CH 69
CH 69
CH 69
GIS and landscape conservation
This chapter reviews recent and current use of GIS for landscape conservation, and uses
these applications to identify the kinds of developments needed in order to expand the
utility of GIS for these applications in future. Landscape conservation is considered in the
broad context of integrated ecological systems that include both physical and human
components. This interpretation is developed from both geographical and ecological
perspectives in order to identify the role of geographical information and GIS. The
geographical perspective draws on the historical tradition of geography as an integrative
science in which landscape is a central feature for study and spatial and ecological analyses
have fundamental roles; the interaction of social and physical systems is at the core of this
integrative approach. The ecological perspective focuses on environmental topics
associated with conservation of wildlife and biodiversity, planning and management of
nature reserves, interpretation and protection of scenery, and management of relationships
between different land uses. An important component is that human activity is implicit
rather than ‘nature’ being considered independently of human action. The traditional
approach to landscape conservation has been through establishment of designated sites
that are considered independently of their surroundings and within which conservation is
treated as the major, or only, land use. More recently the wider geographical context of
designated sites has begun to be considered and approaches based on cooperation have
replaced competition between land uses. This has been given immediate relevance by
initiatives related to sustainable development. Biodiversity is a basic component of
sustainability and serves to foster linkage between landscape conservation and other land
uses. Sustainability also emphasises the interdependence of human populations and
environmental resources. Examples of wide area conservation evaluation that deal with
these issues are emerging and are important indicators of future trends and topics for
application of GIS in landscape conservation.
R J Aspinall
2 it includes a variety of demands placed on a finite from genetic to ecosystem and at spatial scales from
resource base; global to local (Gaston 1991). The need for spatial
3 it overlaps with a range of environmental and and taxonomic data to support Biodiversity Action
socioeconomic sciences including biology, Plans provides GIS with an important role in
ecology, economics, environmental science, developing, managing, maintaining, and analysing
landscape ecology, planning, and geography (Collar 1996) the information base that supports
(Brussard 1991); strategic and local planning related to biodiversity
4 it focuses on a systems approach that is the basis (Ahearn et al 1990; Gaston 1994; Harrison 1995;
for synthesis and integration of methodologies Margules 1989; UNEP 1994). Integration of
and perspectives on issues. biological records, inventory of resources
(Sætersdal and Birks 1993; Stoms and Estes 1993),
and evaluation of geographical patterns of diversity
1.1 Principles for GIS in landscape conservation
(McKendry and Machlis 1991; Norton and Nix 1991;
Rather than catalogue the many examples of GIS Scott et al 1993; Walker and Faith 1993) at different
applications in landscape conservation, the approach geographical scales (Thomas and Abery 1995; Vail
in this chapter is to identify and illustrate more 1993) are all aspects to which GIS can be applied.
general principles that serve as a framework within The concept of biodiversity is not limited to
which landscape conservation applications of GIS nature conservation and biological organisation,
can be assessed and developed in future. These however (Burton et al 1992; Kangas and Kuusipalo
principles are mostly drawn from geographical and 1993), since it is a core component of sustainable
ecological sciences and focus on three themes: development as debated following the Bruntland
Report (WCED 1987) and the Convention on
1 biodiversity and sustainability as concepts that
Biological Diversity (UNEP 1992). Within this wider
have been adopted to guide and focus
context of sustainable development, other attributes
conservation efforts and land (use) management
of landscape and human use of environment
generally (Grehan 1993);
become part of biodiversity. This need to link
2 the tradition of geography as an integrative
conservation and development (Adams and Thomas
science that emphasises spatial concepts and uses
1996; Mwalyosi 1991) and human activity with
‘landscape’ as an object for analysis (Couclelis,
environmental quality for planning and management
Chapter 2; Johnston, Chapter 3; Hartshorne
presents the GIS community with an important
1939; Holt-Jensen 1980; Unwin 1992);
challenge: to develop GIS that can fully explore the
3 the contribution of ecological understanding to
concept and practice of sustainability in ecological
planning and managing specific resources in
systems. Until recently, approaches to landscape
particular locations and real-world contexts.
conservation have been relatively narrow and
These three, individually and collectively, also focused on single issues such as species or habitat
emphasise the interdependence of human and conservation through the mechanism of site
environmental systems. designation on the basis of special characteristics.
