Bio-Mining: The Past, The Present and The Future: October 2018
Bio-Mining: The Past, The Present and The Future: October 2018
Bio-Mining: The Past, The Present and The Future: October 2018
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The use of microbes to extract metals from ores is simply the harnessing of a natural process for commercial purposes. Microbes
have participated in the deposition and solubilization of heavy metals in the earth’s crust since geologically ancient times. Most
of this activity is linked to the iron and sulfur cycles. Anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria generate sulfides that can react with a
variety of metals to form insoluble metal sulfides. There are two main types of processes for commercial-scale microbially
assisted metal recovery. These are irrigation-type and stirred tank-type processes. Bio-mining involves a chemical process called
leaching which are actually oxidation reactions and maybe called bio-oxidation. Bio-leaching processes can be carried out at a
range of temperatures and as would be expected, the iron and sulfur-oxidizing microbes present differ depending on the
temperature ranges. In mineral bio-oxidation processes that operate at 40°C or less, the most important microorganisms are
believed to be a consortium of gram-negative bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. In continuous-flow stirred tank
processes, the steady-state ferric iron concentration is usually high and under such condition, A. ferrooxidans appears to be less
important than a combination of Leptospirillum and A. thiooxidans. Microorganisms that dominate bio-leaching at 50°C include
A. caldus and some Leptospirillum spp. At temperatures greater than 65°C, bio-mining microbial consortia are dominated by
archaea rather than bacteria with species of Sulfolobus and Metallosphaera being most prominent.
Archae, Bacteria, Bio-mining, Metals, Ores
Received: September 11, 2018 / Accepted: September 25, 2018 / Published online: October 25, 2018
@ 2018 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY license.
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53 Obi Clifford Nkemnaso et al.: Bio-mining: The Past, the Present and the Future
do not produce sulfur dioxide or other environmentally from the air, although they may not be able to do so in a highly
harmful gaseous emissions. Furthermore, mine tailings and aerated environment. Trace elements are provided by the
wastes produced from physicochemical processes when mineral and water. In commercial processes small quantities
exposed to rain and air may be biologically leached, producing of inexpensive, fertilizer-grade, ammonium sulfate and
unwanted acid and metal pollution. Tailings from bio-mining potassium phosphate may be added to ensure that nutrient
operations are less chemically active, and the biological limitation does not occur.
activity they can support is reduced by at least the extent to
which they have already been bioleached. Bio-mining also has
a clear advantage in the extraction of metals from certain
3. Bio-mining Processes
low-grade ores. For example, copper can be recovered from 3.1. Irrigation-Type and Stirred Tank-Type
low-grade ores and dumps left behind from previous mining Processes
operations by using the biological activity that takes place
There are two main types of processes for commercial-scale
during controlled irrigation of the dump [3]. Many of these
microbially assisted metal recovery. These are irrigation-type
metals are not economically recoverable by non-biological
and stirred tank-type processes. Irrigation processes involve
methods. Where ore-type and geological features permit,
the percolation of leaching solutions through crushed ore or
metal recovery using leaching solutions produced and
concentrates that have been stacked in columns, heaps, or
regenerated by microbes can be carried out in situ with
dumps. There are also several examples of the irrigation of an
obvious cost advantages and minimal disturbance to the
ore body in situ, that is, without bringing the ore to the surface.
surrounding environment.
Stirred tank-type processes employ continuously operating,
highly aerated stirred tank reactors [4, 5]. One feature of both
2. Characteristics of Microbes types of processes is that, unlike most other commercial
Involved in Bio-Mining fermentation processes, neither is sterile, and no attempt is
made to maintain the sterility of the inoculum. There is no
The primary bio-mining organisms have several physiological need for sterility because the highly acidophilic
features in common. They are all chemolithoautotrophic and chemoautolithotrophic microorganisms create an environment
are able to use ferrous iron or reduced inorganic sulfur sources that is not suitable for the growth of other organisms. Second,
(or both) as electron donors. Because the by-product of because the aim of the process is to maximize the
sulfur-oxidation is sulfuric acid, these organisms are decomposition of the mineral, the microorganisms that do this
acidophilic and most will grow within the pH range 1.5-2.0. most efficiently will out-compete those that are less efficient.
This extreme acidophily applies even to those bio-mining There is a continual selection for those organisms that are
organisms that can oxidize only iron. Although bio-mining most effective at decomposing the mineral, as the mineral
bacteria may be able to use electron acceptors other than provides the only energy source available.
oxygen (e.g., ferric iron), they generally grow best in highly
aerated solutions. All primary bio-mining organisms fix CO2, 3.1.1. Irrigation-Type Processes
although there is considerable variation in the efficiency with The ore is crushed, agglomerated and stacked onto
which this is done. plastic-lined pads and irrigated with recycled leach liquor. The
The less-efficient CO2-fixing species require either elevated bacteria growing on the ore oxidize ferrous iron to ferric iron
levels of CO2 or a small amount of yeast extract to grow thus solubilizing the copper and the pregnant
rapidly. As may be expected, bio-mining bacteria are copper-containing solution is recovered from the heap. The
generally resistant to a range of metal ions, with some copper is concentrated through a solvent extraction process
variation in metal tolerance between species and isolates followed by recovery though electro-winning and the spent
within a species. These common properties explain why leach liquor is recycled to the heap.
bio-mining organisms are ideally suited to growing in the The metal recovered by far the greatest quantities using
inorganic environment created by the active aeration of a bio-leaching is copper. Recent estimates of the total quantity
suspension of a suitable iron- or sulfur-containing mineral in of copper ore treated by microbially assisted processes are
water or during the passive aeration that takes place when a difficult to obtain. However, in 1999 it was reported that the
heap of the mineral is irrigated with water. Air provides the copper heap bioleaching plants built since 1991 and remaining
carbon source (CO2) and the preferred electron acceptor (O2), in operation processed in excess of 30x106 tonnes of ore per
the mineral ore supplies the electron donor (ferrous iron annum [7]. All current commercial processes for copper
and/or reduced inorganic sulfur), and water is the medium for recovery are of the dump, heap, or in situ irrigation type,
growth. Some bio-mining organisms can also fix nitrogen although stirred tank processes for the extraction of copper
Bioscience and Bioengineering Vol. 4, No. 3, 2018, pp. 52-60 54
from chalcopyrite are in an advanced phase of development. 3.2. Metals Recovered in Bio-mining
Heap leaching of copper is similar to dump leaching except
that the process is designed to be more efficient. Ore is The metals that are currently being recovered in the greatest
crushed, acidified with sulfuric acid, and agglomerated in tonnages are copper followed by gold. In general, most copper
rolling drums to bind fine particles to coarse particles. The is recovered by the irrigation of heaps and dumps, while most
agglomerated ore is stacked 2-10m high on irrigation pads gold is recovered using stirred-tank technology as a
lined with high-density polyethylene to avoid the loss of pretreatment process.
solution. Aeration pipes may be included during construction
to permit forced aeration and speed up the bioleaching process. 3.2.1. Copper Leaching
Although inoculation of heaps with bacteria has been It is difficult to obtain figures of the quantity of copper that is
considered, bio-leaching bacteria are ubiquitous and it is not being recovered using bioleaching as new mines continually
clear to what extent inoculation speeds up the process. come on stream and while others reduce or cease operation.
Inorganic nutrients such as (NH4)2SO4 and KH2PO4 are Two fairly recent surveys of copper production data have been
frequently added to the raffinate prior to irrigation through presented [4], with only a few mines that are common to both
drip lines placed on the surface of the heap. The increased sets of data. By way of illustration, many of the largest
efficiency that results from the careful construction and operations are in Chile with up to 225000 tonnes of copper
operation of a heap reactor results in the heap bioleaching being produced per annum in the largest of these. Bio-leaching
processes being completed in a period of months rather than of copper involves the conversion of water-insoluble copper
years. sulfides to water-soluble copper sulfates. Copper-containing
3.1.2. Stirred Tank Processes minerals such as chalcocite (Cu2S) or covellite (CuS) are
crushed, acidified with sulfuric acid, and agglomerated in
Finely milled flotation concentrate is added to inorganic
rotating drums to bind fine material to courser particles before
nutrients and water in a make-up tank. The mixture is passed
stacking in heaps. The stacked heaps are irrigated with an
through a series of vigorously aerated bio-oxidation tanks.
iron-containing solution (usually recycled spent leach liquor)
The microorganisms decompose the arsenopyrite, making the
through a system of pipes laid on or just below the heap
gold accessible to cyanide. Duplication (or doubling in
surface. The solution percolates through the heap and bacteria
volume) of the number of primary aeration tanks is to increase
growing on the surface of the ore and in solution catalyze the
the hydraulic retention time above that of the cell doubling
release of copper. The ferric iron generated by the bacteria
time to ensure that microbial cell wash-out does not occur
plays an important role in the production of copper sulfate.
during the mineral treatment process. The concentrate, which
after pretreatment still contains the gold, is recovered in a Cu2s + 2Fe2(SO4)3 → 2CuSO4 + 4FeSO4 + S
thickening tank and sent to the gold recovery process.
