Listening Comprehension
This section tests your ability to comprehend spoken English. It is divided into three parts, each
with its own directions. You are not permitted to turn the page during the reading of the
directions or to take notes at any time.
Part A
Directions: Each item in this part consists of a brief conversation involving two speakers.
Following each conversation, a third voice will ask a question. You will hear the conversations and
questions only once, and they will not be written out.
When you have heard each conversation and question, read the four answer choices and select
the onc-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or
on what can be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the
answer that you have selected.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
Sample Answer
From the conversation you find out that the woman thinks the man should put the chair over by
the window. The best answer to the question, "What does the woman think the man should do?" is
(B), "Move the chair." You should fill in (n) on your answer sheet.
Section 1 • Listening Comprehension 471
1. (A) She broke the window herself. 10. (A) He's speaking a language they don't
(B) She repaired the broken window. know.
(C) She was able to get the widow open. (B) He doesn't have a microphone.
(D) She hurt herself on the broken glass. (C) He's speaking much too quickly.
(0) He's using a defective microphone.
2. (A) The golf tournament made it famous.
(B) It's grown a lot lately. 11. (A) It's near the elevator.
(C) It can't be found without a map. (B) He doesn't know where it is.
(D) Very few people there play golf. (C) It's on another floor.
(D) The directory doesn't list it.
3. (A) Where she got her information.
(B) How the copy was made. 12. (A) She's heard it only a few times.
(C) Who painted the picture. (B) She doesn't get to listen to it very
(D) Why the copy was made. often.
(C) She once liked it, but she's heard
4. (A) Groceries.
(B) A used car.
(D) She enjoys it very much.
(C) Gasoline.
(D) Medicine. 13. (A) It's no wonder that she had to work.
(B) It wasn't busy because of the weather.
5. (A) She read it again and again.
(C) She was very busy at work.
(B) She covered it up.
(0) The snow made her late for work.
(C) She read every page of it.
(D) She ripped its cover off. 14. (A) He doesn't have any money left either.
(B) The club is looking for some new
6. (A) He can no longer play.
(B) He's played every day for years.
(C) He can lend the woman some money.
(C) His playing has improved.
(0) It doesn't cost much to join the club.
(D) He played quite well.
15. (A) He doesn't enjoy receptions.
7. (A) He needs to get more camping
(B) He uses his computer a lot.
(C) His computer isn't working.
(B) He is an experienced camper.
(0) He will defmitely attend.
(C) He is taking too much equipment.
(D) He shouldn't go camping for such a 16. (A) Only one person in the group is older
long time. than he.
(B) His group is almost the oldest.
8. (A) Try to get elected mayor.
(C) He's the youngest person in the group.
(B) Attend a class.
(D) He appears only in the second
(C) Interview the mayor.
(D) Apply for a job.
17. (A) Pancakes are not his favorite dish.
9. (A) She was mistaken about Professor
(B) His pancakes don't taste very good.
(C) He never makes enough pancakes.
(B) She just returned from San Francisco.
(D) He can't cook many dishes.
(C) She doesn't know what the professor
looks like.
(D) She's an admirer of Professor Leguin.
472 Practice Test 3
18. (A) She thinks Professor Bryant is unfair. 25. (A) When she will answer the questions.
(B) She doesn't know Professor Bryant. (B) Where she drove.
(C) She agrees with the man. (C) What kind of car she has.
(D) She doesn't understand the man's (D) Why she asked so many questions.
26. (A) He thinks it will be better than the old
19. (A) In a few days. one.
(B) Before they eat. (B) He's anxious for it to be completed.
(C) During lunch. (C) He's worried that it's not long enough.
(D) When lunch is over. (D) He feels that it shouldn't have been
20. (A) The woman would enjoy the mountain
scenery. 27. (A) Where he's studying.
(B) The weather has been hot this month. (B) What subject he's studying.
