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Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!

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If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?

” about something
related to structural steel design or construction,
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
Send your questions or comments to solutions@aisc.org. interchange

Note: Unless specifically noted, all AISC publications mentioned in the 2. If not, should I be compensated for the use of my
questions and/or answers are independent of the edition and can be bracing during the time it remains in place after
found at www.aisc.org/specifications. erection?
3. Should my bracing be removed and returned to me
Field-Modified Base Plates when the structure is finally stable?
Due to misplaced anchor rods, the holes in a column base
must be enlarged. The contractor is proposing to turn the I have addressed your three questions below:
round, oversized holes into oversized slots by thermally 1. No. From your description, it would not seem reason-
cutting the base plate. Is this acceptable? If so, what is the able or safe to simply remove the bracing when your
minimum edge distance for the enlarged hole? work is complete. However, it seems that some impor-
tant elements of the contract may have been neglected.
Yes. Section M2.9 of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Section 3.1.4 of AISC’s Code of Standard Practice for
Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360) addresses holes for anchor rods Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303) states: “When
and indicates that they are permitted to be thermally cut in the structural steel frame, in the completely erected and
accordance with the provisions of Section M2.2. As indicated fully connected state, requires interaction with non-
in Section M2.2, thermally cut edges shall meet the require- structural steel elements (see Section 2) for strength
ments in clauses, and of AWS D1.1. and/or stability, those non-structural steel elements shall
The Specification contains no minimum edge distance be identified in the contract documents as required in
requirements for base plate holes. AISC Design Guide 1: Base Section 7.10.”
Plate and Anchor Rod Design (a free download for members at Section 7.10.4 states: “Temporary supports provided
www.aisc.org/dg) states: “When the hole edge is not subject by the erector shall remain in place until the portion
to a lateral force, even an edge distance that provides a clear of the structural steel frame that they brace is complete
dimension as small as ½ in. of material from the edge of the and the lateral force-resisting system and connecting
hole to the edge of the plate will normally suffice, though field diaphragm elements identified by the owner’s designated
issues with anchor rod placement may necessitate a larger representative for design in accordance with Section
dimension to allow some slotting of the base plate holes. When 7.10.1 are installed.” You have stated that you suspect
the hole edge is subject to a lateral force, the edge distance pro- the concrete slab and the shear walls provide stability.
vided must be large enough for the necessary transfer.” Based on the uncertainty, I will assume that the contract
Carlo Lini, PE documents are silent relative to the lateral force-resisting
system. They should not be.
Erection Bracing Section 7.10.1 requires the engineer to identify “the
I am an erector and have a contract to erect a series of lateral force-resisting system and connecting diaphragm
steel frames along three separate column lines. The three elements that provide for lateral strength and stability in
lines are not interconnected. None of the frames appear the completed structure.”
to contain lateral force-resisting elements in that there Since no lateral force-resisting system or connect-
are no designated moment connections and no vertical ing diaphragm elements are identified, you will need to
bracing. The beams are also very deep, with long spans. request information from the owner’s representatives.
The steel supports a floor that is part of a building other- The information provided will hopefully clarify the
wise constructed of concrete, and I suspect that the con- engineer’s intent.
crete slab and the shear walls provide stability. 2. Your question reflects a contractual issue and I cannot
I believe it will be difficult to erect these frames in a arbitrate. The parties will have to find a way to resolve
safe manner, and that even once erected the structure the issue. However, I will provide some thoughts.
will be inherently unstable without whatever temporary Though seemingly not clear in the contract docu-
bracing I provide. It now seems that my bracing will have ments, common sense dictates that you cannot simply
to remain throughout the duration of construction and remove your bracing when the bare steel is erected.
will also have to support loads due to the performance of However, leaving your bracing until the other trades
work by other trades. complete their work is not the only option. Others could
1. Am I allowed to simply remove my bracing at the provide temporary bracing necessary to safely complete
completion of my work? the project, leaving you free to remove your bracing and
be done with your portion of the project.
steel interchange
