Flood Risk Assessment Documents
Flood Risk Assessment Documents
Flood Risk Assessment Documents
The rapid urbanization and changing climate patterns in Swat, Pakistan have increased the vulnerability of urban areas
to flood events. Accurate assessment of flood risk is crucial for effective urban planning and disaster management. In
current research study flood hazard index was developed using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique in combina-
tion with the geographical information system (GIS) environment in Swat, Pakistan. The study integrates various data
sources, including topographic maps, land use/land cover information, rainfall data, and infrastructure data, to develop a
comprehensive flood risk assessment model. The weights obtained from the AHP analysis are combined with geospatial
data using a geographic information system (GIS) to generate flood risk maps. The flood hazard levels were categorized
into five distinct classes: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Using the GIS-AHP approach, higher weights were
assigned to rainfall, distance to river, elevation, and slope in comparison to NDVI, TWI, LULC, curvature, and soil type.
The flood hazard map was then reclassified for each parameter. By overlaying these maps, it was determined that 5.6%
of the total area is classified as very high flood risk, 52% as high risk, 39.3% as moderate risk, and 3.1% as low risk. The
developed comprehensive flood risk assessment model in current study can identify high-risk areas, prioritize mitigation
measures, and aid in effective urban planning and disaster management.
Article Highlights
• Flood risk assessment model using GIS and AHP iden- • GIS-generated flood hazard maps aid in prioritizing
tifies high-risk areas for effective urban planning and mitigation measures and increasing public aware-ness
disaster management. for flood risk reduction.
• Elevation, slope, rainfall, and proximity to the river are
significant factors influencing flood vulnerabil-ity in
Swat, Pakistan.
Keywords Flood risks management · Sensitivity assessment · Swat watershed flood hazard index (FHI) · Environmental
factors · Spatial analysis · Geographic information systems
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
groundwater flow is controlled by the region’s topogra- decisions need the development of an opinion, the com-
phy and geological structure. Wells and springs are the parison of alternatives, or the evaluation of each choice
primary sources of groundwater in Swat. Wells, usually considering an ideal. In contrast, intuitive decisions are
shallow and hand-dug, serve domestic and agricultural totally subjective and cannot be justified by a logical
needs. Springs, mainly situated in mountainous regions, argument. The latter choice is one that the AHP approves
provide water for drinking and irrigation. However, of. The assumptions for the study were derived from a
Swat’s hydrogeology is under threat from increasing thorough literature review and align with well-estab-
urbanization, deforestation, and pollution. These fac- lished factors influencing flood risk assessment. These
tors have caused a decline in water quality and quantity, assumptions include rainfall, distance to river, slope,
necessitating the implementation of effective manage- elevation, land use/land cover (LULC), topographic wet-
ment strategies to protect Swat’s groundwater resources. ness index (TWI), normalized difference vegetation index
(NDVI), soil type, and curvature. Each assumption is sup-
2.2 Data collection and model setup ported by existing research and contributes to a compre-
hensive understanding of flood dynamics in the study
This section discusses the components of morphomet- area. These assumptions are grounded in established
ric, topographic, and variable analysis involved in the scientific knowledge and align with recognized factors
creation of AHP-GIS-based maps. It is important to note contributing to flood risk. We have considered these
that the type of flood significantly impacts the variables assumptions to ensure a comprehensive assessment
utilized in the multi-parametric AHP model. Table 1 pre- of flood hazards. As a result, the variables evaluated in
sents the variables employed for vulnerability analysis, this study were chosen based on how important they
along with the corresponding risk categories and levels were for producing floods in the study area. Elevation
of relative importance. The selection of criteria using a and inclination, soil types, yearly rainfall distribution, the
spatial reference is a crucial step in multicriteria decision topo-graphic wetness index, and land-use/cover data are
analysis. The AHP integrates objective assessments with all taken into account land Use Cover downloaded from
actual data to determine initiatives, activities, schemes, NASA Earth Data and Environmental Systems Research
or alternatives based on quantitative criteria [13, 33]. Institute (Esri) [30]. The weighted overlay is then used to
According to Saaty [10], decisions can be divided into create the final flood risk map, as displayed in Fig. 2, is
two categories: intuitive and analytical. Analytical finally created.
