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Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment Using GIS and Remote Sensing in Lower Awash Sub-Basin, Ethiopia

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Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment Using GIS and Remote

Sensing in Lower Awash Sub-basin, Ethiopia
Yirga Kebede Wondim
Land Use Planning and Environmental Impact Study Core Process, Amhara Design and Supervision Works
Enterprise (ADSWE), Amhara Regional State, Bahir Dar, PO box 1921, Ethiopia

Awash River basin is a major river basin that has serious flood problems in Ethiopia. Given that flood hazard is
spatial phenomenon, the application of GIS and Remote Sensing techniques are essential to the flood hazard/risk
management process. Flood hazard and risk map are effective tools for reducing flood damage. The purpose of
this study was to assess flood hazard and risk of Lower Awash sub-basin using GIS and Remote Sensing
techniques. Flood causative factors such as slope, elevation, drainage density, soil type and land cover were
developed in the GIS environment. The computed Eigen vector was used as a coefficient for the respective factor
maps to be combined in weighted overlay in the Arc GIS environment. Flood risk assessment was done using the
flood hazard layer and the two elements at risk, namely population and land use. The major finding of the flood
hazard map of Lower Awash sub-basin indicated that 107,145.01ha (5%), 522,116.92ha(23%),
897388.95ha(39%) and 763045.31ha (33%) of the area considered in Lower Awash Sub-basin were subjected
respectively to low, moderate, high and very high flood hazards. Thus, land use planners of Afar Region and
Flood Management Units in the Awash Basin (Lower Awash Basin Area) could use those two maps to make
environmentally sound land use decisions and manage the flood problems of the Lower Awash Sub-basin
Keywords: Flood hazard; flood risk; geographic information system; remote sensing; Lower Awash Sub-basin.

1. Introduction
Flood disasters have a very special place in natural hazards. Floods are the costliest natural hazard in the world
and account for 31 percent of economic losses resulting from natural catastrophes ( Sanders & Tabuchi,
2000).Floods are the main cause of climate-related hazards in the Greater Horn of Africa region (Artan, et al.,
The rainy season in Ethiopia is concentrated in the three months between June and September when
about 80% of the rains are received. Kefyalew (2003) stated that as the topography of the country is rather
rugged with distinctly defined watercourses, large scale flooding is rare and limited to the lowland areas where
major rivers cross to neighboring countries. However, intense rainfall in the highlands could cause flooding of
settlements close to any stretch of river course.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (2006) reported that in 2006 a total
of 357,000 people were affected by flooding in Ethiopia from which 136,528 people were homeless due to the
flood. In Amhara region in 2006 extreme flooding affects and displaced 43,127 and 8,728 peoples respectively.
Flood occurred in Dire Dawa during August 1981 were killed about 80 people, However the unpredicted August
6, 2006 flooding was worst of all flooding event in Dire Dawa that killed 256 people from which 244 were
missed and 15,000 people were displaced.
Kefyalew (2003) identified the areas commonly flooded annually in Ethiopia as:(a)Baro-Akobo Basin,
(b)Awash River Basin (lower, middle and upper Awash sub-basins),(c) Wabi Shebelle,(d) Ribb and Gumara
Area (Fogera Plain) and(e) Localized Flooding Risks such as Lake Awassa, Lake Besseka and Dire Dawa.
A major river basin that has serious flood problems is the Awash River basin located in the Rift Valley.
It is estimated that in the Awash Valley almost all of the area delineated for irrigation development is subject to
flood. An area in the order of 200,000-250,000 ha is subject to be flooded during high flows of the Awash River
(Kefyalew, 2003).
This raises the need to address flood related problems through planning based on studies and detailed
researches on flood prone areas and formulating possible mitigating measures. To address the problem, there is a
need to compile the flood related data or information to identify the areas exposed for flood hazard and elements
at risk that enable more effective management and decision making regarding the hazard/risk.
One of the most common approaches in the flood risk and flood hazard study in other countries is using
multi-criteria analysis approach in geographic information system (Daniel, 2007). Khan G. & Khan S. (2013)
emphasis that "the use of remote sensing and GIS technique is an important tool of information for flood hazard
mapping and monitoring"(p.23).Since the blueprint paper by Freeze and Harlan (1969), flood modeling has
greatly improved in recent years with the advent of geographic information systems (GIS), radar-based rainfall
estimation, high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs), distributed hydrologic models, and delivery

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

However, according to Herold & Sawada (2012), in developing countries there are numerous barriers to
the effective use of geospatial information technology (GIT), especially at the local level, including limited
financial and human resources and a lack of critical spatial data required to support geospatial information
technology (GIT) use to improve disaster management related decision making processes.
In Ethiopia most flood hazard studies have been concentrated in Tana sub-basin (Assefa et al, 2008;
Mossie, 2008; Hagos, 2011; Wubet & Dagnachew, 2011; Zelalem, 2011 Yalelet, 2013), in Dire Dawa (Daniel,
2007) and in Middle and Upper Awash sub-basin (Alemayehu, 2007; Sifan, 2012).The Lower Awash sub-basin
flood hazard and risk using GIS and Remote Sensing technique has not been studied. Therefore, this study will
help to fill the existing gap on available information and identify the areas exposed for flood hazard and
elements at risk.
The overall objective of the study was to assess the flood hazard and flood risk of Lower Awash Sub-
basin using GIS and remote sensing techniques. The specific objectives of the study were to (a) build geo-
database for flood hazard and flood risk assessment of Lower Awash Sub-basin and (b) map areas in Lower
Awash Sub-basin in terms of flood hazard and flood risk using multi-criteria evaluation in GIS environment.

