10 5923 J Ajgis 20130201 01
10 5923 J Ajgis 20130201 01
10 5923 J Ajgis 20130201 01
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajgis.20130201.01
M ountain Environment and Natural Resources Information System, International Centre for Integrated M ountain Development, GPO Box
3226, Kathmandu, Nepal
Abstract Floods are one of the most common hazards in the world, affect ing people’s lives and livelihoods. Flood
hazard mapping and flood shelters suitability analysis are v ital elements in appropriate land use planning for flood-prone
areas. This paper describes application of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Info rmation Systems (GIS) in identifying
flood hazard zones and flood shelters and are therefore important tools for planners and decision makers. The purpose of
this article is to describe a simp le and efficient methodology to accurately delineate flood inundated areas, flood-hazard
areas, and suitable areas for flood shelter to min imize flood impacts. Possible extent of flooding and suitable location flood
shelter sites were modeled and mapped for Sindh Province in Pakistan, using the software ArcGIS model builder. The
output was validated using inundation maps based on flood events that took place in 2010 in Pakistan. These were mapped
using object-based image analysis (OBIA) imp lemented in eCognition software. The catastrophic flood of 2010 inundated a
total area of 7579 km2, while the modeled result indicated the hazard area to be 6216 km2 out of 46138 km2.
Discrepancies in modeled and mapped results are insignificant and acceptable considering the manual flood management
interventions which are beyond the capability of models to represent. Thus, this method is robust enough to develop flood
hazard zoning maps and map shelter sites for flood management.
Keywords Remote Sensing, GIS, OBIA, Flood, Hazard, Sindh River, Pakistan
flood occurred, inflict ing damage nationwide in Pakistan becoming a powerful tool for mon itoring changing aquatic
worth about Rs. 17 billion. The catastrophic flood of 1992 environments. Remote sensing data has been used to
surpassed all previous records with damages estimated at Rs. document water quality estimate water depths and monitor
50 billion. river channel changes and aquatic habitat[4-6].
Sindh is the south eastern province of Pakistan. The Object-based analysis of mu ltispectral imagery was
province is associated with the longest river of Pakistan introduced early on in remote sensing literature[7]; however,
which stretches to about 1976 miles (3180 km) long. the object-based approach has largely been ignored in
Originating in the Tibetan Plateau in the vicinity of Lake favour of p ixel-based methods which have been easier to
Mansarovar in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the river runs implement[8]. One of the advantages of object-based image
a course through the Ladakh d istrict of Jammu and Kashmir, analysis is the multitude of additional in formation that can
then enters the Northern Areas (Gilg it-Balt istan) flowing be derived fro m image objects co mpared to the amount of
through the North in a southerly direction along the entire informat ion availab le fro m individual p ixels[9].
length of the country to merge into the Arabian Sea near the This study aims to determine flood hazard, flood extended
port city of Karach i in Sindh. It is the major source of areas, and proposed flood shelters using remote sensing and
irrigation for Pakistan’s fertile agricultural lands. The geographic informat ion systems tools. An effort was made
river’s estimated annual flow stands at around 207 cubic to prepare a flood hazard zone map and a proposed flood
kilo meters (cu km), making it the 21st largest river in the shelter map using GIS and remote sensing techniques and
world in terms of annual flow. Climate is not uniform over incorporating a satellite image, topographic map. Th is study
the Indus Basin. It varies fro m subtropical arid and also attempts to explo it the capabilities of remote sensing
semi-arid to temperate sub-humid in the plains of the Sindh and GIS techniques to suggest an appropriate methodology
and Punjab provinces, and alpine in the mountainous for flood hazard mapping.
highlands to the north. Annual precipitation ranges between
100 mm and 500 mm in the lowlands to a maximu m of
2000 mm (water equivalent) on mountain slopes. Snowfall 2. Methodology
at higher altitudes (above 2500 m) accounts for most of the
river runoff. Alluvial land in Pakistan is known to be a 2.1. Study Area
flood-prone area. The study area is located in the south-eastern part of Nepal
Earth observation techniques can contribute to finding and seven districts of Sindh province (Figure 1). Sindh lies in
out more accurately what causes floods. Together with a tropical to subtropical region; it is hot in the summer and
flood hazard mapping, earth observation techniques can be mild to warm in winter. Temperatures frequently rise above
used to assessing damage to property, infrastructure, and 46°C between May and August, and drops to a minimu m
agricultural crops. The uses of remotely sensed data in average of 2°C during December and January in the northern
identifying the trends of river channel migration and as and elevated regions. Annual rainfall averages about seven
source of input data for determin ing river behaviour has inches, falling main ly during July and August. The province
been gaining popularity in recent years. One of the main is mostly arid, with scant vegetation except for the irrigated
characteristics of remote sensing is its capability to generate Indus Valley.
a large amount of informat ion frequently and spatially,
The next step was to define classes and insert class Results were selected and the optimu m site identified for the
hierarchy. Image objects were linked to class objects and new flood shelter fro m alternative sites.
each classification lin k was stored in the membership value
of the image object to the linked class. Image objects were
classified using user-defined rules. Objects with an area
smaller than the defined min imu m mapping unit were
merged with other objects. The classified inundation map
was exported to shape file format for further processing and
flood hazard processing and flood shelters and modeling.
Several types of factor/parameter were required to do
flood hazard assessment. Acquired datasets of stream order,
river, dig ital elevation model and land cover including all of
the data that a flood under such circumstances would include.
One of these is slope which is an essential topographic factor
that guides the flood potential of spatial areas. Slope data
layers were generated using the digital elevation model of Figure 4. Flood hazard zoning map
the study area. Vegetation poses a major restraint to flooding;
vegetation reduces runoff and helps in percolation.
Euclidea n allocation calcu lates for each cell the nearest 3. Results
source based on Euclidean distance and calculates the
direction in degrees to the nearest source. Normally, all
nearest source areas are flood-prone areas. Euclidean
allocations of stream order were generated. Euclidean
distances of rivers were generated and short disease from
river ran ked flood potential. In order to co mbine the datasets,
they must be set to a common scale. Each dataset data is then
reclassified to rank the potential hazard location. Then
reclassify date sets came to a common scale ranges from 1 to
5. Each raster was assigned ranks at the time of Legend
reclassification: a ranking of ‘1’ means with the most flood Restricted
potential, and ‘5’, least flood potential. Once, all the four Not suitable
raster layers are created using the models developed, they are 3
overlaid together to produce the final flood hazard map of 5
Shind province. The weighted layers were created in order to 6
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