Designations relate to one or more of several criteria
(such as those listed in Table 1) that are applied
2 BIODIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABILITY locally (e.g. Local Nature Reserves), nationally
(e.g. National Nature Reserves), internationally
Bridgewater (1993) describes two objectives for (e.g. RAMSAR or NATURA 2000 sites in Europe),
nature conservation: maintaining the maximum or globally (e.g. World Heritage Sites). Increasingly,
degree of biodiversity; and developing, managing, GIS are being used to manage data for these sites,
and maintaining the ecological infrastructure analyse and evaluate their characteristics, develop
through the designation and management of management plans (Alexander 1995), and examine
protected areas. Biodiversity has largely replaced their significance in relation to the wider geographical
species and habitats as the primary focus of nature context of site protection (McKenzie et al 1989;
conservation efforts and is a complex and inclusive Petch and Kolejka 1993). This approach treats
concept (Swanson 1992). For example, biodiversity conservation as a land use with zoning designed to
operates at different levels of taxonomic organisation keep competing uses separate. Although necessary
GIS and landscape conservation
Table 1 Criteria for nature reserve selection (from necessary role with the advent and application of
Ratcliffe 1977). GIS since the data management and analytical
Size (extent)
mechanisms provided through GIS software provide
an environment within which the regional (data
Position in an ecological/geographical unit description) and systematic (thematic processes) may
Diversity be linked. Landscape has been subdivided into five
main classes (Fochler-Hauke 1959):
1 landscape morphology, considering the form and
Typicality (representativeness)
spatial structure of phenomena;
Fragility 2 landscape ecology, concerned with functional
Naturalness interrelationships;
3 landscape chronology, concerned with
Recorded history development of regions over time;
Potential value 4 regionalisation;
5 landscape classification.
Intrinsic appeal
These present different approaches to definition and
study of regions and have relevance to the
and practical in some circumstances, it is of limited development of GIS for landscape conservation
potential for reconciling and managing growing applications. Examples of using GIS to develop
pressures on land resources, particularly as world regional landscape classifications can be found in
population increases (McMichael 1993). More contemporary landscape conservation (Davis and
recently, therefore, the wider geographical context of Dozier 1990; Klijn and Udo de Haes 1994; Soriano
(designated) sites, the growing relevance of resource and Paruelo 1992). These regionalisations form the
management for multiple uses, the inclusive nature basis for conservation planning and assessment but
of biodiversity, and the interdependence of physical suffer from a number of limitations including:
and human systems are being considered. This will
lead to more holistic approaches to resource use ● use of coarse, or geometrically inappropriate,
based on cooperation with multiple use replacing spatial units with abrupt boundaries;
competition between uses. ● having variable quality in the base data possibly
leading to misclassification;
● providing a static taxonomy that may not be the
3 GENERAL PRINCIPLES most appropriate for the specific
Although debated widely (Johnston, Chapter 3;
As planar-enforced categorical maps these regional
Forer and Unwin, Chapter 54; Unwin 1992), the
landscape classifications also have other limiting
tradition of geography is of an integrative science
attributes described elsewhere (Aspinall and Pearson
that deals with human and environmental
phenomena of the Earth. This tradition provides 1995; Goodchild et al 1992). A GIS that can
three features of special relevance. produce alternative regionalisations and landscape
classifications appropriate to particular
conservation questions would be a useful
3.1 Landscape is a central object for study management tool within existing structures for
The definition of landscape conservation in decision-making in landscape conservation.