(C) The weather in the mountains is (C) How long he's been in Europe.
unusual. (D) When he's returning.
(D) The woman probably doesn't like cool
28. (A) Charlotte wouldn't be attending
graduate school.
21. (A) It has exceptionally good service. (B) Charlotte had gotten a scholarship.
(B) It has excellent food. (C) Graduate school wouldn't start until
(C) The service there is disappointing. September.
(D) Everything there is great. (D) Scholarships were easy to get.
22. (A) If his name sounds familiar. 29. (A) He paid it today for the flrst time.
(B) If she's spoken to him on the phone. (B) He pays it on the last day of the month.
(C) If he's a musician. (C) He pays it after it's due.
(D) If she likes his name. (D) He's planning to pay it tomorrow.
23. (A) He thought other science courses 30. (A) The debate involved only a few issues.
would be harder. (B) Many people changed their plans.
(B) It's a required class for all students. (C) A lot of people attended.
(C) He's studied geology before. (D) The debate lasted longer than
(D) It was the only science course open to expected.
24. (A) He's never been to the zoo.
(B) He's seen only one bear.
(C) He's never seen a bear in the wild.
(D) There weren't any bears at that zoo.
Part B
Directions: This part of the test consists of extended conversations between two speakers. After
each of these conversations, there are a number of questions. You will hear each conversation and
question only once, and the questions are not written out.
When you have heard the questions, read the four answer choices and select the one-(A),
(B), (C), or (D)-that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be
inferred. Then flll in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you
have selected.
Don't forget: During actual exams, taking notes or writing in your test book is not permitted.
474 Practice Test 3
33. (A) Replace its engine. 37. (A) On foot and by boat.
(B) Enter it in some shows. (B) By car and on foot.
(C) Take it on a long drive. (C) By air and by car.
(D) Re-seU it for more money. (D) By car and by bus.
Part C
Directions: This part of the test consists of several talks, each given by a single speaker. After
each of these talks, there are a number of questions. You will hear each talk and question only
once, and the questions are not written out.
When you have heard each question, read the four answer choices and select the one-(A),
(B), (C), or (D)-that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be
inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you
have selected.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
Now here is a sample question.
Sample Answer
The lecture concerns a lunar eclipse, a topic that would typically be discussed in an astronomy
class. The choice that best answers the question, "In what course is this lecture probably being
given?" is (C), "Astronomy." You should fill in (C) on your answer sheet.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
Sample Answer
You will read: (A) The Earth's shadow moves across the Moon.
(B) Clouds block the view of the Moon.
(C) The moon moves between the Earth and the Sun.
(D) The Sun can be observed without special equipment.
From the lecture you learn that a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and
the Moon and the shadow of the Earth passes across the Moon. The choice that best answers the
question, "According to the speaker, which of the following occurs during a lunar eclipse?" is (A),
"The Earth's shadow moves across the Moon."
Don't forget: During actual exams, taking notes or writing in your test book is not permitted.
476 Practice Test 3
39. (A) It will be different from the ones 46. (A) New theories about the origin of
performed in Hawaii today. language.
(B) It will involve women wearing grass (B) How to teach grammar to children.
skirts. (C) Mistakes children sometimes make.
(C) It will involve only male dancers. (D) The stages of children's language
(0) It was once performed for great learning.
Hawaiian leaders.
47. (A) "Koo, Koo."
40. (A) They prohibited it. (B) "Da-da."
(B) They sponsored it. (C) "More milk!"
(C) They proposed some small changes (D) "Na-na."
in it.
48. (A) Between four and eight months.
(D) They exported it to other islands.
(B) Between one year and eighteen
41. (A) Attend a live performance. months.
(B) Go on a tour. (C) Between two and three years.
(C) Perform a dance. (0) Between three and four years.
(D) Watch a DVD.
49. (A) They are the same in all languages.
42. (A) To discuss a weather phenomenon. (B) They are often misinterpreted.