CuS + Fe2(SO4)3 → CuSO4 + 2FeSO4 + S
The use of highly aerated, stirred tank bioreactors provides a
The ferrous iron and sulfur produced in the above reactions
step up in the rate and efficiency of mineral bio-oxidation
can be re-oxidized by bacteria. The pregnant leach solution
processes. Because these reactors are expensive to construct
containing 1.5 to 6 g/l soluble copper and up to 20 g/l iron is
and operate, their use is restricted to high-value ores and
collected and sent to a recovery plant. The most common
concentrates. The bioreactors are typically arranged in series
methods for copper recovery are by precipitation using iron
and are operated in continuous-flow mode, with feed being
filings (cementation), electro-winning or solvent extraction
added to the first tank and overflowing from tank to tank until
followed by electro-winning. The latter procedure produces
bio-oxidation of the mineral concentrate is sufficiently
the highest grade of copper. The extraction of copper from
complete [8]. The bioreactor tanks in the first stage are usually
chalcopyrite using bioreactors can be faster and efficient at
arranged in parallel to provide sufficient retention time for the
temperatures higher than 60°C using thermophilic archaea.
microbial cell numbers to reach high steady-state levels
These operations are easier to control compared with standard
without being washed out [9]. The feed is mineral concentrate
bioleaching using ore heaps [10].
suspended in water to which small quantities of
fertilizer-grade (NH4)2SO4 and KH2PO4 have been added. 3.2.2. Gold Bio-oxidation
Mineral bio-oxidation is an exothermic process, and the
In the 1980s, a process for the bio-oxidation of gold-bearing
bioreactors have to be cooled to remove excess heat. Large
arsenopyrite ores in highly aerated stirred tank reactors was
volumes of air are blown through each bioreactor, and a large
developed by Gencor, South Africa [6, 11]. This was at the
agitator ensures that the solids remain in even suspension and
Fairview Mine, Barberton, Mpumalanga and was designed to
are carried over into the next tank.
treat 10 tons of gold-bearing arsenopyrite concentrate per day.
55 Obi Clifford Nkemnaso et al.: Bio-mining: The Past, the Present and the Future
Critical to the development of the process was the selection of recovery. Unlike the bioleaching of copper ores, where the
a bacterial culture that was highly resistant to arsenic. The copper is solubilized in the biological process, the gold is not
details of this selection process are described elsewhere. With solubilized by microbial action, but a separate chemical
the successful development of that process, bio-mining process is required. Since gold is not leached from the ores,
became a significant part of the more sophisticated mineral the term “bio-oxidation” is used to describe the treatment of
recovery industry. An illustration of this is that the gold ores as opposed to the term “bio-leaching”.
bio-oxidation plant built at the Sansu mine in the Ashanti gold
fields of Ghana [5] is currently (with the possible exception of 3.2.3. Uranium
some sewage treatment facilities) the largest fermentation During 1988, approximately 300 tons of uranium with a value
plant in the world (960 tons of gold-bearing arsenopyrite of over US$ 25 million was recovered from a single mine
concentrate is treated per day in 24 tanks of 1 million litres (Dennison mine, Lake Elliot district, Canada) [14]. Much like
each). copper, uranium is recovered by the conversion of insoluble
uranium oxides to soluble sulfates though the action of ferric
Gold is usually extracted from ores using cyanide.
iron and sulfuric acid produced by microbes.