section 1 above has much in common with the varied Landscape morphology, concerned with form
definitions of ‘landscape’ developed within and spatial structure, and landscape chronology, the
geography since 1900 (Holt-Jensen 1980). The development of regions over time, were developed
German concept of Landschaft, broadly analogous in geography, but have been little used in GIS
to landscape, also means a scientifically-defined despite the relevance of pattern and process to
geographical region and is a concept that spans many landscape conservation issues. The growth of
systematic and regional approaches to geographical efforts to link GIS with environmental modelling
enquiry (Holt-Jensen 1980). This remains a (Goodchild et al 1993, 1996; Wheeler 1993) and to
R J Aspinall
develop spatial pattern analysis methods and distribution. Dobson (1992) discusses the concept
applications in wide area conservation and ecology of spatial logic and its relationship with process
(Aspinall 1994a; Simpson and Dennis 1996) studies in palaeogeography, and has used both
indicate a role for GIS in landscape conservation spatial and process logic to analyse forest blowdown
through providing rigorous analytical tools to and lake chemistry in the Adirondack Mountains of
explore pattern and process at landscape scales. At the USA (Dobson et al 1990). A variety of
present this mostly takes place within landscape statistical and spatial analytical methods have been
ecology, which has re-emerged as an developed and applied to wildlife–habitat
interdisciplinary subject concerned with the relationships, both to interpret environmental
structure and function of ecological communities in associations from patterns of distribution and to
spatial landscapes (Forman and Godron 1986; model distribution from limited survey and
Hansson and Angelstam 1991; Wiens 1992). The incomplete biological records. Methods include
focus on spatial structure and real-world Boolean logic (Eastman, Chapter 35; Jensen et al
environmental variability, as well as a concern for 1992), habitat suitability models (Breininger et al
large geographical areas, has meant that landscape 1991), weights-of-evidence (Bonham-Carter et al
ecologists have readily adopted GIS technology. 1988), Bayesian models (Aspinall 1992, 1994a;
GIS is used to describe and analyse the structure of Milne et al 1989; Pereira and Itami 1991), decision-
habitats in landscapes (Baker and Weisberg 1995; trees (Grubb and King 1991; Lees and Ritman
Gustafson and Parker 1992; Hansson 1992; Kruess 1991; Moore et al 1991; Walker 1990; Walker and
and Tscharntke 1994; Krummel et al 1987; Olsen et Moore 1988), monotonic functions (Mackey 1993),
al 1993; Pastor and Broschart 1990; Plotnick et al artificial intelligence (Fischer, Chapter 19;
1993; Taylor et al 1993; Turner 1990; Wickham and Openshaw and Alvanides, Chapter 18; Davey and
Norton 1994), and as an arena for applying models Stockwell 1991; Folse et al 1989; Saarenmaa et al
of population dynamics in spatial landscapes (Baker 1988, 1994), and statistical methods such as
1992; Schulz and Joyce 1992; Stamps et al 1987; multivariate models (Getis, Chapter 16; Clark et al
Verboom et al 1991). Techniques for the description 1993; Livingstone et al 1990), canonical
and evolution of pattern are also being developed correspondence analysis (Hill 1991), generalised
including cellular automata (Wolfram 1984), linear modelling (Austin et al 1990; Buckland and
percolation models (Gustafson and Parker 1992), Elston 1993), and generalised additive modelling. A
hierarchical neutral models (O’Neill et al 1992a, number of purpose written software packages have
1992b), and others (Turner et al 1989). Application also been developed to apply particular forms of
of these to practical conservation is currently a modelling and analysis including BIOCLIM
research question for GIS. (Lindenmayer et al 1991) and HABITAT (Walker
and Cocks 1991). These methods have each found
application and their use, validation, and
3.2 Spatial analysis application to practical conservation issues is
Much of the utility of GIS rests in its ability to expected to increase since they:
manage and manipulate spatial data. Spatial ● provide objective means to add value to survey
reasoning, however, has received only limited (Nelder et al 1995);
attention in ecological applications where ● explore relationships at large geographical scales
development and experimentation has focused on (Aspinall 1994b; Liebhold et al 1992;
elucidating processes rather than analysis of pattern Schmiegelow 1990);
(see Getis, Chapter 16, and Openshaw and ● focus attention on the quality and uncertainty
Alvanides, Chapter 18, for general perspectives on of information bases available for use in
the spatial analysis research effort). This reflects decision-making (Flather and King 1992; Hess
interest in ‘why’ questions and in mechanisms as the 1994; Hobbs and Hanley 1990; Salski 1992;
causes of observed patterns of distribution and Stoms et al 1992);
abundance (Andrewartha and Birch 1954; Gotelli ● provide a means for predicting impacts of land
and Simberloff 1987) rather than analysis of spatial use, climatic, or other changes (Agee et al 1989;
phenomena represented by the patterns of Baker 1989; Dale and Rauscher 1994).
