
sp/ native range/ conspecific soil Native sp/ invasive Invasive sp/ invasive range/ conspecific soil Invasive
Peperkorn et al. (2005) B, Gr
range/ under native canopy Invasive sp/ native soil sp/ invasive range/ under native canopy Invasive sp/
Reinhart and Callaway (2004) B, Gr
Reinhart et al. (2003) B pathogen Native sp/ invasive range non-native soil pathogen Invasive sp/ invasive range
Native sp/ invasive range/ light and water treatment Invasive sp/ invasive range/ light and water treatment
Reinhart et al. (2005) B, Gr
Native sp/ invasive range/ resources and herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ resources and herbivory
Reinhart et al. (2010) B, S
Invasive sp/ native range/ resource availability Invasive sp/ invasive range/ resource availability
Relva et al. (2010) DC, Gr
Reynolds and Cooper (2010) Gr Invasive sp/ native range/ resource and herbivory Invasive sp/ invasive range/ resource and herbivory
Native sp/ invasive range/ low resource level Native Invasive sp/ invasive range/ high resource level
Rogers and Siemann (2002) Gr,
sp/ invasive range/ low resource level Invasive sp/ invasive range/ high resource level
Rogers and Siemann (2004) B, Gr
Rogers and Siemann (2005) B, Gr
Schumacher et al. (2008) B, Gr
Schumacher et al. (2009) B, Gr
Siemann and Rogers (2001) Gr Invasive sp/ native population seeds Invasive range/ Invasive sp/ invasive population seeds range/ invasive
Siemann and Rogers (2003a) B native sp/ resource level Native sp/ invasive range/ Invasive sp/ resource level sp/ invasive range/ disease
Siemann and Rogers (2003b) B, Ge, Gr, disease resistance Invasive sp/ native population Invasive resistance sp/ invasive population seedlings sp/
Siemann and Rogers (2003c) Gr seedlings Invasive sp/ native population/ herbivory Invasive invasive population/ herbivory resistance sp/
Siemann and Rogers (2003d) Gr, S resistance Native sp/ invasive range/ herbivory Invasive invasive range/ herbivory resistance sp/
Siemann and Rogers (2006) Ge, S resistance Invasive sp/ native population seedlings Invasive invasive population seedlings sp/ invasive
Siemann et al. (2006) Gr, S Native sp/ invasive range Invasive range 265
Tecco et al. (2006) DC Invasive sp/ native population/ resource availabiity Invasive sp/ invasive population/ resource availability
Zou et al. (2006) B, Gr, S Invasive sp/ native population/ resource availabiity Invasive sp/ invasive population/ resource availability
Zou et al. (2008a) B, Gr, S Invasive sp/ native population/ herbivory resistance Invasive sp/ invasive population/ herbivory resistance
Zou et al. (2008b) B, S Invasive sp/ native population/ light and N Invasive sp/ invasive population/ light and N
Zou et al. (2009) B, Gr, DC treatment Invasive treatment
B: Biomass, Ge: Germination, Gr: Growth rate, DC: Density/ Cover, S: Survival.
Appendix 15. List of the invasive tree species studied in the 96 articles selected from the systematic review. For each tree species, were
respectively reported their family and growth form, the location and climate of its native and introduced ranges, its invaded habitat and the
study location. All the tree species listed here are reported as invasive species in the location of the corresponding article.
Invasive tree Family GrF InvHab Study location
Native range Introduced range Location
Location Clim. Clim.