(B) To explain how to drive during storms. (C) They are learned by imitation.
(C) To describe supercooled water. (D) They are quite logical.
(D) To warn gardeners of the danger of
50. (A) They are too complicated.
(B) She doesn't have time to talk about
43. (A) Because of its size. them today.
(B) Because of its color. (C) The class didn't have a chance to read
(C) Because of its layers. about them.
(D) Because of its weight. (D) She doesn't agree with them.
44. (A) As a drop of supercooled water.
(B) As a snowflake.
(C) As a particle of dust.
(D) As a ball of ice.
~TO' ~TO'
Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression 477
Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there
are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that
best completes the sentence. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of
the answer that you have selected.
Example I Sample Answer
Pepsin ____ an enzyme used
in digestion.
(A) that
(B) is
(C) of
(D) being
This sentence should properly read "Pepsin is an enzyme used in digestion." You should fill in (B)
on your answer sheet.
Example II Sample Answer
CD CD CO . .
____ large natural lakes are found
in the state of South Carolina.
(A) There are no
(B) Not the
(C) It is not
(D) No
This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state of South
Carolina." You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet.
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part.
478 Practice Test 3
1. Ellen Swallow Richards became the flrst woman to enter, graduate from, and _ _ _ _ __
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
(A) teach
(B) a teacher
(C) who taught
(D) to teach
2. Coins last approximately twenty times _ _ _ _ _ _ paper bills.
(A) longer
(B) as long
(C) long
(D) longer than
3. It has been estimated that _ _ _ _ _ _ species of animals.
(A) more than a million
(B) it is a million or more
(C) there are over a million
(D) are over a million of
4. Dr. Seuss, was Theodore Seuss Geisel, wrote and illustrated delightfully
humorous books for children.
(A) his real name
(B) who had as his real name
(C) with his real name
(D) whose real name
5. American landscape architects was Hideo Sasaki.
(A) The most famous one of
(B) One of the most famous
(C) Of the one most famous
(D) The one most famous of
6. Most young geese leave their nests at an early age, and young snow geese are _ _ _ _ __
(A) not
(B) no
(C) none
(D) never
7. Vancouver, British Columbia, has a temperate climate for a city situated _ _ _ _ _ _ far
(A) as
(B) so
(C) very
(D) by
lij.i.",t.ilUJUtii!Wt. •
Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression 479
•••••••••••• in 1849, Manuel A. Alonso recorded the customs, language, and songs of the
people of Puerto Rico in his poetry and prose.
(A) Beginning
(B) He began
(C) Having begun
(D) The beginning was
9. the sails of a distant ship are visible before the body of the ship.
(A) The curve of the Earth makes
(B) The Earth, in that it curves, makes
(C) Because the curve of the Earth,
CD) Because of the curve of the Earth,
10. Printing ink is made _ _ _ _ _ _ of a paste, which is applied to the printing surface with
(A) to form
(B) the form
(C) in the form
(D) so that it forms
11. Although cold climates, they can thrive in hot, dry climates as well.
(A) sheep adapted well
(B) well-adapted sheep
(C) sheep, well adapted to
(D) sheep are well adapted to
12. Not only as a shade tree, but it also produces wood used for boxes and
(A) the Linden tree is of value
(B) the value of the Linden tree is
(C) is the Linden tree valuable
(D) the valuable Linden tree is used
13. one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's many books about the American frontier are based
on her own childhood experiences.
(A) Except
(B) All but
(C) Without
(D) Not any
14. One of the ftrst industries to be affected by the Industrial Revolution _ _ _ _ __
(A) was the textile industry
(B) the textile industry
(C) in the textile industry
(D) the textile industry was
15. the outer rings of a gyroscope are turned or twisted, the gyroscope itself
continues to spin in exactly the same position.
