Class Demonstration A
Class Demonstration A
Class Demonstration A
The students will be divided into four 4 groups. Each group will LCD Projector
perform a short activity. The first group will be named as Group W, Video
second group will be named as Group A, third group will be named as
Group V and the fourth group will be named as Group E.
Group W: have the students form a line. While seated, ask the students to
stand up and sit down in succession.
Group A: Starting at one end of the line, have the students do a traditional
stadium wave. If they don’t know how, have them all start slightly bent
forward with hands on knees. Explain that the student on the end will lift both
arms all the way over their heads and then put both down again. Each
student should do the same motion as soon as they feel the student beside
them do it.
1. What have you formed as you do the activity?
2. Did the disturbance travel up and down or back and forth?
Group V: Have one student gently push the back of the student in front of
her, and then pushed student unto the person in front of her and so on.
Group E: Have the students start with their arms out straight in front of them.
As the wave goes by, each student will swing both arms first toward and
then away from the next student in line.
1. What have you formed as you do the activity?
2. Did the disturbance travel up and down or back and forth?
Grade 7 Learners Material and Teachers Guide