A. cyclops Mimosaceae BE S Aus, W Aus T SA T Sh SA
A. dealbata Mimosaceae BE SE Aus T S Eur T O, F Spa
A. longifolia Mimosaceae BE SE Aus T SA, Por T S, Sh, F Por, Ger, SA
A . saligna Mimosaceae BE SW Aus T SA T Sh, F SA
Ac. negundo Aceraceae BD N Am T Eur T D, R USA, Fra, CZ
Ac. platanoides Aceraceae BD Eur T NE Am T F USA, Eur
Ad. pavonia Fabaceae BD India, SE Asia Tr Ams, Pac Is Tr C, D, F Aus
Ai. altissima Simaroubaceae BD China T/ STr USA, SE Eur, Aus, NZ T/ STr D, O, F USA, CZ
Al. macrophylla Apocynaceae BE SE Asia Tr Ind Is, Pac Is Tr F Seychelles
B. javanica Euphorbiaceae BE SE Asia, Aus, Pac Is Tr Jap STr F Jap
C. verum Lauraceae BE Asia Tr Ind Is, Pac Is Tr F Seychelles
E. angustifolia Elaeagnaceae BD E Eur, Asia T/ STr S USA T/ STr F USA
Er. japonica Rosaceae BE SE Asia T N Am, Med Bas, SA T F SA
Eu. uniflora Myrtaceae BE Bra Tr SE USA STr F USA
G. triacanthos Fabaceae BD E N Am T Arg, Eur, SA, Aus T G, F Arg
H. populifolius Euphorbiaceae BE E Aus T SA, NZ, HI T F SA
L. lucidum Oleaceae BE E Asia T USA, Arg, S Af, Aus, NZ T G, F Arg
M. quinquenervia Myrtaceae BE E Aus, NGui, NCal T/ STr SE USA STr G, Sh, F USA
P. lophantha Fabaceae BE SW Aus T S Am, S Af, NZ, HI T F SA
Pa. tomentosa Scrophulariaceae BD Asia T USA T F USA
Pi. canariensis Pinaceae C Canary Is T W USA, SA, Aus T Sh, for SA
Pi. halepensis Pinaceae C Med Bas T S Am, S Af, Aus, NZ T G, Sh, F Arg, SA
Pi. pinaster Pinaceae C W Eur, N Af T SA T Sh, F SA
Pi. ponderosa Pinaceae C W NA T S Am, SA, Aus, NZ T G, Sh, F Arg
Pi. radiata Pinaceae C W NA T S Am, SA, Aus, NZ T G, Sh Arg, SA
Pi. strobus Pinaceae C NA T Eur, SA T G, Sh, F CZ, SA
Pit. undulatum Pittosporaceae BE SE Aus STr Car Is, S Bra, Az Is, SA T/ STr F Jam, SA
Pop. x canescens Salicaceae BD Eur T N Am, SH T F SA
Pr. caldenia Fabaceae BE S Am T Arg T G, F Arg
Pn. serotina Rosaceae BD N Am T Eur T G, F USA, Fra, Bel,
Hol, CZ, Pol,
Ps. menziesii Pinaceae C W N Am T W Eur, SA T F Arg
Pd. cattleianum Myrtaceae BE S Am Tr Ind Is, Pac Is Tr F Seychelles
Q. robur Fagaceae BD Eur, N Af, W Asia T N Am, SA T F SA
Q. rubra Fagaceae BD E N Am T Eur T F CZ
R. cathartica Rhamnaceae BD Eur, W Asia T N Am T O, F USA
Ro. pseudo-acacia Fabaceae BD SE USA T Eur, S Af, Asia T D, F USA, CZ, Jap
S. koetjape Meliaceae BE SE Asia Tr Ind Is, Pac Is Tr F Seychelles
Sa. sebiferum Euphorbiaceae BD E China T/ STr SE USA T/ STr G, C USA, China
Sc. molle Anarcadiaceae BE S Am A S USA, SA, Aus A G, F SA
Sc. terebinthifolius Anarcadiaceae BE S Am STr/ Tr S USA, S Af, Ind Is, Pac Is STr G, F USA
So. mauritianum Solanaceae BE S Am T/ Tr S Af, Ind Is, Aus, NZ, Pac Is T/ Tr F SA
Sy. jambos Myrtaceae BE SE Asia Tr C Am, Ind Is, Aus, Pac Is Tr F Seychelles
T. pallida Bigogniaceae BE Lesser Antilles Tr Ind Is Tr F Seychelles
Ta. ramosissima Tamaricaceae BD E Eur, Asia T USA, Arg, SA, Aus T F USA
U. pumila Ulmaceae BD E Si, N China, Kor T USA, Mex, Arg T G, F Arg
Invasive tree A.: Acacia, Ac.: Acer, Ad.: Adenanthera, Ai.: Ailanthus, Al.: Alstonia, B.: Bischofia, C.: Cinnamomum, E.: Elaeagnus, Er.: Eriobotrya, Eu.: Eugenia, G.: Gleditsia, H.: Homalanthus, L.: Ligustrum,M.: Melaleuca, P.:
Abbreviations are as follows:
Pa.: Paulownia, Pi.: Pinus, Pit.: Pittosporum, Pop.: Populus, Pr.: Prosopis, Pn.: Prunus, Ps.: Pseudotsuga, Pd.: Psidium, Q.: Quercus, R.: Rhamnus, Ro.: Robinia, S.: Sandoricum, Sa.: Sapium, Sc.: Schinus, So.: Solanum, Sy.: Syzygum, T.: Tabebuia,
