Pre-Lim Test Questionaire
Pre-Lim Test Questionaire
Pre-Lim Test Questionaire
Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Compostela Valley
New Albay, Maragusan, Compostela Valley Province
___________1. An inactive fault has move in the past ___________14. At the eye of a tropical cyclone, wind
and is capable of producing more earthquakes in the speed is higher.
future. ___________15. A tropical cyclone having a maximum
___________2. People are interviewed to determine wind speed of 64kph or less is categorized as a tropical
intensity. depression.
___________3. A downward movement of the fault
planes is capable of producing a tsunami. Test III. Identification.
___________4.Intensity I is described as Scarcely
Perceptible and is felt only by people under favorable A. Identify the meaning of the following terms.
___________5.Fault Line is the origin of an earthquake. 1. PAR -
___________6.PHIVOLCS is the government agency 2. PAGASA -
tasked in monitoring earthquakes and volcanic 3. PHIVOLCS -
activities. 4. PEIS -
___________7. When an earthquake happens, the
effects are greater in the areas away from the focus. B. Label the structures of a tropical cyclone.
___________8. Tropical Cyclone with a maximum wind
speed of 118-200 kph is categorized as a tropical storm.
___________9. Intensity is expressed using Hindu- 5
Arabic Numerals, .
___________10.S waves travel faster than P waves.
___________11. The lowest air pressure is at the
eyewall of a tropical cyclone.
___________12. Tropical cyclones require cold ocean 7
waters to be able to develop. .
___________13. Tropical depression, tropical storm,
typhoon and hurricane are the categories of tropical 8
cyclones. .
___________________________________________Good luck_____________________________________________