It may be that leaving your bracing in place will Weld Access Holes in Seismic Base Plates
be the best option for the project. However, Section Per Sections E3.6a and F2.6a of the AISC Seismic Provi-
7.10.2 states: “The owner’s designated representative for sions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341) welds
construction shall indicate to the erector, prior to bid- at column-to-base plate connections are demand-critical,
ding, the installation schedule for non-structural steel though some exceptions can apply. Does this mean that
elements of the lateral force-resisting system and con- the weld access hole geometry needs to conform to the
necting diaphragm elements identified by the owner’s alternate geometry of AWS D1.8 Clause What
designated representative for design in the contract are the impacts, if any, on structural performance of
documents.” demand-critical welds at the column bases if we allow
Not only should the non-structural steel elements of either weld access hole geometry?
the lateral force-resisting system have been identified, AWS D1.8 provides welding requirements for demand-
but you also should have been provided with a schedule critical welds.
that would have indicated how long your bracing would Clause of AWS D1.8 permits weld access holes
likely be required after the completion of your work. meeting the dimensions and tolerances of AWS D1.1 or the
Providing this information after award is likely a AISC Specification. At the option of the contractor, the geom-
revision to the contract. Such revisions are addressed in etry specified in AWS D1.8 clause may be substituted
Section 9.3. for the clause geometry.
You also mention loads produced by the work of The Commentary to Section 8.5 of AISC’s Prequalified Con-
other trades. Section 7.10.3 states: “The erector need nections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic
not consider loads during erection that result from the Applications (ANSI/AISC 358) speaks to your second question
performance of work by, or the acts of, others, except on structural performance related to differing weld access hole
as specifically identified by the owner’s designated rep- geometries. It states: “A key feature of the WUF-W moment con-
resentatives for design and construction…” Again, a nection is the use of a special weld access hole. The special seismic
request for information would seem to be in order. weld access hole has specific requirements on the size, shape and
finish of the access hole. This special access hole… is intended to
3. Yes. Section 7.10.4 states: “Temporary supports that are reduce stress concentrations introduced by the presence of the
required to be left in place after the completion of struc- weld access hole.” It should be noted that the inelastic demand at
tural steel erection shall be removed when no longer a column base will likely be much lower than that at a WUF-W
needed by the owner’s designated representative for con- moment connection. The alternate geometry is also not required
struction and returned to the erector in good condition.” for reduced beam section moment connections. Though there
Larry S. Muir, PE are benefits to the alternate geometry, it should only be required
where these benefits are likely to be realized. The only conditions
Shear on Round HSS and their Welds for which it is required are the WUF-W connections and the
Section G5 of the Specification limits the effective area prescriptive OMF (ordinary moment frame) moment connection
of a round hollow structural section (HSS) subjected to described in Section E1.6b(c) of the Seismic Provisions.
shear to half of the gross area. However, when evaluat- Jonathan Tavarez
ing welded connections, many textbooks and handbooks
indicate that the entire circumference is the length of the The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
weld. Can you explain this discrepancy? Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at www.modernsteel.com.

The welds should be designed based on the stiffness of the

connected element. For solid round bars, 100% of the weld Larry Muir is director of technical assistance, Carlo Lini is a senior staff engineer and
Johnathan Tavarez is a staff engineer in the Steel Solutions Center, all with AISC. Bo
length can be used. However, because thin-walled circular Dowswell is a consultant to AISC.
structures such as stacks have negligible strength and stiffness
perpendicular to the wall, weld components perpendicular to Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
the wall are ineffective. In this case, only about 50% of the information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
weld length is effective. The stiffness of round HSS is between suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.

these two extremes; therefore, 50% of the weld length can be The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
used as a conservative approximation. Ultimately, you must recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
use your own judgment to determine what is appropriate for licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
principles to a particular structure.
your situation.
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
Bo Dowswell, PE, PhD forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

866.ASK.AISC • solutions@aisc.org


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