GIS and landscape conservation
R J Aspinall
(1995) reviews habitat mapping techniques and data of investigation. Developing this approach is based
sources for remotely-sensed data. on initial specification of the problem to be
investigated followed by structured design of the GIS
to develop databases and analytical processes that
3.3 Ecological analysis
help solve the problem. Investigation of appropriate
In contrast to the lack of attention it has paid to design of GIS for specific landscape conservation
spatial logic and analysis, ecological research has applications is not widely carried out, but would be of
supplied many principles of practical use in landscape great benefit.
conservation and is rich in theory and concepts which Addressing issues of data, data quality, analytical
relate to processes and ecological function processes, and information output will lead to
(Hoekstra and Flather 1986). For example, specification of appropriate data models to support
ecosystems science includes niche theory, energy analysis and help tailor GIS to user needs. It will
flow and trophic structure, and biogeochemical also focus research on practical problems of
cycling, while population biology includes landscape conservation. The close link emerging
interspecific and intraspecific interactions, population between landscape ecologists and GIS, and between
regulation, and life-history strategies. Reviewing these spatial analysis and landscape ecology (Tilman 1994)
topics of ecosystems science and population biology, has developed from an applications need; further
Levin (1992) has argued that the problem of pattern attention to GIS planning and design issues from the
and scale is the central problem in ecology, providing GIS community will help develop data models and
a unifying concept and linking basic to applied analytical procedures that are of greater practical
ecology. Since landscape conservation is concerned use for landscape ecology and landscape
with real-world locations and situations the conservation applications.
importance of pattern and scale becomes highlighted Aspinall (1994b) reviews some of the
and this emphasises the need to couple ecological opportunities for ecological research to benefit
science with spatial concepts and methods from spatial analysis and spatial modelling linked
(Hanski 1994; Hanski and Thomas 1994; Ims et al to GIS (for discussions of the general debate about
1993). Landscape ecology provides a conceptual
integrating spatial analysis with GIS see Anselin,
framework for this coupling (Probst and Weinrich
Chapter 17; Getis, Chapter 16; Openshaw and
1993; Wiens et al 1993) and GIS provides an obvious
Alvanides, Chapter 18). The two main classes of
mechanism by which it may be achieved (Haines-
development relate to spatial analysis methods and
Young et al 1993; Stow 1993). The interaction of
data quality management, as shown in Table 2.
spatial and temporal scales, with each other and with
Johnson (1990) and Hunsaker et al (1993) review
phenomena at different levels of ecological
the role of spatial and process models in landscape
organisation, needs to be developed. This will then
ecology and these provide a further set of design
provide a framework for the analysis and synthesis of
ecological problems, methodologies, and techniques. needs. Examples of ecological process models
This in turn will enhance the application of GIS to linked to GIS demonstrate the practical relevance
ecological and landscape conservation problems. of this linkage (Burke et al 1990; Johnson et al
An example of this form of structured approach in 1992; Johnston and Naiman 1990). The
which spatial and temporal scales are explicit is representation of landscape conservation problems
provided by Walker and Walker (1991) who use a GIS remains largely unknown, however, partly because
for the North Slope in Alaska to investigate questions landscape conservation is a broad applications area
related to energy development and climate change. growing in response to biodiversity issues, and
The GIS is organised with a hierarchical database partly because the application of GIS-based
based on spatial and temporal scaling of data sources analyses and models needs to be tested. Data
and natural disturbance phenomena (Delcourt et al quality is still an important issue, particularly as
1983; Delcourt and Delcourt 1988) and is used to outputs from GIS processing are used to support
analyse a range of phenomena at a variety of scales. decisions that may affect survival of a threatened
Important technical and methodological issues which species, or the balance between land for
emerge include the question of scaling and the conservation and economic development to sustain
relationship between data sources, and scale and topic rural communities (Barrett 1992).