2. Methods and Materials

2.1 Study Area Description
Lower Awash Sub-basin is located in Afar National Regional State (ANRS), within Awash Basin. It is located
between 100 33’ to 120 15’ N latitude and 390 51’ to 410 49’ E longitude (Figure-1). It borders Amhara region to
the west and Teru sub basin to the North, middle Awash Sub-basin to the south and Republic of Djibouti to the
east. The sub basin comprises nine districts (here after refers woredas) from Zone-1, Mille, Dubti, Aysayta,
Afambo, Chifra and Ada’ar Woredas, from Zone-4 Ewa woreda and from Zone-5 Telalak, and Dewe Woredas.
The study area is characterized by significant variations in topography. Altitude variations, ranged from
214 m at Afambo to 1538m around Chifra and Ewa woreda. The sub-basin is highly characterized by low
rainfall zone. The major soil groupings of Lower Awash Sub-basin are Fluvisol, Leptosol, Regosols, Arenosols,
Gleysols, Solonchaks, Solonetz, Vertisols, Cambisol, and Calcisols (Amhara Design Supervision Works
Enterprise, 2010).
Awash River is one of the main and the largest perennial river in Ethiopia that passes across many
woredas in the Lower Awash Sub-basin. Telalak, Dawe and Ewa rivers are others main rivers that originated
from Amhara region and runs crosses the whole area of basin. Lake Abe, lake Afambo and Lake Gamare are also
major lakes that are found in the sub-basin.

Figure 2: Location Map of Lower Awash Sub-basin

2.2 Methods
The methodology for flood hazard and risk assessment of Lower Awash Sub-basin using GIS and remote
sensing techniques, divided into three phases namely: pre-field work, field work and post field work. These three
phases have been briefly described below:
2.2.1 Pre-field Work
In the pre-field work phase, base map preparation, downloading images, secondary data collection, geo-
referencing and projection were undertaken Land sat imagery, Thematic Mapper (TM) of November 2010 which
has a30m resolution was downloaded from internet (www.glovis.usgs.gov). Lower Awash sub-basin is covered
by four Land sat scenes of path and rows 167/052, 053, 168/052, 053.Since the downloaded image was zipped, it
was unzipped and each single band was obtained. All bands were layer stacked using ERDAS IMAGINE

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

software. Finally, though 5 scenes were downloaded for Lower Awash, four of them (path and rows of
167/052,053, 168/052,053) were mosaic for Lower Awash Sub-basin. Then, using subset tool of ERDAS
EMAGINE, the sub basin image was obtained with a 1km buffer of the exact sub basin shape file. Here the exact
shape file of the study area was buffered with 1km and saved as an Area of Interest (AOI). Buffering with some
distance helps to avoid area loss around border line of the shape file. At this pre-field work stage, the
unsupervised classification method was used to classify the images into the various land cover categories.
Topographic data that include DEM were used in this study. In recent times, DEM become very
important data sources for geoscientists and has been intensively using in a wide range of topographic analysis,
flood modeling and other natural hazard studies (Dewan et al., 2004; Mohammad, 2011).DEM data derived from
the elevation data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90 meter resolution was used in this study. Soil
physical properties of the Lower Awash Sub-basin were also used for flood hazard/risk assessment.
Regarding the generation of surface run off, infiltration rate is the most sensitive variable (Morgan,
1995). It is controlled by gravitational forces, capillary action and soil porosity (Rattan, 1990; Ward & Robinson,
1990; William et al., 1990). Thus soil physical properties particularly soil texture was considered as one of the
parameters among others for Lower Awash Sub-basin flood hazard and risk mapping. Soil physical properties
(soil textural class) were taken from Lower Awash Sub-basin integrated land use planning project-soil survey
study report produced by Amhara Design Supervision Works Enterprise (2010).
Collected satellite image was geo-referenced according to the geographical co-ordinate system of GCS-
WGS-1984. Projected co-ordinate system used for this study area was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
projection system zone 37N (WGS, 37N).All other datasets such as DEM and soil maps were also projected in
this projection system.

Figure 3: Land sat Thematic Mapper (TM) Images (adapted from Land sat Thematic Mapper image 1986, 1999
2.2.2 Field Work
The field survey covered representative land cover types falling in different land cover type’s and agro-
ecological zones that include sub moist warm, sub moist hot, semi arid warm, arid warm, semi arid hot and arid
hot of falling in the sub basin. Tracking of the roads were also done during the field survey. The routes followed
and ground control points (GCPs) taken and other relevant field data collected (ground truth) for land use/ land
cover, topography, flood prone areas, soil types and other resource assessment.
2.2.3 Post Field Work Flood hazard and Risk Mapping
Slope, elevation, soil, drainage density, and land use/cover were used to model the flood hazard of Lower Awash
Sub-basin using satellite Remote Sensing data and GIS technology. Arc Hydro 9.3 software, which works as an
extension on ARC GIS 9.3 version software was used to delineate the sub-basin for which flood hazard analysis
was done and to generate drainage network map of the sub-basin.
The factor map development was carried out using ARC GIS 9.3. Detail steps for each factor map
development is presented in the results and observations (factor development) part. The factors that are input for
multi-criteria analysis was pre-processed in accordance to the criteria set to develop flood hazard mapping.
Using spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst and Geo-statistical Analyst extensions, relevant GIS analysis were undertaken
to convert the collected shape files.
Eigen vector for the selected factor was computed using Weight Module in IDRISI 32 software. The

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

weighted module was fed with the pair wise comparison 9 point continuous scale. Then the principal Eigen
Vector of the pair wise comparison matrix using the factors affecting flood hazard was calculated. The computed
Eigen Vector was used as a coefficient for the respective factor maps to be combined in weighted Overlay in the
Arc GIS environment.
Flood risk assessment was done for Lower Awash Sub-basin using the flood hazard layer and the two
elements at risk, namely population and land use. These three factors considered to be equally important in the
weighted overlay process. Flood risk assessment and mapping was done for Lower Awash Sub-basin by taking
population and land use elements that are at risk combined with the degree of flood hazards of the Lower Awash


Elevation Hazard
Geodata Raste Reclas Weig
base r sify hted Flood
Land Overl Rik
Pop. hted
Use/cover ay Overl



Figure 4: Work Flow of Flood Hazard and Risk Analysis of Lower Awash Sub-basin Verification and Observation
Finally, flood hazard and risk maps were composed, in Arc GIS environment and the maps were validated in the
field to assess its accuracy. This was conducted through field visit to define how closely the flood hazard and
risk map agrees with the actual field situation. The selection of samples of identified locations on the map, which
were then checked in the field. In carrying field validation, 114 GPS reading ground truth data of flood affected
areas (see 错误!未找到引用源。) together with their respective land use types were registered and converted to
shape file. The land use elements that are found within flood affected area verified at the ground could be used as
a flood risk indicators which are at risk of being affected regarding all kinds of hazards in a specific areas for
instance built-up areas, cultivated land, grazing land and ecological species and landscapes located in a
hazardous area on connected to it. These point shape files superimposed with the flood hazard and risk maps and
then the flood hazard and risk maps were verified with the actual field situations.

2.3 Materials
For pre-field phase and the main field survey of this research, the following equipment, devices, hard-wares,
soft-wares, and softcopy and hard copy materials were used: (1) Different satellite imageries such as Land Sat,
SPOT, SRTM, (2) Topographic maps at 1:50,000 scale, (3) Laptop computer installed with appropriate software
like Arc GIS 9.3, Arc Hydro 9.3 software, ERDAS IMAGIN 9.1, IDRISI-32, Global Mapper 8,3, DEM
visualization, (4) Relevant shape files (Regional, woreda, rivers, roads), (5) Global Positioning System (GPS), (6)
Digital Camera, (7) Guidelines used to describe land use/land cover major units and sub units, (8) Base maps
(Land use land cover in hard copy and soft copy, and (9) Field observation data collection format.

3. Results and Observations

3.1Flood Hazard Mapping
3.1.1 Factor Development
Flood causative factors particularly in the study area were identified from field survey, and literature.
Accordingly, slope, elevation, drainage density, soil type, and land use were listed in order of their importance to
flood hazard. Therefore, the following factor developed for flood hazard mapping. Slope Factor
Slope plays a major role in flood hazard mapping (Alemayehu, 2007). It has a great influence on flood hazard
assessment because it governs the amount of surface runoff produced the precipitation rate and displacement
velocity of water over the equi-potential surface. Practically high rating is assigned to low slopes for the gentle
gradient of the floodplain where as low rating is assigned for high slopes. The slope map was produced by the
processing the DEM (90m resolution), using Arc GIS software, Spatial Analysis Tool, Surface Analysis, Slope.

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

The slope raster layer, which was reclassified in five sub-group using standard classification schemes namely
quantiles. This classification scheme divides the range of attribute values into equal-sized sub ranges, allowing
you to specify the number of intervals while Arc Map determining where the breaks should be. Finally, the slope
was reclassified into continuous scale in order of flood hazard rating. The slope in the sub-basin ranges from 0 to
63.38 degree.

Figure 5: Flood Rating Result for Slope Factor (adapted from DEM data derived from the elevation data of
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90 meter resolution, 2000) Elevation Factor
All the processes for the development of the elevation factor are as explained above in the slope factor
development. The raster layer is then reclassified in according to their influence to flood hazard.

Figure6: Flood Rating Result for Elevation Factor (adapted from DEM data derived from the elevation data of
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90 meter resolution, 20 Drainage Density Factor
Drainage is an important ecosystem controlling the hazardous as its densities denote the nature of the soil and its
geotechnical properties (Pareta, 2004).
Drainage system, which develops in an area, is strictly dependent on the slope, the nature and attitude of
bedrock and on the regional and local fracture pattern (Alemayehu, 2007).Drainage density (DD) a fundamental
concept in hydrologic analysis is defined as the ratio of the length of drainage per basin area. Drainage density is
controlled by permeability, erodability of surface materials, vegetation, slope and time.

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Drainage density is an inverse function of infiltration (Ajin et al., 2013). Greater drainage density
indicates high runoff for basin area along with erodible geologic materials, and less prone to flood. Thus the
rating for drainage density decreases with increasing drainage density.
DEM was used to extract the drainage network, to calculate the drainage density of the streams. Arc
Hydro9.3 software, which works as an extension on ARC GIS 9.3 version software was used to generate
drainage network map of the sub-basin. Using the spatial analyst, line density module was used to compute
drainage density of the sub-basin. Line density module calculates a magnitude per unit area from poly line
features that fall within a radius around each cell. The density layer is further reclassified in five sub-groups
using standard classification schemes namely quantiles. This classification scheme divides the range of attribute
values into equal-sized sub ranges, allowing you to specify the number of intervals while Arc Map determining
where the breaks should be. Finally, the drainage density was reclassified into continuous scale in order of flood
hazard rating. The drainage density in the sub-basin ranges from 0.014 to 0.949 km/km2.

Figure 7: Drainage Network Map (Left) and Flood Rating Result for Drainage Density Factor (Right) (adapted
from DEM data derived from the elevation data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90 meter
resolution, 2000: DEM was used to extract the drainage network, to calculate the drainage density of the streams
using Arc Hydro 9.3 software, & drainage density of the sub-basin was computed using ARC GIS 9.3, the spatial
analyst, line density module) Soil Type Factor
Different soil types have different capacities to infiltrate water. Morgan (1995) stresses that ''infiltration is a key
component that significantly influences the rainfall -runoff process and plays an important role in controlling the
amount of water that will be available for surface runoff after a rain storm event"(p.198).
The soil factors influencing the rate of infiltration are: the total amount of pores (soil porosity), the
particle size distribution and the structure of pores (grain size distribution), soil structures (size distribution and
structure of aggregates) and organic matter content of the soil(Wischmeier et al 1971; Yamamoto & Anderson,
1973; Juo and Franzluebbers,2003;).In general, sandy soils have higher saturated hydraulic conductivities than
finer textured soils because of the larger pore space between the soil particles. As such, the infiltration rate of
clayey soils is much lower than that of sandy soils (Ward & Robinson,1990; Maidment, 1993;).Porous soils with
stable soil aggregates have higher saturated hydraulic conductivity values than soils that are compact and dense
By taking into account the above facts, soil physical properties particularly soil texture was considered
to develop soil type factor. Soil texture types of the sub-basin (figure-7[left]) was converted to raster format and
reclassified based on their water infiltration capacity into flood rating result for soil factor map (figure-7[Right]).

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Figure 8: Soil Texture Map of Lower Awash Sub-basin (Left) and Flood Rating Result for Soil Type Factor
(adapted from Amhara Design Supervision Works Enterprise, 2010) Land Cover Factor
Vegetation can aid infiltration by slowing the flow of water over the surface and providing passage ways along
root systems for water to enter the soil. The infiltration capacity of a given soil is affected by the type and
density of the vegetation cover, as demonstrated by the numerous studies reviewed by (Dunn 1978; Faulkner
1990; Thornes 1990, Ziegler, 2004) proposes that infiltration capacity increases exponentially with increasing
vegetation and increasing percentage of organic matter and decreases in the bulk density of the soil.
In desert regions or areas that have recently been deforested either by fires or humans, infiltration will
be reduced, thus increasing the rate of runoff and decreasing the lag time. Land use/cover types of the Sub-basin
that is presented(figure-8[left] was reclassified into a common scale in order of their rain water abstraction
capacities for the flood hazard analysis into flood rating result for land cover factor map ( figure-8[Right]).
Table 1: Land Use/cover of the Lower Awash Sub-basin
No LULC Type Area (ha) Area (%)
1 Built-up Area 8822.74 0.38
2 Bush Land 48246.44 2.10
3 Cultivated Land 64110.42 2.78
4 Exposed Sand/Soil 305627.4 13.27
5 Forestland 9789.89 0.43
6 Grassland 242619.5 10.54
7 Riverine Forest 32255.02 1.40
8 Rock Out-Crop 823222 35.75
9 Shrub Land 660167.2 28.67
10 Water Body 80302.6 3.49
11 Wet Land 8677.58 0.38
12 Wood Land 18828.97 0.82

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Figure 9: Lower Awash Sub-basin Major Land use/cover (Left) and Flood Rating Result for Land Cover Factor
(Right)(adapted from Land sat Thematic Mapper image,2010)
3.1.2 Flood Hazard Analysis
Flood hazard analysis was computed by Weighted Sum Overlay of slope, elevation, drainage density, land
use/cover and soil types developed factors. The weights for each factor were given through discussion with
concerned bodies and based on literature.
The technique used in this study and implemented in IDRISI GIS software is that of pair wise
comparisons developed by Saaty's (1977) in the context of a decision-making process known as the Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Eastman, 2001). It is one of the multi-criteria decision-making techniques. In the
procedure for Multi-Criteria Evaluation using a weighted linear combination, it is necessary that the weights sum
to one. In Saaty's technique, weights of this nature can be derived by taking the principal Eigen Vector of a
square reciprocal matrix of pair wise comparisons between the criteria. Eigen vectors are a special set of vectors
associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as
characteristic vectors, proper vectors, or latent vectors (Marcus and Minc, 1988).The standardized raster layers
were weighted using Eigen Vector that is important to show the importance of each factor as compared to other
in the contribution of flood hazard.
Accordingly; the Eigen Vector of the weight of the factor was computed in IDRISI 32 Software in
Analysis menu of the decision support/weight module based on the given pair-wise comparison (table3).The
weighted module was fed with the pair wise comparison 9 point continous scale. Then the principal Eigen
Vector of the pair wise comparison matrix using the factors affecting flood hazard was calculated. A consistency
ratio values less than 0.1 is acceptable. The consistency ratio of the calculated Eigen Vector was 0.02 that shows
that the given pair-wise weights are accepted.
The computed Eigen vector was used as a coefficient for the respective factor maps to be combined in
weighted Overlay in the Arc GIS environment using the following equation:
Flood hazard=0.5014 × [Slope] + 0.2580× [Elevation] + 0.1329× [Drainage density] + 0.0663× [Soil type]
+ 0.0414× [Land use]
Table 2:Saaty’s Scale (Weight) for pair-wise comparison of flood factors
1/9 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 3 5 7 9
Extremely Very Strongly Moderately Equally Moderately Strongly Very Extremely
Strongly Strongly
Less Important More Important

Table3: Pair-wise Comparison matrix for assessing the comparative importance of five factors to flood hazard
mapping of Lower Awash Sub-basin (adapted from Wubet et al, 2011)
Flood Causative Factors Slope Elevation Drainage Density Soil Type Land use
Slope 1
Elevation 1/3 1
Drainage Density 1/5 1/3 1
Soil Texture Type 1/7 1/5 1/3 1
Land use 1/9 1/7 1/5 1/3 1

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Table4: The Eigen Vector Weights of each flood factors obtained after the pair-wise comparison
Flood Factors Weight
Slope 0.5014
Elevation 0.2580
Drainage Density 0.1329
Soil type 0.0663
Land use 0.0414

Table 5: Weighted Flood Hazard Ranking for Lower Awash Sub-basin

Factors Weight Sub-factors Ranking Naming
Slope( degree) 0.5014 0-1 5 Very High
1-2 4 High
2-3 3 Moderate
3-5 2 Low
5-63 1 Very Low
Elevation 0.2580 214-370 5 Very High
(meter) 370-431 4 High
431-571 3 Moderate
571-922 2 Low
922-1537 1 Very Low
Drainage 0.1329 0.014-0.414 5 Very High
Density(km/km2 0.414-0.518 4 High
0.518-0.64 3 Moderate
0.640-0.71 2 Low
0.71-0.949 1 Very Low
Soil Texture 0.0663 Clay, clay loam &Rock Exposed 5 Very High
type(Based on Sandy clay loam &silt loam 4 High
Drainage Loam 3 Moderate
Capacity) Sandy loam 2 Low
Loamy sand 1 Very Low
Land 0.0414 Wetland, Built-up area & Rock out 5 Very High
cover(Level of crop
flood Cultivated land &Exposed Sand 4 High
abstraction) Grassland 3 Moderate
Wood, Shrub and Bush land 2 Low
Forest Land and Riverine Forest 1 Very Low

Figure 10: Flood Hazard Map of Lower Awash Sub-basin

From the above flood hazard map, it was estimated that 107,145.01ha (5%), 522,116.92ha (23%),

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

897388.95ha (39%) and 763045.31ha (33%) of the area considered in Lower Awash Sub-basin were subjected
respectively to low, moderate, high and very high flood hazards. The above flood hazard map showed that about
763045.31ha (33%) of the area of the sub-basin under very high flood hazard falls in lower plains of Awash
River parts of Mille, Dubti, Aysayta and Afambo woredas. This result is in confirmation of an earlier study of
Kefyalew (2003) on integrated flood management of Ethiopian case study. In the Lower Plains of Awash,
Kefyalew(2003) identified and explained that "the Dubti area plantation and most of Dubti town have been
inundated with flood, mainly coming from Logiya and Mille rivers, such floods have also caused damages to the
Afar pastoralists in the area between Dubti and Aysayta isolating them and their livestock "(p.5).
The reason is associated with the Awash river in the Lower plains has a very unstable course. The river
at this lower course has a very flat slope as well as low elevation tending to change its course with rising of its
bed with silt deposition. As a result the river branches out into defluences reducing flows in the original river and
denying to existing farms downstream. As long as the slope factor has been given the highest weight (influence)
followed by elevation factor in the flood hazard analysis model, the flood hazard map model result seems to
coincide with the ground truth.
Further analysis revealed that (61.65%) of built-up area, (95.10%) of cultivated land, (97%) of
forestland, (22.70%) of grassland, and (76.87%) of riverine forest is categorized under very high flood hazard
(for details See the table-4).
Table 6: Area Tabulation of Flood Hazard Map and Land Cover of Lower Awash Sub-basin Area
Land cover Type Flood Hazard
Low Medium High Very High No Flood Hazard Data Remark
Built-up area 54.1 913 2424.33 5431.21
Bush land 612.25 4866.31 36163.49 6425.1 4.36
Cultivated land 223.74 1175.84 3120.72 60974.92 4.36
Exposed Sand 784.54 8878.3 74889.46 223360.53 689.17
Forestland ------ 27.73 286.96 9496.71
Grassland 3609.49 20044.26 162770.01 55078.68 1228.88
Riverine Forest 40.29 1501.96 5568.48 24795.75 392.88
Rock out-crop 22539.8 300692.7 293176.71 204908.81 411.29
Shrub land 79301.81 182059.44 304035.58 90527.34 6114.29
Water body 8.84 2084.61 13462.84 64407.46 338.86
Wetland ------ 45.76 193.76 8527.79
Woodland 54.09 786.82 3649.28 14451.37 73.42
No cover data 6.16 34.42 83.25 96.69
According to the comparison of ground truth data of flood hazard affected sites and flood hazard map of
Lower Awash Sub-basin as shown in the map below, the result was in agreement with the reality. The above
flood hazard map of Lower Awash Sub-basin verified with 114 GPS reading ground truth data of flood affected
areas collected by the researcher at the field using Garmin GPS-60 during August, 2010 flood. The Afar regional
state government has prepared integrated rural land use plan at semi-detail level by awarding consultancy service
for Amhara Design &Supervision Enterprise (ADSWE). Therefore, land use planners can use this information to
make environmentally sound land use decisions. Furthermore, Flood Management Units in the Awash Basin
(Lower Awash Basin Area) can also use this information to manage the flood problems of the Lower Awash

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Figure11: Distribution of Ground Truth Points of Flood Affected Areas to Flood Hazard

3.2 Flood Risk Analysis

Elements at risk indicators specify the amount of social, economic or ecological units which are at risk of being
affected regarding all kinds of hazards in a specific area e.g. persons, economic production, buildings, public
infrastructure, cultural assets, ecological species and landscapes located in a hazardous area on connected to it.
Flood risk assessment was done for Lower Awash Sub-basin using the flood hazard layer and the two elements
at risk, namely population and land use. These three factors reminded to be equally important in the weighted
overlay process. Flood risk assessment and mapping was done for Lower Awash Sub-basin by taking population
and land use elements that are at risk combined with the degree of flood hazards of the Lower Awash sub-basin.
3.2.1 Population Density Factor
Gross population density calculation method is used to calculate the number of person per square kilometers.
Then population shape file was converted to raster layer using Conversion Tools/Feature to Raster. Then further
the data layer was reclassified into five sub-factors which are classified using equal interval method. And new
values re-assigned in order of increasing number of population that is more susceptible to flood hazard. The
population density was reclassified in the assumption that the denser the population, the more vulnerable it will
be to flood hazard.

Figure 12: Population Density Factor for Flood Risk Analysis

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

3.2.2 Land Use Type Factor

The major land uses in Lower Awash Sub-basin was classified as cultivated, settlement, grazing, browsing and
grazing, and undefined( exposed sand, rock out-crop, riverine forest, forestland, water body& wetland. The land
use types of the sub-basin were reclassified into a common scale in order of sensitivity for the flood risk analysis.

Figure 13: Land Use Factor for Flood Risk Analysis

Table7: Weighted Flood Risk Ranking for Lower Awash Sub-basin

Factors Weight Sub-factor Scale
1.Flood hazard 0.3333 Very High 5
High 4
Moderate 3
Low 2
Very Low 1
2.Population 0.3333 0.000006-0.00002 5
density(person per 0.00002-0.000044 4
square kilometers) 0.000044-0.000076 3
0.000076-1.0 2
>1.0 1
3.Land use 0.3333 Settlement(Built-up area) 5
Types(based Cultivated land 4
On their Sensitivity to Grazing(Grassland) 3
flooding) Browsing &Grazing(bush, shrub& woodland) 2
Undefined( Exposed Sand, Rock out-crop, Riverine
Forest, Forestland, Water body& Wetland) 1

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Figure14: Flood Risk Map of Lower Awash Sub-basin

According to the flood risk map, it was estimated that 699,305ha (30.54%), 1,358,520 ha (59.33%) and
231,881ha (10.12%) of the area considered in Lower Awash Sub-basin were subjected respectively to low,
moderate and high flood risk. This showed that even though large areas of the Sub-basin are subjected to high
and very high flood hazard area, relatively less areas of the Sub-basin are subjected to high flood risk and no at
very high flood risk. This indicated that elements at risk particularly persons and sensitive land use types to flood
risk located in flood hazardous areas or connected to it is relatively low as compare to the flood hazard.
Further analysis revealed that (94.87%) settlement area, (93.73%) cultivated land and (62.66%) grazing
land of the study area faces high flood risk level (see details table-6). Dubti town, Logia town, Korele camp,
Date-bahiri town, Sene’asna-Kusrtu Kebele (Hadera camp and kebele center), Deyelena-geraro kebele center,
Handeg Kebele Center and Galefage kebele center are subjected to high flood risk. Hence those settlement areas
need immediate attention for alleviating potential future flood risk.

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

Table8: Area Tabulation of Flood Risk Map and Selected Land Use types of Lower Awash sub-basin
Land use Type Flood Risk
Low Moderate High Remark
Settlement(Built-up area) 31.25 406.29 8370
Cultivated land 159.39 3,484.33 60,091.40
Grazing 656.50 86926.20 152037.95
According to the comparison of Ground truth data of land use types at Flood Risk and Flood Risk map
of Lower Awash Sub-basin, the model result seems coincide with the reality.

Figure15: Distribution of Ground Truth Points of Land Use Types in- relation to Flood Risk

4. Conclusion
The study has mapped flood hazard and risk of Lower Awash Sub-basin, which is a major river basin that has
serious flood problems in Ethiopia using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. The geo-database developed from
the study provides information on the flood hazard and flood risk of Lower Awash Sub-basin and can serve as
good decision support system for flood hazard managers. Thus, land use planners of Afar Region and Flood
Management Units in the Awash Basin (Lower Awash Basin Area) could use those two maps to make
environmentally sound land use decisions and manage the flood problems of the Lower Awash Sub-basin
The flood hazard map of Lower Awash Sub-basin indicated that downstream plains of Awash River
part: Mille, Dubti, Aysayta and Afambo woredas were within very high flood hazard. Even though large areas of
the Sub-basin are subjected to high and very high flood hazard area, relatively less areas of the Sub-basin are
subjected to high flood risk and no areas at very high flood risk. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that
elements at risk particularly persons and sensitive land use types to flood risk located in flood hazardous areas or
connected to it is relatively low as compare to the flood hazard. There are towns, kebele centers and settlement in
Lower Awash Sub-basin areas that are subjected to high flood risk. Hence those settlement areas need immediate
attention for alleviating potential future flood risk.
A limitation that can be pointed to this method of flood hazard and risk mapping is that the GIS result is
not combined with an applicable hydrologic/hydraulic method for estimating stages. As a result of this, the study
is conducted without any hydrodynamic simulation and estimation of flood depth inundation. Therefore, in the
future research on developing flood hazard map that can indicate the depth of inundation through hydrodynamic
simulation should be done for the Lower Awash Sub-basin.

The authors thank Amhara Design &Supervision Works Enterprise (ADSWE) for arranging different equipment
and devices such as vehicles, Laptop computer, Digital Camera, Garmin GPS 60 and other accommodations for

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

our field works. The authors also thank different governmental sectors of Afar Regional State (ARS) for
providing necessary data and information for this study.

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Annex1: GPS Reading Ground truth Data of Flood Affected Areas
Point ID UTME UTMN Elevation Point Code
01 787104 1273922 345 Awash River
02 787229 1273965 342 Prosopis
03 787713 1273993 340 Wetland
04 787836 1273992 342 Wetland
05 788378 1273980 343 Awash River
06 788416 1273972 347 Awash River
07 788781 1274080 342 Lake Abe
08 782344 1274551 346
09 784782 1272742 347 Awash River
11 781796 1274619 346 Afambo town
12 61599 1285816 874 Riverbank)(over top) across the road
13 615333 128611 880 Riverbank)(over top) near the tree
14 615983 128565 881 End of the flood(chiffera side
15 753490 1290586 369 Settlement, Animal Health Center
16 753569 1290427 369 Prosopis Juliflora
17 755161 1291622 367 Sand Cover
18 756180 1291230 366 Prosopis Juliflora
19 757380 1290543 366
20 757311 1289729 363 Grazing Land
21 762999 1285656 359 Forest
22 761443 1288669 360 Near Hill
23 761457 1288619 370
24 761542 1288593 364
25 763940 1283295 364 Aysayta Town from Dubti Side
26 765782 1279492 372 Aysayta Town Basha Amare Hotel
27 767298 1277328 363
28 768642 1275034 356
29 767409 1276704 356 Cultivated land(maize production)
3-0 768800 1276403 353 Cultivated land(maize production)
31 768820 1276400 352 Prosopis Juliflora
32 767781 1275578 356 Prosopis Juliflora
33 768690 1275357 353 Cultivated land(maize production)
34 768697 1275299 354 Prosopis Juliflora
35 769340 1273363 354 Cultivated land(cotton)
36 769237 1273002 350 Cultivated land(cotton)
37 768974 1272659 350 Grazing land
38 768949 1272495 347 Grazing land
39 768927 1272410 350 Cultivated land(Maize))
40 768819 1271602 346 Grazing land(after AR3)
41 768624 1270938 347 Riverine Vegetation

