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Lesson Guide in Science 7 I. Objectives: Iiia-1)

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Lesson Guide in Science 7

A. Content Standards Motion in one dimension
B. Performance Standards Conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction.
C. Learning Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or
Competencies/Objectives displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration. (S7FE-
II. CONTENT Describing Motion and Speed
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 119-125
2.Learner’s Manual
pp. 130-143
3.Textbook pages Science for the 21st Century, pp.215-224
4. Additional Materials
from Learning none
resource (LR portal)
B. Other learning
Curriculum Guide
A. Reviewing previous
Ask them: What is motion? When can we say that an object
lessons or presenting new
is in motion?
ideas (REVIEW)
B. Establishing the The teacher will show
purpose of the animated pictures. The
lesson(MOTIVATION) students will describe
what is shown on the
pictures and will imitate
the movement.

Ask them: What does the pictures share in common?

C. Presenting The students will be divided into five groups. Each group
examples/Instances of the will be given an envelope. Each envelope contains a picture
new lesson (Pre-Activity) of different places (playground, school, gym,). The students
will be tasked to list all the scenarios that show motions on
the picture. They will write their answer on a manila paper
and will present on the class.
D. Discussing new
The students will be tasked to do the Activity 3: Fun Walk
concepts and practicing
on the Learner’s Material (pages 175-176).
new skills # 1 (Activity
After the activity, the teacher will insert the concept of
E. Discussing new The teacher will discuss the concept of speed.
concepts and practicing The students will be tasked to compute for their speed based
new skills # 2 (Deepening) on the gathered data on their fun walk activity.
F. Developing mastery The students will be tasked to answer the following
(Post-Activity) questions:
1. What quantities did you measure for your data?
2. How did you combine these quantities to determine
how fast each participant was walking?
3. How did you use the result to determine who walked
The students will be tasked to answer worded problems
about speed.
G. Finding practical The students will be tasked to measure their speed in
application of concepts walking from their classroom to their school canteen; and
and skills in daily living from their house to school.
(Applications) The teacher will explain the speed limit of vehicles being
regulated in the Philippines.
H. Making generalizations Ask the following questions to the students:
and abstractions about the 1. What is motion?
lesson (Generalization) 2. When can we say that an object is in motion?
3. How can you compute the speed of a moving object?
I. Evaluating Learning Identification
(Assessment) 1. It refers to the length of the entire path that the object
2. It is a continuous change in position with respect to a
reference point fir a particular time interval.
3. It is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed
of a vehicle.
4. What are the units for speed?
5. It is the starting point or origin used to find or
describe the location of an object.
Worded Problems
1. A cheetah takes 4 seconds to travel 100 meters. What is its
2. Christian travelled a distance of 15 meters in 5 seconds.
What is its speed?
3. How far can a cyclist travel in 3 hrs if his average speed is 12
J. Additional activities for
The students will be tasked to make a research of the speed
application or remediation
limit of vehicles on other countries.

Prepared by:

Christian R. Basilio
Teacher I
Tinajero High School-Annex

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