GIS and landscape conservation
Table 2 Data quality and spatial analysis functions for linking GIS and spatial analysis to ecological modelling
(based on Aspinall 1994b).
Data management
metadata description of data quality (for analysis of uncertainty)
scale, resolution, grain identify appropriate scale and problems for application for data
Analysis/GIS processing
sampling methods for assessing validity and representativeness of samples drawn from spatial data for
different analyses
data generalisation and aggregation methods for generalising spatial and object attributes of data
(change of data scale)
enhancement methods for generating synthetic data with finer basic spatial units (resolution)
pattern description methods for describing spatial pattern and spatial interaction in ecological distributions
pattern analysis methods for analysis of spatial patterns and spatial interaction effects; methods for generating
spatial and ecological hypotheses about pattern–process relationships at a given spatial scale
– based on spatial and process logic
pattern generation and hypothesis testing methods for generating spatial patterns from stochastic (pattern-generating) processes for
comparison with observed distributions
error analysis integrated management of error in analysis; models of error propagation to provide
confidence limits to accompany output from (GIS) analysis
description and analysis of scale influences methods that translate between scales (scaling up and down) in data and models
linking process models with GIS ecological and environmental process models that incorporate location and spatial
interaction effects
3.4 Landscape conservation as the interaction of Radcliffe (1996) describe a systems approach to
social, economic, and physical systems sustainability that offers a basis for liaison between
disciplines on philosophical, methodological, and
With an increasing number of aspects of landscape
technical levels that will allow their diverse modelling
conservation that require solutions based on
approaches to be coupled with one another and with
integrated approaches (Margerum and Born 1995),
particularly as sustainability motivates and guides GIS. In part, the interaction of the different models
resource management objectives, the direction for and the perspectives represented serves to define a
development and application of GIS in landscape multi-disciplinary scientific method. The approach
conservation is towards the linkage and integration described by Clayton and Radcliffe links hard
of human and physical environmental systems systems (Hall 1962) and soft systems
(Flamm and Turner 1994; Hobbs et al 1993; Kangas (Checkland 1981) methodologies, draws on the
and Kuusipalo 1993; Mooney 1991). properties of emergence, hierarchical control, and
A systems approach is one mechanism by which communication developed from General Systems
such integration may be achieved (Perrings et al Theory (Bertalanffy 1969; Simon 1969), develops
1992). Haggett (1979) presents a systems approach understanding from the study of complex adaptive
based on spatial analysis, ecological analysis, and systems (Holland 1975), and integrates biophysical
regional complex analysis as the core of geography and socioeconomic factors within a common
and Holt-Jensen (1980) and Unwin (1992) have framework such as environmental economics.
argued that these have importance for developing Clayton and Radcliffe also identify a specific role for
geography as a basis for synthesis. Clayton and GIS in the management and integration of
R J Aspinall
disaggregated data; this allows GIS to bring model Magillo, Chapter 38; Fisher, Chapter 13). Miller et al
outputs and other data together in a flexible way to (1992) assess the impact of land cover changes in the
evaluate alternative options within decision-making Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland by calculating
processes; Rhind (1991) has also identified this role viewsheds for selected viewpoints and for the whole
for GIS as an integrating technology both for data study area through a visibility census. Davidson et al
and for different fields of science. (1993) carry out similar analysis for siting power
Complex adaptive systems occupy the core of the transmission lines across open landscapes on the
systems approach suggested by Clayton and Isle of Skye, Scotland in support of planning
Radcliffe (1996). This focuses on contingent, processes. This type of analysis is based on the
interactive, hierarchical, and dynamic systems, a set 3-dimensional geometry of digital elevation data.
of characteristic behaviours that are intrinsic to Fisher (Chapter 13, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996)
many ecological systems, particularly at larger and De Floriani et al (1994) examine the algorithms
geographical scales. Complex adaptive system for viewshed estimation using GIS and associated
methodologies are being applied to diverse accuracy issues.