Ta.: Tamarix, U.: Ulmus Growth form (GrF) BE: broadleaved evergreen, BD: broadleaved deciduous, C: conifer Climate (Clim.) A: arid, T: temperate, Tr: tropical, STr: subtropical Location Af: Africa, Am: America, Ams: Americas,
Arg: Argentina, Aus: Australia, Az: Azores, Bel: Belgium, Bra: Brazil, C: Central, Car: Caribbean, CZ: Czech Republic, E: East, Eur: Europe, Fra: France, Ger: Germany, HI: Hawaii, Hol: Holland, Is: Islands, Ind: Indian Ocean, Jam: Jamaica, Jap: Japan, Kor: Korea, Med Bas: Mediterranean Basin, Mex:
Mexico, N: North, NGui: New Guinea, NCal: New Caledonia, Pac: Pacific, Pol: Poland, Por: Portugal, S: South, SA: Republic of South Africa, SH: South Hemisphere, Si: Siberia, Spa: Spain, USA: United States of America, NZ: New Zealand, W: West. Invaded habitat
(InvHab) C: coastal prairies, D: disturbed areas, F: forest, G: grasslands, O: open fields, R: riparian habitats, S: sand dunes, Sh: shrublands.
Appendix 16. List of the source populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides.
Range Continent State/ Country Collection site Latitude/ Longitude
Acer negundo
Native North America Ontario Don Valley East 1 43°46' N, 79°21' W
North America Ontario Don Valley East 2 43°48' N, 79°22' W
North America Ontario Don Valley West 1 43°45' N, 79°26' W
North America Ontario Don Valley West 2 43°45' N, 79°25' W
North America Ontario Glen Rouge 43°48' N, 79°08' W
North America Ontario Humber River 43°39' N, 79°30' W
North America Ontario King’s Mill 43°38' N, 79°29' W
North America Ontario Morningside park 43°46' N, 79°11' W
North America Ontario Taylor Creek 1 43°42' N, 79°18' W
North America Ontario Taylor Creek 2 43°42' N, 79°19' W
Invasive Europe France Rivière 43°40' N, 01°08' W
Europe France Saubusse 43°39' N, 01°11' W
Europe France Pontonx-sur-l'Adour 43°47' N, 00°55' W
Europe France Cestas 44°45' N, 00°40' W
Europe France Bruges 44°54' N, 00°36' W
Europe France Moulon-port 44°51' N, 00°13' W
Europe France Castillon-la-Bataille 44°51' N, 00°02' W
Europe France St-Denis-de-Pile 44°59' N, 00°12' W
Europe France Sablons 45°19' N, 04°45' E
Europe France Condrieu 45°27' N, 04°47' E
Acer platanoides
Native Europe France Gradignan - Talence 44°45' N, 00°36' W
Europe France Blanquefort 44°54' N, 00°38' W
Europe France Montpezat 44°20' N, 00°31' E
Europe France Buzet-sur-Baïse 44°15' N, 00°18' E
Europe France Ambax 43°21' N, 00°56' E
Europe France St Lary-Boujean 43°13' N, 00°44' E
Europe France Lacq-Audéjos 43°24' N, 00°37' W
Europe France Barèges 42°53' N, 00°03' E
Europe France Gez - Cauterets 42°53' N, 00°06' W
Europe France Grenoble 45°11' N, 05°43' E
Invasive North America Ontario Brickworks park 43°40' N, 79°22' W
North America Ontario Don Valley East 43°47' N, 79°22' W
North America Ontario Don Valley West 43°45' N, 79°26' W
North America Ontario Humber River 43°39' N, 79°30' W
North America Ontario King’s Mill 43°38' N, 79°29' W
North America Ontario Serena Gundy 43°43' N, 79°21' W
Appendix 17. Populations of Acer negundo (A) and Acer platanoides (B) sampled in Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Rhône-Alpes, France
for the common garden experiment.
Appendix 18. Populations of Acer negundo (A) and Acerplatanoides (B) sampled in
southern Ontario, Canada for the common garden experiment.
Appendix 19. Means ± SE of life-history traits (survival, growth, phenology, physiology and leaf morphology) of native and invasive
populations of Acer negundo and Acer platanoides grown in two reciprocal common gardens.