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Table 1 Flood susceptibility criteria and sub-criteria ranges for flood susceptibility assessment
Flood criteria’s Unit Class Class ranges/flood Class Ratings Percent-
probability age
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
2.5 Distance to river
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Fig. 3 a Digital elevation model; b Reclass of elevation map; c Slope map; d Reclass of slope map
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
Fig. 4 a Land use land cover map; b Reclass of land use land cover map
and infiltration capacity of soils greatly influence their abil- satellite data. It provides information about the level of
ity to absorb water and function as sponges. Different soil photosynthetic activity occurring in a particular area. NDVI
types have varying capabilities. Increased surface runoff is determined by analyzing the reflectance of near-infrared
due to decreased soil infiltration capacity enhances the and visible light detected by satellite sensors.
likelihood of flooding. Flooding occurs when the rate of NDVI values range from -1 to + 1, with higher values
water supply exceeds the soil’s infiltration capacity, caus- indicating greater vegetation density and health (+ 1)
ing runoff downslope on sloped ground. Figure 7 illus- and lower values indicating lower vegetation density
trates the categorized soil cover and precipitation map and health (-1). These values are commonly employed
for the study area. to monitor vegetation growth, drought conditions, and
other environmental factors that can impact plant health.
2.8 Curvature and NDVI The results of the Curvature function are depicted in Fig. 8,
with the classifications determined through a combina-
The Curvature feature represents the contour and curva- tion of academic literature and previous research on flood
ture of the slope. It determines whether the surface is con- events [34].
cave or convex based on its second derivative. The results
of the Curvature function are displayed in Fig. 8. The classi-
fication of the curvature classes was established through a 2.9 Data acquisition
combination of academic literature and insights obtained
from previous flood research [34]. A three-grade scale was The maps in this research article were generated using
employed to standardize the classes, with each class being geographic information system (GIS) software, specifically
assigned a positive whole number. ArcGIS version 10.4 developed by Esri (). Table 2 below
The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) shows the source of the data acquired for the current
evaluates the density and health of vegetation by utilizing research work.
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
2.10 Analytical hierarchical process (AHP) a meaningful interpretation of the criteria. AHP can be
applied with various criteria, and once the hierarchy is
AHP, which stands for Analytic Hierarchy Process, is a cru- established, it compares the two criteria to determine
cial decision-making approach that finds applications in their relative importance.
various industries such as business, banking, education, An AHP pair-wise comparison matrix was used to
politics, and engineering. It was initially developed by establish the relative weights of the pertinent com-
Saaty in 1980 as a multicriteria decision-making method, ponents. As the criteria are prioritized, their relative
drawing inspiration from the work of Myers and Alpert weights are established. On a scale of 1 to 9, where 9
in 1968, and has since become one of the most widely is the most significant component, there is a relative
used approaches in this field [26]. The AHP is highly flex- importance scale.
ible and allows for the consideration of both quantitative The final map of flood risk zones was created by com-
and qualitative factors in decision-making, taking into bining the weights and multiplying them by the rate of
account the priorities of the user or group implementing each individual element, as given in Eq. (1).
the model. In the AHP, the comparison matrix is trans-
formed into a priority vector, and a consistency ratio H= wi xi (1)
is calculated by assigning an arbitrary index value. The 1
highest level in the hierarchy represents the final state of
the decision, followed by its criteria, and then the least where n is the number of components, w(i) is each factor’s
preferred options at the lower level. Decisions can be weight, and x(i) is each factor’s individual rating, and H is
made at the lowest level of the hierarchy. It is crucial to the flood risk level.
accurately define the total number of criteria and each The pair-wise comparison matrix indicated in the
discrete criterion to ensure consistent pairwise compari- following equation (Eq. 2) theoretically revealed the
sons. Grouping similar criteria together is important for weighting coefficients of the stated flood risk compo-
nents in the AHP approach.