Recalcitrant ores are those in which gold is encased in a matrix
of arsenopyrite/pyrite, so that even after fine milling, the gold UO2 + Fe2(SO4)3 → UO2SO4 + 2FeSO4
cannot be efficiently recovered. Pretreatment of the ore is
UO3 + H2SO4 → UO2SO4 + H2O
required to open up the molecular structure of the ore so that
cyanide can penetrate the mineral and extract the gold. Since Almost all uranium recovery was carried out in situ. However,
the quantities of ore to be treated are huge and most of the gold with the reduction in demand for uranium in more recent years,
is present in a small pyrite/arsenopyrite fraction, the ore is this mine has stopped production, and no microbially assisted
crushed and a gold-bearing concentrate is prepared by uranium recovery is currently taking place.
flotation. Prior to 1986, concentrate pretreatment processes
were physicochemical. For example, the concentrate was 3.2.4. Cobalt
roasted at 700°C in the presence of oxygen or digested with A continuously aerated stirred-tank process is being used at
acid under pressure in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere Kasese (Uganda) to extract cobalt from a stockpile of 1.1
(autoclaved). In contrast, bio-mining bacteria decompose ores million tons of pyrite concentrate [15]. The concentrate
and concentrates at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures contains 1.38% cobalt and large, 1.35 million liter tanks are
which are close to ambient. used to recover about 92% of the cobalt. This process began
operation in 1998 and about 240 tons of cobalt-containing
FeAsS + 13Fe3+ + H2O → 14Fe2+ + AsO4 3– + SO4 2– + 16H+
pyrite is treated per day using an undefined mixture of
Without pretreatment, only 30-50% of the gold is recovered, Acidithiobacilli and Leptospirilli that grow optimally at 37°C.
depending on the concentrate, while after bio-oxidation, more
3.2.5. Other Metals
than 95% of the gold is recoverable. Since gold-bearing
concentrates are valuable substrates relative to copper, it is Metals that are present in an insoluble reduced sulfur form and
economically viable to carry out the pretreatment which are rendered soluble when oxidized to a sulfate may be
bio-oxidation processes in efficient, aerated, temperature- and potentially recovered by bioleaching. This includes minerals
pH-controlled tank fermenters. A typical Biox plant operates containing NiS and ZnS, etc. Although bioleaching provides
at about an 18% w/v solids concentration with a total solids the possibility of recovering metals from many low-grade
retention time of about 4 days. Acidity is controlled at pH 1.6 deposits that would otherwise be considered waste, its
and the temperature at 40°C. As the process is exothermic, a application greatly depends on the value of the metal to be
considerable amount of energy for cooling is required to recovered. A major challenge is to find a suitable match
maintain the process at this temperature [5]. An alternative to between an ore body and bioleaching technology. For example,
the Biox process is the Bacox process developed by BacTech the technology for nickel recovery using the BioNic® process
(Australia) [12]. [5] has been thoroughly tested, but as yet no ore body of a
suitable concentration and size has been identified to allow
A process in which a gold-bearing concentrate is treated in a
economic recovery at current nickel prices.
heap rather than a tank reactor has recently been reported. In
this process (developed by Geobiotics, Hayward, CA, USA) In 1970 it was reported that Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans
the concentrate is agglomerated onto a support rock, which is increased the rate of ferrous iron oxidation by half a million to
then stacked on a pad, inoculated with microorganisms, and a million times, compared with the abiotic chemical oxidation
irrigated [13]. Air is blown through the stack, and after a of ferrous iron by dissolved oxygen [16]. The ferric iron
period the partly oxidized material is removed for gold produced as a result was able to chemically oxidize sulfide
Bioscience and Bioengineering Vol. 4, No. 3, 2018, pp. 52-60 56
minerals. There has been a long-standing debate concerning eventually form a biofilm [20]. The iron-impregnated EPS
whether the microbially assisted bio-oxidation of minerals is layer serves as a reaction space in which the high
by a so-called direct or indirect mechanism [17]. Some of the concentration of ferric iron mounts chemical attack on the
disagreement appears to have been caused by a lack of clarity valence bonds of the mineral [20]. In the process the ferric iron
as to what is meant by direct and indirect. There is general is reduced to ferrous, which is re-oxidized to ferric by the
agreement as to what is meant by the indirect mechanism, iron-oxidizing microbes:
namely the chemical attack by ferric iron or protons on a
14 Fe2+ + 3.5O2 + 14H+ → 14 Fe3+ + 7H2O.
mineral sulfide that results in the dissolution of the mineral
and the formation of ferrous iron and various forms of sulfur. This microbially mediated re-oxidation of ferrous iron can
Iron-oxidizing microbes use the ferrous iron as an electron result in a localized increase in pH within the EPS near the
donor, re-oxidizing it to ferric iron, thereby regenerating the surface of the mineral. Researchers from the Crundwell
reactant. If the role of the microbes is nothing more than their laboratory have evidence to suggest that it is this local rise in
ability to regenerate ferric iron and protons, then the efficiency pH that assists in mineral dissolution [27]. Sand and
of bio-oxidation should be independent of whether the coworkers have observed that the oxidation of different metal
microbes are in contact with the mineral or not. What is sulfides proceeds via different intermediates. Therefore, the
understood by the direct mechanism is not always unequivocal. dissolution reaction is not identical for all metal sulfides. They
In a loose sense it has meant that attachment of the microbes to have proposed a thiosulfate mechanism for the oxidation of
the ore enhances the rate of mineral dissolution. In a more acid-insoluble metal sulfides such as pyrite (FeS2),
strict sense, direct attack is viewed as a process by which molybdenite (MoS2), and tungstenite (WS2), and a polysulfide
components within the bacterial membrane interact directly mechanism for acid-soluble metal sulfides such as sphalerite
with the metal and sulfide moieties of the mineral by using an (ZnS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), and galena (PbS). In the
enzymatic type of mechanism [18]. thiosulfate mechanism, solubilization is through a ferric iron
A number of scientists from a variety of disciplines have attack on the acid-insoluble metal sulfides, with thiosulfate
addressed this problem in recent years. It is not possible to being the main intermediate and sulfate the main end-product.
cover fully the points made by each contributor to this debate Using pyrite as an example, the reactions proposed by
in the space available. However, there is a growing consensus Schippers and Sand are
view on many aspects of the mechanism of bioleaching. An FeS2 + 6Fe3+ + 3H2O → S2032- + 7Fe2+ + 6H+
understanding of metal sulfide dissolution is complicated
because different metal sulfides have different types of crystal S2O32- + 8Fe3+ + 5H2O → 2SO42− + 8Fe2+ + 10H+.
structure, and it has been observed that the oxidation of In the case of the polysulfide mechanism, solubilization of the
different metal sulfides proceeds via different intermediates acid-soluble metal sulfide is through a combination of ferric
[19]. In addition, as is discussed below, different ions and protons, with elemental sulfur as the main
iron-oxidizing bacteria may use different bond-breaking intermediate. This elemental sulfur is relatively stable but may
strategies [20]. For example, the ability of A. ferrooxidans to be oxidized to sulfate by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. ZnS is an
oxidize iron is subject to ferric iron inhibition and is inhibited example of an acid soluble mineral:
at high-redox potentials, whereas the ability of L. ferrooxidans
to oxidize iron is far less inhibited by ferric iron and continues MS+ Fe3+ +H+ →M2+ + 0.5H2Sn + Fe2+(n≥2)
at high-redox potentials [21]. 0.5H2Sn + Fe3+ → 0.125 S8 + Fe2+ +H+
Among the most helpful contributions to an understanding of
0.125 S8 + 1.5O2 +H2O → SO2−4 + 2H+.
the mechanism of mineral bio-oxidation are those from the
laboratories of Wolfgang Sand, Frank Crundwell, and Helmut As [20] pointed out, this explains why strictly sulfur-oxidizing
Tributsch. Bacteria like A. ferrooxidans [22] or L. bacteria such as A. thiooxidans are able to leach some metal
ferrooxidans [23] have a strong affinity for mineral surfaces sulfides but not others. The role of the microorganisms in the
like pyrite, to which they rapidly attach. In the case of A. solubilization of metal sulfides is, therefore, to provide
ferrooxidans aporusticyanin appears to play an important role, sulfuric acid for a proton hydrolysis attack and to keep the iron
especially during the early stages of attachment [24]. Sand and in the oxidized ferric state for an oxidative attack on the
Tributsch and their coworkers have stressed the role played by mineral. The break-up of the pyrite crystal structure can be the
the exopolysaccharide (EPS) layer produced by A. result of one of five mechanisms:
ferrooxidans [25] and L. ferrooxidans [26] when attached to a (a) reaction of protons with a sulfide to give SH− ions;
mineral. The EPS layer attaches the bacteria to a mineral
surface and forms the matrix in which the cells divide and (b) extraction of electrons from the sulfide valence band
57 Obi Clifford Nkemnaso et al.: Bio-mining: The Past, the Present and the Future
resulting in the release of metal ions and sulfur compounds (in 4.3. Sulfolobus
the case of A. ferrooxidans);
The metabolic capability of microorganisms designated as
(c) broken chemical bonds already present in the sulfide Sulfolobus isolates is confusing because many early studies
(p-type conduction), which leads to higher interfacial were carried out with impure cultures [30]. Many of the most
dissolution; important mineral bio-oxidation studies have been carried out
(d) reaction with a polysulfide or metal complex-forming in laboratories using a strain known as Sulfolobus strain BC,
agent; or now known to be an isolate of Sulfolobus metallicus [31].