Notes: Terms are defined as follow: Survival, proportion; Diameter, mm; Height, cm; LU 2009: leaf unfolding in 2009, day of the year; LU
2010: leaf unfolding in 2010, day of the year; Aarea: maximum assimilation rate per leaf area, pmol CO2.m-2.s-1; Narea: leaf N content per leaf
area, gN.m-2; PNUE: photosynthetic N-use efficiency, pmol CO2.g-1N.s-1; LMA: leaf mass per area index, g.m-2.
Appendix 20. Populations of Acer negundo sampled in Aquitaine, France (A; introduced range) and Ontario and Québec, Canada (B;
native range) to examine intraspecific differences in phenotypic plasticity to nutrient availability.
Appendix 21. Means ± SE for traits related to growth, gas exchange and leaf morphology, biomass and biomass allocation of eight native
and eight invasive populations of Acer negundo growing along a nutrient gradient. Sample sizes are n = 24 for growth traits, n = 4 for
physiology traits and n = 6 for leaf morphology and biomass related traits. See text for definition of terms.
Low nutrient level Medium nutrient level High nutrient level
iraits Invasive Native Invasive Native Invasive Native
Height 104.15 ± 2.24 92.51 ± 2.37 133.03 ± 2.55 111.58 ± 2.87 138.08 ± 2.89 112.45 ± 2.67
Diameter 9.69 ± 0.16 10.34 ± 0.16 11.35 ± 0.17 11.86 ± 0.18 12.06 ± 0.23 12.81 ± 2.22
Leaf traits
A 2.90 ± 0.17 3.00 ± 0.24 5.30 ± 0.33 5.38 ± 0.35 6.48 ± 0.44 6.53 ± 0.41
A area 0.11 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.02 0.21 ± 0.01 0.20 ± 0.01
N 0.38 ± 0.01 0.47 ± 0.02 0.62 ± 0.03 0.73 ± 0.03 1.10 ± 0.04 1.32 ± 0.06
N area
mass 1.42 ± 0.07 1.57 ± 0.09 2.08 ± 0.08 2.34 ± 0.11 3.64 ± 0.07 3.87 ± 0.06
PNUE 7.64 ± 0.55 6.61 ± 0.54 9.10 ± 0.53 8.18 ± 0.70 5.83 ± 0.30 5.07 ± 0.27
LMA 28.62 ± 0.98 32.24 ± 1.35 30.63 ± 1.07 33.41 ± 1.40 30.28 ± 1.13 34.23 ± 1.38
Ls 34.32 ± 2.03 44.55 ± 2.45 39.02 ± 1.48 49.09 ± 2.58 47.92 ± 1.95 54.61 ± 2.23
Wi 4.31 ± 0.46 3.96 ± 0.34 7.27 ± 0.48 7.35 ± 0.52 9.21 ± 0.74 8.90 ± 0.60
Ws 19.48 ± 2.05 15.34 ± 1.39 28.54 ± 2.09 25.89 ± 1.93 30.63 ± 2.91 29.86 ± 2.18
Wr 7.78 ± 0.81 10.29 ± 0.75 11.17 ± 1.04 14.41 ± 1.19 10.76 ± 1.08 14.63 ± 1.04
W t 31.58 ± 3.22 29.71 ± 2.43 47.45 ± 3.41 47.43 ± 3.44 50.61 ± 4.62 53.39 ± 3.71
Wa 23.80 ± 2.47 19.30 ± 1.68 35.81 ± 2.53 33.24 ± 2.39 39.85 ± 3.59 38.76 ± 2.74
Al 0.144 ± 0.015 0.128 ± 0.012 0.240 ± 0.015 0.217 ± 0.014 0.292 ± 0.021 0.253 ± 0.016
Biomass allocation
RSR 0.370 ± 0.022 0.580 ± 0.022 0.306 ± 0.017 0.455 ± 0.022 0.269 ± 0.010 0.401 ± 0.016
LWR 0.137 ± 0.005 0.134 ± 0.006 0.169 ± 0.006 0.162 ± 0.006 0.197 ± 0.007 0.174 ± 0.005
SWR 0.600 ± 0.010 0.504 ± 0.010 0.602 ± 0.008 0.532 ± 0.010 0.594 ± 0.006 0.544 ± 0.008
RWR 0.262 ± 0.010 0.362 ± 0.009 0.228 ± 0.010 0.305 ± 0.011 0.210 ± 0.006 0.282 ± 0.007
LAR 0.0051 ± 0.0003 0.0046 ± 0.0003 0.0061 ± 0.0005 0.0055 ± 0.0004 0.0072 ± 0.0004 0.0057 ± 0.0004
Appendix 22. Intraspecific comparisons of phenotypic plasticity in invasive plants. Summary of studies comparing phenotypic plasticity between native and invasive populations of exotic plant species in response to variation in environmental conditions. Plasticity was reported for
various traits related to biomass (B), defense to herbivory (D), growth (G), leaf morphology (M), phenology (Pe), physiology (P) and reproduction (R).