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
Fig. 6 a Topographic wetness index (TWI) map; b Reclass of TWI map
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Fig. 7 a Soil map; b Reclass of soil map; c Precipitation map; d Reclass of precipitation map
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
Fig. 8 a Curvature map; b Reclass of curvature map; c NDVI map; d Reclass of NDVI map
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Table 2 Summary of the data used in this study and the sources from where the data is obtained
Sr. No Data Type Description Source
1 DEM ASTER global digital elevation model with 30 m cell size Earth Data Search, NASA [35]
2 Soil Data Digital Soil Map of the World- ESRI Shapefile format with FAO Map Catalog, Food and Agricultural Organization of
resolution of 5’ × 5’ the United Nations [36]
3 LULC Data Sentinel-2 10-Meter Land Use/Land Cover Esri Land Cover—ArcGIS Living Atlas [37]
4 NDVI Data Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 (Landsat 8–9 OLI/TIRS C2 L1) USGS Earth Explorer. United States Geological Survey [38]
5 Rainfall Data CRU TS Monthly precipitation high-resolution datasets CRU UAE Data, Climate Research Unit [39]
with 0.5 × 0.5 degree resolution
Table 3 The fundamental scale for pair-wise comparison changed over a range of percentages when using the one-
Intensity Definition
at-a-time (OAT) method, and the effects of the change are
then evaluated as shown in Fig. 9. In this study, the range of
1 Equal importance percent change (RCP) was applied to all criteria weights with
2 Relative importance a 5% increase in the percent change (IPC) (i.e., plus or minus
3 Moderate importance 5%) from a 20% beginning criterion weight. The weights of
4 Relative importance the primary criterion at various degrees of percent change
5 Strong importance were calculated using Eq. (5), which is displayed in Fig. 9. The
6 Relative importance interpolation table aids in assigning average values to crite-
7 Very strong importance ria within a specified range, ensuring precise and standard-
8 Relative importance ized evaluations in the decision-making process as shown
9 Extreme importance in Fig. 10.
Table 4 Decision matrix used Category Type Priority Rank (+) (-)
in the current study
1 Rainfall 27.6% 1 12.4% 12.4%
2 Distance to river 23.9% 2 11.7% 11.7%
3 Slope 15.80% 3 5.3% 5.3%
4 Elevation 12.90% 4 3.8% 3.8%
5 LULC 8.90% 5 3.4% 3.4%
6 TWI 4.00% 6 1.7% 1.7%
7 NDVI 2.6% 7 1.0% 1.0%
8 Soil type 2.70% 8 0.7% 0.7%
9 Curvature 1.60% 9 0.7% 0.7%
The Rank column is color-coded is to indicate the priority order of the nine parameters
The diagonal values are highlighted with color to represent the relative importance of each parameter to itself. This convention simplifies
the table’s interpretation and aids in comprehension
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
3 Results
% Weightage
Rainfall Dsitance Slope Elevation LULC TWI NDVI Soil type Curvature
to river
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
Table 6 Estimated flood-prone area of Swat reduced, ensuring the safety and protection of the popula-
Study area (District) 2
Total area ( km ) 2
Area under high risk (km ) tion and infrastructure in the high-risk areas.