disciplines including economics, ecology An alternative approach to scenic appraisal uses
(Breckling and Müller 1994; Jørgensen et al 1992), the analysis of scene attributes to, for example,
historical settlement and society, and environmental evaluate landscape quality (Appleton 1975). Harvey
issues; however, they have yet to be applied directly (1995) has addressed scenic appraisal through
to landscape conservation projects. A broad range of analysis of individual perception of landscape and
physical and social sciences (and their associated wilderness using methods from cognitive psychology
methods) need to be included in a systems approach coupled with GIS to model the geographical
to land use to develop the link between conservation consequences of these preferences. The study
and development implicit in sustainability. Relevant elucidates attributes that individuals and groups use
approaches include the Cartesian methods of the to discriminate between landscapes, by identifying
physical sciences (with themes of experimentation, prototypical constructs that express the individual
laboratory control, repetition, and quantification), preferences. GIS is then used to map the
qualitative and historical methods of the social juxtaposition of the preferred (and non-preferred)
sciences (with themes of irreducible interaction, attributes as an expression of individual preference.
hierarchy, and resolvable contingency), and the This cognitive and perceptual approach appears to
spatial methods (Haggett 1979) and systems get much closer to the processes by which scenery is
approaches (Chorley and Kennedy 1971) that are at evaluated and individual choice expressed than
the core of geographical science (Haggett 1979). approaches based on viewshed geometry. The
Each of these approaches is well developed within process of landscape (scenic) evaluation usually
the relevant physical and social science disciplines contains a large subjective element (Appleton 1975).
(see Couclelis, Chapter 2; Johnston, Chapter 3; Use of cognitive methods developed in psychology
Raper, Chapter 5). To develop GIS and models for (Kelly 1955), combined with analysis of landscape
applications in sustainability will require these geometry and spatial analysis of attributes of scenic
disciplines to be linked while they retain their attraction, provides GIS with an important role in
individual perspectives. Thus sustainability requires landscape assessment for scenic value.
an inclusive approach and linkage between GIS and There are two important general principles raised
models should facilitate this communication and by these approaches to assessment of landscape as
collaboration between disciplines. scenery. First, space is necessarily analysed as
3-dimensional since intervisibility is based on x, y,
and elevation directions. This may be important in
4 LANDSCAPE AS SCENERY other applications. For example, the work on the
analysis of habitats and landscape ecological
A further important application of GIS in landscape modelling described above was based on the 2-
studies is in the analysis of scenes. The usual method dimensional (plan) model of spatial data exemplified
for using GIS to interpret scenic landscapes is through by resource maps, although the vertical (architectural
calculation of viewsheds based on the intervisibility of or structural) component of vegetation is known to
points on a digital elevation model (De Floriani and influence the results of models (Flather et al 1992;
GIS and landscape conservation
Lescourret and Genard 1994). The underlying and ecological understanding that will serve to
terrain form in three dimensions will undoubtedly structure the design. A systems approach is also
influence the value of the metrics used to describe presented as a mechanism enabling synthesis and
patch shape, as well as other characteristics such as within which the general understanding from
area, that are used by landscape ecologists. geography and ecology can be integrated with
Anisotrophic effects may also be introduced into perspectives from other scientific and social scientific
distance measurement, for example when direction disciplines. Landscape conservation appears to be
or resistance to movement is influenced by landform. moving from site-based protection for nature
Wider landscape ecological and conservation conservation towards an integrated and holistic
applications of GIS may benefit from the emphasis approach to resource management directed at
on landscape as 3-dimensional. The evaluation of cooperating human and environmental systems.
scenery also demonstrates the use of GIS to GIS clearly has a role in enabling this process.
interpret behavioural preferences in a spatial
context. This ability to represent individual views of
landscape introduces the opportunity to explore
semi-quantitative and other subjective, but personal, Adams W M, Thomas D H L 1996 Conservation and sustainable
views within a spatial environment, potentially resource use in the Hadejia-Jama’are valley, Nigeria. Oryx 30:
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