These obligately autotrophic archaea grow by oxidizing
(e) electrochemical dissolution resulting from multiple
ferrous iron, reduced inorganic sulfur compounds, or sulfide
electron extraction and depolarization of the pyrite, which
ores. S. metallicus is thermophilic, with strain BC growing at
occurs at high concentrations of ferric ions (in the case of
an optimum of 68°C and preferably within a pH range of about
iron-oxidizing bacteria like L. ferrooxidans) [26].
1.3-1.7. S. metallicus is very capable of oxidizing minerals
such as arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite, especially if the air is
4. Potentially Important enriched with 1% v/v CO2 [30].
Bacteria in Bio-mining 4.4. Metallosphaera
Processes These archaea are aerobic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing
4.1. Sulfobacillus and Relatives chemolithotrophs that are also able to grow on complex
organics such as yeast extract or casamino acids but not sugars.
Sulfobacilli are moderately thermophilic (40°C-60°C), The species most frequently described in the context of
endospore-forming, gram-positive bacteria that have been mineral sulfide oxidation is Metallosphaera sedula. M. sedula
isolated from heaps of mineral waste and bio-mining has been reported to grow at pH 1.0-4.5 and is able to oxidize a
operations. These bacteria are able to grow autotrophically or variety of minerals at temperatures of 80°C-85°C.
heterotrophically. When growing autotrophically they use Metallosphaera-like organisms have been reported to be
ferrous iron, reduced inorganic sulfur compounds, or sulfide potentially the most efficient at high-temperature bioleaching
minerals as electron donors. However, their ability to fix CO2 of recalcitrant chalcopyrite ores [30].
appears to be poor. To grow strongly, they require elevated
levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, small quantities of yeast 4.5. Acidianus
extract, or close association with heterotrophic iron-oxidizing
There are several species of this group of archaea that oxidize
bacteria such as Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans of the
minerals, although the industrial potential of this group is
consortium of microorganisms that are used commercially to
thought to be less promising than that of Sulfolobus and
oxidize a variety of sulfide minerals in the temperature range
Metallosphaera. Acidianus brierleyi can grow autotrophically
45°C-55°C (possibly as high as 60°C).
by oxidizing ferrous iron or sulfur, or grow heterotrophically
4.2. Ferroplasma and Relatives on complex organic substrates. The optimum temperature is
70°C and the optimum pH is 1.5-2.0. Acidianus infernus and A.
These organisms are archaea rather than bacteria, are ambivalens are obligate chemolithotrophs that can grow either
pleomorphic in shape, and lack cell walls. Ferroplasma aerobically or anaerobically by the oxidation or reduction of
acidiphilum was isolated from a pilot plant bioreactor treating inorganic sulfur compounds. A. infernus has an optimum
arsenopyrite/pyrite in Kazakstan [28]. It oxidizes ferrous iron temperature of 90°C and an optimum pH of 2.0.
but not sulfur and appears to be obligately aerobic. The
archeaon is mesophilic, growing optimally at 33°C with an
upper limit of 45°C. It has an optimum pH for growth of 1.7 5. Challenges in Applying
and a lower limit of about 1.3. A closely related mixotrophic Bio-mining Technology
archeaon, Ferroplasma acidarmanus, was isolated from acid
mine drainage [29]. Similar archaea have been isolated from While bio-mining enjoys a considerable success, technical and
commercial bioreactors also treating an arsenopyrite/pyrite commercial challenges also hinder it from achieving its full
concentrate operating at 40°C at the Fairview mine in potential as an applied technology. Until recently dump
Barberton, South Africa. These organisms appeared in large bioleaching has been applied much as it was 50 years ago with
numbers when pH control of the reactor was removed and the minimal research and development aimed at understanding
pH was allowed to fall in an unrestrained manner to about pH the microbial populations in dumps or how to enhance the
0.5. performance of dump operations. This inattention was likely
the result of low copper prices and that dump bio-leaching was
Bioscience and Bioengineering Vol. 4, No. 3, 2018, pp. 52-60 58
an adjunct process to smelting, which was the primary source preparation of pure cultures. Challenges such as the isolation
of revenues for copper operations. The material in many of mutants and the selection of transformants also apply to
dumps also contained a percentage of chalcopyrite and studies on the molecular biology and genetics of these
because of the difficulty of leaching chalcopyrite, it has high-temperature organisms. New engineering, and especially
largely been assumed that the copper associated with new molecular biology tools (genomics and proteomics),
chalcopyrite would not effectively leach in dumps. More make this an exciting field to investigate.