Table 7 Classification of flood prone areas in form of categories Model validation is a critical process that involves sys-
Criteria (Flood risk) Area(km2) Percentage
tematically comparing the outputs of a model to inde-
pendent observations in the real world. This comparison
Very High 298.872 5.6% helps assess the accuracy and reliability of the model’s
High 2775.24 52% predictions in terms of both quantity and quality. In the
Moderate 2092.104 39.3% context of flood susceptibility assessment, researchers
Low 165.447 3.1% utilize various models to evaluate the vulnerability of dif-
Total 5337 100% ferent regions to flooding. However, it is essential to vali-
date these models by comparing their outputs to actual
observed data or ground truth information. By calibrating
of the map. The flood risk is high for the Northeast and and validating the model using observable data, research-
Northwest sides as those areas are susceptible to flash ers can ensure that the model accurately reflects the real-
floods. world conditions and improves its reliability for future
The Southern part of Swat valley, where the majority of flood risk assessments.
the urban population resides and major road infrastruc- In September 2011, a disaster risk mapping project was
ture is located, is identified as being at high risk of flood- conducted in Swat District under the supervision of the
ing according to the flood hazard map. This is a significant National Rural Support Program (NRSP) and Diakonie, a
concern as it suggests that a significant loss of infrastruc- German-based INGO. The objective was to assess the vul-
ture may occur during flooding events, as observed in nerability of 11 selected villages in the district to flood-
the 2010 flood incident [40]. Another crucial factor influ- ing. These villages were chosen based on their extensive
encing the flood risk is rainfall. The speed of water flow damages during the 2010 flood event [41]. The geographic
downstream plays a vital role in determining the extent locations of these villages were plotted on the current
of flood damage. The slope and elevation of the terrain flood hazard map developed in this study. It was found
greatly influence the velocity and direction of water flow that all of the selected villages fell within the moderate
within the study area, as gravity plays a significant role to high flood risk zones, thus validating the study’s find-
in flood occurrences. As rainfall is relatively higher and ings with field observation data. Another study titled
more frequent in the Northern parts of Swat valley, the "Flood Disasters and Land Use Planning in Swat Valley"
rainwater gains velocity as it flows down the slope, result- was conducted by Atta-ur-Rehman et al. This study aimed
ing in greater damage in the Southern areas of the valley. to analyze flood disasters and the effectiveness of land
The methods and techniques used to develop the hazard use planning. They also developed a flood hazard zona-
map have the advantage of providing a comprehensive tion map using GIS tools [40]. A comparison was made
and easy-to-understand representation of the flood haz- between their flood hazard zonation map and the one
ards. This hazard map can be particularly useful in areas developed in the current study. Although the emphasis of
where primary data is unavailable. Tables 6 and 7 present their study was more on land use analysis, the results were
the calculated categorization of the area into flood risk comparable. However, the current study incorporated nine
zones, ranging from high to low. different parameters into the development of the flood
Table 7 indicates that over 50% of the area is classified as hazard map, making it more comprehensive and reliable.
having a high flood risk. To mitigate the negative impacts The comparison of both flood hazard maps validated the
of flooding, it is crucial to implement strategic measures results of the current study and indicated their reasona-
for planned construction in these areas. Encroachments, bleness. Swat Valley, like many other districts in Pakistan,
particularly those near the river banks, should be removed experiences periodic severe flooding [42]. Areas located
to prevent further vulnerability. Constructing a flood pro- along the river banks have been particularly vulnerable
tection wall is recommended in regions where it will effec- to floods since 1973 [43]. Figure 12 shows illustrations of
tively mitigate the risk, with the southern site being the some flood events superimposed on the flood hazard map
most feasible option. By implementing these measures, developed in the current study, highlighting the accuracy
the potential damage from flooding can be significantly of the hazard map in depicting the flood-prone areas.
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
Research SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1
on the underground drainage system, we employed a these stakeholders to make informed decisions about
simplified method of flooding simulation by generalizing land use planning, emergency response strategies, and
the network. While there were some errors in the simula- targeted mitigation measures. By utilizing our findings,
tion results, they did not significantly impact the assess- they can proactively enhance the district’s resilience and
ment of flood risk levels [48]. He specific objectives of the promote sustainable development, effectively minimizing
investigation determine the required level of resolution the impact of flood hazards.
for considering physical, social, and environmental factors.