(A) However
(B) Somehow •
(C) Otherwise @.'.U,t.ihtjU=tii@t-
(D) No matter
480 Practice Test 3
Written Expression
Directions: The items in this part have four underlined words or phrases, (A), (B), (C), and (D).
You must identify the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be
correct. Then fmd the number of the question on your answer sheet and fill in the space
corresponding to the letter.
Example! Sample Answer
This sentence should read "Lenses may have either concave or convex shapes." You should
therefore select answer (A).
Example II Sample Answer
When painting a fresco, an artist is applied paint
--A-- B
directly to the damp plaster of a wall.
e D
This sentence should read "When painting a fresco, an artist applies paint directly to the damp
plaster of a wall." You should therefore select answer (B).
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this section.
@.i.".t.',UjlI§3 i @t--'
Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression 481
16. The rock formations in the Valley of Fire in Nevada has been worn into many strange shapes
A -B- C
17. The author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for hers play, Alison's House.
--A- -B- Cl)
18. Haywood Broun was a read widely newspaper columnist who wrote during the 1920's and
A B C --0-
20. Because of their color and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live
21. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another, they share a common
22. Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick describes the dangers, difficult, and often violent life
-A-- B C
aboard a whaling ship.
23. Near equator, the slant of the sun's rays is never great enough to cause temperatures to fall
A B --c--
below the freezing point.
24. Stephen Hopkins was a cultural and political leadership in colonial Rhode Island.
~ B C D
lij.i·",t."UjUii .@.
482 Practice Test 3
26. The Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah are the only range of mountains in North America
that runs from east and west for its entire length.
B c- --0-
27. The tools used most often by floral designers are the knives, scissors, and glue gun.
A B -C- -0-
28. Most types of dolphins live at less 25 years, and some species may reach 50 years of age.
-A- --B- -C- -0-
29. Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior can only be reached by the boat.
A 13 C 0
30. The main divisions of geologic time, called eras, are subdivided to periods.
A -B- --C- 0
31. All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are
~ -B- c- --0
32. The process of fermentation takes place only in the absent of oxygen.
A B C --0-
33. In about 1920, experimental psychologists have devoted more research to learning than to
any other topic.
34. Transfer taxes are imposed on the sell or exchange of stocks and bonds.
A 13" C ----n-
35. One of the greatest of mountains climbers, Carl Blaurock was the ftrst to climb all of the
36. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process which
Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression 483
37. Oceanic islands have been separated from the mainland for too long that they have evolved
--A- 1B C
distinctive animal populations.
39. Many of the important products obtained from trees, one of the most important is wood pulp,
which is used in paper-making.
40. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.
A B C -D-
00 Reading Comprehension
Time: 55 minutes
This section of the test measures your ability to comprehend written materials.
Directions: This section contains several passages, each followed by a number of questions. Read
the passages and, for each question, choose the one best answer-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-based on
what is stated in the passage or on what can be inferred from the passage. Then fill in the space on
your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.
What is the main topic of this passage?
(A) Birds that live in colonies
(B) Birds' mating habits
(C) The behavior of birds
(D) Territoriality in birds
The passage mainly concerns the territories of birds. You should fill in CD) on your answer sheet.
Example II Sample Answer
Questions 1-11
486 Practice Test 3
4. Approximately when did Lucy Maud Montgomery write the two sequels to her book Anne of
Green Gables?
(A) From 1874 to 1908
(B) From 1908 to 1911
(C) From 1911 to 1913
(D) From 1913 to 1918
5. The word "elderly" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
(A) kindly
(B) old
(C) friendly
(D) sly
6. In the Anne books, the main character lives in
(A) the town of Cavendish
(B) Saskatchewan
(C) the town of Avonlea
(D) Ontario
7. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage about the Anne books?
(A) They were at least partially autobiographical.
(B) They were influenced by the works of Mark Twain.
(C) They were not as successful as Montgomery's later works.
(D) They were not popular until after Montgomery had died.
