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Pre-Lim Test Questionaire

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Compostela Valley
New Albay, Maragusan, Compostela Valley Province

Name : _____________________________________ Date : _____________________

Grade/subject : _____________________________________ Time : _____________________
B. earthquake was caused by movement along the
Test I.Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best fault.
answer. C. Earthquake is a vibration of the Earth due to the
1. It is referred to as a break in the earth’s crust.
rapid release of energy.
A. Focus B. Epicenter
D. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 2 can cause
C. Fault D. Fault Plane
severe damage.
2. A vibration of the earth due to rapid release of
12. Which of the following is a difference between a
energy is known as____________.
focus and epicenter?
A. Tidal Wave B. Earthquake
A. The focus is where an earthquake originates,
C. Land Slide D. Typhoon
epicenter is the spot directly above the focus.
3. The place where the fault begins to slip is called the
B. The focus is on the surface while an epicenter is
underneath the focus.
A. Focus B. Epicenter
C. The focus is a flat surface while an epicenter is
C. Fault D. Fault Plane
the geometrical center of the earth.
4. The spot directly above the focus on the surface of
D. The focus is found along the fault line while an
the Earth is called the _______.
epicenter is anywhere on the fault plane.
A. Focus B. Epicenter
13. Which of the following differentiates intensity from
C. Fault D. Fault Plane
magnitude? Magnitude is ____.
5. What government agency is tasked to identify the
A. a measure of how strong an earthquake is.
Intensity of earthquake in the Philippines?
B. an instrument that measures earthquake.
C. expressed using roman numerals.
D. expressed in hindu-arabic numerals.
6. A big wave produced by earthquakes that originates
14. Which of the following is a normal fault?
under the sea is known as ________.
A. Typhoon B. Tsunami
A. B.
C. Flood D. Volcanic Eruption
7. An image about the interior of the earth can be
inferred by studying the behavior of the ___.
A. earth’s surface B. tidal wave
C. D. D.
C. seismic wave D. rocks
8. People are interviewed and buildings are inspected to
15. Pedro was sitting peacefully in front of the television
A. Intensity B. location of the focus when he suddenly felt an earthquake which vibration is
C. Magnitude D. location of an active like one passing of a light truck. What Intensity did
fault Pedro felt?
9. What intensity of the earthquake based on PHIVOLCS A. I B. II
Earthquake Intensity Scale is strong? C. III D. IV
16. Which is not a method of spotting an active fault?
A. Intensity IV B. Intensity V
A. observing historical backgrounds
C. Intensity VI D. Intensity VII
B. observing the surroundings
10. The flat surface between a fault line is called
C. studying vibrations
D. interviewing survivors
A. Hills B. Valley
17. How do faults produce earthquake?
C. Fault Plane D. Focus
A. Energy from inside the Earth makes the ground
11. Which of the following statements is FALSE about an
move, once friction is overcome, a fault slips
producing earthquake.
A. Earthquakes have caused countless deaths all
B. Magma and lava causes the ground to spread
over the world.
producing faults.
C. Molten rock materials accumulate and go out
along the fault producing earthquake. B. by identifying which part of the earth has the
D. Tectonic plates collide forming volcanoes and greatest destruction during earthquake.
causing earthquakes. C. by taking photographs of crust, mantle and core.
18. When an earthquake occurs, where would the D. by identifying the epicenter of earthquakes.
shaking be greater? 20. When does a tsunami happen?
A. at the epicenter B. away from the epicenter A. if a fault suddenly moves in a body of water, a
C. at the focus D. at the fault plane tsunami may happen.
19. How does earthquake wave gives us picture of the B. when the typhoon is so strong.
interior of the earth? C. when huge water animals make big waves
A. by studying the behavior of earthquake waves D. if a meteor hits the ocean a tsunami happens.
as it passes through different layers of the earth.

Test II. Modified True or False. Write “True” if the

statement is correct or change the underlined word
with the correct one if it is “False”.

___________1. An inactive fault has move in the past ___________14. At the eye of a tropical cyclone, wind
and is capable of producing more earthquakes in the speed is higher.
future. ___________15. A tropical cyclone having a maximum
___________2. People are interviewed to determine wind speed of 64kph or less is categorized as a tropical
intensity. depression.
___________3. A downward movement of the fault
planes is capable of producing a tsunami. Test III. Identification.
___________4.Intensity I is described as Scarcely
Perceptible and is felt only by people under favorable A. Identify the meaning of the following terms.
___________5.Fault Line is the origin of an earthquake. 1. PAR -
___________6.PHIVOLCS is the government agency 2. PAGASA -
tasked in monitoring earthquakes and volcanic 3. PHIVOLCS -
activities. 4. PEIS -
___________7. When an earthquake happens, the
effects are greater in the areas away from the focus. B. Label the structures of a tropical cyclone.
___________8. Tropical Cyclone with a maximum wind
speed of 118-200 kph is categorized as a tropical storm.
___________9. Intensity is expressed using Hindu- 5
Arabic Numerals, .
___________10.S waves travel faster than P waves.
___________11. The lowest air pressure is at the
eyewall of a tropical cyclone.
___________12. Tropical cyclones require cold ocean 7
waters to be able to develop. .
___________13. Tropical depression, tropical storm,
typhoon and hurricane are the categories of tropical 8
cyclones. .

___________________________________________Good luck_____________________________________________

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