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

42 768834 1271245 348 Swampy Area

43 761070 1281766 357
44 760773 1281002 352 Cultivated land
45 760877 1281089 362 Dense forest
46 763254 1280845 361 (Awash River at Bridge)
47 763160 1280969 362
48 763074 1280726 364 Awash River at Bridge)
49 763168 1280930 364 Prosopis Juliflora
50 762874 1280044 357 Grazing land
51 763038 1279866 356 Open grassland
52 763024 1279573 351 Shrub grassland
53 762666 1279656 361 Wooded scrubland
53 762562 1279887 356 Cultivated land(maize )
54 768408 1277702 357
55 774464 1278370 355
56 774695 1278397 352
57 769447 1278505 355 Cultivated land(cotton )
58 770379 1278735 357 Cultivated land(cotton )
59 772309 1278359 359 Cultivated land(cotton )
60 772296 1277818 355
61 772277 1276724 351
62 769447 1278505 355 Cultivated land(cotton )
63 770379 1278735 357 Cultivated land(cotton )
64 772309 1278359 359 Cultivated land(cotton )
65 368926 1281340 357 Hills covered with Rock
66 768939 1281312 350 Marshy area
67 769356 1281253 350 Cultivated land(maize )
68 769568 1281971 363
69 769657 1281996 361 Woodland(Keselto)
70 770702 1290756 360 Rock cover(weathered rock)
71 730470 1293802 375 Near Dubti town
72 727143 1298269 377 Dubti town
73 727972 1300194 376 Settlement of State farm camp(right side of road)
74 727219 1304581 370 Settlement of State farm camp(left)
75 726421 1306210 369 at the end of the Canal
76 726488 1306225 370 " "
77 726588 1306386 366 at the Getter
77 726542 1306290 370 Flood prevention embracement
76 723259 129998 394 End of flood from Du-Semera road beg of vol-rock
77 721723 1302179 410 Volcanic Rock
78 712808 1294038 403 Road to Tendaho Dam
79 713725 1295856 400 Logiya town(Mille side)
80 71632 1297400 400 Logiya town(Semera side)
81 718520 1302296 393 End of flood (bo. Gu &Ay,Semera v Rock-As-Road
82 719520 1287970 Alalobade Hotspring Area
83 728149 1297438 380 Near sugarcane production
84 732421 1292099 376 Prosopis Juliflora invasion
85 733301 1291047 376 Near ponds created by excavated materials
86 733900 1291440 371 Prosopis Juliflora invasion
87 731503 1296895 378 Prosopis Juliflora invasion
88 733020 1296636 377 End of Debelena Halibari kebele
89 733494 1296562 380 Road served as leverage
90 733671 1296534 378 " " "
91 741399 1295734 374 Prosopis Juliflora invasion
92 704032 1261377 437 Foot of Hills
93 708814 1259105 418 Near Demonstration

Journal of Environment and Earth Science www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.6, No.9, 2016

94 710217 1260720 415 woodland near to cultivation

95 710275 1260732 412 cultivated land
96 709367 1260255 420 settlement area of kebele center
97 709156 1259354 423 cultivated land near demonstration
98 708063 1258785 427 potentially flooded
99 705831 1252328 424 Near Hills
100 708530 1255267 421 Geraro Seasonal River
101 709632 1264114 416 Hadera settlement &kebele Center
102 708926 1265138 422 Cultivated land
103 709833 1265430 422 Riverine Vegetation
104 709729 1262993 423 Sandy cover
105 711034 1280412 437 Flood out flow (End of natural Emb.)
106 710985 1280475 Opposite side TRB
107 710956 1280617 413 " " "
108 710979 1280674 412 " " "
109 711142 1281636 413 " " "
110 70887 1282610 418 Near to Asphalt Road
111 709463 1282278 415 " " "
112 709152 1282552 418 Near Hills
113 709165 1282947 424 Volcanic Rock(Asphalt Road)
114 710798 1280380 412 Segento seedling


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