8. The word "prominence" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
(A) reputation
(B) excellence
(C) effort
(D) permanence
9. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "character" in line 21?
(A) A person in a novel
(B) Nature
(C) A written symbol
(D) Location
10. All of the following have been based on the Anne books EXCEPT
(A) a television series
(B) movies
(C) a play
(D) a ballet
11. In line 22, the word "scour" could be replaced by which of the following without changing the
meaning of the sentence?
(A) Cleanse
(B) Admire
(C) Search
(D) Request
Section 3 • Reading Comprehension 487
Questions 12-23
13. Why does the author refer to Gilbert White's book in line 3?
(A) To show how attitudes have changed since 1786
(B) To contradict the idea that animals can count
(C) To provide evidence that some birds are aware of quantities
(D) To indicate that more research is needed in this field
14. The word "surreptitiously" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) quickly
(B) secretly
(C) occasionally
(D) stubbornly
15. The word "abandon" in line 8 is closest in meaning to
(A) vacate
(B) rebuild
(C) move
(D) guard
16. The word "odd;' as used in line 14, refers to which of the following?
(A) Unusual numbers
(B) Numbers such as 1, 3, 5, and so on
(C) Lucky numbers
(0) Numbers such as 2, 4, 6, and so on
17. The author mentions that all of the following are aware of quantities in some way EXCEPT
(A) plovers
(B) mice
(C) caterpillars
(D) wasps
18. The word "accounts" in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) invoices
(B) reasons
(C) reports
(D) deceptions
19. According to information in the passage, which of the following is LEAST likely to occur as a
result of animals' intuitive awareness of quantities?
(A) A pigeon is more attracted by a box containing two pieces of food than by a box
containing one piece.
(B) When asked by its trainer how old it is, a monkey holds up five fingers.
(C) When one of its four kittens crawls away, a mother cat misses it and searches for the
miSSing kitten.
(D) A lion follows one antelope instead of a herd of antelopes because it is easier to hunt a
single prey.
@.i.';'i.',UjUtii@t. •
Section 3 • Reading Comprehension 489
20. How would the author probably characterize the people who are mentioned in line 15?
(A) As mistaken
(B) As demanding
(C) As clever
(D) As foolish
21. The word "admittedly" in line 29 is closest in meaning to
(A) improbably
(B) arguably
(C) apparently
CD) undeniably
22. In line 31, the word "they" refers to
(A) numbers
(B) animals
(C) achievements
(D) genes
23. Where in the passage does the author mention research that supports his own view of animals'
inability to count?
(A) Lines 3-6
(B) Lines 12-14
(C) Lines 15-16
(D) Lines 27-28
Questions 24-33
Id.i.';it.ilUj U4:J i UW t- .
490 Practice Test 3
The rise of the US. steel industry in the last quarter of the
19th century was brought about largely by the demand for Bessemer
steel rails for the nation's burgeoning rail network. Steel rails
(20) were far more durable than those made of iron. Spurred by this
demand, the us. steel industry became the largest in the world
in 1886, when it surpassed that of Great Britain.
The Bessemer Process was the chief method of making steel until
1907, when it was overtaken by the open-hearth process. By the
(25) 1950's, the Bessemer Process accounted for less than 3% of the
total U.S. production.
24. With what topic is this passage mainly concerned?
(A) The history of metal-working
(B) A comparison of the US. and British steel industries in the nineteenth century
CC) The technical details of the Bessemer process
CD) The effects of one method of making steel
25. According to the passage, the Bessemer process contributed to all of the following EXCEPT
(A) the establishment of the modern steel industry in the United States
CB) the manufacture of weapons during the Civil War
CC) lowered costs for steel
CD) industrial development in the United States during an important period
26. What can be inferred from the passage about wrought iron?
(A) At one time, more of it was produced than Bessemer steel.
(B) It is a by-product of the Bessemer process.
(C) It was once primarily imported from Great Britain.
CD) It later became a more important product than Bessemer steel.