To enhance the comprehensibility of the findings, data is
presented in a raster format of the same size as the text. 5 Conclusions
Future studies should aim to employ indicators with con-
sistent spatial resolution. Due to the concentration of lowlands with moderate
Measuring urban flood risk consistently is difficult due slopes, ephemeral streams with torrential behavior,
to the dynamic nature of the factors involved, such as pre- completely covered streams, and urban areas, the east-
cipitation intensity and volume, population density, and ern and southern parts of the research region exhibit a
building layout. In our research, we focused on examining high concentration of very high and high flood danger
and analyzing a subset of critical indicators relevant to the zones. The locations of these flood-risk zones showed
research topic. Despite the inherent uncertainty, it is cru- relatively little variation, as indicated by the uncertainty
cial to precisely and thoroughly compute the weighting analysis. The flood danger map effectively illustrates
of these indicators as it significantly impacts the final esti- the relationship between flood hazard zones and areas
mation of flood risk. Researchers have extensively studied prone to flooding. The validation process demonstrated
the challenges faced during rescue operations following the reliability and precision of the hazard map. The cur-
natural disasters. In the future, a comprehensive investiga- rent urban flood hazard map and spatial distribution
tion of urban flooding is necessary to establish scientific were analyzed to identify potential sites for implement-
criteria for urban emergency rescue systems [49]. ing flood protection measures. The proposed method,
The findings of this study have several implications for which provides a comprehensive analysis of the area, can
flood risk management in the KPK watershed and neigh- be easily implemented in locations where primary data
boring areas. First and foremost, the research highlights is limited and produces reasonable results. Therefore,
the significance of land use planning and management in scientists, stakeholders, engineers, and decision makers
mitigating flood risk. The presence of numerous roads and involved in future land use planning initiatives can adopt
impermeable surfaces in the study area leads to increased this method. It can also contribute to the development
runoff during rainfall events, increasing the likelihood of of flood mitigation techniques and be applied to disas-
floods. Therefore, it is crucial to make informed land use ter preparedness planning and post-fire management,
decisions to minimize the risk of flooding. The research enhancing their effectiveness.
highlights the need for improved drainage infrastructure
and maintenance to mitigate the impacts of floods. It Acknowledgements The ESRI and USGS are gratefully acknowledged
by the study’s authors for contributing the digital elevation model
was observed that the drainage system in the study area and land use and cover data, respectively.
was inadequate, which heightened the risk of flooding.
Therefore, investing in drainage infrastructure and main- Author Contributions Conceptualization, MW, SA, IA, and HW; meth-
tenance can help minimize the impacts of floods in the odology, SA, IA, HW, and MW; software, IA, SA, MW, and HW; valida-
future. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance tion, IA, MW, SA, and HW; formal analysis, SA, MW, IA, and HW; investi-
gation, MW; data curation, SS, IA, HW, and MW; writing original draft,
of educating and increasing public awareness regarding SA, IA; writing—review and editing, MW, and MKL; visualization, MW,
flood risk and preparedness. Although many people in and MKL. All authors have read and agreed to the submitted version
the study region acknowledged the significant likelihood of the manuscript.
of flooding, only a few had taken any preparatory meas-
ures. To mitigate the impacts of floods, initiatives should Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
DEAL. This study received no external funding. We are thankful to
be undertaken to enhance public awareness of flood risk the University of Rostock, Open access program for their willingness
and preparedness. to pay the article processing charges.
The significance of this research lies in its practical
implications. The hazard maps produced by our study Data availability The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the
serve as valuable tools for urban planners, local authori- current study are not publicly available due to privacy reasons but
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
ties, and disaster management agencies. They enable
SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:215 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-023-05445-1 Research
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Flood Disasters and Land Use Planning in Swat Valley Eastern