The document discusses the pathophysiology of kidney failure. It notes that kidney failure can be caused by things like toxic substances, blood vessel obstructions, inflammation/injury, large kidney stones, and retained urine. This can lead to decreased blood supply to the kidneys, lowered glomerular filtration rate, and impaired protein secretion and sodium retention among other things. Ultimately, this causes a buildup of waste products in the blood and issues with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in the body.
The document discusses the pathophysiology of kidney failure. It notes that kidney failure can be caused by things like toxic substances, blood vessel obstructions, inflammation/injury, large kidney stones, and retained urine. This can lead to decreased blood supply to the kidneys, lowered glomerular filtration rate, and impaired protein secretion and sodium retention among other things. Ultimately, this causes a buildup of waste products in the blood and issues with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in the body.
The document discusses the pathophysiology of kidney failure. It notes that kidney failure can be caused by things like toxic substances, blood vessel obstructions, inflammation/injury, large kidney stones, and retained urine. This can lead to decreased blood supply to the kidneys, lowered glomerular filtration rate, and impaired protein secretion and sodium retention among other things. Ultimately, this causes a buildup of waste products in the blood and issues with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in the body.
The document discusses the pathophysiology of kidney failure. It notes that kidney failure can be caused by things like toxic substances, blood vessel obstructions, inflammation/injury, large kidney stones, and retained urine. This can lead to decreased blood supply to the kidneys, lowered glomerular filtration rate, and impaired protein secretion and sodium retention among other things. Ultimately, this causes a buildup of waste products in the blood and issues with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in the body.
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infeksi vaskuler zat toksik Obstruksi saluran kemih
arteriosklerosis iritasi / cidera
reaksi antigen tertimbun ginjal batu besar jaringan retensi urin antibodi dan kasar suplai darah ginjal turun hematuria menekan saraf perifer GFR turun
nyeri pinggang anemia
sekresi protein terganggu retensi Na sekresi eritropoitis turun
resiko suplai nutrisi dalam
sindrom uremia urokrom produksi Hb turun tertimbun di kulit total CES naik gangguan nutrisi darah turun
perpospatemia oksihemoglobin turun
gang. tek. kapiler keseimbangan asam - basa perubahan naik gangguan intoleransi suplai O2 kasar warna kulit perfusi jaringan aktivitas pruritis turun vol. interstisial prod. asam naik naik payah jantung bendungan atrium gang. COP turun kiri kiri naik integritas as. lambung naik kulit edema (kelebihan volume aliran darah suplai O2 tek. vena pulmonalis iritasi lambung cairan) jaringan turun suplai O2 ke nausea, ginjal turun otak turun vomitus kapiler paru preload naik RAA turun metab. naik infeksi perdarahan anaerob syncope resiko (kehilangan edema paru retensi Na gangguan beban jantung kesadaran) gastritis & H2O nutrisi - hematemesis naik timb. as. laktat naik - melena naik gang. pertukaran gas mual, muntah hipertrofi kelebihan vol. ventrikel kiri - fatigue intoleransi anemia cairan - nyeri aktivitas sendi