27. The word "burgeoning" in line 19 is closest in meaning to
(A) overpowering
(B) planned
(C) expanding
CD) vital
28. According to the passage, why were Bessemer steel rails used in place of iron rails?
(A) They lasted longer.
(B) They did not have to be imported.
(C) They could be installed faster.
(D) They provided a smoother ride for passengers.
29. The word "Spurred" in line 20 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Driven
CB) Challenged
(C) Dominated
(D) Broken
Section 3 • Reading Comprehension 491
30. According to the passage, in what year did the steel industry of the United States begin to
produce more steel than that of Great Britain did?
(A) 1864
(B) 1875
(C) 1880
(D) 1886
31. What can be inferred about the steel industry in the United States during the 1950's?
(A) It had begun producing many new types of products.
(B) It was in a period of severe decline.
(C) It primarily involved methods of production other than the Bessemer Process.
(D) It was becoming more and more important.
32. The paragraph following this one probably concerns
(A) innovations in the railroad industry
(B) the open-hearth method of making steel
(C) industrialization in the twentieth century
(D) new methods of making wrought iron
33. The author first begins to discuss the growth of the Bessemer Process in
(A) lines 3-4
(B) lines 8-9
(C) lines 14-16
(D) lines 23-24
Questions 34-41
492 Practice Test 3
@.i.,;,t.',Uj,t§!i.@t. •
Section 3 • Reading Comprehension 493
40. During which of the following periods were San Francisco's Victorian houses generally thought
of as old-fashioned?
(A) From 1870 to 1890
(B) During the 1890's
(C) From 1907 to 1960
(D) During the 1960's
41. What can be inferred from the passage about Victorian houses after they had been restored?
(A) They were painted in many colors.
(B) They looked exactly like modern houses.
(C) They were covered with new fronts made of stucco.
(D) They were more attractive than the original houses.
Questions 42-50
Sea otters dwell in the North Pacific. They are the largest of
the mustelids, a group which also includes freshwater otters,
weasels, and badgers. They are from four to five feet long, and
most weigh from 60 to 85 pounds. Large males may weigh 100 pounds
(5) or more.
Unlike most marine mammals, such as seals or dolphins, sea
otters lack a layer of blubber, and therefore have to eat up to
30% of their body weight a day in clams, crabs, fish, octopus,
squids, and other delicacies to maintain body heat. Their
(10) voracious appetites do not create food shortages, though, because
they are picky eaters, each animal preferring only a few food
types. Thus no single type of food source is exhausted. Sea
otters play an important environmental role by protecting forests
of seaweed called kelp, which provide shelter and nutrients for
(15) many species. Certain sea otters feast on invertebrates like sea
urchins and abalones that destroy kelp.
Sea otters eat and sleep while floating on their backs, often
on masses of kelp. They seldom come on shore. Sea otters keep
warm by means of their luxuriant double-layered fur, the densest
(20) among animals. The soft outer fur forms a protective cover that
keeps the fme underfur dry. One square inch of underfur contains
up to 1 million hairs. Unfortunately, this essential feature
almost led to their extinction, as commercial fur hunters drastically
reduced their numbers.
(25) Under government protection, the sea otter population has
recovered. While elated by the otters return, scientists are
concerned about the California sea otter population growth of 5%
a year, lagging behind the 18% a year rate among Alaska otters.
Sea otters are extremely sensitive to pollution. In 1989 up to
(30) 5,000 sea otters perished when the Exxon Valdez spilled oil in
Prince William Sound, Alaska.
494 Practice Test 3
Section 3 • Reading Comprehension 495
50. According to the passage, why are scientists concerned about the population of California sea
(A) It has been growing at too fast a rate.
(B) Its growth rate has been steadily decreasing.
(C) Its growth rate is not as fast as that of the Alaska sea otters.
(D) It has been greatly reduced by oil spills and other forms of pollution.