recently many copper producers have realized that some
chalcopyrite is indeed being leached in dumps and with this
realization more substantive efforts have been made lately to
7. Future Outlook
understand how this occurs and how it can be enhanced. While the demand for most metals has steadily increased in
The large underlying deposits of low-grade chalcopyrite are the last decade, discoveries have declined [33] and those
typically low-grade and are therefore not always amenable to deposits that are being discovered are declining in quality.
conventional flotation and smelting practices. These deposits Processing options for lower grade ore deposits and deposits
will likely have to be exploited using crushed ore heap of lower quality with complex polymetallic mineral
bioleaching of the higher-grade materials with adjacent, assemblages are limited. Bio-mining technologies are
run-of-mine dump bioleach operations to extract copper from particularly adept at technically and economically processing
the lower grade materials. these types of resources. Mining companies are aware of
bio-mining’s unique niche and chalcopyrite heap bioleaching
is already undergoing pilot- and demonstration-scale
6. Summary and Conclusions opportunities for the commercial application course, continue
The use of microbes to extract metals from ores is now well to be of stirred-tank bio-oxidation of sulfidic-refractory gold
concentrates, because that technology has been effectively
established. Heap-leach and stirred tank processes that operate
marketed for over two decades and has competed well with
at ambient or temperatures of 40°C-50°C or less will continue
pressure oxidation and roasting.
and will be applied to new types of minerals. Exploration of
the molecular biology of these organisms has begun with A. Recent OMICs (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics,
ferrooxidans, but studies of other, probably more important, metabolomics) advances have greatly helped the study of
players such as members of the leptospirilli and A. caldus are individual members of the bio-mining microbial community
in their infancy. Much of the future of bio-mining is likely to to understand better the mechanisms used to grow and adapt to
be hot. Development of processes that operate at 70°C or their harsh environment [1]. This in turn would allow to
above will make the recovery of metals from a large number genetically modify the entire extremophilic microbiome to
of minerals economically attractive where otherwise the obtain much more efficient and controlled metal concentration
reaction rates are too slow. Many of these will be stirred processes, redefining the current metal extraction sequence
tank-type processes, although high-temperature [34]. Because future bio-mining applications will likely be
irrigation-type processes in which support material is coated directed more on lower-grade, lower-quality, complex ores, it
with a mineral concentrate may also prove to be economical is important that research and development focus on the
for copper recovery from chalcopyrite. At increased technical issues associated with these bio-mining applications.
temperatures a variety of largely unstudied archaea will Such studies should address those issues described earlier:
become important [32]. Unlike mesophiles, where iron- and understanding how the different temperature groupings of
sulfur-oxidizing organisms are ubiquitously associated with microbes colonize and function within coarse ore heaps;
mineral deposits and can be readily enriched, research on engineering coarse ore and run-of-mine heaps to effectively
thermophiles will require screening of microbes from exploit microbial development and activities including
high-temperature environments in which suitable organisms irrigation, aeration and heat management [35].
are likely to be found. For bio-mining technologies to be more widely applied
Isolation of organisms with the right combination of iron- and commercially they have to be demonstrated at scale. To
sulfur-oxidizing ability together with the ability to withstand achieve this there must be cooperation among the mining
abrasion (stirred tank processes) and resistance to high companies who own and exploit the deposits, and universities,
concentrations of metal ions is a challenge. Nevertheless, government laboratories, biotechnology companies and
candidate organisms have already been found and are largely engineering companies that develop the technologies.
unexplored territory. These high-temperature organisms Bio-mining patents are complicating the commercial
present a number of challenges in regard to standard
development of bio-mining. Biotechnology companies have a
microbiology techniques such as plating, incubation, and
reasonable right to be financially rewarded for their
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