Invasive species Functional group Abiotic factors Traits Plasticity Conclusion References
Alliaria petiolata Biennial forb Nutrient, water G, P Inv = Nat No post-introduction evolution [1]
Centaurea stoebe Perennial forb Nutrient, water, site G, M, P, R Inv = Nat Pre-adaptation [2]
Ceratophyllum demersum Perennial forb (aquatic) Temperature G, M, P Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [3,4]
Clidemia hirta Perennial shrub Light B, G, P Inv = Nat No genetic shift [5]
Cynoglossum officinale Biennial forb Site G, R Inv > Nat Founder effects [6]
Nutrient G, R Inv = Nat Founder effects
Eupatorium adenophorum Perennial forb CO2 B, G Inv = Nat - [7]
Hypericum perforatum Perennial forb Site D Inv = Nat - [8]
Lythrum salicaria Perennial forb Nutrient B, R Inv > Nat - [9]
Nutrient, water B, G Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [10]
Melaleuca quinquenervia Tree pH G Inv > Nat - [11]
Microstegium vimineum Annual grass Light, site B, G, M Inv = Nat - [12,13]
Mimulus guttatus Annual forb Water G, Pe, R Inv = Nat No selection [14]
Phalaris arundinacea Perennial grass Soil moisture G, M Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [15]
Plantago lanceolata Perennial forb Temperature R Inv = Nat - [16]
Senecio inaequidens Perennial shrub Nutrient B Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [17]
Senecio pterophorus Perennial shrub Disturbance, water B, M, R Inv > Nat Selection [18]
Spartina alterniflora Perennial grass Nutrient B, G, M Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [19]
Nutrient P Inv = Nat -
Taraxacum officinale Perennial forb Water B, M, P Inv < Nat Local adaptation [20]
Water B Inv < Nat - [21]
Nutrient B Inv = Nat -
Triadica sebifera Tree Light B, M Inv > Nat Post-introduction evolution [22]
Water B Inv = Nat Pre-adaptation
Inv: invasive populations, Nat: native populations, Inv = Nat: no difference in plasticity between native and invasive populations, Inv > Nat: invasive populations have
greater phenotypic plasticity than native populations, Inv < Nat: invasive populations have lower phenotypic plasticity than native populations. Site factor is the effect
of common gardens.
potential drive the success of an invasive grass. P Nat Ac S USA 104: 38833888.
16. Alexander JM, van Kleunen M, Ghezzi R, Edwards PJ (2012) Different genetic
clines in response to temperature across the native and introduced ranges of a
global plant invader. J Ecol 100: 771-781.
17. Bossdorf O, Lipowsky A, Prati D (2008) Selection of preadapted populations
allowed Senecio inaequidens to invade Central Europe. Divers Distrib 14: 676-
18. Cano L, Escarre J, Fleck I, Blanco-Moreno JM, Sans FX (2008) Increased fitness
and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using
Seneciopterophorus. J Ecol 96: 468-476.
19. Qing H, Yao YH, Xiao Y, Hu FQ, Sun YX, Zhou CF, An SQ (2011) Invasive and
native tall forms of Spartina alterniflora respond differently to nitrogen
availability. Acta Oecol 37: 23-30.
20. Molina-Montenegro MA, Quiroz CL, Torres-Diaz C, Atala C (2011) Functional
differences in response to drought in the invasive Taraxacum officinale from
native and introduced alpine habitat ranges. Plant Ecol Divers 4: 37-44.
21. Quiroz CL, Choler P, Baptist F, Gonzalez-Teuber M, Molina-Montenegro MA,
Cavieres LA (2009) Alpine dandelions originated in the native and introduced
range differ in their responses to environmental constraints. Ecol Res 24: 175-
22. Zou JW, Rogers WE, Siemann E (2009) Plasticity of Sapium sebiferum seedling
growth to light and water resources: Inter- and intraspecific comparisons. Basic
Appl Ecol 10: 79-8.