Daily Lesson Log Ten (10) English Second I. Objectives: En10G-Iif-28: Use Words and Expressions That Affirm or Negate
Daily Lesson Log Ten (10) English Second I. Objectives: En10G-Iif-28: Use Words and Expressions That Affirm or Negate
Daily Lesson Log Ten (10) English Second I. Objectives: En10G-Iif-28: Use Words and Expressions That Affirm or Negate
C. Learning Competencies/ EN10G-IIf-28: Use words and expressions that affirm or negate
A. Lesson Affirmation and Negation
B. Topic
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages P188-189
2. Learner’s Materials Pages P217-221
3. Textbook Pages P217-221
B. Other Learning Resources Copy of the selection textbook
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson.
Do you agree on what Jessie Robredo said in his speech?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson List down possible expression of affirmation and negation
C. Presenting examples of the new Tell the class to read all the 12 suggestions and after reading ask the
lesson class what the purpose of Atty. Lacson is in writing the book
D. Discussing the concepts and Ask the class to give their answers orally on the first five items in the
practicing the skills # 1 12 Little Things
E. Discussing the concepts and Once all the first 5 items have been discussed, draw out insights from
practicing the skills # 2 the class.
F. Developing mastery Prepare the class to work individually on the last 7 items
G. Finding Practical Applications of Discuss to the class their answers
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
H. Making generalizations and What is the significance of using affirmation and negation expressions?
abstractions about the lesson
Call one or two students to share their own little ways of caring for their
I. Evaluating learning
Prepare a personal testimony about a topic that they are most passionate
J. Additional activities for application
about and that they have personally experienced. (Task 14C) Activity
or remediation
may be done a week or two after
____ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
_ Lesson not carried.