Government of Pakistan Competition Commission of Pakistan: Vacancy Announcement
Government of Pakistan Competition Commission of Pakistan: Vacancy Announcement
Government of Pakistan Competition Commission of Pakistan: Vacancy Announcement
The competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) is an independent quasi-regulatory, quasi-judicial body that helps ensure healthy competition
between companies for the benefit of the economy. As a part of organizational development and to strengthen its HR, CCP invites applications from
talented, self-motivated, result oriented and energetic candidates for appointments on regular basis against the following posts:-
Minimum Minimum No. of
Sr.# Post Preferred experience Age Limit Quota
Qualification Experience Positions
1. Last date of submission of application form is October 28, 2019 to NTS Headquarter.
2. NTS will not issue Roll. No Slip through courier/postal service to any candidate. Eligible candidates shall take print out of their electronic
roll no. Slip through NTS website for appearing in tests.
For further information regarding tests process keep visiting NTS website or contact NTS call Centre at 051-844-444-1
Deputy Director,
Human Resource Management,
Competition Commission of Pakistan 7th-11th Floor South, ISE Towers 55-B,
Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan.